BML Model with rerouting

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Default-person Jorge Laval (Author)



Tagged by Jorge Laval about 1 month ago

traffic flow/ 

Tagged by Jorge Laval about 1 month ago

urban congestion 

Tagged by Jorge Laval about 1 month ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.4.0 • Viewed 81 times • Downloaded 3 times • Run 0 times
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globals [
  average-speed   ; average speed of all cars

turtles-own [
  move-flag       ; auxiliary variable to track if a car should move
  speed           ; speed of the car

to setup
  set-default-shape turtles "default"  ; use the default arrow shape
  ;ask patches [  set pcolor gray]

  ; Set up the plot
  ;set-current-plot "Average Speed"
  ;set-plot-x-range 0 100  ; Adjust x-axis range as needed
  ;set-plot-y-range 0 1   ; Adjust y-axis range as needed

  ; Place cars randomly on the grid and assign a speed
  ask patches [
    if random-float 1 < density [ ; approximately 30% of the cells will have cars
      sprout 1 [
        ifelse random-float 1 < 0.5 [
          set heading 90   ; East (right)
          set color cyan
        ] [
          set heading 180  ; South (down)
          set color orange
        set speed 1  ; Speed can be adjusted if needed
        set move-flag false

  ; Initialize global variables
  set average-speed 1
  set actual-density count turtles / count patches
  set prop-orange 100 * count turtles with [ color = orange ] / count turtles


to go
  ;; 180 Move Stage 1: Identify which cars should move
  ask turtles with [ heading = 180] [
    let next-patch patch-ahead 1  ; Get the patch directly ahead based on heading
    ifelse not any? turtles-on next-patch [  set move-flag true    ] [
      set move-flag false
      set speed 0  ; Cars that cannot move have their speed set to 0
  ;; Move Stage 2: Perform the moves based on `move-flag`
  ask turtles with [move-flag and heading = 180] [
    set speed 1  ; Cars that can move have their speed set to 1
    move-to patch-ahead 1
 ;; Re-route
  if prob_reroute > 0 [
    ask turtles with [not move-flag and heading = 180] [
      if random-float 1 < prob_reroute [
        set heading 90
        set color cyan

  ;; 90 Move Stage 1: Identify which cars should move
  ask turtles with [ heading = 90] [
    let next-patch patch-ahead 1  ; Get the patch directly ahead based on heading
    ifelse not any? turtles-on next-patch [  set move-flag true    ] [
      set move-flag false
      set speed 0  ; Cars that cannot move have their speed set to 0
  ;; Move Stage 2: Perform the moves based on `move-flag`
  ask turtles with [move-flag  and heading = 90] [
    set speed 1  ; Cars that can move have their speed set to 1
    move-to patch-ahead 1
 ;; Re-route
  if prob_reroute > 0 [
   ask turtles with [not move-flag and heading = 90] [
    if random-float 1 < prob_reroute [
      set heading 180
      set color orange

  ; Calculate the average speed
  set average-speed mean [speed] of turtles
  ;if average-speed = 0 [ stop ]
  set prop-orange 100 * count turtles with [ color = orange ] / count turtles

  ; Clear the auxiliary variable for the next iteration
  ;ask turtles [ set move-flag false ]


; Public Domain:
; To the extent possible under law, Jorge Laval has waived all
; copyright and related or neighboring rights to this code.

There is only one version of this model, created about 1 month ago by Jorge Laval.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
BML Model with rerouting.png preview Preview for 'BML Model with rerouting' about 1 month ago, by Jorge Laval Download

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