Rock Scissors Paper Competitive Environment

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1 collaborator

Default-person Rashid Mhar (Author)



Tagged by Rashid Mhar about 10 years ago

artificial life 

Tagged by Rashid Mhar about 10 years ago

game of life 

Tagged by Rashid Mhar about 10 years ago

rock paper scissors 

"based on the game"

Tagged by Rashid Mhar about 10 years ago

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globals [ colist rockbred rockspawn scissorbred scissorspawn paperbred paperspawn rockkill scissorkill paperkill ]
turtles-own [ energy adjust ]
breed [ rocks rock ]
breed [ papers paper ]
breed [ scissors scissor ]

to setup

  set colist (list random 255 random 255 random 255)
  ask patches
    set pcolor black
  create-rocks number-rocks
    create "rockblob" red - 1
  create-papers number-papers
    create "paperblob" lime - 1
  create-scissors number-scissors
    create "scissorblob" blue - 1

to create [form col]
  set shape form
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor
  right random 360
  set color col

to go
  if (ticks >= duration) and Timed [ stop ]  ;; stop after set duration of ticks
  ask turtles
    ifelse Draw [pendown][pen-erase]
  if respawn-interval > 0 [ respawns ] ;; switch off respawns of interval zero

to moveall
  if r-hunt [ hunt rocks]
  if s-hunt [ hunt scissors]
  if p-hunt [ hunt papers]
  if r-find [ find rocks ]
  if s-find [ find scissors ]
  if p-find [ find papers ]
  if r-evade [ evade rocks]
  if s-evade [ evade scissors]
  if p-evade [ evade papers]
  if r-avoid [ avoid rocks]
  if s-avoid [ avoid scissors]
  if p-avoid [ avoid papers]
  move rocks rock%
  move scissors scissor%
  move papers paper%

to move [brd var]
  ask brd
    forward 0.01 * speed * (var / 100)

to kills
  ask papers
    if predation and p-gain [ set energy energy + (count rocks-here) * predation-gain ]
    ask rocks-here
      set rockkill rockkill + 1
  ask rocks
    if predation and r-gain [ set energy energy + (count scissors-here) * predation-gain ]
    ask scissors-here
      set scissorkill scissorkill + 1
  ask scissors
    if predation and s-gain [ set energy energy + (count papers-here) * predation-gain ]
    ask papers-here
      set paperkill paperkill + 1

to resources
  ask patches
    let erg-available random 100
    if (erg-available < energy-input-chance) and (ticks mod energy-input-delay = 0)
      set pcolor black + 1

to feed
  ask turtles [
    if pcolor = black + 1 [
      set pcolor black
      set energy energy + 1
  ifelse show-energy
    [ set label energy ] ;; the label is set to be the value of the energy
    [ set label "" ]     ;; the label is set to an empty text value

to reproduce
  ask rocks
    set adjust rocks+
  ask scissors
    set adjust scissors+
  ask papers
    set adjust papers+
  ask turtles [
    if energy > (reproduction-energy + adjust)[
      set energy energy - (reproduction-energy + adjust)  ;; take away reproduction-energy for mitosis
      hatch 1 [
        right random 360
      if breed = rocks
      [ set rockbred rockbred + 1 ]
      if breed = scissors
      [ set scissorbred scissorbred + 1 ]
      if breed = papers
      [ set paperbred paperbred + 1 ]

to respawns
  if ticks mod respawn-interval = 0
    create-rocks 1
      create "rockblob" red - 1
      set rockspawn rockspawn + 1
    create-papers 1
      create "paperblob" lime - 1
      set paperspawn paperspawn + 1
    create-scissors 1
      create "scissorblob" blue - 1
      set scissorspawn scissorspawn + 1

to hunt [brd]
  if brd = rocks
    ask brd
      let found (one-of scissors-on neighbors)
      if found != nobody [set heading towards found]
  if brd = scissors
    ask brd
      let found (one-of papers-on neighbors)
      if found != nobody [set heading towards found]
  if brd = papers
    ask brd
      let found (one-of rocks-on neighbors)
      if found != nobody [set heading towards found]

to evade [brd]
  if brd = rocks
    ask brd
      let found (one-of papers-on neighbors)
      if found != nobody [set heading (towards found + 180)]
  if brd = scissors
    ask brd
      let found (one-of rocks-on neighbors)
      if found != nobody [set heading (towards found + 180)]
  if brd = papers
    ask brd
      let found (one-of scissors-on neighbors)
      if found != nobody [set heading (towards found + 180)]

to avoid [brd]
  if brd = rocks
    ask brd
      let found (one-of scissors-on neighbors)
      if found != nobody [set heading (towards found + 180)]
  if brd = scissors
    ask brd
      let found (one-of papers-on neighbors)
      if found != nobody [set heading (towards found + 180)]
  if brd = papers
    ask brd
      let found (one-of rocks-on neighbors)
      if found != nobody [set heading (towards found + 180)]

to find [brd]
  ask brd
    let found (one-of neighbors with [ pcolor = black + 1 ])
    if found != nobody [set heading towards found]

to reset
  set rock% 100
  set scissor% 100
  set paper% 100
  set rocks+ 0
  set scissors+ 0
  set papers+ 0

There is only one version of this model, created about 10 years ago by Rashid Mhar.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Rock Scissors Paper Competitive Environment.png preview Preview for 'Rock Scissors Paper Competitive Environment' about 10 years ago, by Rashid Mhar Download

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