Infective Community Network
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;; GLOBAL BREEDS breed [house_centres house_centre] ;; Breed for households breed [people person] ;; Breed for the people in the simulation breed [school_centres school_centre] ;; Breed for the schools in the simulation ;; LINK BREEDS directed-link-breed [familylinks familylink] ;; Links created between family members directed-link-breed [schoollinks schoollink] ;; Links created between students and schools undirected-link-breed [friendlinks friendlink] ;; Links created between friends directed-link-breed [infectorlinks infectorlink] ;; GLOBAL VARIABLES globals[ world_halfwidth ;; World variable to store world width for calculations simulation_state ;; Used to record simulation status on interface tab temp_spouse_stop_command ;; World variable used to store a stop variable if required by formulas temp_spouse_friends_agentset ;; World variable used to transmit agentsets between agents percentage_susceptible ;; Global percentage susceptible percentage_infected ;; Global percentage infected percentage_immune ;; Global percentage immune percentage_ever_infected ;; Global percentage ever infected temp_infector_who ;; Transitory variable to transmit who of infectors temp_school_who temp_ptype_sou temp_ptype_rec size_modifier ] ;; PERSON VARIABLES people-own[ ptype ;; What type of person (1 = adult 2 = student) friends_wanted ;; How many friends person would like spouse ;; Are there two adults in family spouse_friends_done ;; Stores if friends already transferred household_who ;; ID of household that made them exclude_friend_set ;; Carrier variable used to exclude friends in the linking stage person_infective_status ;; 1 = Susceptible 2 = About to be infected 3 = Infected 4 = Recovered 5 = Immune quarantined ;; 0 = none 1 = off school infective_recovery_time ;; Days remaining infective ever_infected ;; Whether person ever infected infected_by_who ;; If infected, records the who of the infector infected_by_school ;; Records the who of the school if infected via this route people_infected ;; Number of people infected ] ;; SCHOOL VARIABLES school_centres-own[ school_percentage_infected ;; Not in use school_infective_risk ;; Not in use ] ;; HOUSEHOLD VARIABLES house_centres-own[ family_percentage_infected ;; Not in use family_infective_risk] ;; Not in use ;; LINK VARIABLES familylinks-own [ link_type] schoollinks-own [ link_type] friendlinks-own [ link_type] infectorlinks-own [ age initialcolor] to reset-world clear-all-plots ask people [set ever_infected 0 set person_infective_status 1 set quarantined 0 set infected_by_who 0 set infective_recovery_time 0 set size 0.5 * size_modifier] ask infectorlinks [die] ask people with [ptype = 1] [set color magenta] ask people with [ptype = 2] [set color violet] ask school_centres [set size 3 * size_modifier set color blue] vaccinate-people infect-initial end ;; ======================================================================== ;; SETUP PROCEDURE ;; Sets up world, households, schools, friends, vaccinations and infections ;; ======================================================================== to setup clear-all reset-ticks set simulation_state "SETTING UP" set world_halfwidth world_width / 2 let temp_patch_size (500 / world_width) resize-world (- world_halfwidth) world_halfwidth (- world_halfwidth) world_halfwidth set-patch-size temp_patch_size set size_modifier 2 set simulation_state "CREATING HOUSEHOLDS" make-households set simulation_state "CREATING SCHOOLS" make-schools set simulation_state "CREATING ADULT FRIENDS" make-friends set simulation_state "VACCINATING PEOPLE" vaccinate-people set simulation_state "INFECTING PEOPLE" infect-initial hide-links generate-values set simulation_state "READY TO GO" end ;; VACCINATE PROCEDURE to vaccinate-people ask people with [person_infective_status = 1] ;; ASK PEOPLE WHO ARE SUSCEPTIBLE [IF random-float 100 < vaccinated_percentage ;; DECIDE IF TO BE VACCINATED [set person_infective_status 5 set color 61]] ;; SET THEIR STATUS AND CHANGE COLOUR end ;; INITIAL INFECTION PROCEDURE to infect-initial IFELSE count people with [person_infective_status = 1] < initial_infections ;; IF THE NUMBER OF SUSCEPTIBLES IS < REQUIRED INFECTIONS [ask people with [person_infective_status = 1] ;; MAKE ALL SUSCEPTIBLES INFECTED [become-activeinfected]] [ask n-of initial_infections people with [person_infective_status = 1] ;; IF NOT, MAKE CORRECT NUMBER OF THEM INFECTED [become-activeinfected]] end ;; MAKE HOUSEHOLDS PROCEDURE to make-households create-house_centres Households ;; Create a number of house_centres equivalent to the slider [set xcor random-float (world_width - 2) - (world_halfwidth - 1) ;; Distribute house centres through the world set ycor random-float (world_width - 2) - (world_halfwidth - 1) ;; As above but for y axis set shape "house" set color blue set size 0.5 * size_modifier] ;; Set some display attributes ask house_centres [let temp_numadults_tomake one-of [1 2 2] ;; Ask each of these houses to set number of adults 1 or 2 let temp_household_who who ;; Create a temp variable of the creating household number hatch-people temp_numadults_tomake ;; Ask house centres to make adults [set shape "circle" ;; Set a shape create-familylink-from myself [set link_type 1] ;; Link the created people to the household creator set xcor xcor + 1 ;; Bump them away from creator set color magenta ;; Set a colour set ptype 1 ;; Set a type set size 0.5 * size_modifier ;; Change size if necessary set household_who temp_household_who ;; Store the household creator as a variable in each adult IFELSE temp_numadults_tomake > 1 [set spouse 1] ;; Mark if spouse exists [set spouse 0] ;; ...or doesn't set friends_wanted 10 + random 11 ;; Decide how many friends each adults wants (10-20) set quarantined 0 ;; Set quarantine state to 0 set person_infective_status 1 ;; Set their state to susceptible ] ] ask house_centres with [count out-link-neighbors > 0] ;; Ask house centres with adults to make children [let temp_household_who who ;; Create a temp variable of the creating household number hatch-people random 3.1 [set shape "circle" create-familylink-from myself [set link_type 2] set ycor ycor - 1 set color violet set ptype 2 set size 0.5 * size_modifier set household_who temp_household_who set quarantined 0 set person_infective_status 1 ] ] ask house_centres [IF count out-link-neighbors = 0 [die]] ;; Ask any house centres with no adults/children to die ask house_centres [ ;; Ask each household to arrange themselves in a circle let temp_xcor xcor ;; Create a temp variable with house_centre x co-ordinate let temp_ycor ycor ;; Create a temp variable with house_centre x co-ordinate if count out-link-neighbors = 0 [stop] ;; Stop if no neighbours layout-circle out-link-neighbors 0.5 * size_modifier ;; Ask my linked neighbours to layout in a circle radius 1 (around centre of map) ask out-link-neighbors [set xcor xcor + temp_xcor ;; Move this circle to centre on location of household set ycor ycor + temp_ycor] ] end ;; MAKE SCHOOLS PROCEDURE to make-schools create-school_centres Schools ;; Make some schools [set xcor random-float (world_width - 2) - (world_halfwidth - 1) ;; Scatter schools around map set ycor random-float (world_width - 2) - (world_halfwidth - 1) set shape "square" ;; Setup display variables set color blue set size 3 * size_modifier] ask people with [ptype = 2] ;; Allocate pupils to schools by asking each pupil [IFELSE random 3.1 < 3 ;; 3 times out of 4... [create-schoollink-from min-one-of school_centres [distance myself] [set link_type 3]] ;; ... to link to nearest school [create-schoollink-from one-of school_centres [set link_type 3]] ;; ... else link to a random school (inc. nearest) ] end ;; MAKE CONTACTS PROCEDURE to make-friends ask people with [ptype = 1] ;; Ask all adults [acquire_adult_spouse_friends ;; Acquire some of their spouses friends make_adult_radius_friends ;; Then make nearby friends make_adult_remaining_friends] ;; Then make remaining friends end to acquire_adult_spouse_friends ;; run by a 'person' agent, not the observer IF spouse = 0 [stop] ;; Stop if no spouse let temp_my_householdwho household_who ;; Put my household number in a temporary variable ask other people with [ptype = 1 AND household_who = temp_my_householdwho] ;; Ask my spouse (the one with my household number) to run the following; [IF count my-friendlinks = 0 [stop] ;; Stop if spouse doesn't have friends IF spouse_friends_done = 1 [set temp_spouse_stop_command 1 stop] ;; Don't run if friends already transferred other way set temp_spouse_friends_agentset n-of (round (0.75 * count friendlink-neighbors)) friendlink-neighbors] ;; Create a temporary agentset of 75% of my spouses friends (note this is not my-links command) IF temp_spouse_stop_command = 1 [set temp_spouse_stop_command 0 ;; Once stop command has triggered, reset this back to 0 then... stop] ;; ...stop as my spouse reported they've already taken my links IF temp_spouse_friends_agentset = 0 [stop] ;; If that agentset is empty, stop let temp_spouse_friends_count count temp_spouse_friends_agentset ;; Create a temporary variable of number of spouse friends let temp_friends_count count my-friendlinks ;; Count how many friends I already have let temp_friends_needed (friends_wanted - temp_friends_count) ;; Count how many friends I still need IF temp_friends_needed < 1 [stop] ;; Don't run if no friends needed IFELSE temp_spouse_friends_count <= temp_friends_needed [create-friendlinks-with temp_spouse_friends_agentset [set link_type 6]] ;; if agentset is smaller than friends needed acquire all of them [create-friendlinks-with n-of temp_friends_needed temp_spouse_friends_agentset [set link_type 6]] ;; if agentset is larger than friends needed acquire the number I need from them set spouse_friends_done 1 ;; set that I have done my spouse friends transfer to make sure we don't do it back the other way end to make_adult_radius_friends ;; THIS IS A VERY HELPFUL PROCESSING STEP ;; let temp_existing_friends_set friendlink-neighbors ;; Create a temporary set of people already friends with me let temp_adults_in_radius people with [ptype = 2] in-radius (world_width * 0.15) ;; Create a temporary set of people within 10 of me ask temp_adults_in_radius [set exclude_friend_set 1] ;; Ask everyone in radius to set their exclusion variable to 1 ask temp_existing_friends_set [set exclude_friend_set 0] ;; Ask everyone already my friend to set exclusion variable to 0 set temp_adults_in_radius temp_adults_in_radius with [exclude_friend_set = 1] ;; Update the temporary set to be only those not identified as a friend already let temp_friends_count count my-friendlinks ;; Set a temp variable as number of existing adult friends let temp_friends_needed (friends_wanted - temp_friends_count) ;; Check how many friends still needed let temp_radius_adults count temp_adults_in_radius ;; Check how many adults are in radius IFELSE temp_radius_adults <= temp_friends_needed ;; If number of friends in radius is less that friends needed [create-friendlinks-with n-of temp_radius_adults temp_adults_in_radius [set link_type 4]] ;; ...make friends with all of these people [create-friendlinks-with n-of temp_friends_needed temp_adults_in_radius [set link_type 4]] ;; ...else make friends with number of friends needed from these people ask temp_existing_friends_set [set exclude_friend_set 0] ;; Reset the temporary group variable end to make_adult_remaining_friends ;; REPEAT FOR ALL ;; let temp_existing_friends_set friendlink-neighbors ;; Create a temporary set of people already friends with me let temp_adults_in_radius people with [ptype = 2] ;; Create a temporary set of adults ask temp_adults_in_radius [set exclude_friend_set 1] ;; Ask everyone to set their exclusion variable to 1 ask temp_existing_friends_set [set exclude_friend_set 0] ;; Ask everyone already my friend to set exclusion variable to 0 set temp_adults_in_radius temp_adults_in_radius with [exclude_friend_set = 1] ;; Update the temporary set to be only those not identified as a friend already let temp_friends_count count my-friendlinks ;; Set a temp variable as number of my existing adult friends let temp_friends_needed (friends_wanted - temp_friends_count) ;; Check how many friends still needed let temp_radius_adults count temp_adults_in_radius ;; Check how many adults are in radius IFELSE temp_radius_adults <= temp_friends_needed ;; If number of friends in radius is less that friends needed [create-friendlinks-with n-of temp_radius_adults temp_adults_in_radius [set link_type 5]] ;; ...make friends with all of these people [create-friendlinks-with n-of temp_friends_needed temp_adults_in_radius [set link_type 5]] ;; ...else make friends with number of friends needed from these people ask temp_existing_friends_set [set exclude_friend_set 0] ;; Reset the temporary group variable end to hide-links ask links [hide-link] end ;; =================== ;; =================== ;; MAIN GO PROCEDURE ;; =================== ;; =================== to go set simulation_state "ACTIVE" tick IF Decay_Infectivity_Paths = TRUE [ask infectorlinks [IFELSE age <= 0 [hide-link] [set color (color - decay_turns + age) set age age - 1]]] quarantine-children ;; ASSESS IF ANY CHILDREN QUARANTINED infect-schools ;; RUN SCHOOL INFECTION ASSESSMENTS infect-households ;; RUN FAMILY INFECTION ASSESSMENTS infect-friends ;; RUN FRIEND INFECTION ASSESSMENTS activate-infection recover-infection generate-values if count people with [person_infective_status = 3 OR person_infective_status = 2] = 0 ;; RUN IF NO INFECTIONS STARTED [IFELSE count people with [ever_infected = 1] <= (initial_infections) [infect-initial go] [set simulation_state "COMPLETED" stop]] IF simulation_state = "COMPLETED" [stop] end to quarantine-children ASK people with [ptype = 2 AND person_infective_status = 3 and quarantined = 0] [IF random-float 1 < 0.3 [set quarantined 1]] end to infect-schools ;; TO INFECT SCHOOLS ask people with [ptype = 2 AND person_infective_status = 3 AND quarantined = 0] ;; ASK EACH CHILD IN TURN WHO IS INFECTIVE AND IN SCHOOL [set temp_infector_who who ;; TO SET THE TEMP WHO VARIABLE AS THEIR OWN... ask in-schoollink-neighbors [ ;; ...AND ASK THEIR CONNECTED SCHOOL... set temp_school_who who ask out-schoollink-neighbors with [person_infective_status = 1] ;; ...TO ASK SUSCEPTIBLES THEY ARE CONNECTED TO... [IF random-float 1 < school_transmission_prob ;; ...TO MAKE AN ASSESSMENT OF WHETHER TO BECOME INFECTED [set person_infective_status 2 set infected_by_who temp_infector_who set infected_by_school temp_school_who] ;; ...AND IF SO, TO SET THEMSELEVES AS SO, AND TO RECORD WHO INFECTED THEM ] ]] set temp_school_who 0 end to infect-households ask people with [person_infective_status = 3] ;; ASK INFECTIVE PEOPLE... [set temp_infector_who who ;; TO SET THE TEMP WHO VARIABLE AS THEIR OWN... ask in-familylink-neighbors ;; ...AND ASK THEIR HOUSEHOLD... [ask out-familylink-neighbors with [person_infective_status = 1] ;; ...TO ASK ALL FAMILY MEMBERS WHO ARE SUSCEPTIBLE... [IF random-float 1 < family_transmission_prob ;; ...TO EVALUATE WHETHER TO BECOME INFECTED... [set person_infective_status 2 set infected_by_who temp_infector_who] ;; ...AND IF SO, TO SET THEMSELVES AS SO, AND TO RECORD WHO INFECTED THEM ]]] end to infect-friends ask people with [person_infective_status = 3] ;; ASK INFECTIVE PEOPLE... [ set temp_infector_who who ;; ...TO SET THE TEMP WHO VARIABLE AS THEIR OWN... ask friendlink-neighbors with [person_infective_status = 1] ;; ...AND TO ASK EACH OF THEIR SUSCEPTIBLE FRIENDS... [IF random-float 1 < friend_transmission_prob ;; ...TO EVALUATE WHETHER TO BECOME INFECTED... [set person_infective_status 2 set infected_by_who temp_infector_who] ;; ...AND IF SO, TO SET THEMSELVES AS SO, AND TO RECORD WHO INFECTED THEM ]] end ;; ACTIVATE INFECTED INDIVIDUALS - ONLY WANT INFECTIONS TO DEVELOP AT THE END OF EACH TURN to activate-infection ASK people with [person_infective_status = 2] ;; ASK THOSE MARKED TO BE INFECTED TO BECOME INFECTIOUS [become-activeinfected] end to become-activeinfected ;; SUB FUNCTION RUN BY TURTLES set infective_recovery_time random 5 + 4 ;; SET HOW LONG RECOVERY WILL TAKE set person_infective_status 3 ;; SET STATUS TO INFECTIOUS set size 1 * size_modifier ;; SET SIZE set color red ;; SET COLOUR set ever_infected 1 ;; RECORD AS A CASE IF infected_by_who <= 0 [stop] ;; IF AN INITIAL INFECTION, STOP HERE... IFELSE infected_by_school > 0 [create-infectorlink-from school_centre infected_by_school [set color red set thickness 0.02 set age decay_turns - 1 set initialcolor red] let temp_myschool infected_by_school ask school_centre temp_myschool [set size 5 set color red] ask person infected_by_who [create-infectorlink-to school_centre temp_myschool [set color red set thickness 0.02 set age decay_turns - 1 set initialcolor red]]] [create-infectorlink-from person infected_by_who [ ask end1 [set temp_ptype_sou ptype] ;; ELSE CREATE A LINK BASED ON START AND END POINT TURTLES ask end2 [set temp_ptype_rec ptype] IF temp_ptype_sou = 2 AND temp_ptype_rec = 2 [set color yellow set thickness 0.02 set age decay_turns - 1 set initialcolor yellow] IF temp_ptype_sou = 2 AND temp_ptype_rec = 1 [set color cyan set thickness 0.02 set age decay_turns - 1 set initialcolor cyan] IF temp_ptype_sou = 1 AND temp_ptype_rec = 1 [set color orange set thickness 0.02 set age decay_turns - 1 set initialcolor orange] IF temp_ptype_sou = 1 AND temp_ptype_rec = 2 [set color green set thickness 0.02 set age decay_turns - 1 set initialcolor green]]] end to recover-infection ASK people with [person_infective_status = 3] ;; ASK ALL THOSE INFECTED [set infective_recovery_time infective_recovery_time - 1] ;; TO REDUCE THEIR RECOVERY TIME BY 1 ASK people with [person_infective_status = 3 AND infective_recovery_time <= 0] ;; AND IF THEIR RECOVERY TIME IS 0 OR BELOW [set person_infective_status 4 set color yellow set size 0.75 * size_modifier] ;; TO CHANGE STATUS TO RECOVERED end ;; VALUES FOR PLOTS AND OUTPUTS ;; to generate-values set percentage_susceptible 100 * count people with [person_infective_status = 1] / count people set percentage_infected 100 * count people with [person_infective_status = 3] / count people set percentage_immune 100 * count people with [person_infective_status > 3] / count people set percentage_ever_infected 100 * count people with [ever_infected = 1] / count people ask people with [person_infective_status > 2][set people_infected count my-out-infectorlinks] end ;; OLD CODE - KEPT FOR INTEREST ;; to infect-schools ;; ask school_centres ;; [let temp_infected_children count out-schoollink-neighbors with [(quarantined = 0 AND person_infective_status = 3)] ;; Temp variable of number of children not quarantined and infected ;; let temp_attending_children count out-schoollink-neighbors with [quarantined = 0] ;; Temp variable of number of children not quarantined ;; IF temp_attending_children = 0 [stop] ;; If no children attending, stop ;; IF temp_infected_children = 0 [stop] ;; If no children infected, stop ;; set school_percentage_infected temp_infected_children / temp_attending_children ;; Set school_percentage_infected as percentage ;; set school_infective_risk 0.05 ;; set school infective risk at 0.05 ;; IF school_percentage_infected < 0.10 [set school_infective_risk 0.02] ;; Lower it to 0.02 if less than 10% infected ;; IF school_percentage_infected < 0.02 [set school_infective_risk 0.01] ;; Lower it to 0.01 if less than 2% infected ;; let temp_school_infective_risk school_infective_risk ;; Set temporary variable of the schools infective risk ;; ask out-schoollink-neighbors with [(quarantined = 0 AND person_infective_status = 1)] ;; [IF random-float 1 < temp_school_infective_risk [SET person_infective_status 2]] ;; Ask each of the schools susceptible pupils to evaluate risk ;; ] ;; end ;; to infect-households ;; ask house_centres ;; [let temp_infected_members count out-familylink-neighbors with [person_infective_status = 3] ;; Create temp variable of family members infected ;; let temp_active_members count out-familylink-neighbors ;; Create temp_variable of all family members ;; IF temp_active_members = 0 [stop] ;; Stop if no family members (only use if add conditions to above) ;; IF temp_infected_members = 0 [stop] ;; Stop if no family members infected ;; set family_percentage_infected temp_infected_members / temp_active_members ;; Percent family infected ;; set family_infective_risk 0.05 ;; IF family_percentage_infected < 0.10 [set family_infective_risk 0.02] ;; IF family_percentage_infected < 0.02 [set family_infective_risk 0.01] ;; let temp_family_infective_risk family_infective_risk ;; ask out-familylink-neighbors with [person_infective_status = 1] ;; [IF random-float 1 < temp_family_infective_risk [SET person_infective_status 2]] ;; ] ;;end
There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Christopher Chiswell.
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Infective Community Network.png | preview | Preview for 'Infective Community Network' | over 11 years ago, by Christopher Chiswell | Download |
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