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patches-own [ affordances ] breed [people person] breed [expectations expectation] ;breed [technologies technology] people-own [ usage verified? ] expectations-own [feature strength] directed-link-breed [holds hold] to setup ca ;; possible expectations: a, ~a, b, ~b, a & b, ~a & ~b or nothing OR a, ~b, b ~a ;; create people with different kinds of expectations (for now, only positive ones) ; create all people with 2 expectations ; each expectation has a feature and a strength ; strength can be pos, neg or 0 create-people total-# [ setxy random-pxcor random-pycor hatch-expectations 1 [ set feature "a" set strength 0 create-hold-from myself ] hatch-expectations 1 [ set feature "b" set strength 0 create-hold-from myself ] ] ask n-of #-expecting-a people with [ all? out-hold-neighbors [strength = 0] ] [ ask out-hold-neighbors with [ feature = "a" ] [ ;set valence "+" set strength 1 + random 10 ] ] ask n-of #-expecting-b people with [ all? out-hold-neighbors [strength = 0] ] [ ask out-hold-neighbors with [ feature = "b" ] [ ;set valence "+" set strength 1 + random 10 ] ] ask n-of #-expecting-both people with [ all? out-hold-neighbors [strength = 0] ] [ ask out-hold-neighbors with [ feature = "a" ] [ ;set valence "+" set strength 1 + random 10 ] ask out-hold-neighbors with [ feature = "b" ] [ ;set valence "+" set strength 1 + random 10 ] ] ask people [ set usage [] set shape "person" set size 1.6 set verified? false color-code-usage ] ask expectations [ format-expectations ] ;; for these two I want to set something so that it is visually clear who is starting, but then I want them to just set their ; usage based on their expectations and their interaction with the technology. HOW TO DO THIS? if introduce-technology = 0 [ adopt-technology] reset-ticks end to adopt-technology if technology-introduced = "one patch" [ ask patch 0 0 [ set affordances (sentence technology-affordances) color-code-affordances ask neighbors [ set affordances (sentence technology-affordances) color-code-affordances ] ] ] if technology-introduced = "one person" [ ask one-of people [set usage technology-affordances color-code-usage set usage [] ask patch-here [ set affordances technology-affordances color-code-affordances ] ] ] ; ask neighbors ; [ set affordances technology-affordances ; color-code-affordances ] ] ] ] if technology-introduced = "everyone" [ ask people [ set usage technology-affordances color-code-usage set usage [] ask patch-here [ set affordances technology-affordances color-code-affordances ] ] ] ;wait .5 end to color-code-affordances if member? "a" affordances and not member? "b" affordances [ set pcolor blue - 2.5 ] if not member? "a" affordances and member? "b" affordances [set pcolor yellow - 2.5] if member? "a" affordances and member? "b" affordances [ set pcolor green - 2.5] if not member? "a" affordances and not member? "b" affordances [ set pcolor gray - 2.5 ] end to format-expectations ;; make expectations color, shape and placement reflect what they indicate ;if valence = "+" if strength > 0 [ set shape "circle" set size .5 ] ;if valence = "-" if strength < 0 [ set shape "x" set size .6 ] if strength = 0 [hide-turtle] if strength != 0 [show-turtle] if feature = "a" [ set color blue + 1.5 setxy ( [ xcor ] of one-of in-hold-neighbors - .5) ( [ ycor ] of one-of in-hold-neighbors + .5) ] if feature = "b" [ set color yellow + 1.5 setxy ( [ xcor ] of one-of in-hold-neighbors + .5) ( [ ycor ] of one-of in-hold-neighbors + .5) ] ask my-in-holds [hide-link] end ;; Set color to reflect the technology's capabilities to color-code-usage if member? "a" usage and not member? "b" usage [ set color blue + .8 ] if member? "b" usage and not member? "a" usage [ set color yellow + .8 ] if member? "a" usage and member? "b" usage [ set color green + .8] if not member? "a" usage and not member? "b" usage [ set color gray + .8 ] end ;; When all the turtles have decided what they expect of the new technology, stop the model to go if all? people [verified? = true] [ stop ] if ticks = introduce-technology and ticks != 0 [ adopt-technology display wait .5 ] interact-with-others interact-with-technology ask people [ color-code-usage ] if technology-introduced != "one patch" [reset-patches] move-turtles tick end to move-turtles ask people [ let path random-normal 0 30 rt path fd 1 ask out-hold-neighbors [ rt path fd 1 ] ] end ;; Turtles who aren't sure what to think about the new technology yet (haven't verified their expectations) ;; can find out about it from others. to interact-with-others ask people with [verified? = false ] [ if any? other people-here with [ any? out-hold-neighbors with [ strength != 0 ] ] [ learn-from-others ] ] ;color-code-expectations ] ] end ; I want to say that all you look for is whether the other person's expectation is pos or negative--strength doesn't matter, you just increment yours ; but do you look at all of their expectations, or just one? to learn-from-others let sender one-of other people-here ask out-hold-neighbors [ ;show strength let insight one-of expectations with [ in-hold-neighbor? sender and feature = [feature] of myself ] if [ strength ] of insight > 0 [ set strength strength + 1] if [ strength ] of insight < 0 [ set strength strength - 1 ] ;show strength format-expectations ] if technology-introduced = "one person" [ if [usage] of sender != [] [ ask patch-here [ set affordances technology-affordances ] ] ] end ;; so whoever is interacting with the technology: ; ask technology: do you do what I expect? ; set usage accordingly ;; Turtles who aren't sure what to think about the new technology yet (haven't verified their expectations) ;; can also find out about it by interacting with the technology ;; If turtles have no expectations at all, they explore the technology openly and learn from it ;; If turtles have some expectations already, they test them to interact-with-technology ask people with [ verified? = false ] [ if [ affordances ] of patch-here != 0 ; [ if any? out-hold-neighbors with [ valence = "+" ] [ test-expectations if not any? out-hold-neighbors with [ strength != 0 ] [ learn-from-technology ] ; set verified? true ] ] end ;; If a patch that's already been socially constructed (ie a place that the technology has spread) ;; *doesn't* have the capabilities a turtle expects, the turtle revises its expectations to reflect that. to test-expectations let tool patch-here ask out-hold-neighbors with [ strength > 0 ] [ if member? feature [ affordances ] of tool [ set strength strength + 5 ] if not member? feature [ affordances ] of tool [ set strength strength - 5 ] format-expectations ] ; set usage (sentence [ feature ] of out-hold-neighbors with [ valence = "+" ] ) ; show usage ; set verified? true end ;; If a turtle has no expectations, it learns what the technology can do from a socially-constructed patch itself to learn-from-technology let tool patch-here ask out-hold-neighbors [ if random-float 1 < chance-learn-from-technology [ if member? feature [ affordances ] of tool [ set strength strength + 2 ] if not member? feature [ affordances ] of tool [ set strength strength - 2 ] format-expectations ] ] ;; do I want there to be something where the more strongly you believe something does something the more likely ; you are to be able to find it there? so it is possible that you'll find out that the technology does something you ; didn't know to look for at all, but unlikely? end to reset-patches ask patches [ set affordances 0 set pcolor black ] end to-report total-# report #-expecting-a + #-expecting-b + #-expecting-both + #-no-expectations end ;to-report %-a ; report count turtles with [expectations = ["a"]] / count turtles ;end ; ;to-report %-b ; report count turtles with [expectations = ["b"]] / count turtles ;end ; ;to-report %-both ; report count turtles with [member? "a" expectations and member? "b" expectations ] / count turtles ;end ; ;to-report %-none ; report count turtles with [expectations = []] / count turtles ;end
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