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; Li Ying created this module at Shaanxi Normal University in 2024. If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below. ;Ying, L. (2024). Multicomponent Weak Acid Distribution Curve. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shaanxi Normal University. breed [mode3_ac_s mode3_ac_] breed [mode3_hacs mode3_hac] breed [mode3_h2c2o4s mode3_h2c2o4] breed [mode3_h2c2o4_s mode3_h2c2o4_] breed [mode3_c2o4_s mode3_c2o4_] breed [mode3_h3po4s mode3_h3po4] breed [mode3_h2po4_s mode3_h2po4_] breed [mode3_hpo4_s mode3_hpo4_] breed [mode3_po4_s mode3_po4_] breed [mode3_nh4s mode3_nh4] breed [mode3_nh3_h2os mode3_nh3_h2o] globals[ cur_pH MAX_pH cur_number ;显示几个线 cur_value1 ;第一条线 cur_value2 ;第一条线 cur_value3 ;第一条线 cur_value4 ;第一条线 H ;H+ OH ;OH- cur_value21 cur_value22 cur_value23 cur_value24 ] to setup clear-all ;参数初始化 set cur_pH 0 ;设置画布颜色白色 ask patches [ set pcolor white ] ;初始化海龟 set-default-shape mode3_ac_s "mode3_ac_" set-default-shape mode3_hacs "mode3_hac" set-default-shape mode3_h2c2o4s "mode3_h2c2o4" set-default-shape mode3_h2c2o4_s "mode3_h2c2o4_" set-default-shape mode3_c2o4_s "mode3_c2o4_" set-default-shape mode3_h3po4s "mode3_h3po4" set-default-shape mode3_h2po4_s "mode3_h2po4_" set-default-shape mode3_hpo4_s "mode3_hpo4_" set-default-shape mode3_po4_s "mode3_po4_" ;初始化图像 if (Weak-acid = "Monobasic Weak-acid: 0.1M HAc")[ set cur_number 2 create-mode3_hacs ((ceiling (100 * Acetic_acid_molecular_calculation_formula))) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] create-mode3_ac_s ((ceiling (100 * Acetic_acid_ion_calculation_formula))) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] if (Weak-acid = "Dibasic Weak-acid: 0.1M H2C2O4") [ set cur_number 3 create-mode3_h2c2o4s ((ceiling (100 * Molecular_calculation_formula_of_oxalic_acid))) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] create-mode3_h2c2o4_s ((ceiling (100 * Formula_for_calculating_hydrogen_oxalate))) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] create-mode3_c2o4_s ((ceiling (100 * Oxalate_calculation_formula))) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] if (Weak-acid = "Terbasic Weak-acid: 0.1M H3PO4") [ set cur_number 4 create-mode3_h3po4s ((ceiling (100 * Phosphoric_acid_formula))) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] create-mode3_h2po4_s ((ceiling (100 * Dihydrogen_phosphate_root_calculation_formula))) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] create-mode3_hpo4_s ((ceiling (100 * Formula_for_calculating_mono_hydrogen_phosphate))) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] create-mode3_po4_s ((ceiling (100 * Phosphate_group_calculation_formula))) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] reset-ticks end to go update_line update_graph update_graph2 if cur_pH < (SF - 0.001) [ set cur_pH (cur_pH + 0.01) ] print cur_pH ask turtles [ fd 1 ;; move turtles around randomly rt random 360 lt random 360 ] print H/OH_switch tick end ;计算醋酸分子的derta to-report Acetic_acid_molecular_calculation_formula report precision ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) / ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) + 0.0000175)) 30 end ;计算醋酸离子的derta to-report Acetic_acid_ion_calculation_formula report precision ((0.0000175) / ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) + 0.0000175)) 30 end ;计算草酸分子的derta to-report Molecular_calculation_formula_of_oxalic_acid report precision ( ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2) + (0.059 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.059 * 0.000064)) ) 30 end ;计算草酸氢根的derta to-report Formula_for_calculating_hydrogen_oxalate report precision ( (0.059 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2) + (0.059 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.059 * 0.000064)) ) 30 end ;计算草酸根的derta to-report Oxalate_calculation_formula report precision ( (0.059 * 0.000064) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2) + (0.059 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.059 * 0.000064)) ) 30 end ;计算磷酸的derta to-report Phosphoric_acid_formula report precision ( ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 3) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 3) + (0.0076 * ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2)) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * 0.00000000000044)) ) 30 end ;计算磷酸二氢根的derta to-report Dihydrogen_phosphate_root_calculation_formula report precision ( (0.0076 * ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2)) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 3) + (0.0076 * ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2)) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * 0.00000000000044)) ) 30 end ;计算磷酸一氢根的derta to-report Formula_for_calculating_mono_hydrogen_phosphate report precision ( (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 3) + (0.0076 * ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2)) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * 0.00000000000044)) ) 30 end ;计算磷酸根的derta to-report Phosphate_group_calculation_formula report precision ( (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * 0.00000000000044) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 3) + (0.0076 * ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2)) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * 0.00000000000044)) ) 30 end ;计算一水合氨的derta to-report Ammonia_monohydrate_calculation_formula report precision ( (0.00000000000001 / 0.000018) / ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) + (0.00000000000001 / 0.000018)) ) 2 end ;计算铵根的derta to-report Ammonium_calculation_formula report precision ( (10 ^ (- cur_pH)) / ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) + (0.00000000000001 / 0.000018)) ) 2 end ;更新图像变化 to update_graph if (Weak-acid = "Monobasic Weak-acid: 0.1M HAc")[ let temp_number count mode3_hacs if temp_number > (cur_value1 * 100)[ let resolve_number (temp_number - (cur_value1 * 100)) ask n-of resolve_number mode3_hacs [ set breed mode3_ac_s set size 2 ] ] ] if (Weak-acid = "Dibasic Weak-acid: 0.1M H2C2O4")[ let temp_h2c2o4s count mode3_h2c2o4s if temp_h2c2o4s != (cur_value3 * 100)[ ifelse temp_h2c2o4s > (cur_value3 * 100)[ let resolve_number (temp_h2c2o4s - (cur_value3 * 100)) ask n-of resolve_number mode3_h2c2o4s [ die ] ][ create-mode3_h2c2o4s ((cur_value3 * 100) - temp_h2c2o4s) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] ] let temp_h2c2o4_s count mode3_h2c2o4_s if temp_h2c2o4_s != (cur_value1 * 100)[ ifelse temp_h2c2o4_s > (cur_value1 * 100)[ let resolve_number2 (temp_h2c2o4_s - (cur_value1 * 100)) ask n-of resolve_number2 mode3_h2c2o4_s [ die ] ][ create-mode3_h2c2o4_s ((cur_value1 * 100) - temp_h2c2o4_s) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] ] let temp_c2o4_s count mode3_c2o4_s if temp_c2o4_s != (cur_value2 * 100)[ ifelse temp_c2o4_s > (cur_value2 * 100)[ let resolve_number3 (temp_c2o4_s - (cur_value2 * 100)) ask n-of resolve_number3 mode3_c2o4_s [ die ] ][ create-mode3_c2o4_s ((cur_value2 * 100) - temp_c2o4_s) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] ] ] if (Weak-acid = "Terbasic Weak-acid: 0.1M H3PO4") [ let temp_h3po4s count mode3_h3po4s if temp_h3po4s != (cur_value4 * 100)[ ifelse temp_h3po4s > (cur_value4 * 100)[ let resolve_number (temp_h3po4s - (cur_value4 * 100)) ask n-of resolve_number mode3_h3po4s [ die ] ][ create-mode3_h3po4s ((cur_value4 * 100) - temp_h3po4s) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] ] let temp_h2po4_s count mode3_h2po4_s if temp_h2po4_s != (cur_value3 * 100)[ ifelse temp_h2po4_s > (cur_value3 * 100)[ let resolve_number2 (temp_h2po4_s - (cur_value3 * 100)) ask n-of resolve_number2 mode3_h2po4_s [ die ] ][ create-mode3_h2po4_s ((cur_value3 * 100) - temp_h2po4_s) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] ] let temp_hpo4_s count mode3_hpo4_s if temp_hpo4_s != (cur_value1 * 100)[ ifelse temp_hpo4_s > (cur_value1 * 100)[ let resolve_number3 (temp_hpo4_s - (cur_value1 * 100)) ask n-of resolve_number3 mode3_hpo4_s [ die ] ][ create-mode3_hpo4_s ((cur_value1 * 100) - temp_hpo4_s) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] ] let temp_po4_s count mode3_po4_s if temp_po4_s != (cur_value2 * 100)[ ifelse temp_po4_s > (cur_value2 * 100)[ let resolve_number4 (temp_po4_s - (cur_value2 * 100)) ask n-of resolve_number4 mode3_po4_s [ die ] ][ create-mode3_po4_s ((cur_value2 * 100) - temp_po4_s) [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 2 ] ] ] ] end ;更新曲线变化 to update_line if (Weak-acid = "Monobasic Weak-acid: 0.1M HAc") [ set cur_value1 Acetic_acid_molecular_calculation_formula ;醋酸分子 set cur_value2 Acetic_acid_ion_calculation_formula ;醋酸离子 ] if (Weak-acid = "Dibasic Weak-acid: 0.1M H2C2O4") [ set cur_value3 Molecular_calculation_formula_of_oxalic_acid set cur_value1 Formula_for_calculating_hydrogen_oxalate set cur_value2 Oxalate_calculation_formula ] if (Weak-acid = "Terbasic Weak-acid: 0.1M H3PO4") [ set cur_value4 Phosphoric_acid_formula set cur_value3 Dihydrogen_phosphate_root_calculation_formula set cur_value1 Formula_for_calculating_mono_hydrogen_phosphate set cur_value2 Phosphate_group_calculation_formula ] end ;更新下曲线变化 to update_graph2 if (Weak-acid = "Monobasic Weak-acid: 0.1M HAc") [ if H/OH_switch [ let temp_h (10 ^ (- cur_pH)) let temp_oh ( (10 ^ (-14)) / temp_h) set H ( (ln (temp_h) / ln 10)) set OH ( (ln (temp_oh) / ln 10)) ] set cur_value22 ( (ln ((precision ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) / ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) + 0.0000175)) 10) * 0.1) / ln 10)) set cur_value21 ( (ln ((precision ((0.0000175) / ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) + 0.0000175)) 10) * 0.1) / ln 10)) ] if (Weak-acid = "Dibasic Weak-acid: 0.1M H2C2O4") [ if H/OH_switch[ let temp_h (10 ^ (- cur_pH)) let temp_oh ( (10 ^ (-14)) / temp_h) set H ( (ln (temp_h) / ln 10)) set OH ( (ln (temp_oh) / ln 10)) ] set cur_value23 ( (ln ((precision ( ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2) + (0.059 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.059 * 0.000064)) ) 30) * 0.1) / ln 10)) set cur_value22 ( (ln ((precision ( (0.059 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2) + (0.059 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.059 * 0.000064)) ) 10) * 0.1) / ln 10)) set cur_value21 ( (ln ((precision ( (0.059 * 0.000064) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2) + (0.059 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.059 * 0.000064)) ) 10) * 0.1) / ln 10)) ] if (Weak-acid = "Terbasic Weak-acid: 0.1M H3PO4") [ if H/OH_switch[ let temp_h (10 ^ (- cur_pH)) let temp_oh ( (10 ^ (-14)) / temp_h) set H ( (ln (temp_h) / ln 10)) set OH ( (ln (temp_oh) / ln 10)) ] set cur_value24 ( (ln ((precision ( ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 3) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 3) + (0.0076 * ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2)) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * 0.00000000000044)) ) 30) * 0.1) / ln 10)) set cur_value23 ( (ln ((precision ( (0.0076 * ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2)) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 3) + (0.0076 * ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2)) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * 0.00000000000044)) ) 10) * 0.1) / ln 10)) set cur_value22 ( (ln ((precision ( (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 3) + (0.0076 * ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2)) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * 0.00000000000044)) ) 10) * 0.1) / ln 10)) set cur_value21 ( (ln ((precision ( (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * 0.00000000000044) / (((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 3) + (0.0076 * ((10 ^ (- cur_pH)) ^ 2)) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * (10 ^ (- cur_pH))) + (0.0076 * 0.000000063 * 0.00000000000044)) ) 30) * 0.1) / ln 10)) ] end
There is only one version of this model, created 9 months ago by Ying Li.
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