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globals [XC YC] patches-own [ R ] to setup clear-all ;;set VERBOSE true; ;; make some patches, forest is all resistance <= 2 ask patches [ set R 2.1 + random-float 5 set pcolor yellow] ask patches [ if pxcor > 12 and pycor > 8 and pycor < 12 [set R 1 + random-float 1 set pcolor green]] ;; compute centroid of the green set XC mean [pxcor] of patches with [ pcolor = green ] set YC mean [pycor] of patches with [ pcolor = green ] if VERBOSE [ print (word " centroid of green is (" XC " , " YC " ) ") ] ask patch XC YC [ set pcolor ( green + 2 ) ] ;; I'll use test of R to determine when to stop create-turtles NUMTURTLES [ set size 2 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set shape "turtle" ] ask turtles [pen-down] reset-ticks end to go if ( 0 = count turtles with [ R > 2 ] ) [ stop ] ;; since turtles don't own a variable R the next statement checks the patch each turtle is on for an R value ask turtles with [ R > 2 ] [ ;; get my distance from the forest centroid let Z distancexy XC YC if VERBOSE [ print (word " x: " xcor " y: " ycor "patch R: " R " Z = " Z ) ] ;; get a list of my neighbors let nearbylist [self] of neighbors if VERBOSE [ print ( word "neighbors of turtle " who "shows") ] ;; create a list of indices let listplace n-values ( length nearbylist) [ i -> i] ;; create a list of distance of each neighbor from the forest centroid let dlist []; foreach nearbylist [ x -> ask (patch xc yc) [ set dlist lput distance x dlist] ] if VERBOSE [ show dlist ] ;; let's be sure we have this correctly, so report the patch and the distance if VERBOSE [ foreach listplace [ x -> print (word x " " ( item x nearbylist) " is " ( item x dlist) " from XC YC" )]] if VERBOSE [ print ( word " and I am now distance " Z " from XC YC " ) ] if VERBOSE [ print "so i need to discard items further away from me to get a new better short candiate list "] ;; create a list of just those neighbors closer to the forest centroid than I am let shortlist []; foreach listplace [ x -> if item x dlist < Z [ set shortlist lput item x nearbylist shortlist ]] if VERBOSE [ show shortlist ] if VERBOSE [ print " and these patches have these resistances "] if VERBOSE [ foreach shortlist [ x -> ask x [ print R ] ] ] ;; create a list of the resistances of those candidates for my next move let rlist [ ] foreach shortlist [ x -> ask x [set rlist lput R rlist] ] if VERBOSE [ show rlist ] ;; find the smallest resistance ( may be duplicated ) let minr min rlist if VERBOSE [ print (word "min resistance is " minr )] ;; find the first neighbor with the minimum resistance ( stops looking when it finds one ) set listplace n-values (length shortlist) [ i -> i] if VERBOSE [ print (word " listplace is now : " listplace) ] ;; initialize target to something in all cases so the compiler is happy let target patch 0 0 if VERBOSE [ print "target initialized" ] foreach listplace [ x -> if ( item x rlist = minr ) [ set target ( item x shortlist ) ] ] if VERBOSE [ print ( word "moving to " target )] move-to target ] tick end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 4 years ago by R. Wade Schuette.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
forest-seekers.png | preview | Preview for 'forest-seekers' | almost 4 years ago, by R. Wade Schuette | Download |
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