One tag: diffusion

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Tag creation:

  • Tag created by Uri_dolphin3Uri Wilensky on 2008-07-11 10:44:39 UTC
  • First used almost 16 years ago.

Models using this tag:

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Behavior spread preview image Behavior spread
Osmotic Pressure
Energy Diffusion through a Crystal Lattice
CultranDejanet - cultural transmission on network preview image CultranDejanet - cultural transmission on network
demo downhill-in-bounds preview image demo downhill-in-bounds

Uses of this tag:

DiffusionOfLanguage (subject area), Fractal-tree-on-transparent-sm Forrest Stonedahl almost 16 years ago
Osmotic Pressure 55 Nathan Holbert over 14 years ago
diffusion2 Fractal-tree-on-transparent-sm Forrest Stonedahl over 14 years ago
Energy Diffusion through a Crystal Lattice Fractal-tree-on-transparent-sm Forrest Stonedahl about 14 years ago
CultranDejanet - cultural transmission on network Default-person Marshall Abrams about 11 years ago
demo downhill-in-bounds Hobbes286x286 Rik Blok almost 11 years ago
Behavior spread Rg_400x400 Ricardo Gonzalez about 4 years ago

People who have used this tag: