
Task-Switching preview image

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1975094_10203443180500595_5085163595397213895_n Eric Forbush (Author)


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breed [tasks a-task]
breed [astronauts astronaut]
tasks-own [
  duration           ;; how many ticks it takes to complete a task
  complete?          ;; whether or not the task is completed
  ;Task Factors
  difficulty         ;; difficulty of a task between 0 (easiest) and 1 (most difficult)
  priority           ;; importance of a task between 0 (unimportant) and 1 (extremely important)
  salience           ;; salience of a task between 0 (not salient) and 1 (very salient)
  interest           ;; interest level of a task between 0 (boring) and 1 (super interesting)
  ;Task Factors influence Task Attractiveness
  attractiveness     ;; overall task attractiveness based on difficulty, priority, salience and interest
astronauts-own [
  ongoing-task       ;; WHO number of the task currently being worked on
  alternate-tasks    ;; WHO number(s) of all other tasks
  num-switches       ;; how many times an astronaut has switched tasks
globals [
  switch-count       ;; total count of every time an astronaut has switched tasks
  num-tasks          ;; total number of mission tasks
  num-astronauts     ;; total number of astronauts on the mission

to reset-mission     ;; "setup" procedure

to add-task          ;; task setup procedure (must be done before adding astronauts)
  if num-tasks = world-width [
    user-message (word "You've created the maximum number of tasks allowed for this mission!")
    stop ]
  create-tasks 1
    [set color blue  ;; TO DO - create color scheme based on task attractiveness
    set shape "computer workstation" 
    set xcor random-pxcor
    set duration task-duration
    set difficulty task-difficulty
    set salience task-salience
    set priority task-priority
    set interest task-interest
    set complete? false 
    set heading 90
    set label duration 
    set num-tasks num-tasks + 1
    ask astronauts [ refresh-my-tasks ]  ;; in case the user adds more tasks after creating astronauts

to calculate-attractiveness    
    set attractiveness ((difficulty + salience + priority + interest) / 4)

to separate-tasks ;; spaces out the tasks for better visualization
  ask tasks [if any? other tasks-here
    [ fd 1
      separate-tasks ]

to add-astronaut     ;; astronaut setup procedure (cannot be done until at least one task is created)
  if not any? tasks [
    user-message (word "You must add at least one task before adding astronauts!")
    stop ]
  if num-astronauts = 6 [
    user-message (word "You've assigned the maximum number of astronauts allowed to this mission!")
    stop ]
    create-astronauts number-of-astronauts [
    set color white
    set shape "person"
    set size 1.5
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
    set num-switches 0
    create-link-to one-of tasks   ;; link to any task
    set num-astronauts num-astronauts + 1 
  ask astronauts [
    if count tasks with [complete? = false] > 1 [
    set target one-of tasks with [not member? WHO [ongoing-task] of myself and complete? = false] ]
  ask links [
    set color ([color] of end2) ]  ;; for better visualization

to refresh-my-tasks ;; determines an astronaut's ongoing and alternate tasks
   set ongoing-task [WHO] of out-link-neighbors
   ask out-link-neighbors [
    let nauts-on-task [WHO] of in-link-neighbors
    ask in-link-neighbors [
      set alternate-tasks [WHO] of tasks with [nauts-on-task != [WHO] of in-link-neighbors]

to start-mission ;; "go" procedure
  if num-tasks = 0 [
    user-message (word "You haven't created any tasks yet!")
    stop ]
  if num-tasks > 0 and num-astronauts = 0 [
    user-message (word "You haven't created any astronauts yet!")
    stop ]
  if all? tasks [complete? = true]  ;; once all tasks are complete, stop simulation
  ask astronauts [                  ;; ensures astronauts are working on an incomplete task
    if [complete?] of one-of out-link-neighbors = true [
      ask my-out-links [die]
        create-link-to one-of other tasks with [complete? = false] 
        set num-switches num-switches + 1 ]
  task-switch ;; KEY PROCEDURE
  ask tasks with [ any? in-link-neighbors ] [  ;; any task with an astronaut working on it reduces its duration by 1
    set duration duration - 1 
    set label duration
   update-tasks                     ;; check whether or not a task is complete
   ask astronauts [ refresh-my-tasks ]
   set switch-count sum [num-switches] of astronauts ;;BROKEN

to task-switch
  ask astronauts [
    if count tasks with [complete? = false] > 1 [
    set target one-of tasks with [not member? WHO [ongoing-task] of myself and complete? = false]  ;; choose a hypothetical alternate task to consider switching to
    ifelse [difficulty] of one-of out-link-neighbors > .5   ;; .51 represents a task that is more difficult than 51% of other tasks
     [ask astronauts [
      if random-float 100 > ( ((((( [difficulty] of one-of out-link-neighbors) * 100) - 50) * .68) + 66) ) [ ;; the more difficult the task, the less likely an astronaut is to consider a switch
        if [attractiveness] of target > [attractiveness] of one-of out-link-neighbors ;; 1st: attractiveness of the alternate task must be higher than ongoing task to induce a switch
         and random-float 1 < ([attractiveness] of target) [                          ;; 2nd: even if the alternate task is more attractive, there is still a chance a switch will not happen
        ask my-out-links [die]
        create-link-to target  ;; start working on alternate task (alternate task becomes ongoing task)
        set num-switches num-switches + 1] ;;BROKEN
    [ask astronauts [
      if random-float 100 > 66 [     ;; tasks with a difficulty below .5 are classified as "easy" and are treated equal regardless of level
        if [attractiveness] of target > [attractiveness] of one-of out-link-neighbors ;; 1st: attractiveness of the alternate task must be higher than ongoing task to induce a switch
         and random-float 1 < ([attractiveness] of target) [                          ;; 2nd: even if the alternate task is more attractive, there is still a chance a switch will not happen
        ask my-out-links [die]
        create-link-to target  ;; start working on alternate task (alternate task becomes ongoing task)
        set num-switches num-switches + 1] ;;BROKEN

ask links [
  set color ([color] of end2) ;; for better visualization

to update-tasks
  ask tasks with [complete? = false] [
    if duration <= 0 [
    set complete? true
    set color color - 3 ]

There are 2 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Eric Forbush almost 9 years ago Adjusted algorithm Download this version
Eric Forbush about 9 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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File Type Description Last updated
Task-Switching.png preview Preview for 'Task-Switching' about 9 years ago, by Eric Forbush Download

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