Fungal Bioremediation

Fungal Bioremediation preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Quinn Gebeaux (Author)


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extensions [table]

globals [
  ec-added ;;keeps track of contaminants added
  ms ;;model speed adjuster. Not fully implemented
  Kr ;;Enzyme Kinetics Options
  view-number ;;Used to name the image downloaded with 'export view'
  complexes-formed ;;Keeps track of Enzyme + Substrate complexes formed. Used to calculate % dissociate
  dissociated ;; Count of dissociated complexes
  fungi-option ;;stores name of fungi species selected
  status-1 ;; (Comment) I can do this more efficiently
  my-list1 ;;Used by clock. The code is inside the plot options
  intracellularly ;; Used to count EC's degraded intracellularly
  fungi-dict ;;Dictionary/Table of values unique to each fungi species
  adjuster-enzymes ;; adjusts production and efficiency of enzymes based on amount of them. Capped at 280
  adjuster-fungi ;;Used to decide amount of starting NH4 given to offsprings

fungi-own [

patches-own [
  O2 ;; (Comment) Remove eventually

enzymes-own [
  pause-time ;; Enzyme won't go into complex again, right after dissociating

ECs-own [
  locked-time ;; Counts time in Enzyme Substrate complex or Intracellular process
  taken ;; True if being degraded Intracellularly

breed [fungi fungus]
breed [ECs EC]
breed [enzymes enzyme]

to setup

to go
  if ticks > 400 and not any? ECs [
    output-print (word "Success! All Contaminants Removed in " ticks " ticks.")
  if ticks > 1000 [
    output-print (word (ec-added - count ECs)" of " ec-added " Contaminants Removed.")
  if fungi-species != fungi-option [

  diffuse glucose (0.5 + (0.01 * temperature)) ;;diffuse glucose in patches
  diffuse O2 (0.5 + (0.01 * temperature))

  set adjuster-enzymes round max(list ((count enzymes)^(1 / 4)) 1)
  set adjuster-fungi round max(list ((count enzymes)^(1 / 5)) 1)
  ;;if background-color [color-patches]


  ;;produce-enzymes ;; called with if/else in reproduce




to setup-globals
  set ms 0.5
  set view-number 1
  set interface-number 1
  set fungi-option fungi-species
  set status-1 false
  set status-2 false
  set status-3 false
  set fungi-dict table:make

to setup-patches
  ask patches [
    set pcolor blue
    set glucose 4
    set lignin 100
    set O2 25
    ;;Net values are 32 * 32 * of these

to setup-fungi
  create-fungi 6 [;;set the starting number of fungi
    if fungi-species = "Phanerodontia Chrysosporium" [
    set shape "fungi-tendrils"
    set size 2.25
    table:put fungi-dict "fungi-growth-temp" 30
    table:put fungi-dict "fungi-growth-pH" 2
    table:put fungi-dict "enzyme-production-cost" 1
    table:put fungi-dict "enzyme-production-pH" 4
    if fungi-species = "Trametes Versicolor" [
    set shape "turkey-tail-3"
    set size 2
    table:put fungi-dict "fungi-growth-temp" 24
    table:put fungi-dict "fungi-growth-pH" 1
    table:put fungi-dict "enzyme-production-cost" 1
    table:put fungi-dict "enzyme-production-pH" 3.75
    if fungi-species = "Pleurotus Ostreatus" [
    set shape "Button-Mushroom"
    set size 2
    table:put fungi-dict "fungi-growth-temp" 33.5
    table:put fungi-dict "fungi-growth-pH" 4
    table:put fungi-dict "enzyme-production-cost" 2.5
    table:put fungi-dict "enzyme-production-pH" 5
  ;;table:put fungi-dict "enzyme-denature-pH" 4
  ;;table:put fungi-dict "enzyme-reaction-pH" 4 ;; I'm gonna hard code these in
  set color 1
  setxy random -28 + 14 random -28 + 14 ;;place the fungi at random locations, but not edges (display is -16 to 16)
  set energy 30
  set NH4 12
  set partner nobody
  ;;set eph table:get fungi-dict "enzyme-production-pH"
  ;;set fph table:get fungi-dict "fungi-growth-pH"
  ;;set ftemp table:get fungi-dict "fungi-growth-temp"

to setup-ECs
  set ec-added 40
  create-ECs 40 ;;If changed, change above as well
    set size 1
    set shape "substrate"
    set color 26
    setxy (random -32 + 16) one-of [ -16 16 ] ;;place the ECs at random locations along the bottom or top
    set partner nobody
    set hidden? false
    set taken false


to color-patches
  ask patches [
    set pcolor (blue + glucose / 3) ;;changes patch color based on amount of glucose

to move
  ask enzymes [
    if partner = nobody [
      if ticks mod 3 = 0 [
        set turn (random 120) - 60 ;; A turn is decided every 3 ticks, and then carried out in 3 pieces over that time. Very smooth
   		right turn / 3
      ifelse (xcor > 14.5) [ ;; These 4 blocks redirect the enzyme if it is near an edge and heading towards that edge
        if (0 < heading and heading <= 90) [left 20]
        if (90 < heading and heading < 180) [right 20]
      ifelse (xcor < -14.5) [
        if (270 <= heading and heading < 360) [right 20]
        if (180 < heading and heading < 270) [left 20]
      ifelse (ycor < -14.5) [
        if (270 > heading and heading > 180) [right 20]
        if (180 >= heading and heading > 90) [left 20]
      if (ycor > 14.5) [
        if (0 <= heading and heading < 90) [right 20]
        if (270 < heading and heading < 360) [left 20]
      forward 0.12
  ask ECs [
    if partner = nobody [
      ifelse ticks < 150 [
        ;; This moves the EC's towards the center horizontal at the start of the game.
        ;; This is needed as the first EC's start on the top and bottom
        let ec-heading heading
        if ycor > 6 [set heading 180]
        if ycor < -6 [set heading 0]
        forward 0.05
        set heading ec-heading
        ;;This keeps them closer to the center horizontal during the rest of the game
        let ec-heading heading
        ifelse ycor > 12 [set heading 180][
        ifelse ycor < -12 [set heading 0][
		ifelse xcor < -12 [set heading 90] [
		if xcor > 12 [set heading 270]
        forward 0.02
        set heading ec-heading

      right -45 + random 90 ;; No turn setup. More erratic

      if (xcor > 14.5) [
        if (0 < heading and heading < 90) [left 20]
        if (90 < heading and heading < 180) [right 20]
      if (xcor < -14.5) [
        if (270 < heading and heading < 360) [right 20]
        if (180 < heading and heading < 270) [left 20]
            if (ycor < -14.5) [
        if (270 > heading and heading > 180) [right 20]
        if (180 > heading and heading > 90) [left 20]
      if (ycor > 14.5) [
        if (0 < heading and heading < 90) [right 20]
        if (270 < heading and heading < 360) [left 20]
      forward 0.06


to break-down-lignin
  ask enzymes with [partner = nobody] [
     if lignin >= 2
    [ set lignin (lignin - 2)
      set glucose (glucose + 1) ;;(Comment) later try / adjuster-enzyme
  if (count enzymes) < 80 [
    ask fungi [
      if lignin >= 1 [
        set lignin lignin - 0.5
        set glucose glucose + 0.25

to eat-glucose
  ask patches [ ;;(Comment) try to simplify or remove this section
    let fungus-count count fungi-here
    if fungus-count > 0 [
        let g glucose / fungus-count
          ask fungi-here [
        set O2 (O2 + (g * 2))
  ask fungi [
        ifelse glucose >= 5 and O2 >= 30 [
      	set glucose (glucose - 5)
      	set O2 (O2 - 30)
      	set energy (energy + (5 * 0.25))
          if O2 >= glucose * 3 [
          let m (glucose / count fungi-here)
          set glucose (glucose - m)
          set O2 (O2 - (m * 3))
          set energy (energy + (m * 0.25))

to replenish-O2
  if (ticks mod 5 = 0) [
  ask patches [
    if O2 <= 50 [
    set O2 (O2 + 30)


to reproduce
  ask fungi [
    ifelse age > 16  and random(2 * (abs(table:get fungi-dict "fungi-growth-pH" - pH))^ 2)= 0 and energy > (random 8 + 2 + (abs(table:get fungi-dict "fungi-growth-temp" - temperature) ^ 2) * 2 + (abs(2 - table:get fungi-dict "fungi-growth-pH"))^ 2) [
      ;;Affected by age, pH, energy and temp
      let En (energy / 2)
      set energy En
      let L glucose / 2
      set glucose L
      set NH4 NH4 - 0.5
      hatch-fungi 1 [
        let p max-one-of patches in-radius 3 with [pycor < 15 and pycor > -15 and pxcor < 15 and pxcor > -15] [glucose]
        face p
        set energy En + (5.5 - (2 * abs(table:get fungi-dict "fungi-growth-pH" - pH))) + (table:get fungi-dict "enzyme-production-cost" * 1.5)
        set NH4  3.5 / adjuster-fungi
        set age 0
        forward 1
        ;;set glucose L
        set partner nobody
    [produce-enzymes] ;;Enzymes can only be produced when the fungi cannot reproduce

to produce-enzymes
    if (sum [glucose] of patches in-radius 2) < 120 and (energy < 20 or ticks < 12) and NH4 >= (max(list 1 (abs(table:get fungi-dict "enzyme-production-pH" - pH) * (table:get fungi-dict "enzyme-production-cost"))) * table:get fungi-dict "enzyme-production-cost") and (random(((abs(table:get fungi-dict "enzyme-production-pH" - pH))^ 3) * 50) = 0  or ticks < 12) and ((random 100) + count enzymes) < 280 [
      ;;Affected by nearby glucose, energy, NH4, ticks, enzyme count and pH
      set NH4 NH4 - (max(list 1 (abs(table:get fungi-dict "enzyme-production-pH" - pH) * (table:get fungi-dict "enzyme-production-cost"))) * table:get fungi-dict "enzyme-production-cost")
      hatch-enzymes 1 [
          set size 1
          set color white
          set shape "enzyme"
          set partner nobody
          set age 0

to produce-ECs
  if ticks > 32 and ticks < 400 and ticks mod 6 = 0 [ ;;EC's produced every 6 ticks after the first 32
    create-ECs 2 [
      set size 1
      set shape "substrate"
      set color 26
      setxy (random 20 - 10) (random 20 - 10) ;; Placed closer to the center of the display
      set partner nobody
      set hidden? false
      set ec-added ec-added + 1
      set taken false


to age-fungus
  ask fungi [
    set energy energy - 0.7
    set NH4 NH4 + 0.08 / (adjuster-enzymes * 1.5) ;;All fungus get NH4 at a set rate every tick
    set age (age + 1)
    set color age * 0.15 ;;lighten color as fungi age
    if energy <= 0 [set age age + 0.6]
    if color >  9.9 [
      set color 9.9]
    if energy < 0 [set energy 0]

to age-enzymes
  ask enzymes [
    set age (age + 1) ;;add 1 to enzymes' age

to check-death
  ask fungi [
    if age > 200 * (1 / ms) and partner = nobody [die];;die when age exceeds 400
  ask enzymes [
    if age > 275 * (1 / ms) and partner = nobody [die] ;;enzymes die when their age exceeds 550

to nutrient-status
  ;;This reports the lignin remaining to the user
  ;;I'm trying to draw attention to the graphs
  if sum [lignin] of patches < (51200) and status-1 = false
  [output-print ("Lignin at 50%")
  ;ask status 1 [set whether true
  set status-1 true]
  if sum [lignin] of patches < (76800) and status-2 = false
    [output-print ("Lignin at 75%")
     set status-2 true]
  if sum [lignin] of patches < (26600) and status-3 = false
    [output-print ("Lignin at 25%")
     set status-3 true]


to intracellular-degrade ;;Some contaminants are removed by intracellular enzymes
  ;;This happens when they approach an unpaired fungus
  ask fungi with [partner = nobody] [
    if any? ECs in-radius 0.5 with [partner = nobody] [
      set partner one-of ECs in-radius 0.5 with [partner = nobody]
      ask partner [
        set partner myself
        set taken true]
  Ask ECs with [taken = true] [
      set locked-time locked-time + 1
      if locked-time > 34 [
        set intracellularly intracellularly + 1 ;;Counter for % removed intracellularly
        ask partner [set partner nobody]
    set size 1 - (locked-time / 34) ;;Shrink each tick and move slightly forward
    fd 0.007  ;;this is 1 / 15 rounded

to denature ;;parameters for denaturing enzymes
  let aging-amount 0.5 + 0.1 * (table:get fungi-dict "enzyme-production-pH" - pH) ^ 2 + (count enzymes / 500) ;;All enzymes age the same amount, based on pH the count of enzymes
  ask enzymes [
    set age age + aging-amount
  ;;if ticks mod 80 = 0 [ ;;Optional randomizer. Sometimes a lot of enzymes die at once, this would prevent that
    ;;ask enzymes with [partner = nobody] [
      ;;set age age + (random 20) - 10

to change-rate
    set Kc round (1) ;;(Comment) If these first two are going to be constant. Define them in setup globals once and for all
    set Kd round (60)
    set Kr round(3 * abs(32 - temperature) + 3) ;;multiply Kr by the multipliers for temperature, pH

to degrade-ECs
  ask enzymes [form-complex]
  ask enzymes [dissociate]
  ask ECs [react-forward]

to form-complex
  ifelse pause-time < 0 ;;Enzymes won't reform immediately after dissociating
  [set pause-time pause-time + 1]
  [if partner = nobody and (any? other ECs-here with [partner = nobody and not taken]) [ ;;and random Kc = 0 [
    set partner one-of (other ECs-here with [partner = nobody and not taken])
    set complexes-formed complexes-formed + 1
    let h heading
    ask partner [
      set partner myself
      set hidden? true
      move-to partner ;;These two make it so the EC matches the Enzyme position exactly.
      set heading h   ;;if they dissociate it will look like a clean separation
    set shape "complex"

to react-forward
  if (partner != nobody and not taken) [
    set locked-time locked-time + 1 ;;Won't react forward right after joining.
    if locked-time > 25 and random Kr = 0
      [ ;set breed products
        ;set color green
        ;set shape "substrate"
        ;set hidden? false
        ask partner [
          set partner nobody
          set shape "enzyme"
          set color white
          set age age - 15] ;;Age lowers so enzyme won't die right after leaving complex. That would be confusing for the user
        set partner nobody

to dissociate
  if partner != nobody and random Kd = 0
      [set dissociated dissociated + 1
       set pause-time -15
       ask partner [
          set partner nobody
          set hidden? false
          set locked-time 0]
        set partner nobody
        set shape "enzyme"
        set age age - 15 ;;Age lowers so enzyme won't die right after leaving complex. That would be confusing for the user

There are 4 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Quinn Gebeaux over 1 year ago Updated Main Model Download this version
Quinn Gebeaux almost 2 years ago Now fungi species have different values Download this version
Quinn Gebeaux almost 2 years ago Improved Fungi Growth and removed unnecessary options. Download this version
Quinn Gebeaux almost 2 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Fungal Bioremediation.png preview Model Image almost 2 years ago, by Quinn Gebeaux Download

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