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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Declarations ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; globals [ run-number ;; counter used to keep the model running for a little ;; while after the last turtle gets infected delay ] breed [ humans human ] humans-own [ energy ;; human energy level affability ;; how friendly the human is (helps determine whether they will group with others) infected? ;; boolean - are they infected with the zombie virus or not? aggression ;; measures likelihood of fighting zombies fighting? ;; boolean - are they currently fighting or not ] patches-own [resource-level num-humans-on-patch is-growing-food? ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Setup Functions ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; clears the plot too to setup-clear clear-all set run-number 1 setup-world end ;; note that the plot is not cleared so that data ;; can be collected across runs to setup-keep clear-turtles clear-patches set run-number run-number + 1 setup-world end ;; scatters food patches across the world in 3/4 quadrants. The patches also have varying food density levels to setup-world set-default-shape humans "person" ask patches [ ifelse random-float 100 < food-density [ ifelse pxcor > 0 or pycor < 0 [set pcolor yellow set is-growing-food? true] [set pcolor gray ]] [set pcolor gray] ] set delay 0 create-some-humans create-some-zombies reset-ticks end ;; creates humans and gives them certain properties to create-some-humans create-humans num-humans [ setxy random-pxcor random-pycor ;; put humans on patch centers set color black set heading 90 * random 4 set energy 20 set infected? false set fighting? false set affability 5 set aggression 5 ] end ;; for infect button - user initially infects a few humans with the zombie virus to create-some-zombies create-humans num-zombies [ setxy random-pxcor random-pycor set heading 90 * random 4 set infected? true set color green set affability 0 set energy 30 set aggression 10 ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Runtime Functions ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go humans-wander increase-aggression reproduce fight ;; Humans will cluster together if they have the same affability level (if they are nice to each other, they form links/ ;; groups) and will avoid each other if one person is less nice than the other. if cluster? [ ask humans with [not infected?] [ let x self ask humans-on neighbors [ if not infected? [ let aff-h [affability] of x if aff-h = affability [ create-link-with x ask links [ set color blue] set affability affability + 1 ] if affability < aff-h [ avoid ] ] ] ] ] eat-food run-away infect-human human-death-natural fight-color regrow-resources set num-zombies count humans with [infected?] set num-humans count humans with [not infected?] if num-zombies = 0 or num-humans = 0 [ stop ] tick end ;; controls the general motion of the humans to humans-wander ask humans[ rt (random 4) * 90 fd 1 if not infected? [ set energy energy - 0.1 ]] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Human Behaviors ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; If a human's energy runs to 0, they die automatically. to human-death-natural ask humans [ if not infected? and (energy <= 0) [ die set num-humans num-humans - 1] ] end ;; Humans turn around and avoid each other if they encounter each other. Used in the clustering behavior. to avoid let candidates patches in-radius 1 with [ not any? humans-here with [ infected? ] ] ifelse any? candidates [ face one-of candidates ] [ rt (random 4) * 90 ] end ;; Humans will run-away from a zombie by moving a farther distance (essentially a sort of jump away from the zombies ;; if they are nearby) to run-away ask humans with [infected?] [ ask humans-on neighbors [ if not infected? [ rt (random 4) * 90 fd 2 ] ] ] end ;; If humans are hungry, they get cranky and more aggressive. to increase-aggression ask humans with [energy <= 20 and not infected?] [ set aggression aggression + 0.5 ] end ;; If a human is strong enough to fight zombies, he calls over the people he is linked to in order to kill the zombie ;; with help. Humans also get more aggressive when gathering for a fight, like they are feeding off each other's energy. to gather-for-fight ask humans with [not infected?] [ let x myself ask link-neighbors [ move-to x set fighting? true ask humans-here with [infected?] [ set energy energy - num-humans if energy <= 0 [die]] ] set aggression aggression + 1 ] end ;; makes it easier to see who is fighting to fight-color ask humans with [not infected?] [ if fighting? [set color red] ] end ;; Fight behavior for humans - gathers up friends and tries to kill a zombie. ;;and energy >= 30 and aggression >= 6 to fight ask humans with [not infected? and energy >= 30 and aggression >= 6] [ if any? humans-here with [infected?] [ ifelse cluster? [gather-for-fight] [set fighting? true ask humans-here with [infected?] [ die ] ] ] ] end ;; In order to keep their energy up, humans have to keep eating food. to eat-food ask humans with [not infected? ] [ if pcolor = yellow [ set pcolor gray set energy energy + energy-gain-from-food ;; increment human energy level ] ] end to reproduce if reproduce? [ ask humans with [not infected?] [ let x self if energy >= 100 [ set energy energy - 50 ;; reproduction transfers energy hatch 1 [ set energy 20 set affability [affability] of x set aggression [aggression] of x ] ;; to the new agent ] ] ] end ;;; Zombie procedures ;; Zombies have to eat too, but instead of food, they feast on fresh human brains to eat-brains ask humans with [infected?] [ ask other humans-here with [not infected?] [ if energy < 10 [ die ] set energy energy + 3 ] ] end ;; If a human encounters a zombie and their energy level is between a certain threshold, then the human gets infected by ;; the virus to infect-human ask humans with [infected?] [ ask other humans-here [ if not infected? and (energy < 15 and energy > 10) [ set infected? true set color green set affability 0 set energy 30 ask my-links [die] ] ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Patch procedures ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;to resource-level-energy ; set energy resource-level ;end ; ;;; recolor the food to indicate how much has been eaten ;to recolor-resources ;set pcolor scale-color yellow (10 - resource-level) -10 20 ;end ;; regrow the food to regrow-resources ask patches with [pcolor = gray] [ if is-growing-food? != 0 [ if (random-float 100 < resource-replenish-rate) and (pxcor > 0 or pycor < 0) [ set pcolor yellow ] ] ] end
There are 2 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Tellakat Final Poster.pptx | powerpoint | Poster Session Poster | almost 12 years ago, by Mohini Tellakat | Download |
Tellakat_Mohini_FinalProjectPaper and Data.zip | data | Final Paper, data, and graphs | almost 12 years ago, by Mohini Tellakat | Download |