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;; Monday 7th Jan 2013 ;; Ball bouncing around in a box as a represtentation of a hazard ;; agents have individual resilience - time taken to recover and susceptibility ;; adaptive capacity - capablility to build barriers that can shelter from or deflect the ball ;; cooperation of community to build shared protection, recovery, hazard perception ;;extensions [profiler] breed [balls ball] breed [people person] breed [barriers barrier] people-own [ damage recovery susceptibility latest total total-here record cbas recent relocs] barriers-own [owner end-of-life times causals] balls-own [route] globals [ number-of-balls number-of-people number-of-collisions habitable outer build-barriers relocation-rule barrier-lifespan mrad max-recovery min-recovery network-type ] to setup-balls clear-all set number-of-balls 2 set barrier-lifespan lifespan? if habitable? = "single" [ set habitable patches with [abs pxcor < 7 and abs pycor < 7]] if habitable? = "double" [ let lside patches with [abs pxcor < 7 and pxcor < 0 and abs pycor < 7] let rside patches with [abs pxcor < 7 and pxcor > 0 and abs pycor < 7] set habitable (patch-set lside rside) ] if habitable? = "twin" [ let lside patches with [abs pxcor < 9 and pxcor < 0 and abs pycor < 9 and pycor < 0] let rside patches with [abs pxcor < 9 and pxcor > 0 and abs pycor < 9 and pycor > 0] set habitable (patch-set lside rside) ] if habitable? = "four" [ let b-l patches with [abs pxcor < 9 and pxcor < -2 and abs pycor < 9 and pycor < -2] let t-l patches with [abs pxcor < 9 and pxcor < -2 and abs pycor < 9 and pycor > 2] let t-r patches with [abs pxcor < 9 and pxcor > 2 and abs pycor < 9 and pycor > 2] let b-r patches with [abs pxcor < 9 and pxcor > 2 and abs pycor < 9 and pycor < -2] set habitable (patch-set b-l t-l t-r b-r) ] ask habitable [set pcolor 3] ;; dark grey set outer patch-set filter [not member? ? habitable] sort patches ask outer [set pcolor black] ;; dark grey print (word "set up habitable zone: " habitable?) ;; make green balls set-default-shape balls "circle" create-balls number-of-balls [ set color green setxy random-xcor random-ycor set route [] ] ;; create permanent barriers - set end-of-life 0 set-default-shape barriers "barrier" create-barriers 8 [ set color 34 ;; use colours 34 to 39 (brown to white/black) move-to one-of outer with [not any? turtles-here] set times 0 set causals 0 set end-of-life 0 ] reset-ticks end to setup setup-balls set build-barriers build-barriers? ;; variables can be set or chosen via interface set relocation-rule relocation-rule? set network-type network-type? set number-of-people number-of-people? set number-of-collisions 0 set mrad 3 ;; farthest distance which people can "see" to monitor set mrad chosen-mrad set max-recovery 50 set min-recovery 10 set max-recovery chosen-max-recovery set min-recovery chosen-min-recovery set-default-shape people "person" create-people number-of-people [ set color brown move-to one-of habitable with [not any? turtles-here] ;;setxy random-pxcor random-pycor ;; move to the centre of a random patch set damage 0 ;; damage to person increases with each incident set recovery one-of (list min-recovery max-recovery) ;; time taken until recovery (with no intervention) set susceptibility random 2 ;; 1 - susceptible / 0 - not susceptible set susceptibility 1 set latest 0 ;; time of last occurance of damage set total 0 ;; total damaging events set record [] ;; record of the monitoring of a ball set cbas [] ;; causal (links) from barriers to actors set total-here 0 ;; damages received at the current location set relocs 0 ;; number of times the agent has relocated ] create-network end ;; local network shows links with nearest neighbours (which need to be reset if relocate strategy is used) ;; random network can include many connections to distant agents to create-network ifelse network-type = "Off" [ print (word "No network created ")] [ print (word "created " network-type " network")] if network-type = "local" [ ;; The agentset is built by finding all the agents with the highest value of reporter, ask people [create-links-with min-n-of 2 other people [distance myself]] ] if network-type = "random" [ ask people [ create-links-with n-of 2 other people ] ] end ;; perturbation coming from outer edge heading towards habitable ;; does not destroy original barriers but will destroy constructed ones to perturbate let chosen-ball one-of balls print (word "peturbation will be caused by " chosen-ball) ask chosen-ball [ let target one-of habitable let rnos (list random 2 random 2) ifelse item 0 rnos = 0 [ set xcor [pxcor] of target ifelse item 1 rnos = 1 [set ycor max-pycor ][set ycor min-pycor] ] [ set ycor [pycor] of target ifelse item 1 rnos = 1 [set xcor max-pxcor ][set xcor min-pxcor] ] set heading towards target set size (size + 1) ] ;; repeat for sufficient ticks to reach other edge of world repeat (2 * max-pxcor) [go] ask chosen-ball [ move-to one-of outer set size (size - 1) set heading random 360 ] end ;; if the ball is stuck start it again from outside of habitable to dislodge ;; if the route caused a lot of collsions or TODO if there is a repeating pattern?? ask balls [ if length route > 10 [ move-to one-of outer print word "dislodged " self set route [] ] set route [] ;; reset for all cases ] end ;; clear barriers causing damages above a tolerance level, plus any on neighbours4 patches with same heading to clear-barriers ;; check all barriers, obtain subset of damaging ones let adbs filter [[causals] of ? > 0] sort barriers foreach adbs [ if ? != nobody [ if [causals] of ? > (tolerance * [times] of ?) [ let this-heading [heading] of ? ;; remove barriers on n4 patches with same heading ask (barriers-on [neighbors4] of ?) with [heading = this-heading] [die] ;; then remove this barrier ask ? [die] ] ] ] ;; also, periodically, remove barriers in habitable at end-of-life ask barriers with [end-of-life < ticks and end-of-life > 0] [die] end to go ;; periodic clean up, followed by mitigation build stage and relocate stage if ticks mod 50 = 0 [ clear-barriers dislodge ask people [ if damage = 0 [ mitigate ]] ] ask people [ ;; mitigation and recovery as two distinct processes if damage > 0 [ recover ] ] ask balls [ bounce collide shield event ;; ball reports status by setting own label ifelse length ball-report > 0 [set label ball-report] [set label ""] ;; add any barriers to the route if label != "" [ set route sentence route filter is-barrier? label ] ] ;; monitor status of the ball by checking value of its label ask people [ monitor ] ;; move ball on ask balls [ fd 1 ] repaint tick end to-report aggregate-causals let a-c n-values count barriers [0] let aggregate [] let firsts [] foreach sort people [set aggregate sentence aggregate [cbas] of ?] ;; with sentence, items are included in the result directly ;; not sure how this works (use of fput [] seems essential, and switching ?2 and ?1) set firsts reduce [fput (item 0 ?2) ?1] (fput [] aggregate) ;; occurences of each barrier let b-list sort-on [who] barriers let index 0 foreach b-list [ let occ occurrences ? firsts set a-c replace-item index a-c occ ask ? [set causals occ] ;; update the barriers record of causals set index index + 1 ] report a-c end ;; monitor a ball in the vicinity and record objects (barriers and people) it comes into contact with to monitor ifelse any? balls in-radius mrad [ if show-labels [set label "!!"] ;; display exclamation mark ifelse record = [] [ ;; start a new record let ballfollowed one-of balls in-radius mrad set record (list ballfollowed) ;; use sentence in order to include elements directly if [label] of ballfollowed != "" [set record sentence record [label] of ballfollowed] ] [ ;; check ball id, check label and add new item to record let ballfollowed item 0 record if [label] of ballfollowed != "" [ set record sentence record [label] of ballfollowed ] ] ] [ ;; when there are no balls in sight check record and reset it if record != [] [ query-record set record [] set label "" ] ] end ;; detect if any barrier was struck followed by a person to query-record ;; ignore dead barriers - when a turtle dies it turns into nobody - filter these out let xcc map [? = nobody] record if (member? true xcc) = true [set record filter [? != nobody] record] ;; if last item is barrier, ignore it. sublist args: first position (inclusive) and the second position (exclusive) if is-barrier? last record [set record sublist record 0 (length record - 1)] ;; create logical map of barrier and find list item numbers let bmap map [is-barrier? ?] record ;; map of barriers let bps positions-where-equal true bmap let recbar filter [[breed] of ? = barriers] record if length recbar > 0 [ let lastp 0 ;; ball is included - first item of first seg foreach bps [ let seg sublist record lastp ? set lastp ? ;; if the first item is a barrier then add causal if is-barrier? item 0 seg [ foreach sublist seg 1 length seg [ ;; print (word "causal link between " item 0 seg " and " ?) set cbas sentence cbas (list list item 0 seg ?) ] ] ] ;;last seg same code as above let fseg sublist record lastp length record ;; if the first item is a barrier then add causal if is-barrier? item 0 fseg [ foreach sublist fseg 1 length fseg [ ;; print (word "causal link between " item 0 fseg " and " ?) set cbas sentence cbas (list list item 0 fseg ?) ] ] ] end ;; how to retrieve one-of position in a list to-report positions-where-equal [x xs] let indices n-values length xs [?] report filter [x = item ? xs] indices end ;; count the number of occurrences of an item in a list to-report occurrences [x the-list] report reduce [ifelse-value (?2 = x) [?1 + 1] [?1]] (fput 0 the-list) end to recover if damage > 0 and ticks - latest > recovery [ set damage damage - 1 ] end ;; mitigate is done only when damage is zero. to mitigate let print-on true ;; relocate - move to a less dangerous place - if own history shows more damage on that patch than that of neighbours - and if one available if relocation-rule != "Off" and random-float 1 < random-relocate [ if total-here > 2 + (max [total-here] of link-neighbors) [ ;; if total-here > 1.2 * (max [total-here] of link-neighbors) [ let ev-plots 0 ;; move a neighboring patch, i.e. move a distance one unit if relocation-rule = "patch-neighbour" [set ev-plots patch-set filter [member? ? habitable] sort neighbors with [not any? turtles-here]] ;; move to patch next to one of link-neighbours if relocation-rule = "link-neighbour" [set ev-plots patch-set filter [member? ? habitable] sort (patch-set [neighbors] of link-neighbors) with [not any? turtles-here] ] ;; move to random patch if relocation-rule = "random" [set ev-plots habitable with [not any? turtles-here]] if count ev-plots > 0 [ move-to one-of ev-plots ;; move to one of available patches, leaving any barriers behind .. if print-on [print (word "Person-" who " moved, total-here: " total-here)] set total-here 0 set relocs relocs + 1 ] ] ] ;; build a barrier with a small probability if build-barriers = true and random-float 1 < random-build [ let ba-plots patch-set sort neighbors with [not any? turtles-here] ;; allow outside of habitable ;; let ba-plots patch-set filter [member? ? habitable] sort neighbors with [not any? turtles-here] if count ba-plots > 0 [ ;; careful with hatch (heading and label) - each new turtle inherits of all its variables from its parent. hatch-barriers 1 [ ;; hatch because turtle context set color 34 ; move-to one-of ba-plots set owner myself ;; myself refers to a person if print-on [print (word "Person-" [who] of myself " built barrier")] set end-of-life ticks + barrier-lifespan set times 0 set causals 0 set label "" ;; check if neighbouring barrier, set same orientation ifelse any? barriers-on neighbors4 [ set heading [heading] of one-of barriers-on neighbors4] [set heading random 360] ] ] ] end to collide ;; collide with another ball if any? other balls-here [ set heading random 360 ] end ;; potentially damaging event can occur if the ball evades any shield ;; TODO non-susceptibles may be susceptible to peturbations to event ;; setting the radius to half the size of ball - makes a big difference in calculating contact with person or barrier let bradius size / 2 ask people in-radius bradius [ ;; ask people in-radius size [ if susceptibility = 1 [ set damage damage + 1 set latest ticks set total total + 1 set total-here total-here + 1 set number-of-collisions number-of-collisions + 1 ] ] end ;; barriers can protect an area behind it from possible impact - can deflect or divert the ball ;; TODO peturbation might have a percentage chance of destroying a barrier to shield ;; setting the radius to half the size of ball - makes a big difference in calculating contact with person or barrier ;;let bradius size / 2 ;;if any? barriers in-radius bradius [ if any? barriers in-radius size [ ifelse size = 2 [ ask barriers with [end-of-life > 0] in-radius size [die]] ;; peturbation causes (non-initial) barriers destruction [ let b min-one-of barriers in-radius size [distance myself] ;;let b min-one-of barriers in-radius bradius [distance myself] ask b [set times times + 1] if barrier-action = "deflect" [ ;; ball takes the heading of the barrier - with random adjustment set heading [heading] of b - 3 + random 7 ] if barrier-action = "deflect deterministic" [ ;; ball takes the precise heading of the barrier set heading [heading] of b ] if barrier-action = "deflect random" [ set heading random 360 ] ;; ball takes totally random deflection ] ] end to bounce ;; balls procedure ;; bounce off left and right walls if abs pxcor = max-pxcor [ set heading (- heading) fd 1] ;; bounce off top and bottom walls if abs pycor = max-pycor [ set heading (180 - heading) fd 1 ] end to repaint ask people [ set color 34 + damage ] ifelse show-links? [ask links [show-link]] [ask links [hide-link]] end ;; report any person (or barrier) the ball is in contact with to-report ball-report let val [] set val sort people in-radius size with [susceptibility = 1] if any? barriers-here [set val lput one-of barriers-here val] report val end
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