COVID-19 with social distancing

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1 collaborator

Iron_label_brush_2 CJ Castillo (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1 • Viewed 652 times • Downloaded 19 times • Run 0 times
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breed[healthys healthy]
;;healthys-own [color shape]
breed[sicks sick]
sicks-own [recovery]
turtles-own [susceptibility job PPE speed] ;;Probability of contracting the disease
;;either citizen, enforcer, health care professional
;; Yes or No. If the human has PPE, his susceptibility decreases.
;;status is either healthy, sick (infected), recovered, carrier (carrier has no symptoms but is infected)

to setup
  create-healthys 100 [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set susceptibility random-float 1
    set shape "person"
    set color green
    set breed healthys
    set job "Citizen"
    set heading random 360
    set speed 0.1

to infect ;; creates an infection
 create-sicks 1 [
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set heading random 360
    set shape "person"
    set breed sicks
    set color red
    set job "citizen"
    set recovery random-float .5
 ask one-of healthys [
    set breed sicks
    set color red
    set shape "person"
    set recovery random-float .5
    set speed 0.00001

to go
  ask turtles [
    let current-turtle self
    forward speed display
    if distance current-turtle < 1 + (count sicks) [
      set heading heading + (random-float 5 - random-float 5)]

to epidemic
  ask sicks [
    let current-sick self
    ask healthys with [distance current-sick < 1] [
      set breed sicks
      set color red
      set shape "person"
      set recovery random-float 1
      set speed 0.00001

to get-well
  ask sicks [
    set recovery recovery + (random-float .5) - (random-float .5)
    if recovery > .8 [
      set breed healthys
      set shape "person"
      set color green
      set speed 0.1

to plot-agents
  plot count sicks
  plot count healthys

to stay-away
  ask sicks [
    let current-sick self
    ask healthys with [distance current-sick < (count sicks)] [
      set heading towards current-sick
      set heading heading + 180

to turn-away [new-heading max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-at-most (subtract-headings heading new-heading) max-turn

to turn-at-most [turn max-turn]  ;; turtle procedure
  ifelse abs turn > max-turn
    [ ifelse turn > 0
        [ rt max-turn ]
        [ lt max-turn ] ]
    [ rt turn ]

There is only one version of this model, created over 4 years ago by CJ Castillo.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
COVID-19 with social distancing.png preview Preview for 'COVID-19 with social distancing' over 4 years ago, by CJ Castillo Download

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