Child of Simple Birth Rates
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globals [ red-count ; populacija rdecih blue-count ; populacija modrih ] turtles-own [ fertility ; rodnost fertility-remainder ; ostanek (za decimalno piko) ] to setup clear-output setup-experiment end to setup-experiment cp ct clear-all-plots reset-ticks crt steviloPrebivalstva [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; postavi osebe na nakljucna mesta ifelse who < (steviloPrebivalstva / 2) ; zacni z enakim stevilom rdecih in modrih [ set color blue ] [ set color red ] set size 2 ; boljsa preglednost ] reset-ticks end to go reproduce grim-reaper tick end ;; omogoci vec ponavljanj to go-experiment go if red-count = 0 [ output-print (word "Rdeči izumrejo po " ticks " generacijah.") setup-experiment ] if blue-count = 0 [ output-print (word "Modri izumrejo po " ticks " generacijah.") setup-experiment ] end to wander ;; premikanje zelv rt random-float 30 - random-float 30 fd 1 end to reproduce ask turtles [ ifelse color = red [ set fertility floor rdeci-rodnost set fertility-remainder rdeci-rodnost - (floor rdeci-rodnost) ] [ set fertility floor modri-rodnost set fertility-remainder modri-rodnost - (floor modri-rodnost) ] ifelse (random-float 100) < (100 * fertility-remainder) [ hatch fertility + 1 [ wander ]] [ hatch fertility [ wander ]] ] end ;; unici visek oseb ;; rdeci in modri imajo enak odstotek smrtnosti to grim-reaper let num-turtles count turtles if num-turtles <= steviloPrebivalstva [ stop ] let chance-to-die (num-turtles - steviloPrebivalstva) / num-turtles ask turtles [ if random-float 1.0 < chance-to-die [ die ] ] end ; Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
There is only one version of this model, created almost 11 years ago by Matjaž Jeruc.
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