
goal-seeking-boids preview image

1 collaborator

Army_coat_pix R. Wade Schuette (Author)



Tagged by R. Wade Schuette about 4 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.0 • Viewed 284 times • Downloaded 77 times • Run 0 times
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;; MODEL NAME:   goal-seeking-boids-v2-1py
;; DATE:  written 14-Nov-2019
;;       01-Feb-2011  uploaded first version to modeling commons
;;                    latest version updated 1-Feb-2021 at 6:28 AM CST (Chicago time zone )
;;       14-Oct-2021  Modified to allow rerunning random-seed values.
;;                    Tests for running netlogo-web. If local, allows importing landscape and saving snapshots
;;                    added "maxwealth" and "stepsize" to turtles-own variables
;;  TRANSIENT Work in process
;;      *  migrate local-gorup-horizon to all instances of everyone, wej ust put it in everyone uphill
;;      *  correction for angles near 360 has only been applied to every plus uphill case
;; known bugs:
;;  *  prints stopped when all turtles succeeded twice in output
;;  *  on stop for everyone,  neither of the plots are accurate, and the last 45 or so never are caught
;;  *  motion can get locked up in a corner

 ;;============ UN-comment the next line if you are running locally! =================
 ; extensions [view2.5d]
 ;; ==================================================================================

globals [

  stop-now?        ;; stop flag for subroutines to back up to the go command
  patch-count      ;; for this size display
  on-peak-count    ;; number of turtles on the peak
  peak-height      ;; height of highest patch
  my-center        ;; weighted centroid of all the agents, or possibly of VISIBLE nearby agents
  timestamp        ;; updated date-and-time to show on interface, only updated when taking snapshot
  stop-at-tick     ;; stop run when ticks >= stop-at-tick
  filechoice       ;; imported landscape jpg file name, if any

  ;; global variables defined by the interface controls
  ;; note - these are NOT cleared by "clear-globals" or "clear-all"
  ;; ===============================================
  ;; randomseed   ;; ( added 13-Oct-2021 )
  ;; number-of-hits
  ;; turtle-count
  ;; rule-to-use
  ;; leave-a-trail?
  ;; run-title
  ;; turtle-color
  ;; turtle-shape
  ;; landscape-source
  ;; noise?
  ;; noise-size
  ;; noise-density
  ;; group-weight
  ;; timestamp
  ;; braking-pct   ( insert a wait X seconds into the end of the go loop for fine tuning)

;;; ============== automater's globals begin ====================
;  working-directory   ;; the operating system working directory
;  command-file        ;; where the commands will be read from
;  output-file         ;; optional, where output from the go step can be written
;  log-file            ;; a log of what commands were executed
;  run-title           ;; whatever you want to name this run
;  show-commands-as-run?        ;; controls whether you want to see commands as they are run
;  use-sample-input-file?       ;; if true, generates a file called test-01-input.txt to use
;                               ;; as input for this model.
;                               ;; This will destroy an existing file of that name!
;;; ================ automater's globals end =====================


  maxwealth ;; maximum wealth turtle has ever seen - 10/13/21
  wealth    ;; just equal to the pcolor of the patch the turtle is on
  prior-wealth ;; wealth before this latest step
  old-heading  ;; actually exponentially smoothed history of prior headings
  inertia      ;;  [0,1], turtle specific, weight of old-heading in updated heading, defaults to zero
  empathy      ;;  [0,1] actually misnamed to be shorter, susceptibility to group peer pressure
  step-size-multiplier    ;;  10/13/21
  good-step-count ;; counts number of steps with improving height
  my-heading-uphill ;; before step
  my-heading-group  ;; before step

patches-own [

to setup

      if ( netlogo-web? = false )
      print "\n ================================== \n If you get an error that VIEW2.5:PATCH-VIEW is undefined, \n  uncomment out the EXTENSION definition in the first line of actual code \n ================================== \n";

   let mystr88 "Test"

    if  ( netlogo-web? = false )
     run " view2.5d:patch-view  mystr88  [ [the-patch] -> [height] of the-patch ] "
     run " view2.5d:set-z-scale mystr88  zfactor "

  ;; we persist randomseed across runs by putting the prior value in the "local" variable "oldseed"
  ;; but if that has never been set, we need to set it as well.

  if (reuse-seed? = false ) [ set randomseed  ( random 999999 )  ]
  ;; note, if randomseed is not reset above, the value from the interface input box will persist
  random-seed randomseed

  set timestamp date-and-time
  set stop-now? false

 ;; no-display  ( won't work over the web ! )
  if landscape-source = "generated" [make-landscape  ]
  if landscape-source = "imported"  [import-landscape]
;;  display( won't work over the web ! )
  set my-center (patch 0 0)   ;; weighted centroid of the agents, dynamically updated
  ;;======================================= automaters commands begin
  ;; setup-automater
  ;;======================================= automaters commands end
  set stop-at-tick max-ticks ;; stop normally if time is reached

  ask patches [ set basepcolor pcolor ]
  ask patches [ ifelse  ( count turtles-here > 0 ) [ set pcolor green][set pcolor basepcolor]]

to prepare-outputs  ;; called once during setup
  ;; select external log and output files here, if any

  ;; write experiment title and date to output area

  output-print run-title
  output-print timestamp  ;; set at start of run, not output date-and-time !
  output-print " "
  output-print (word "turtle-count: " turtle-count)
  output-print (word "rule-to-use: " rule-to-use)
  output-print (word "landscape: " landscape-source)

  if (landscape-source = "imported")
    [output-print (word "file: " filechoice)]

  ;; other experimental settings could be output here
  output-print "  "

  ;; write column headers to the output area

       rule-to-use = "single: wander"              [ output-print (word "turtle "   " ticks "   )  ]
       rule-to-use = "single: go-uphill"           [ output-print (word "turtle "   " ticks "    )  ]
       rule-to-use = "single: find-everyone"       [ output-print (word "turtle "   " ticks "   " group-weight: "   )  ]
       rule-to-use = "pair: uphill with inertia"   [ output-print (word "turtle "   " ticks "   " inertia "  )  ]
       rule-to-use = "pair: uphill with everyone"  [ output-print (word "turtle "   " ticks "   " group-weight "  )  ]
       rule-to-use = "triple: use all three"       [ output-print (word "turtle "   " ticks "   " group-weight "   " inertia "   )  ]
        ; else commands
    [ error (word " unexpected rule-to-use choice: " rule-to-use) ]

to import-landscape  ;; only if local. Won't compile in netlogo-web.
  ifelse ( netlogo-web? = false )
    let msg1 "starting runstring"
    let msg2 " no file selected! "
    let msg3 "Importing image file "
    let msg4 " failed, so generating the image locally"
    let msg5 "generated"
    let msg6 "You asked to import this landscape file: "
    let runstring
       ( word
           " print msg1 "
           " set filechoice user-file "
           " if-else filechoice = false "
           "  [ "
           "     print msg2 "
           "     print (word  msg3 user-file msg4)  "
           "     set landscape-source msg5  "
           "     make-landscape "
           "  ]  "
           "  [  "
           "     print (word msg6 filechoice)     "
           "    import-pcolors filechoice  "
           "    ask  max-one-of patches [pcolor] [set peak-height pcolor]  "
           "    ask patches [ set height pcolor] "
           " ] "
    run runstring
  [ print "Landscapes can only be imported if this model is downloaded and run locally! "]

to trackwho
  inspect turtle monturtle

to go

    ask patches [ ifelse  ( count turtles-here    > 0 ) [ set pcolor green][set pcolor basepcolor]]
    let mystr88 "Test"

    if  ( netlogo-web? = false )
    run "view2.5d:set-z-scale mystr88 zfactor"
    run "view2.5d:update-all-patch-views"

  ;; WARNING -- this will not print final output if stopped by interface
  if stop-now? [ print "Stop was requested by a subroutine" stop ]

  if ticks > stop-at-tick [wrap-up-run stop]  ;; prevent runaway models from consuming computer time

  if all? turtles [on-peak?]
  [    wrap-up-run stop ]

    if stop-now? [ print "Stop was requested by a subroutine." stop ]
    if stop-now? [ error "stop was requested but failed" ]

  if braking-pct > 0 [ wait ( braking-pct / 100) ]  ;; slowdown despite top master speed switch


to wrap-up-run ;; wrap up the entire run
  ;; this is a place-holder
  ;; print "any wrapping up will go here", such as writing output to a file

  if (ticks >= stop-at-tick) [
    print (word "stopped at time limit, ticks = " ticks)
    output-print (word "stopped at time limit, ticks = " ticks)

  if (stop-now?)   [
    print (word "stopped unexpectedly, ticks = " ticks)
    output-print (word "stopped unexpectedly, ticks = " ticks)

   if-else (all? turtles [on-peak?])  [
    print (word "stopped when all turtles succeeded, ticks = " ticks)
    output-print (word "stopped when all turtles succeeded, ticks = " ticks)
    print ( word "count of turtles not yet on the peak: " count turtles with [on-peak? = false] )
    output-print ( word "count of turtles not yet on the peak: " count turtles with [on-peak? = false] )

   ;; for inertia plot, set the time to 100 and plot the straglers
      if   rule-to-use = "pair: uphill with inertia"   [

            set-current-plot "inertia-influence"
            ;;plotxy inertia ticks

             ask turtles with [on-peak? = false ]
                 let cluster-show 98 + random-float 2
                 plotxy inertia cluster-show  ;
                 output-print   (word   " ? " "        " cluster-show )

  ;; for group plot, set the time to 100 and plot the straglers
     if   rule-to-use = "pair: uphill with everyone"   [

            set-current-plot "social-influence"

            ask turtles with [on-peak? = false ]
                  let cluster-show2 98 + random-float 2
                  plotxy empathy cluster-show2 ;
                  output-print   (word   " ? " "        " cluster-show2  "       " 1.0 " (forced) "       )


to update-status

 set on-peak-count count turtles with [on-peak?]

;; ======================================================= automater code begins
;;   file-open output-file
;;   file-print (word "turtles on peak: " on-peak-count)
;;======================================================== automater code ends

to-report local-group-center ;; for each agent, vision limited by horizon ( or links ? )
   ;; side-effect:  this sets the global variable my-center
  let sumx 0
  let sumy 0
  let sumx-wealth 0
  let sumy-wealth 0

  let numnearby count turtles with [ (distance myself  )  < horizon]
  print ( word "nearby turtle count " numnearby)
  ask turtles with [ (distance myself  )  < horizon]   [
    set sumx sumx +(pxcor * wealth)
    set sumx-wealth sumx-wealth + wealth

    set sumy sumy +(pycor * wealth)
    set sumy-wealth sumy-wealth + wealth

  ;; at set-up avoid division by zero
  if-else ( sumx-wealth > 0 )
  [ set sumx sumx / sumx-wealth
    set sumy sumy / sumy-wealth]
  [ set sumx 0  set sumy 0 ]       ;; put centroid in the center on first pass

  report (patch sumx sumy)

  ;report (list sumx sumy)

to-report centroid      ;; compute center of the swarm, weighted by wealth

  ;; side-effect:  this sets the global variable my-center
  let sumx 0
  let sumy 0
  let sumx-wealth 0
  let sumy-wealth 0

  ask turtles [
    set sumx sumx +(pxcor * wealth)
    set sumx-wealth sumx-wealth + wealth

    set sumy sumy +(pycor * wealth)
    set sumy-wealth sumy-wealth + wealth

  ;; at set-up avoid division by zero
  if-else ( sumx-wealth > 0 )
  [ set sumx sumx / sumx-wealth
    set sumy sumy / sumy-wealth]
  [ set sumx 0  set sumy 0 ]       ;; put centroid in the center on first pass

  set my-center (patch sumx sumy)

  report (list sumx sumy)

; =========== turtle movement commands ===============

to wrap-up-step  ;;    Utility, called by every rule, in every step, in a turtle context
    set wealth height ;   transfer patch parameter to a turtle parameter

    ;; This output relies on the various move steps ONLY being called for
    ;; turtles that were not already at peak height.  Otherwise, this
    ;; will generate way too much output!!

    if  height = peak-height   ;; did we just reach the peak?
        set on-peak? true
        set color green
        set label ""

          rule-to-use = "single: wander"              [ output-print (word   who "        " ticks                        )  ]
          rule-to-use = "single: go-uphill"           [ output-print (word   who "        " ticks                        )  ]
          rule-to-use = "single: find-everyone"       [ output-print (word   who "        " ticks  "       " group-weight    )  ]
          rule-to-use = "pair: uphill with inertia"
            output-print (word   who "        " ticks  "       " inertia         )
            set-current-plot "inertia-influence"
            set-current-plot-pen "default"
            plotxy inertia ticks
          rule-to-use = "pair: uphill with everyone"
          output-print (word   who "        " ticks  "       " group-weight    )
          set-current-plot "social-influence"
          set-current-plot-pen "default"
          plotxy empathy ticks
          rule-to-use = "triple: use all three"
            output-print (word   who "        " ticks  "       " group-weight "       " inertia )
            set-current-plot "inertia-influence"
            set-current-plot-pen "default"
            plotxy inertia ticks

            set-current-plot "social-influence"
            set-current-plot-pen "default"
            plotxy empathy ticks
           ; else commands
          [ error (word " unexpected rule-to-use choice: " rule-to-use) ] )

to go-wander

    ask turtles with [not on-peak?] [

      set heading heading + random 45
      set heading heading - random 45

      step-or-reverse ( 1 )

      ;;set wealth height

to step-or-reverse [ size-of-step ]

         set prior-wealth height
         if-else  can-move? size-of-step  [forward (size-of-step * step-size-multiplier)][ set heading heading + 180 forward ( size-of-step * step-size-multiplier) ]

         ifelse ( dynamic-speed? = true )
         ;; following variable step-size control is experimental 14-Oct-2021
         set wealth height
         if ( wealth > maxwealth) [ set maxwealth wealth ]
         ifelse ( wealth > prior-wealth )
                  if ( good-step-count < 0) [set good-step-count 0]
                  set good-step-count ( good-step-count + 1 )
                    if ( good-step-count > 0) [set good-step-count 0]
                    set good-step-count ( good-step-count - 1 )
         set step-size-multiplier ( 1 +  ( good-step-count / 5 ) )
         if ( step-size-multiplier > 5 ) [ set step-size-multiplier 5]
         if ( step-size-multiplier < 0.2) [ set step-size-multiplier 0.2 ]
  [ set step-size-multiplier 1 ]

to-report uphill-heading
    ;; heading is in degrees , 0 to 360
    ;; hard-codes a search radius

    let search-radius 2.5

   ;; ask turtles with [not on-peak?] [
        let old-patch patch-here
        let neighborhood patches with [ distance myself < search-radius ]
        let target max-one-of neighborhood [height ]
        face target             ;; WARNING -- side-effect
        report heading
   ;; ]

to go-uphill
     ;; hard-codes a step size
     let step-size 1

     ask turtles with [not on-peak?] [
     set heading uphill-heading

     step-or-reverse ( 1 )


to go-find-everyone  ;;  centroid and my-center needs to be refactored

   ;; first, comput the  weighted centroid of all the turtles
   let new-centroid (list 0 0)
   set new-centroid centroid  ;; sets global my-center as side-effect
                              ;; computes new-centroid but only uses the side effect
                              ;; WARNING -- twisted way of simply setting my-center

   ask turtles with [not on-peak?] [

       ;; let old-patch patch-here ;; obsolete??
       face my-center
       step-or-reverse ( 1 )

to go-uphill-inertia   ;; draft

    ask turtles with [not on-peak?] [

         set label inertia

         let old-patch patch-here ;;  used????

         let heading-uphill uphill-heading

         set heading ( inertia * old-heading) + (1 - inertia) * heading-uphill
         step-or-reverse ( 1 )
         set old-heading heading ;;   this is a turtle-own variable


to go-use-all-rules    ;; runs but not validated, not even one full walk-through

    ;; first, compute the  weighted centroid of all the turtles
   let new-centroid (list 0 0)
   if ticks > 1 [ set new-centroid centroid ]  ;; can't run on first tick because weath is zero and get division error
   ;;  type "centroid is " show new-centroid

  ask turtles with [not on-peak?] [

    let old-patch patch-here

    ;; let's find what heading goes uphill

    let target max-one-of neighbors [height]
    face target
    let heading-uphill heading

    ;; ok soften that with inertia

           set heading-uphill ( inertia * old-heading) + (1 - inertia) * heading-uphill

         set old-heading heading ;;   this is a turtle-own variable

    face my-center
    let heading-group heading

    set heading (empathy)*(heading-group) + (1 - empathy)*(heading-uphill)
   ;; set heading (group-weight)*(heading-group) + (1 - group-weight)*(heading-uphill)

    step-or-reverse ( 1 )
    set old-heading heading ;;   this is a turtle-own variable


to go-uphill-everyone  ;;draft

   ;; first, comput the  weighted centroid of all the turtles
   let new-centroid (list 0 0)
   if ticks > 1 [ set new-centroid centroid ]  ;; can't run on first tick because weath is zero and get division error
   ;;  type "centroid is " show new-centroid

  ask turtles with [not on-peak?] [

    let old-patch patch-here

    ;; let's find what heading goes uphill

    let target max-one-of neighbors [height]
    face target
    let heading-uphill heading

    ifelse ( limit-horizon? = true ) [ face local-group-center ] [ face my-center]
    face my-center  ;; <&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& if we limit horizon I think it can create polarization , split up groups.
    let heading-group heading

    set  my-heading-uphill heading-uphill
    set  my-heading-group heading-group

    if (( heading-uphill > 270) and ( heading-group < 90 )) [ set heading-uphill ( heading-uphill - 360 ) ]
    if (( heading-uphill < 90 ) and ( heading-group > 270 )) [ set heading-group ( heading-group - 360 ) ]

    set heading (empathy)*(heading-group) + (1 - empathy)*(heading-uphill)
   ;; set heading (group-weight)*(heading-group) + (1 - group-weight)*(heading-uphill)

    step-or-reverse ( 1 )


;================end of turtle movement commands =======

to snapshot   ;;  save a picture of the whole interface to disk,   bare bones draft only
  ;; ask for a file-name
  ;; This should set a directory and base file name then increment a number add .jpg and save silently
  set timestamp date-and-time

  ifelse ( netlogo-web? = true )
      print " export snapshot only works locally "
     run "export-interface user-new-file"

  ;; UNCOMMENT the next line to save a snapshot of the image to disk only works locally won't compile netlogo web
  ;; export-interface user-new-file
  ;; print OK

to apologize
  print " that function is not yet working!"
  set stop-now? true

to move-turtles

  if-else leave-a-trail? [ ask turtles [ pen-down ]]   [ ask turtles [ pen-up ]]

  rule-to-use = "single: wander"              [ go-wander          ]
  rule-to-use = "single: go-uphill"           [ go-uphill          ]
  rule-to-use = "single: find-everyone"       [ go-find-everyone   ]
  rule-to-use = "pair: uphill with inertia"   [ go-uphill-inertia  ]
  rule-to-use = "pair: uphill with everyone"  [ go-uphill-everyone ]
  rule-to-use = "triple: use all three"       [ go-use-all-rules   ]
   ; else commands
    [ error (word " unexpected rule-to-use choice: " rule-to-use) ]

  ;;set stop-now? false

to make-landscape
  set patch-count count  patches;
  ask patch -7 -4  [set pcolor 125]  ;; always make at least one hill
  if number-of-hills >= 2 [  ask patch  3 6  [set pcolor 95] ]
  if number-of-hills >= 3 [  ask patch  7 -5  [set pcolor 75] ]

  repeat 15 [ diffuse pcolor 1]  ;; smooth that out somewhat

    if noise?
  [ ask N-of (  noise-density * patch-count) patches [set pcolor pcolor + noise-size]  ]

   repeat 2 [ diffuse pcolor 1]  ;; smooth the noise

  ask  max-one-of patches [pcolor] [set peak-height pcolor]
  ask patches [ set height pcolor]
  ask patches [ set pcolor scale-color red height 0 peak-height ]

to make-turtles

  ; set the turtle color from the user menu
  let use-color green  ;; default
  if turtle-color = "green" [ set use-color green ]
  if turtle-color = "white" [ set use-color white ]
  if turtle-color = "black" [ set use-color black ]
  if turtle-color = "red"   [ set use-color red ]

   create-turtles turtle-count [      ;;  turtle-count is set by a slider
     setxy random-xcor random-ycor
     set on-peak? FALSE
     set color use-color
     set size 2
     set shape turtle-shape
     set wealth 0
     set maxwealth 0
     set good-step-count 0
     set   step-size-multiplier 1.0

    if-else ( randomize-inertia? )  [
      set inertia precision (random-float 1) 2
    [ set inertia inertia-static ]

     if-else ( randomize-group-weight? )
      [set empathy precision (random-float 1) 2 ]                ;; set to random uniform on [0,1]
      [set empathy group-weight]                                 ;; set in slider

to help
  ;; UNCOMMENT this section if you have a help file on your local PC

;if-else file-exists? "help-for-goals.txt"
;  [
;    file-open "help-for-goals.txt"
;    while [not file-at-end? ]
;    [print file-read-line]
;    file-close
;  ]
;  [
    print "The help file 'help-for-goals.txt' was not found!"
;  ]

There are 10 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
R. Wade Schuette over 3 years ago try again hide view2.5 from web Download this version
R. Wade Schuette over 3 years ago adapted so view2d is hidden to web Download this version
R. Wade Schuette over 3 years ago fixed some headings, add horizon, track Download this version
R. Wade Schuette over 3 years ago removed python, added set rand seed Download this version
R. Wade Schuette over 3 years ago added python to persist random seed Download this version
R. Wade Schuette about 4 years ago commented out local-only code Download this version
R. Wade Schuette about 4 years ago removed export interface option on web Download this version
R. Wade Schuette about 4 years ago removed background image impoort for web Download this version
R. Wade Schuette about 4 years ago removed display comamnds Download this version
R. Wade Schuette about 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
goal-seeking-boids.png preview Preview for 'goal-seeking-boids' about 4 years ago, by R. Wade Schuette Download

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