Simple Monetary Circuit Model
Model was written in NetLogo 6.3.0
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breed [households household] breed [banks bank] banks-own [assets liabilities LoansCreated networth deposits reserves Total-Loans-Outstanding deposit-to-asset loans-to-reserve] households-own [MPC ExpenditureLag Gestation origin deposits ;; by this we meant ready deposits RM ;; currency FixedDeposits ;; real savings kind of situation ExpenditurePlans ;; schedule for expenditure, list of list have 3 things (amount to be spent, how much to spend this time, and how many tick left to be spent) orders] globals [ transactions output New-Output New-Transactions ] to setup clear-all create-households No.Households ask households [ set color white set shape "person" setxy random-xcor random-ycor set MPC ConsumptionPropensity ;; How much to spend given income set ExpenditureLag LagDenom ;;A denominator on how to chop up planned expenditure set Gestation lagOutput ;;Time taken for output to be produced set origin 0 set deposits endowment ; change this soon. Give endowment set RM 0 set FixedDeposits 0 set ExpenditurePlans [] set orders [] ] create-banks 1 ask banks [ set color green set shape "house" set reserves Initial-Reserves set assets reserves set deposits endowment * No.Households set liabilities deposits set deposit-to-asset (deposits + 0.001) / (assets + 0.001) set Total-Loans-Outstanding deposits set loans-to-reserve Total-Loans-Outstanding / reserves ] set transactions 0 set output 0 set New-Transactions 0 set New-Output 0 UpdateNetworth reset-ticks end to step if CreateLoan? [ CreateTheLoan ;; banks create loans and same amount of deposit is created ] OrganiseSavings ;; Decide how much of income to save in FD (determined by MPC), convert deposits to currency Expend ;; spend money, get recievers to process orders ProcessOrder UpdateNetworth tick end to CreateTheLoan ask banks [ if reserves > 0 [ if (liabilities + 0.01) / assets < liability-to-asset-ratio [ if reserves < 0 [ print "negative!"] set LoansCreated loan-creation set Total-Loans-Outstanding Total-Loans-Outstanding + LoansCreated set deposits deposits + loan-creation let random-household one-of households send-loan-to random-household LoansCreated] ] ] end to send-loan-to [recipient transfer] ask recipient [ set deposits deposits + transfer set color red set origin 1 ] end to OrganiseSavings ask households [ ifelse origin = 0 [ let SavingsRate 1 - ConsumptionPropensity let current-household who ifelse deposits * (1 - SavingsRate) > MinimumSpending [ ;; if your deposit (after savings) is already higher than minimum spending PlanExpendProcess current-household SavingsRate LagDenom ][ ;; if existing deposits alone can't cover it all set color yellow set SavingsRate 0 ifelse FixedDeposits + deposits >= MinimumSpending [ ; if still have money in FD, just don't have enough existing deposits let ExistingDeposit deposits let shortfall (MinimumSpending - ExistingDeposit) AltPlanExpendProcess current-household shortfall LagDenom ] [ ; if don't even have enough savings set color pink set SavingsRate 0 ifelse FixedDeposits > 0 [ ; gather crumbs let leftover FixedDeposits AltPlanExpendProcess current-household leftover LagDenom ] [ PlanExpendProcess current-household SavingsRate LagDenom ] ] ] ] [ let SavingsRate 0 if deposits > 0 [ let current-household who PlanExpendProcess current-household SavingsRate LagDenom set origin 0 ;; return back as normal spender ] ] ] end to AltPlanExpendProcess [OwnHousehold FDWithdrawal OwnLagDenom] ask household OwnHousehold [ set FixedDeposits FixedDeposits - FDwithdrawal ;; Keep this in bank as permanent savings let SpendingAcc deposits + FDwithdrawal BankWithdrawal SpendingAcc ;; Update bankside (reduce reserve and deposit) set deposits 0 ;; Update deposit depletion set RM RM + SpendingAcc ;; Update currency accumulation let chunks OwnLagDenom let amount SpendingAcc ;; new amount planned to be spent let delay ownLagDenom PlanExpenditure OwnHousehold amount chunks delay ] end to PlanExpendProcess [OwnHousehold OwnSavingsRate OwnLagDenom] ask household OwnHousehold [ let savings deposits * OwnSavingsRate ;; determine how much to save set FixedDeposits FixedDeposits + savings ;; Keep this in bank as permanent savings let SpendingAcc deposits - savings set savings 0 let withdrawal SpendingAcc ;; Intend to withdraw this much from bank BankWithdrawal SpendingAcc ;; Update bankside (reduce reserve and deposit) set deposits 0 ;; Update deposit depletion set RM RM + withdrawal ;; Update currency accumulation let chunks OwnLagDenom let amount SpendingAcc ;; new amount planned to be spent let delay ownLagDenom PlanExpenditure OwnHousehold amount chunks delay ] end to Expend ask households [ let pending-chunks [] foreach ExpenditurePlans [ [x] -> set pending-chunks filter [y -> item 1 y <= ticks] ExpenditurePlans ;;go through EP to find list with tick <= current tick ] foreach pending-chunks[ [z] -> let chunk-size item 0 z ;;get the amount to be spent in this ExpenditurePlans list let target-household one-of other households if target-household != nobody [ send-money chunk-size target-household ;;send money to this household place-order chunk-size target-household ;;place orders towards the targeted household ] UpdateTransactions chunk-size set RM RM - chunk-size ;; once money is sent, deducted from own account banktransaction chunk-size ;; hard currency returns back to bank, and so does deposit ] foreach pending-chunks [ [sub] -> set ExpenditurePlans remove sub ExpenditurePlans ] ] end to ProcessOrder ask households [ let pending-order [] foreach orders [ [x] -> set pending-order filter [y -> item 1 y <= ticks] orders ] foreach pending-order [ [z] -> let EconActivity item 0 z UpdateGDP EconActivity ] foreach pending-order [ [sub] -> set orders remove sub orders ] ] end to UpdateGDP [amount] set output output + amount set New-Output amount end to UpdateTransactions [amount] set transactions transactions + amount set New-Transactions amount end to send-money [amount target] ask target [ set deposits deposits + amount set color blue ] end to banktransaction [amount] ask banks [ set reserves reserves + amount set deposits deposits + amount ] end to place-order [amount target] ask target [ let current-tick ticks let scheduled-tick current-tick + Gestation let NewOrder (list amount scheduled-tick) set orders fput NewOrder orders ] end to PlanExpenditure [current-household amount chunks delay] ;;; determine your expenditure chunks let ExpendChunk amount / chunks ;; calculate the size of chunks let current-tick ticks let ExpendDelay 1 ask household current-household [ repeat chunks [ let scheduled-tick current-tick + ExpendDelay let new-chunk (list ExpendChunk scheduled-tick) set ExpenditurePlans fput new-chunk ExpenditurePlans if ExpendDelay != Delay [ set ExpendDelay ExpendDelay + 1 ] if ExpendDelay > Delay [ print "error!" ] ] ] end to FDPlacement [placement] ;; Cement savings decision ask banks [ set deposits deposits + placement set reserves reserves + placement ] end to BankWithdrawal [withdrawal] ;; Update bankside ask banks [ set reserves reserves - withdrawal set deposits deposits - withdrawal ] end to UpdateNetworth ;;Update bank networth ask banks [ set assets Total-Loans-Outstanding + reserves set liabilities deposits set networth assets - liabilities set deposit-to-asset liabilities / assets set loans-to-reserve Total-Loans-Outstanding / (reserves + 0.001) ] end
There is only one version of this model, created about 1 year ago by Per Hung Yap .
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Simple Monetary Circuit Model.png | preview | Preview for 'Simple Monetary Circuit Model' | about 1 year ago, by Per Hung Yap | Download |
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