Oxygen Delivery to Fetus
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globals [ ;; setting the globals for the model functioning: F_count-down ;; timer for the foetal cardiac driving function count-down ;; timer for the maternal cardiac driving function F_tve ;; the foetal time varying elastance tve ;; the maternal time varying elastance F_list-p ;; the list for pressure values / foetus F_list-v ;; the list for volume values / foetus list-p ;; the list for pressure values / mother list-v ;; the list for volume values / mother HR-f ;; factor for 'balancing' heart rate and dt F_HR-f k ;; scalar accountable for some extracardiac influence ] breed [ m-erythrocytes m-erythrocyte ] breed [ f-erythrocytes f-erythrocyte ] breed [o-molecules o-molecule] breed [cd-molecules cd-molecule] patches-own ;; property of patches to form physiological space zones [ membrane ] to setup ca if (scenario = "Normal/Test") ;; setting parameters for "Normal/Test" scenario [ set E_v 0.0059 set E_ao 0.6913 set V0_lv 0 set Vd_lv 0 set P0_lv 0.1203 set V_AO 50 set V_LV 130 set V_V 1300 set R_mt 0.0158 set R_ao 0.018 set R_sys 1.0889 set E_es_lv 2.8798 set Lambda_lv 0.033 set Preload_Volume-Status "Normal" set Afterload_Vascular-Resistance-sys "Normal-VR" set Myocardial-Contractility "Normal-contractility" set Vascular-Elastance-sys "Normal" set Heart-Rate 90 set Hb_m-slider 120 set Sa_m_O2-slider 0.95 set PS 0.2 set Vol_PL_f-slider 0.14 set Vol_PL_m-slider 0.15 set F_E_v 0.04 set F_E_ao 4.351 set F_V0_lv 0 set F_Vd_lv 0 set F_P0_lv 0.1203 set F_V_AO 9 set F_V_LV 4 set F_V_V 225 set F_R_mt 0.096 set F_R_ao 0.138 set F_R_sys 2.89 set F_E_es_lv 2.8798 set F_Lambda_lv 0.033 set F_Heart-Rate 135 set Hb_f-slider 170 set Sa_f_O2-slider 0.51 ] set count-down 0 ;; initialising the timer and tve set tve 0 set F_count-down 0 set F_tve 0 system-dynamics-setup ;; setting lists for volume and pressure parameters/mother and fetus set list-p [] set list-v [] set F_list-p [] set F_list-v [] create-m-erythrocytes 15 ;; creating RBC with respective properties ask m-erythrocytes [ move-to one-of patches with [pxcor < 15 and pxcor > 2] set ycor random-ycor set color pink set size 18 set shape "erythrocyte" set heading 180 ] create-f-erythrocytes 15 ;; creating RBC with respective properties ask f-erythrocytes [ move-to one-of patches with [pxcor < 49 and pxcor > 35] set ycor random-ycor set color pink set size 18 set shape "erythrocyte" set heading 0 ] create-cd-molecules 50 ask cd-molecules [ set ycor random-ycor set xcor random-xcor set color blue set size 4 set shape "circle 2" set heading 270 ] create-o-molecules 150 ask o-molecules [ set ycor random-ycor set xcor random-xcor set color red set size 4 set shape "circle 2_w" set heading 90 ] ask patches [ setup-membrane ] ;; setting preliminary conditions for the setup of 'extravascular space' let maternal-side patches with [pxcor < 15 and pxcor > 2] ;; seting parameters values for different variants with "Test" scenarios if (scenario = "Test") and (Preload_Volume-Status = "Decreased-preload-25%") [set V_V 625 set V_lv 50] if (scenario = "Test") and (Preload_Volume-Status = "Decreased-preload-50%") [set V_V 250 set V_lv 35] if (scenario = "Test") and (Preload_Volume-Status = "Increased-preload") [set V_V 1375] if (scenario = "Test") and (Myocardial-Contractility = "Decreased-contractility") [set E_es_lv 1.4] if (scenario = "Test") and (Myocardial-Contractility = "Increased-contractility") [set E_es_lv 4.0] if (scenario = "Test") and (Afterload_Vascular-Resistance-sys = "Increased VR X 2.0") [set R_sys 2.2] if (scenario = "Test") and (Afterload_Vascular-Resistance-sys = "Increased VR X 1.5") [set R_sys 1.6] if (scenario = "Test") and (Afterload_Vascular-Resistance-sys = "Decreased VR x 1.5") [set R_sys 0.67] if (scenario = "Test") and (Vascular-Elastance-sys = "Increased-arterial El+50%") [set E_ao 1.05] if (scenario = "Test") and (Vascular-Elastance-sys = "Decreased-arterial El-50%") [set E_ao 0.35] if (scenario = "Test") and (Vascular-Elastance-sys = "Increased-venous El+50%") [set E_v 0.009] if (scenario = "Test") and (Vascular-Elastance-sys = "Decreased-venous El-25%") [set E_v 0.0045] set HR-f round (( 90 / Heart-rate) * 1000) ;; setting HR-f set F_HR-f round (( 60 / F_Heart-Rate) * 1000) set k (Heart-rate * 0.015) ;; setting the k-scalar if (scenario = "Maternal anemia") [ reset-test set Hb_m-slider 101 ] if (scenario = "Abruptio placentae") [ reset-test] if (scenario = "Uterine contractions") [ reset-test] if (scenario = "Complex pathology") [ reset-test set Hb_m-slider 110 set E_es_lv 1.4 set Myocardial-Contractility "Decreased-contractility" ] if (scenario = "Anesthesia") [ reset-test set E_es_lv 2.4 set E_v 0.005 ] reset-ticks end to setup-membrane ask patches with [pxcor = 25] [set pcolor gray] ask patches with [pxcor = 26] [set pcolor red] end to go set count-down count-down + 1 ;; starting the timer which governs the cardiac driving function if count-down = HR-f [reset-count-down] set F_count-down F_count-down + 1 ;; starting the timer which governs the cardiac driving function if F_count-down = F_HR-f [reset-F_count-down] if ticks <= 2 [ set list-p list (100) (101) set list-v list (102) (103) set F_list-p list (60) (61) set F_list-v list (23) (24) ] activate ;; activating the cardiac driving function F_activate system-dynamics-go system-dynamics-do-plot create-list-v create-list-p ;; setting lists for volume and pressure values create-F_list-v ;; in mother and fetus create-F_list-p ask m-erythrocytes [ fd 0.05] ask f-erythrocytes [ fd 0.05] ask o-molecules [ fd 0.1] ask cd-molecules [fd 0.1] if (Scenario = "Maternal anemia") and ticks >= 13000 and ticks < 15000 ;; simulating a more sever maternal anemia while "Maternal anemia" scenario is running [set Hb_m-slider 90 ] if (Scenario = "Maternal anemia") and ticks >= 15000 ;; adding to the maternal anemia a fetal anemia [set Hb_f-slider 150 ] if (Scenario = "Abruptio placentae") and ticks >= 12000 and ticks < 13500 ;; simulating first step of abruptio placentae [ set Hb_m-slider 110 set Vol_Pl_m-slider 0.2 set Vol_Pl_f-slider 0.2 set F_Heart-rate 145 ask patches [set pcolor 12] ] if (Scenario = "Abruptio placentae") and ticks >= 13500 ;; simulating second step of abruptio placentae [ set Hb_m-slider 100 set Vol_Pl_m-slider 0.5 set Vol_Pl_f-slider 0.5 set PS 2 set E_v 0.0061 set E_ao 0.5 set F_Heart-rate 120 ask o-molecules [die] ] if (Scenario = "Abruptio placentae") and ticks >= 17000 [stop] if (scenario = "Uterine contractions") and ticks >= 12000 and ticks < 13000 ;; simulating periodic uterine contractions [ set PS 7 ] if (scenario = "Uterine contractions") and ticks >= 13000 [ set PS 0.1 ] if (scenario = "Uterine contractions") and ticks >= 15000 [ stop ] if (scenario = "Complex pathology") and ticks >= 14000 and ticks < 15000 ;; simulating a uterine contraction under this scenario [ set PS 7 ] if (scenario = "Complex pathology") and ticks >= 15000 [ set PS 0.2 ] if (scenario = "Complex pathology") and ticks >= 17000 [ stop ] if (scenario = "Anesthesia") and ticks >= 11000 ;; simulating the effect of anesthesia on different parameters [ ask patches [ set pcolor grey] set PS 0.5 ] if (scenario = "Anesthesia") and ticks >= 11500 and ticks < 13000 ;; simulating uterine contaction under this scenario [ set PS 3 ] if (scenario = "Anesthesia") and ticks >= 13000 [ set PS 0.2 ] if (scenario = "Anesthesia") and ticks >= 15000 [ stop ] tick end to activate ;; activation of the cardiac driving function and tve in mother ifelse count-down <= 500 [set tve e ^ (-80 * ( count-down * 0.001 - 0.27 ) ^ 2)] [set tve 0] end to F_activate ;; activation of the cardiac driving function and tve in fetus ifelse F_count-down <= 500 [set F_tve e ^ (-80 * ( F_count-down * 0.001 - 0.27 ) ^ 2)] [set F_tve 0] end to reset-count-down ;; reseting the timer for a new cardiac cycle (mother) set count-down 0 end to reset-F_count-down ;; reseting the timer for a new cardiac cycle (fetus) set F_count-down 0 end to-report result-v ;; generating lists with volume parameter values/mother report V_lv end to-report result-p ;; generating lists with pressure parameter values/mother report P_lv end to-report F_result-v ;; generating lists with volume parameter values/fetus report F_V_lv end to-report F_result-p ;; generating lists with pressure parameter values/fetus report F_P_lv end ;; building up lists with volume & to create-list-v ;; pressure parmeters values if ticks > 6000 ;; /mother anf fetus [set list-v lput result-v list-v] end to create-list-p if ticks > 6000 [set list-p lput result-p list-p] end to create-F_list-v if ticks > 6000 [set F_list-v lput F_result-v F_list-v] end to create-F_list-p if ticks > 6000 [set F_list-p lput F_result-p F_list-p] end to reset-test ;; reseting initial condition in the "Test" mode = same ;; parameters as originally in "Normal/Test" Scenario set E_v 0.0059 set E_ao 0.6913 set V0_lv 0 set Vd_lv 0 set P0_lv 0.1203 set V_AO 50 set V_LV 130 set V_V 1300 set R_mt 0.0158 set R_ao 0.018 set R_sys 1.0889 set E_es_lv 2.8798 set Lambda_lv 0.033 set Preload_Volume-Status "Normal" set Afterload_Vascular-Resistance-sys "Normal-VR" set Myocardial-Contractility "Normal-contractility" set Vascular-Elastance-sys "Normal" set Heart-Rate 90 set Hb_m-slider 120 set Sa_m_O2-slider 0.95 set PS 0.2 set Vol_PL_f-slider 0.14 set Vol_PL_m-slider 0.15 set F_E_v 0.04 set F_E_ao 4.351 set F_V0_lv 0 set F_Vd_lv 0 set F_P0_lv 0.1203 set F_V_AO 9 set F_V_LV 4 set F_V_V 225 set F_R_mt 0.096 set F_R_ao 0.138 set F_R_sys 2.89 set F_E_es_lv 2.8798 set F_Lambda_lv 0.033 set F_Heart-Rate 135 set Hb_f-slider 170 set Sa_f_O2-slider 0.51 end
There is only one version of this model, created 12 months ago by Victor Iapascurta.
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