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; Li Ying created this module at Shaanxi Normal University in 2024. If you mention this model in a publication, we ask that you include the citations below. ;Ying, L. (2024). Chemical Equilibrium. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shaanxi Normal University. breed [mode7_no2_t mode7_no2] breed [mode7_n2o4_t mode7_n2o4] breed [mode7_square_t mode7_square] breed [mode7_he_t mode7_he] globals[ float_y old_float_y count_no2 count_no2_new count_n2o4 figure_x figure_one_flag figure_Up_T_flag figure_Down_T_flag figure_add_P_flag figure_delete_P_flag figure_add_V_flag figure_add_in_flag figure_add_cat_flag figure_c_actant_flag figure_c_resultant_flag temp_ticks Q K V SL_1 SL_2 ] to setup clear-all ;设置画布颜色白色 ask patches [ set pcolor white ] ;;初始化海龟 set-default-shape mode7_no2_t "no2" set-default-shape mode7_n2o4_t "n2o4" set-default-shape mode7_square_t "square" set-default-shape mode7_he_t "he" ;;初始化活塞位置 set float_y 0 set old_float_y 0 create_float ;;初始化turtle create-mode7_no2_t 100[ setxy random-xcor random((min-pycor + 2) - (float_y - 2)) + (float_y - 2) set size 2 ] set K 0.885 set V 100 set count_no2 count mode7_no2_t set SL_1 0 set SL_2 0 set figure_one_flag 0 set figure_Up_T_flag 0 set figure_x 0 reset-ticks end to go if ticks mod 5000 = 0[ turtles_action reactivity ] change_float_set set count_no2 count mode7_no2_t set count_n2o4 count mode7_n2o4_t update_figure tick end to update_figure if ticks mod 200 = 0[ if figure_one_flag = 0[ ifelse ticks <= 810000 [ set SL_2 ((sqrt ticks) / 18) set SL_1 (100 - SL_2) ] [set figure_one_flag 1] ] ;;升高温度按键按下 if figure_Up_T_flag = 1[ ifelse figure_x < 2500[ set SL_1 ((sqrt figure_x) + 60) set SL_2 (220 - SL_1) set figure_x (figure_x + 1) ][ set figure_Up_T_flag 0 if temp_ticks = 0[ set temp_ticks ticks ] ] ] ;;降低温度按键按下 if figure_Down_T_flag = 1[ ifelse figure_x < 2500[ set SL_2 ((sqrt figure_x) * 0.3 + 10) set SL_1 (50 - SL_2) set figure_x (figure_x + 1) ][ set figure_Down_T_flag 0 if temp_ticks = 0[ set temp_ticks ticks ] ] ] ;;增大压强按键按下 if figure_add_P_flag = 1[ ifelse figure_x < 2500[ set SL_2 ((sqrt figure_x) + 60) set SL_1 (220 - SL_2) set figure_x (figure_x + 1) ][ set figure_add_P_flag 0 if temp_ticks = 0[ set temp_ticks ticks ] ] ] ;;减少压强按键按下 if figure_delete_P_flag = 1[ ifelse figure_x < 2500[ set SL_1 ((sqrt figure_x) * 0.3 + 10) set SL_2 (50 - SL_1) set figure_x (figure_x + 1) ][ set figure_delete_P_flag 0 if temp_ticks = 0[ set temp_ticks ticks ] ] ] ;;恒压充入按键按下 if figure_add_in_flag = 1[ ifelse figure_x < 2500[ set SL_1 ((sqrt figure_x) * 0.3 + 10) set SL_2 (50 - SL_1) set figure_x (figure_x + 1) ][ set figure_add_in_flag 0 if temp_ticks = 0[ set temp_ticks ticks ] ] ] ;;figure_c_actant_flag 增大反应物浓度 if figure_c_actant_flag = 1[ ifelse figure_x < 2500[ set SL_2 ((sqrt figure_x) + 50) set SL_1 (200 - SL_2) set figure_x (figure_x + 1) ][ set figure_c_actant_flag 0 if temp_ticks = 0[ set temp_ticks ticks ] ] ] ;;figure_c_actant_flag 减小反应物浓度 if figure_c_actant_flag = 2[ ifelse figure_x < 2500[ set SL_1 ((sqrt figure_x) * 0.3 + 20) set SL_2 (70 - SL_1) set figure_x (figure_x + 1) ][ set figure_c_actant_flag 0 if temp_ticks = 0[ set temp_ticks ticks ] ] ] ;;figure_c_actant_flag 增大生成物浓度 if figure_c_resultant_flag = 1[ ifelse figure_x < 2500[ set SL_1 ((sqrt figure_x) + 50) set SL_2 (200 - SL_1) set figure_x (figure_x + 1) ][ set figure_c_resultant_flag 0 if temp_ticks = 0[ set temp_ticks ticks ] ] ] ;;figure_c_actant_flag 减小生成物浓度 if figure_c_resultant_flag = 2[ ifelse figure_x < 2500[ set SL_2 ((sqrt figure_x) * 0.3 + 20) set SL_1 (70 - SL_2) set figure_x (figure_x + 1) ][ set figure_c_resultant_flag 0 if temp_ticks = 0[ set temp_ticks ticks ] ] ] ] end ;;turtle不规则移动 to turtles_action ask mode7_no2_t [ ifelse (ycor >= (min-pycor + 2)) and (ycor <= float_y - 2) [ set heading random 360 ][ ;;碰下面 if (ycor >= (float_y - 2))[ set heading 180 ] ;;碰上面 if (ycor <= (min-pycor + 2))[ set heading 0 ] ] fd 1 ] ask mode7_n2o4_t [ ifelse (ycor >= (min-pycor + 2)) and (ycor <= float_y - 2) [ set heading random 360 ][ ;;碰下面 if (ycor >= (float_y - 2))[ set heading 180 ] ;;碰上面 if (ycor <= (min-pycor + 2))[ set heading 0 ] ] fd 1 ] ask mode7_he_t[ ifelse (ycor >= (min-pycor + 2)) and (ycor <= float_y - 2) [ set heading random 360 ][ ;;碰下面 if (ycor >= (float_y - 2))[ set heading 180 ] ;;碰上面 if (ycor <= (min-pycor + 2))[ set heading 0 ] ] fd 1 ] end ;;创建盖子 to create_float let result [] let current-value min-pxcor while [current-value <= max-pxcor] [ create-mode7_square_t 1 [ setxy current-value float_y ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 1.3 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] set current-value current-value + 1 ] create-mode7_square_t 1 [ setxy 0 (float_y + 1) ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 1.3 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] create-mode7_square_t 1 [ setxy 1 (float_y + 1) ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 1.3 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] create-mode7_square_t 1 [ setxy -1 (float_y + 1) ; 根据坐标对生成乌龟 set size 1.3 ; 可根据需要设置乌龟颜色 ] end ;;改变盖子的位置 to change_float_set if ticks mod 10000 = 0[ if old_float_y < float_y and float_y <= (max-pycor - 1)[ ask mode7_square_t[ set heading 360 ; 设置朝向为正上方 forward 1 ; 向前移动一格 ] set old_float_y (old_float_y + 1) ] if old_float_y > float_y and float_y > min-pycor[ ask mode7_square_t[ set heading 180 ; 设置朝向为正上方 forward 1 ; 向前移动一格 ] set old_float_y (old_float_y - 1 ) ] ] end ;;n2o4 和 no2相互反应 to reactivity let create_number 0 set Q ((count mode7_n2o4_t / V) / ((count mode7_no2_t / V) ^ 2) ) if Q < (K - 0.03) [ ask patches [ let nearby-turtles_count count turtles in-radius 1 let nearby-turtles turtles-here let to_n2o4_flag 0 let to_no2_flag 0 if nearby-turtles_count >= 2 [ if random-float 1.0 < 0.6 [ ask nearby-turtles[ if breed = mode7_no2_t[ set to_n2o4_flag (to_n2o4_flag + 1) ] if breed = mode7_n2o4_t[ set to_no2_flag (to_no2_flag + 1) ] ] if to_n2o4_flag >= 2[ if random-float 1.0 < 0.6 [ let first_mode7_no2_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_no2_t] ask first_mode7_no2_t [ set breed mode7_n2o4_t set size 2 ] let second_mode7_no2_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_no2_t] ask second_mode7_no2_t[ die ] ] ] if to_no2_flag >= 2[ if random-float 1.0 < 0.01 [ let first_mode7_n2o4_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_n2o4_t] ask first_mode7_n2o4_t [ set breed mode7_no2_t set size 2 ] let second_mode7_n2o4_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_n2o4_t] ask second_mode7_n2o4_t[ set breed mode7_no2_t set size 2 ] set create_number (create_number + 2) ] ] stop ] ] ] if create_number != 0 [ create-mode7_no2_t create_number[ setxy random-xcor random((min-pycor + 2) - (float_y - 2)) + (float_y - 2) set size 2 ] set create_number 0 ] ] if Q > (K - 0.03) and Q < (K + 0.03)[ ask patches [ let nearby-turtles_count count turtles in-radius 1 let nearby-turtles turtles-here let to_n2o4_flag 0 let to_no2_flag 0 if nearby-turtles_count >= 2 [ if random-float 1.0 < 0.1 [ ask nearby-turtles[ if breed = mode7_no2_t[ set to_n2o4_flag (to_n2o4_flag + 1) ] if breed = mode7_n2o4_t[ set to_no2_flag (to_no2_flag + 1) ] ] if to_n2o4_flag >= 2[ let first_mode7_no2_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_no2_t] ask first_mode7_no2_t [ set breed mode7_n2o4_t set size 2 ] let second_mode7_no2_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_no2_t] ask second_mode7_no2_t[ die ] ] if to_no2_flag >= 2[ let first_mode7_n2o4_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_n2o4_t] ask first_mode7_n2o4_t [ set breed mode7_no2_t set size 2 ] let second_mode7_n2o4_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_n2o4_t] ask second_mode7_n2o4_t[ set breed mode7_no2_t set size 2 ] set create_number (create_number + 2) ] stop ] ] ] if create_number != 0 [ create-mode7_no2_t create_number[ setxy random-xcor random((min-pycor + 2) - (old_float_y - 2)) + (old_float_y - 2) set size 2 ] set create_number 0 ] ] if Q > (K + 0.03) [ let x 0 let y 0 ask patches [ let nearby-turtles_count count turtles in-radius 1 let nearby-turtles turtles-here let to_n2o4_flag 0 let to_no2_flag 0 if nearby-turtles_count >= 2 [ if random-float 1.0 < 0.6 [ ask nearby-turtles[ if breed = mode7_no2_t[ set to_n2o4_flag (to_n2o4_flag + 1) ] if breed = mode7_n2o4_t[ set to_no2_flag (to_no2_flag + 1) ] ] if to_n2o4_flag >= 2[ if random-float 1.0 < 0.01 [ let first_mode7_no2_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_no2_t] ask first_mode7_no2_t [ set breed mode7_n2o4_t set size 2 ] let second_mode7_no2_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_no2_t] ask second_mode7_no2_t[ die ] ] ] if to_no2_flag >= 2[ if random-float 1.0 < 0.6 [ let first_mode7_n2o4_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_n2o4_t] ask first_mode7_n2o4_t [ set x xcor set y ycor set breed mode7_no2_t set size 2 ] let second_mode7_n2o4_t one-of turtles in-radius 1 with [breed = mode7_n2o4_t] ask second_mode7_n2o4_t[ set breed mode7_no2_t set size 2 ] set create_number (create_number + 2) ] ] stop ] ] ] if create_number != 0 [ create-mode7_no2_t create_number[ setxy x y set size 2 ] set create_number 0 ] ] if figure_one_flag = 1[ ] end ;to V_1 ; if ticks mod 500 = 0[ ; set count_no2_new count mode7_no2_t ; let derta count_no2_new - count_no2 ; set SL_1 ((derta / 500) / 2 ) ; set count_no2 count_no2_new ; ] ;end ;;上升温度按键 to up_T end ;;降低温度按键 to down_T end ;;恒容充入按键 to add_V set figure_add_V_flag 1 set temp_ticks ticks create-mode7_he_t 50[ setxy random-xcor random((min-pycor + 2) - (float_y - 2)) + (float_y - 2) set size 2 ] end ;;恒压充入按键 to add_P set figure_add_in_flag 1 create-mode7_he_t 50[ setxy random-xcor random((min-pycor + 2) - (float_y - 2)) + (float_y - 2) set size 2 ] set float_y 20 set V 150 end ;;执行按键 to c_actant_action if c_actant > 0 [ set figure_c_actant_flag 1 create-mode7_no2_t c_actant[ setxy random-xcor random((min-pycor + 2) - (float_y - 2)) + (float_y - 2) set size 2 ] ] if c_actant < 0 [ set figure_c_actant_flag 2 let turtle_mode7_no2_t n-of (c_actant * -1) mode7_no2_t ask turtle_mode7_no2_t [ die ] ] end to c_resultant_action if c_resultant > 0 [ set figure_c_resultant_flag 1 create-mode7_n2o4_t c_resultant[ setxy random-xcor random((min-pycor + 2) - (float_y - 2)) + (float_y - 2) set size 2 ] ] if c_resultant < 0 [ set figure_c_resultant_flag 2 let turtle_mode7_n2o4_t n-of (c_resultant * -1) mode7_n2o4_t ask turtle_mode7_n2o4_t [ die ] ] end to add_cat set figure_add_cat_flag 1 set SL_1 70 set SL_2 70 set temp_ticks ticks end
There is only one version of this model, created 10 months ago by Ying Li.
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