Popup HUD - part 2 of 2

Popup HUD - part 2 of 2 preview image

1 collaborator

Army_coat_pix R. Wade Schuette (Author)



Tagged by R. Wade Schuette over 2 years ago


Tagged by R. Wade Schuette over 2 years ago

Visible to everyone | Changeable by the author
Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.2 • Viewed 202 times • Downloaded 8 times • Run 0 times
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;; This is "callable-HUD.nlogo" and is one of a pair of models which are both required
;; This uses the LevelSpace ("ls") extension and will not run over the web. You must download it.
;; This needs to be put in the same directory as "HUD-enabled-model.nlogo"
;; These are filed in the Netlogo Modeling Commons as "Popup-HUD part 1 of 2" and "Popup-HUD part 2 of 2"

globals [ is-update-ready?
   ;; version ;; slider, version of unique data set.  Start counting at 1
   dirty-bit ;; true or false, is an update actually required?
   prior-number prior-size prior-shape  ;; track to see if an update is required

;; which version of settings is this?

to setup
  clear-all  ;; which does NOT clear the sliders!
  set has-setup-run? true

  ;; read the sliders
  set prior-number number-of-turtles
  set prior-size size-of-turtles
  set prior-shape shape-of-turtles

  set version 1
  set last-version-read 9
  set dirty-bit true

  set is-update-ready? false
  create-turtles 1 [ set heading 0 set size 3 set shape "turtle" ]
  set status "idle"

to pause
  set auto-update? false

to go
  if not is-boolean? has-setup-run? [ setup ]
  if  ( auto-update? = false)  [ print "The auto-update switch is off! Stopping." stop ]
  if needs-update [ request-update ]
  wait 0.25  ;; limit maximum rate of checking, in seconds

to-report needs-update
  ;; don't ask for an update if nothing has changed
  ;; reads current sliders, compares to laast settings

  if not (( prior-number = number-of-turtles ) and
       ( prior-size = size-of-turtles ) and
       (  prior-shape = shape-of-turtles )   )
    [ set dirty-bit true
      set prior-number number-of-turtles
      set prior-size size-of-turtles
      set prior-shape shape-of-turtles

  report dirty-bit

to document-update
  output-print (word "\n== version # " version "\nprepared at tick " ticks "\n")
  output-print (word "number-of-turtles: " number-of-turtles)
  output-print (word  "size-of-turtles: " size-of-turtles )
  output-type ( "shape-of-turtles: ")
  output-write (  shape-of-turtles)
  output-type "\n"
  output-print ( "waiting...")

to request-update
  ;; sets flag to tell parent it's ok to read this now
    set  dirty-bit  true

    set version ( version + 1 )
    set is-update-ready? true
    if ( document-updates?) [ document-update]
    set status "ready"

to mark-update-complete
  set dirty-bit false
  if ( document-updates?) [ output-print "completed." ]

;Copyright(c) 2022 by R. Wade Schuette ( wade.schuette@gmail.com) Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) You are free to:
;Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
;Adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
;Under the following terms:
;Attribution — You must give appropriate credit and indicate if changes were made.
;You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
;No additional restrictions —
;You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
;No warranty is made of fitness for any purpose

There is only one version of this model, created over 2 years ago by R. Wade Schuette.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Popup HUD - part 2 of 2.png preview Preview for 'Popup HUD - part 2 of 2' over 2 years ago, by R. Wade Schuette Download

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