GasLab Benchmark

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Uri_dolphin3 Uri Wilensky (Author)


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$Id: GasLab Benchmark.nlogo 38506 2008-03-05 23:59:14Z tisue $

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globals [
  fast average slow               ;; current counts
  avg-speed avg-energy            ;; current averages
  avg-speed-init avg-energy-init  ;; initial averages
  vsplit vclock             ;; clock variables
  box-edge                        ;; patch coords of box's edge

turtles-own [
  speed mass energy new-speed           ;; turtle info
  v1t v1l tmp-turtle                    ;; collision info (turtle 1)
  heading2 mass2 speed2 v2t v2l turtle2 ;; collision info (turtle 2)
  theta                                 ;; collision info (both turtles)

patches-own [ box? ]

to benchmark
  random-seed 361
  repeat 800 [ go ]
  set result timer

to setup
  set box-edge (round (max-pxcor * box-size-percent / 100))
  set vclock  0
  cro number
  ask turtles [
    set new-speed initspeed
    set mass initmass
    if who != 0
      [ random-position ]
    rt random 360
    recolor-turtle turtle who
  set avg-speed-init avg-speed
  set avg-energy-init avg-energy

to update-variables
  ask turtles
    [ set speed new-speed
      set energy (0.5 * speed * speed * mass) ]
  set average  count turtles with [color = green ]
  set slow     count turtles with [color = blue]
  set fast     count turtles with [color = red]
  set avg-speed mean [speed ] of turtles
  set avg-energy mean [energy] of turtles
  set vsplit (round ((max [speed] of turtles) * 1.2))

to go
  ask turtles [ bounce ]
  ask turtles [ move ]
  set vclock (vclock + 1)
  if (vclock = vsplit)
  [ tick
    set vclock  0
    ask patches [ fade ]

to bounce ;;turtle procedure
  ; check: hitting top or bottom wall?
  if ((pycor = box-edge)       and ((heading > 270) or (heading < 90))) or
     ((pycor = (0 - box-edge)) and ((heading > 90) and (heading < 270)))
    ; if so, reflect heading around y axis
    [ set heading (180 - heading) ]
  ; check: hitting left or right wall?
  if ((pxcor = box-edge)       and ((heading > 0) and (heading < 180))) or
     ((pxcor = (0 - box-edge)) and ((heading > 180)))
    ; if so, reflect heading around x axis
    [ set heading (0 - heading) ]

to move  ;;turtle procedure
  jump ( speed / vsplit )
  if trace? and ( who = 0 ) and not box?
    [ set pcolor yellow]

to check-for-collision ;;turtle procedure
  if not box? and (count other turtles-here = 1)
    [ set tmp-turtle one-of other turtles-here
      if ((who > [who] of tmp-turtle) and (turtle2 != tmp-turtle))
        [ collide
          recolor-turtle turtle who ]

to collide  ;;turtle procedure

to get-turtle2-info  ;;turtle procedure
  set turtle2 tmp-turtle
  set mass2 [mass] of turtle2
  set speed2 [new-speed] of turtle2
  set heading2 [heading] of turtle2

to calculate-velocity-components
  set theta ( random 360 )
  set v1l ( new-speed * ( sin ( theta - heading ) ) )
  set v1t ( new-speed * ( cos ( theta - heading ) ) )
  set v2l ( speed2 * ( sin ( theta - heading2 ) ) )
  set v2t ( speed2 * ( cos ( theta - heading2 ) ) )
  let vcm ( ( ( mass * v1t ) + ( mass2 * v2t ) ) / ( mass + mass2 ) )
  set v1t ( vcm + vcm - v1t )
  set v2t ( vcm + vcm - v2t )

to set-new-speed-and-headings  ;;turtle procedure
  set new-speed  sqrt (( v1t * v1t ) + ( v1l * v1l ))
  ifelse ( ( v1l >= 0 ) and ( v1t >= 0 ) )
  [set heading ( theta - ( atan v1l v1t ) )]
  [ifelse ( ( v1l < 0 ) and ( v1t < 0 ) )
    [set heading ( ( theta + 180 ) - ( atan v1l v1t ) )]
    [ifelse ( ( v1l >= 0 ) and ( v1t < 0 ) )
      [set heading ( ( theta + 180 ) - ( atan v1l v1t ) ) ]
      [if ( ( v1l < 0 ) and ( v1t >= 0 ) )
        [set heading ( theta - ( atan v1l v1t ) )] ] ] ]
  let new-new-speed sqrt (( v2t * v2t) + ( v2l *  v2l))
  ask turtle2 [ set new-speed new-new-speed ]
  ifelse ( ( v2l >= 0 ) and ( v2t >= 0 ) )
  [set heading2 ( theta - ( atan v2l v2t ) )]
  [ifelse ( ( v2l < 0 ) and ( v2t < 0 ) )
    [set heading2 ( ( theta + 180 ) - ( atan v2l v2t ) )]
    [ifelse ( ( v2l >= 0 ) and ( v2t < 0 ) )
      [set heading2 ( ( theta + 180 ) - ( atan v2l v2t ) )]
      [if ( ( v2l < 0 ) and ( v2t >= 0 ) )
        [set heading2 ( theta - ( atan v2l v2t ) ) ] ] ] ]
  let new-heading heading2
  ask turtle2 [ set heading new-heading ]
  recolor-turtle turtle2

to recolor-turtle [the-turtle]
  ifelse [new-speed] of the-turtle < (0.5 * initspeed)
    [ ask the-turtle [ set color blue ] ]
    [ ifelse [new-speed] of the-turtle > (1.5 * initspeed)
        [ ask the-turtle [ set color red ] ]
        [ ask the-turtle [ set color green ] ] ]

to fade
  if (not box?) and (pcolor != black )
    [ set pcolor ( pcolor - 0.4 )
      if (round pcolor = 40)
        [ set pcolor black ] ]

to make-box
  ask patches
    [ set box? false
      if ((abs pxcor = box-edge) and (abs pycor <= box-edge)) or
         ((abs pycor = box-edge) and (abs pxcor <= box-edge))
        [ set pcolor red
          set box? true ] ]

to random-position ;; turtle procedure
  setxy ((1 - box-edge) + random ((2 * box-edge) - 2))
        ((1 - box-edge) + random ((2 * box-edge) - 2))

to setup-plots
  set-current-plot "Speed Counts"
  set-plot-y-range 0 number

to do-plotting
  set-current-plot "Speed Counts"
  set-current-plot-pen "fast"
  plot fast
  set-current-plot-pen "average"
  plot average
  set-current-plot-pen "slow"
  plot slow

to setup-histograms
  set-current-plot "Speed Histogram"
  set-plot-x-range 0 (initspeed * 2)
  set-plot-y-range 0 round (number / 6)
  set-current-plot-pen "average"
  set-histogram-num-bars 32
  set-current-plot-pen "slow"
  set-histogram-num-bars 32
  set-current-plot-pen "fast"
  set-histogram-num-bars 32

  set-current-plot "Energy Histogram"
  set-plot-x-range 0 (0.5 * (initspeed * 2) * (initspeed * 2) * initmass)
  set-plot-y-range 0 round (number / 6)
  set-current-plot-pen "average"
  set-histogram-num-bars 32
  set-current-plot-pen "slow"
  set-histogram-num-bars 32
  set-current-plot-pen "fast"
  set-histogram-num-bars 32

to do-histograms
  set-current-plot "Speed Histogram"
  set-current-plot-pen "average"
  histogram [ speed ] of turtles with [ color = green ]
  set-current-plot-pen "slow"
  histogram [ speed ] of turtles with [ color = blue ]
  set-current-plot-pen "fast"
  histogram [ speed ] of turtles with [ color = red ]
  set-current-plot-pen "Vert-Line"
  draw-vert-line avg-speed gray
  draw-vert-line avg-speed-init black

  set-current-plot "Energy Histogram"
  set-current-plot-pen "average"
  histogram [ energy ] of turtles with [ color = green ]
  set-current-plot-pen "slow"
  histogram [ energy ] of turtles with [ color = blue ]
  set-current-plot-pen "fast"
  histogram [ energy ] of turtles with [ color = red ]
  set-current-plot-pen "Vert-Line"
  draw-vert-line avg-energy gray
  draw-vert-line avg-energy-init black

; draws a vertical line of color linecolor on plot plotname, at xval

to draw-vert-line [xval linecolor]
  set-plot-pen-color linecolor
  plotxy xval plot-y-min
  plotxy xval plot-y-max

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago GasLab Benchmark Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago GasLab Benchmark Download this version

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