Macros for marginalization
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breed [qms qm] breed [confs conf] breed [rebels rebel] breed [devs dev] globals [ trait-list confs-culture qms-culture rebels-culture devs-culture ;; from here to the end of the globals list are variables that are needed for analysis of the model initial-confs initial-devs initial-rebels initial-qms qms-diff confs-diff rebels-diff devs-diff conf-qm dev-qm rebel-dev conf-dev rebel-qm conf-rebel c-pop qm-pop d-pop r-pop ] turtles-own [ my-culture partner change changeable? total-partners generation] to setup ca reset-ticks set-default-shape turtles "circle" let n 0 set trait-list [] ;; compile list of traits. this wil be used later for compiling cultures. repeat 60 [ set trait-list lput n trait-list set n n + 1 ] ask patches with [pxcor > 0 and pycor > 0][ set pcolor white] ask patches with [pxcor <= 0 and pycor > 0][ set pcolor gray] ask patches with [pxcor <= 0 and pycor <= 0][ set pcolor pink ] ask patches with [pxcor > 0 and pycor <= 0] [set pcolor violet] make-turtles ask turtles [ set partner nobody ] end to go tick clear-links interact-step-1 analyze-cultures switch-breeds die-and-replace output-similarities output-diff if ((mean [generation] of turtles) >= 2) and ((mean [total-partners] of turtles) >= 500) [stop] end to make-turtles ;;; creates turtles, assigns to breeds, assigns primary traits and secondary traits. ;;; One is hatched, creates the rest, and then dies. create-confs 1 [set color orange set size .5 set confs-culture [ 1 2 3 4 5 16 19 20] set initial-confs confs-culture hatch 120 [ set my-culture [confs-culture] of self set-culture move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = violet] set total-partners 0 set change 0 ] die] create-qms 1 [set color green set size .5 set qms-culture [ 1 2 3 7 10 13 17 18 ] set initial-qms qms-culture hatch 2 [ set my-culture [qms-culture] of self set-culture move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = white] set total-partners 0 set change 0 ] die] create-rebels 1 [set color black set size .5 set rebels-culture [ 4 15 7 8 9 14 17 18 ] set initial-rebels rebels-culture hatch 8 [ set my-culture [rebels-culture] of self set-culture move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = pink] set total-partners 0 set change 0 ] die] create-devs 1 [set color red set size .5 set devs-culture [ 6 8 9 11 12 13 21 22 ] set initial-devs devs-culture hatch 70 [ set my-culture [devs-culture] of self set-culture move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = grey] set total-partners 0 set change 0 ] die] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; these are the procedures for giving the turtles their cultures. to set-culture ifelse (num-traits - length my-culture) > 0 [ repeat (num-traits - length my-culture) [ pick-new-trait ]] [ while [length my-culture > num-traits] [set my-culture remove-item random (length my-culture) my-culture]] ;; defensive coding end to pick-new-trait ;; fills out secondary traits and ensures no doubles of traits. let new-trait random 38 + 22 ifelse not member? new-trait my-culture [ set my-culture lput new-trait my-culture][ pick-new-trait] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; now we write the code for the turtles to interact to interact-step-1 ask turtles [ let p one-of my-culture let potential-partners other turtles with [member? p my-culture] ;; sets agentset to turtles with value p ; show potential-partners set partner one-of potential-partners ; show partner if (partner != nobody) [ create-link-with partner [set color 125] ; show count link-neighbors set total-partners total-partners + count my-links ; show total-partners if resistance-level = "low" [low-interact-step-2] if resistance-level = "mid" [mid-interact-step-2] if resistance-level = "high" [hi-interact-step-2] ] ] end to low-interact-step-2 if is-dev? self [ if is-qm? partner and random-float 1 > .95 [ move-traits] if is-rebel? partner and random-float 1 > .4 [ move-traits] if is-conf? partner and random-float 1 > .9 [ move-traits] if is-dev? partner [ move-traits] ] if is-conf? self[ if is-qm? partner and random-float 1 > .95 [ move-traits] if is-rebel? partner and random-float 1 > .9 [ move-traits] if is-dev? partner [] ;a conf will never take on properties of a dev if is-conf? partner [ move-traits] ] if is-qm? self [ if is-conf? partner [] ;; a qm will never take on properties of a dev if is-rebel? partner [] ;; a qm will never take on properties of a dev if is-dev? partner [] ;; a qm will never take on properties of a dev if is-qm? partner [ move-traits] ] if is-rebel? self [ if is-qm? partner and random-float 1 > .8 [ move-traits] if is-conf? partner [] ;; a rebel will never take on properties of a conf if is-dev? partner [] ;; a rebel will never take on properties of a dev if is-rebel? partner [ move-traits] ] end to mid-interact-step-2 if is-dev? self [ if is-qm? partner and random-float 1 > .97 [ move-traits] if is-rebel? partner and random-float 1 > .6 [ move-traits] if is-conf? partner and random-float 1 > .925 [ move-traits] if is-dev? partner [ move-traits] ] if is-conf? self[ if is-qm? partner and random-float 1 > .9625[ move-traits] if is-rebel? partner and random-float 1 > .925 [ move-traits] if is-dev? partner and random-float 1 > .8 [ move-traits] if is-conf? partner [ move-traits] ] if is-qm? self [ if is-conf? partner [] ;; a qm will never take on properties of a conf if is-rebel? partner [] ;; a qm will never take on properties of a rebel if is-dev? partner [] ;; a qm will never take on properties of a dev if is-qm? partner [ move-traits] ] if is-rebel? self [ if is-qm? partner and random-float 1 > .85 [ move-traits] if is-conf? partner [] ;; a rebel will never take on properties of a conf if is-dev? partner [] ;; a rebel will never take on properties of a dev if is-rebel? partner [ move-traits] ] end to hi-interact-step-2 if is-dev? self [ if is-qm? partner and random-float 1 > .99 [ move-traits] if is-rebel? partner and random-float 1 > .8 [ move-traits] if is-conf? partner and random-float 1 > .95 [ move-traits] if is-dev? partner [ move-traits] ] if is-conf? self[ if is-qm? partner and random-float 1 > .975 [ move-traits] if is-rebel? partner and random-float 1 > .95 [ move-traits] if is-dev? partner and random-float 1 > .6 [ move-traits] if is-conf? partner [ move-traits] ] if is-qm? self [ if is-conf? partner [] ;; a qm will never take on properties of a conf if is-rebel? partner [] ;; a qm will never take on properties of a rebel if is-dev? partner [] ;; a qm will never take on properties of a dev if is-qm? partner [ move-traits] ] if is-rebel? self [ if is-qm? partner and random-float 1 > .9 [ move-traits] if is-conf? partner [] ;; a rebel will never take on properties of a conf if is-dev? partner [] ;; a rebel will never take on properties of a dev if is-rebel? partner [ move-traits] ] end to move-traits ;; upon finding a partner, the calling agent replaces randomly chosen value with a randomly chosen value from the called agent. let n one-of [my-culture] of partner set my-culture replace-item (random num-traits) my-culture n end to analyze-cultures let full-confs-culture (compile-cultures confs confs-culture) let full-qms-culture (compile-cultures qms qms-culture) let full-rebels-culture (compile-cultures rebels rebels-culture) let full-devs-culture (compile-cultures devs devs-culture) let n1 (new-culture full-confs-culture) let n2 (new-culture full-qms-culture) let n3 (new-culture full-rebels-culture) let n4 (new-culture full-devs-culture) if length n1 >= 8 [set confs-culture n1 ] if length n2 >= 8 [set qms-culture n2 ] if length n3 >= 8 [set rebels-culture n3] if length n4 >= 8 [set devs-culture n4] end to-report compile-cultures [input-breed input-culture] ;; this reporter takes the traits from agents of input-breed and compiles them into one list set input-culture [] ;; empties out the input culture foreach trait-list [ ?1 -> ask turtles with [breed = input-breed] [ if member? ?1 my-culture [set input-culture lput ?1 input-culture] ] ] report input-culture end to-report new-culture [ culture-list ] ;; a reporter. for a breed B, takes as input the union of my-cultures for turtles of B. let temp-list [ ] ;; empty list that will report the 6 most frequently occuring values in culture-list let copy-list culture-list ;; list that takes culture-list as input let n modes copy-list ;;set n to the most frequently occuring value of the copy-list (i.e. the input list) if length n > 1 [repeat (length n) - 1 [set n remove-item (random length n) n]] ;; make sure n has only one item foreach n [ ?1 -> if member? ?1 copy-list [set copy-list remove ?1 copy-list] ] ;; removes n from the copy-list set temp-list n repeat 7 [ set n modes copy-list ;;set the temp-list to the most frequently occuring value of the copy-list (i.e. the input list) if length n > 1 [ ;; make sure n has only one item. repeat (length n) - 1 [ set n remove-item (random length n) n ;;if there are ties for the mode, losers are chosen at random until one is left. ] ] foreach n [ ?1 -> ;; remove the mode from the copy-list if member? ?1 copy-list [ set copy-list remove ?1 copy-list ] ] ;; add the mode to the temp-list foreach n [ ?1 -> if not member? ?1 temp-list [ set temp-list lput ?1 temp-list ] ] ] report temp-list end to switch-breeds ;; for a turtle to switch breeds, its my-culture should have the 6 core traits of the new breed. ask turtles [ set changeable? true ;; turtles can change breeds at the start of this procedure. once they've gone through the 'make-changes' routine, they can't change until the next time step. let p1s 0 ;; these are tickers to keep track of how many items in my-culture are in each BREED-culture let p2s 0 let p3s 0 let p4s 0 let short-my-culture remove-duplicates my-culture ;; philosophical question: when determining if an agent should belong to a culture, are we interested in matches on types or tokens? ;; if you're a type-person, comment the line following these notes and uncomment the one preceding. ;; if you're a token-person, comment the line preceding these notes and uncomment the following. ;; the results are different depending on which is run. ; let short-my-culture my-culture foreach short-my-culture [ ?1 -> if member? ?1 confs-culture [set p1s p1s + 1] if member? ?1 qms-culture [set p2s p2s + 1] if member? ?1 rebels-culture [set p3s p3s + 1] if member? ?1 devs-culture [ set p4s p4s + 1] ] if p2s >= 7 and p2s = p3s and changeable? = true [ifelse random 2 = 0 [set breed qms make-changes] [set breed rebels make-changes]] ;; check for any ties with cultures and then make changes at random if p2s >= 7 and p2s = p4s and changeable? = true [ifelse random 2 = 0 [set breed qms make-changes] [set breed devs make-changes]] if p3s >= 7 and p3s = p4s and changeable? = true [ifelse random 2 = 0 [set breed rebels make-changes] [set breed devs make-changes]] if p1s >= 7 and p1s = p2s and changeable? = true [ifelse random 2 = 0 [set breed confs make-changes] [set breed qms make-changes]] if p1s >= 7 and p1s = p3s and changeable? = true [ifelse random 2 = 0 [set breed confs make-changes] [set breed rebels make-changes]] if p1s >= 7 and p1s = p4s and changeable? = true [ifelse random 2 = 0 [set breed confs make-changes] [set breed devs make-changes]] if (p1s >= 7 or p2s >= 7 or p3s >= 7 or p4s >= 7) [ ;; if tickers exceed 8 if (p3s > p1s and p3s > p2s and p3s > p4s) and changeable? = true [set breed rebels make-changes] if (p4s > p1s and p4s > p2s and p4s > p3s) and changeable? = true [set breed devs make-changes] if (p1s > p2s and p1s > p3s and p1s > p4s) and changeable? = true [set breed confs make-changes] ;; then check for which culture best fits the agent if (p2s > p1s and p2s > p3s and p2s > p4s) and changeable? = true [set breed qms make-changes] ] ] end to make-changes ;; a little tidying up for the visuals if [breed] of self = confs [ set color orange set change change + 1 move violet if any? turtles-here [move violet] set changeable? false ] if [breed] of self = qms [ set color green set change change + 1 move white if any? turtles-here [move white] set changeable? false ] if [breed] of self = devs[ set color red set change change + 1 move gray if any? turtles-here [move grey] set changeable? false ] if [breed] of self = rebels [ set color black set change change + 1 move pink if any? turtles-here [move pink] set changeable? false ] end to move [clr] move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = clr] end to output-similarities ;; checks for similarities among cultures. let a sort remove-duplicates (sentence confs-culture qms-culture) set conf-qm 2 - (length a / 8) let b sort remove-duplicates (sentence devs-culture qms-culture) set dev-qm 2 - (length b / 8) let c sort remove-duplicates (sentence confs-culture devs-culture) set conf-dev 2 - (length c / 8) let d sort remove-duplicates (sentence rebels-culture devs-culture) set rebel-dev 2 - (length d / 8) let f remove-duplicates (sentence confs-culture rebels-culture) set conf-rebel 2 - (length f / 8) let g remove-duplicates (sentence rebels-culture qms-culture) set rebel-qm 2 - (length g / 8) end to output-diff ;; checks for difference from the starting point set-current-plot "difference from initial culture" let iqms remove-duplicates (sentence initial-qms qms-culture) ;output-type "initial-current qms difference: " set qms-diff (1 - (2 - (length iqms / 8))) set-current-plot-pen "qmd" set-plot-pen-color green plot qms-diff let id remove-duplicates (sentence initial-devs devs-culture) ;output-type "initial-current confs difference: " set devs-diff (1 - (2 - (length id / 8))) set-current-plot-pen "dd" set-plot-pen-color red plot devs-diff let ir remove-duplicates (sentence initial-rebels rebels-culture) ;output-type "initial-current confs difference: " set rebels-diff (1 - (2 - (length ir / 8))) set-current-plot-pen "rd" set-plot-pen-color black plot rebels-diff let ic remove-duplicates (sentence initial-confs confs-culture) ;output-type "initial-current confs difference: " set confs-diff (1 - (2 - (length ic / 8))) set-current-plot-pen "cd" set-plot-pen-color orange plot confs-diff set-current-plot "populations" set-current-plot-pen "c" set-plot-pen-color orange set c-pop (count confs / count turtles) plot c-pop set-current-plot-pen "qm" set-plot-pen-color green set qm-pop (count qms / count turtles) plot qm-pop set-current-plot-pen "d" set-plot-pen-color red set d-pop (count devs / count turtles) plot d-pop set-current-plot-pen "r" set-plot-pen-color black set r-pop (count rebels / count turtles) plot r-pop end to die-and-replace ask turtles [ if total-partners >= 1000 [ hatch 1 [ set breed [breed] of myself set color [color] of myself set xcor [xcor] of myself set ycor [ycor] of myself set change 0 set total-partners 0 if breed = confs [ set my-culture n-of random 9 confs-culture set-culture set generation generation + 1 ] if breed = qms [ set my-culture n-of random 9 qms-culture set-culture set generation generation + 1 ] if breed = devs [ set my-culture n-of random 9 devs-culture set-culture set generation generation + 1 ] if breed = rebels [ set my-culture n-of random 9 rebels-culture set-culture set generation generation + 1 ] ] die ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created almost 7 years ago by Charles Lassiter.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
fpsyg-09-00812.pdf | "Diversity and Resistance to Change," Frontiers in Psychology (2018) | almost 7 years ago, by Charles Lassiter | Download | |
Macros for marginalization.png | preview | Preview for 'Macros for marginalization' | almost 7 years ago, by Charles Lassiter | Download |