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;;; Define Variables          (declaration)

breed [ firms firm ]
breed [ banks bank ]                        ;; financial institution, which give a loan to the firm.
breed [ households household ]        ;; consumers

globals [
  periods                             ;; the time span we consider. number represents the year after the starting time.
  credit_amount                       ;; the limit of each credit
  interestrate                        ;; when it is about conventional financing, this is the interest rate for the credit charged by the bank.
  loan_duration                       ;; the duration of the loan (months).
  wealth_bank                         ;; profits of the bank
  performance_achieved?               ;; if true, the bank achieved social and financial performance
  profit_loss_amount                  ;; the amount of the profit or the loss of the activity
  zakat_fund                           ; tha zakat donation are gathered in this fund
  base_wage                            ; the salary that the firm propose to the worker

patches-own [

firms-own [
  wealth_firm                    ;; each firm's wealth level
  firm_activity                  ;; the activity of the firm, either agriculture, trade or cruft
  insured_firm                   ;; the firm is insured or not
  purpose_loan                   ;; Creation or Devlopment of the activity
  nb_loan                        ;; the number of loan contracted by the firm
  cross_indebteness              ;; if the firm has another loan with other institutions
  unpaid_amount                  ;; the unpaid amout of the loan
  nb_paid_installments           ;; the number of paid installments
  nb_installments                ;; the number of installments
  borrowingdate                  ;; the date when one of firms get a loan from bank
  ;wealth_sufficient?            ;; if true, firm can reimburse his loan.
  repay_amount?                  ;; if true, firm reimubrse his loan.
  borrower-bank?                 ;; if true, the turtle has got a credit from bank.

households-own [

desired_wage           ; the wage or the salary that household which to have
average_consumption    ; the average of consumption of all consumers
expected_income        ; the income that the household or the consumer expect to receive.


;************************************************   SETUP PROCEDURES  ***************************************************************

to-report VARY [#low #high]   ;; reports a random integer in given range, inclusive
   report #low + random(#high - #low + 1)

to setup

  set periods time-span-years  ;; the slider of time-span-years stands for the periods (years).

to setup-patches
  ask patches [ set pcolor black ]  ;; set patche's color black.

to bank-setup
  ask patches [
     ask patch 0 0 [set  pcolor  red]          ;; the color for the patch of bank is yellow.
    sprout-banks 1 [                              ;; for visual impact, the bank has the shape of yellow house.
      set size 3
      set shape "house"
      set color violet
      setxy 0 0
      set fund credit-available      ;; credits available from bank is set using the slider of credit-available.
      set interestrate interest-rate      ;; when it is about conventional financing, the interest rate charged by the bank is set using the slider -> need to make interest-rate slider.
      set credit_amount vary 1 20 ;; the loan limit from the bank is set using the slider -> need to make credit-limit slider
      set loan_duration loan-duration      ;; the duration of the loan.
      set wealth_bank 5000
      set efficiency  eff-iciency      ;; efficiency of the bank
      set productivity  prod-uctivity        ;; productivity of the bank
      set profitability  prof-itabilty   ;; profitability of the bank
      set average_loan_balance_per_borrower loan-balance-borrow ;; average loan balance per borrower
      set credit_risk credit-risk    ;; portfolio at risk
     ; set firms-number nb-fir   ;; number of firm of the bank
      set performance_achieved?  random 2


to households-setup

 create-households n_households [ setxy random-pxcor random-pycor ]      ; workers are randomly disposed...
      ask households
       set shape "person"
       set color white
       set income 0
       set desired_wage random-normal 80 5  ; the wage or the salary that household which to have

       set zakat_fund 0
       set wealth_household random-normal 100 10
       set average_consumption random-normal 50 1
       set expected_income random-normal 150 20
       set previous_expected_income random-normal 100 50


 ask n-of (n_households / 2 ) households

    [ set income desired_wage
      set color green ]

to setup-firms
  create-firms firms-number                      ;; uses the value of the firms-number slider to set the number of firms.

  ask firms [ set shape  "square"
    set pcolor red     ;;
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set wealth_firm random-normal 1000 80        ;; wealth level each firms start with come from N(50, 15)
    set firm_activity random 4                   ;; either agriculture or cruft (0), trade (1), industry (2) or others (3)
    ;set level_education  random 3               ;; either bad (0), medium (1) or high (2) level of education
    set insured_firm random 2                    ;; the firm is insured (1) or not (0)
    set purpose_loan random 2                    ;; Creation (0) or Devlopment (1) of the activity
    ;set custom_solvab? FALSE                    ;; if true, firm is accepted.
    ;set wealth_sufficient? false
    set borrower-bank? random 2                  ;; if true, the turtle has got a credit from bank.
    set repay_amount? random 2
    set nb_loan 0
    set cross_indebteness 0
    set unpaid_amount 0
    set nb_paid_installments 0
    set nb_installments 0
    set firm_score vary -5.0 5.0
    set profit_loss_amount profit-loss-amount
    set financing_cost financ-cost
    set expected_demand random-normal 200 50
    set base_wage random-normal 100 20


to go
    if ticks >= 365 * periods  [ stop ]       ;; the time span is restricted to periods (year). *
ask firms [
    move-households                           ;; this procedure makes firms move.
    funding_application                       ;; this procedure makes firm ask for a credit.
    reimburse-bank                            ;; this procedure makes firms reimburse their loans towards bank.

ask households [
 tick                                         ;; one tick stands for one day.

to move-households
  right random 360
  forward random 4
  set wealth_household ( wealth_household - 0.05 )

 ;************************************************   funding_application  ***************************************************************

to-report firm_solvab?
 ; ifelse  (firm_type = 0 and firm_score > -0.58) or (firm_type = 1 and firm_score > 1.8)
  ifelse firm_score > 1
   [ report true ]
    [ report false ]

to-report bank_performance
 report ((efficiency + profitability + productivity + credit_risk + average_loan_balance_per_borrower + firms-number) / 6  )

to funding_application

  if (fund >= credit_amount) and wealth_firm < 20 and wealth_firm > 5 [

   ask firms with  [firm_solvab? = true ] [
      set wealth_firm  (wealth_firm +  credit_amount )
      set pcolor yellow                                     ;; those with credit turn yellow.
      set wealth_bank  (fund - credit_amount)               ;; available fund to loan will decreases as the loan increases.
      ;;set custom_Solvab? true
      set borrower-bank? 1                                  ;; if true, the turtle has got a credit from bank.
      set borrowingdate ticks ]
  ; ]
     ask firms with  [firm_solvab? = false] [
        set wealth_firm ( wealth_firm)
        set pcolor orange                                   ;; those with credit turn orange.
          set borrower-bank? 0                              ;; if true, the turtle has got a credit from bank
          set wealth_bank (wealth_bank)                     ;; available fund .


to-report wealth_sufficient?

 ifelse ( (wealth_firm + profit_loss_amount ) >= ( 1 + financing_cost) * credit_amount)

 ;Conventional scenario:   ; when it is about conventional scenario, we disable the Islamic model above and activate the actions hereafter:

 ;;; ifelse ( wealth_cust >= ((credit_amount * interestrate / 100 / 365) / (1 - (1 + interestrate / 100 / 365)^(ticks - borrowingdate )) * ( ticks - borrowingdate )))
 ;; ifelse ( wealth_cust >= ((credit_amount * interestrate / 100 / 365) / (1 - (1 + interestrate / 100 / 365)^(loan_duration * -30 )) * loan_duration * 30))

   [ report true ]
   [ report false ]

 ;************************************************   Produce  ***************************************************************

to produce

    ask firms [
    set actual_production 0.32 * wealth_firm
    set desired_production actual_production + 0.000123 * (actual_production - expected_demand)]

    set wealth_firm wealth_firm + actual_production

to-report colorhous?
    ifelse ( color = white )
    [ report true ]
   [ report false ]

 ;************************************************   Recruit_licienciement  ***************************************************************

to recruit_licienciement

    ask firms [
    set desired_capital 0.22 * desired_production - 65
    set desired_employment min list ( 0.11 * desired_capital) ( 0.11 * wealth_firm) ]

    ifelse desired_employment > actual_employment

      ask households with [colorhous? = true]
      if desired_wage < base_wage                   ; the number of household must be equal to : (desired_employement - actual_employment) )
           set color green
           set income base_wage
           set wealth_household wealth_household + base_wage ]]]


     ask households with [colorhous? = false]
     set color white                                ; the number of household must be equal to: (actual_employment - desired_employement)
     set income 0
     set wealth_household wealth_household ]]

  ;***********************************   CONSUMPTION and Give zakat  ***************************************************************

to-report wealth_poverty?

 ifelse ( wealth_household < poverty_limit)
   [ report true ]
   [ report false ]

to consume_Give_zakat

  ask households [

     set expected_income (0.35 * previous_expected_income + ((1 - 0.35) * income))


    set consumption (0.58 * expected_income + 0.31 * wealth_household + (1 - 0.58) * average_consumption)  ; This is the equation of consumption in the dependent_scenario.

    ;independent_scenario :  When we want to test the independent scenario, we disable the fonction above and we activate the equation hereafter :
    ; set consumption (expected_income + 0.31 * wealth_household)

    ifelse wealth_household + income - consumption > reference_amount_zakat
    set zakat_fund ((wealth_household + income - consumption) * 0.025)
    set wealth_household ( wealth_household + income - consumption) * (1 - 0.025)]
   [set wealth_household ( wealth_household + income - consumption)]


    ask households  with [wealth_poverty? = true][
    set wealth_household ( wealth_household +  ( sum [zakat_fund] of households with [wealth_poverty? = false ] / ( count households with [wealth_poverty? = true ])))


;***********************************   Reimburse-bank  ***************************************************************

to reimburse-bank
if ( borrower-bank? = 1 and pcolor = yellow and  wealth_sufficient? = true) [  ;; firms can repay their debts only if he has contracted loan from bank.
;if (color = yellow and wealth_sufficient? = true ) [  ;; firms can repay their debts only if he has contracted loan from bank.
   ask firms with [ repay_amount? = 1 ][

     ; Islamic Model
          set wealth_firm ((wealth_firm + profit_loss_amount ) - (( 1 + financing_cost / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate ) ) * credit_amount)) ;; the amount of repayment is the summation of pricipal and interest (annual interest rate -> daily interest rate)
          set pcolor violet ;; after repay, the color turn into violet
          set wealth_bank ( wealth_bank + (( 1 + financing_cost / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate) ) * credit_amount) - 20 ) ;; interest rate is rate for one year.
          if ticks - borrowingdate <= 365 [ set nb_paid_installments ( nb_paid_installments + 1 ) ]   ;;maturity for the loan is assumed to be one year.

        ask firms with [ repay_amount? = 0][
          set wealth_firm (wealth_firm +  profit_loss_amount) ;; the amount of repayment is the summation of pricipal and interest (annual interest rate -> daily interest rate)
          set pcolor pink ;; after repay, the color turn into pink
          if ( financing_cost >= (1 + financing_cost)* credit_amount)
          [set wealth_bank ( wealth_bank + (( 1 + financing_cost / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate) ) * credit_amount) - 20 ) ;; interest rate is rate for one year.
          set unpaid_amount (unpaid_amount + ((1 + financing_cost / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate) ) * credit_amount))
          if ticks - borrowingdate <= 365 [ set nb_paid_installments ( nb_paid_installments) ]

    ; Conventional model
    ; when it is about conventional scenario, we disable the Islamic model above and activate the actions hereafter:

         ; set wealth_firm ((wealth_firm + profit_loss_amount ) - (( 1 + interestrate / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate ) ) * credit_amount)) ;; the amount of repayment is the summation of pricipal and interest (annual interest rate -> daily interest rate)
         ; set pcolor violet ;; after repay, the color turn into violet
         ; set wealth_bank ( wealth_bank + (( 1 + interestrate / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate) ) * credit_amount) - 20 ) ;; interest rate is rate for one year.
         ; if ticks - borrowingdate <= 365 [ set nb_paid_installments ( nb_paid_installments + 1 ) ]   ;;maturity for the loan is assumed to be one year.
         ; ]
         ; ask firms with [ repay_amount? = 0][
         ; set wealth_firm (wealth_firm +  profit_loss_amount) ;; the amount of repayment is the summation of pricipal and interest (annual interest rate -> daily interest rate)
         ; set pcolor pink ;; after repay, the color turn into pink
         ; set wealth_bank ( wealth_bank - (( ( 1 + interestrate / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate) ) * credit_amount ))- 20 ) ;; interest rate is rate for one year.
         ; set unpaid_amount (unpaid_amount + ((1 + interestrate / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate) ) * credit_amount))
         ; if ticks - borrowingdate <= 365 [ set nb_paid_installments ( nb_paid_installments) ]
         ; ]

;***********************************   reports  ************************************
;***********************************   reports  ************************************
;***********************************   reports *************************************

to-report average-wealth-firm
  report ( sum [ wealth_firm ] of firms / count firms )

to-report zakat-fund
  report ( sum [zakat_fund] of households )

to-report sum-wealth-bank
  report ( sum [ wealth_bank] of banks)

to-report average-wealth-household
  report ( sum [ wealth_household ] of households / count households )

to-report stdv_consumption
  report ( standard-deviation [ consumption ] of households / count households )

to-report consumption-household
  report ( sum [ consumption ] of households / count households )

to-report firm-solvability
  report ( count firms with [ firm_Solvab? = true] )

To-report firm-reimburse-loan
  report ( count firms with [ repay_amount? = 1 and firm_solvab? = true ] )

to-report solvability-ratio
  report (count firms with [ firm_Solvab? = true] / count firms )

to-report PAR30
   report ( sum [ credit_amount ] of firms with [ ticks - borrowingdate >= 30 ] /  sum [ credit_amount ] of firms )

to-report PAR90
   report ( sum [ credit_amount ] of firms with [ ticks - borrowingdate >= 90 ] /  sum [ credit_amount ] of firms )

to-report PAR180
   report ( sum [ credit_amount ] of firms with [ ticks - borrowingdate >= 180 ] /  sum [ credit_amount ] of firms )


to update-plot
  set-current-plot "Average Wealth-firm"
  set-current-plot-pen "firms"
  plot sum [ wealth_firm ] of firms / count firms

  set-current-plot "Average Wealth-household"
  set-current-plot-pen "households"
  plot sum [ wealth_household ] of households / count households

  set-current-plot "consumption_households"
  set-current-plot-pen "households"
  plot sum [ consumption ] of households / count households

 set-current-plot "stdv_consumption_households"
 set-current-plot-pen "households"
 plot standard-deviation [ consumption ] of households / count households

  set-current-plot "Wealth-bank"
  set-current-plot-pen "bank"
  plot sum [ wealth_bank ] of banks

  set-current-plot "Average Loan"
  set-current-plot-pen "firms"
  plot sum [ credit_amount ] of firms / count firms

  set-current-plot "Number of Payment"
  set-current-plot-pen "firms"
  plot sum [ nb_paid_installments ] of firms

  set-current-plot "firm-solvability"
  set-current-plot-pen "firms"
  plot count firms with [ firm_Solvab? = true]

  set-current-plot "firm-reimburse-loan"
  set-current-plot-pen "firms"
  plot count firms with [ repay_amount? = 1 ]

;export-plot "Wealth-bank" "Wealth-bank.csv"

;export-plot "Average Wealth-firm" "Average_Wealth-firm.csv"

;export-plot "Number of Payment" "Number_of_Payment.csv"

There is only one version of this model, created 9 months ago by ifelab lerma.

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