Perimeters and Areas

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1 collaborator

Uri_dolphin3 Uri Wilensky (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 4.1pre1 • Viewed 256 times • Downloaded 31 times • Run 0 times
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$Id: Perimeters and Areas.nlogo 39722 2008-05-01 18:38:33Z everreau $

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;; Variable and Breed declarations ;;
globals [
  ;; lists used to create the various turtles
  shape-names       ;; list that holds the names of the non-sick shapes a student's turtle can have
  colors            ;; list that holds the colors used for students' turtles
  color-names       ;; list that holds the names of the colors used for students' turtles
  used-shape-colors ;; list that holds the shape-color pairs that are already being used

  ;; misc
  max-possible-codes ;; total number of possible unique shape/color combinations


breed [ edges edge ]
breed [ students student ] ;; created and controlled by the clients

students-own [
  base-shape   ;; original shape of a turtle
  user-id  ;; unique id, input by the client when they log in, to identify each student turtle
edges-own [a b]

;; Setup Functions ;;

to startup
  hubnet-set-client-interface "COMPUTER" []

;; Initializes the display, and creates a list that contains the names of the shapes
;; used by turtles in this activity.  Also initializes the data lists.

to setup
  set-default-shape edges "line"

;; initialize global variables

to setup-vars
  set shape-names [
    "cow skull"
  set colors      (list brown green yellow (violet + 1)
                        (sky - 1))
  set color-names ["brown" "green" "yellow"
                   "purple" "blue"]
  set max-possible-codes (length colors * length shape-names)
  set used-shape-colors []
  set the-points []

;; give the user some information about what the setup button does so they can
;; know whether they want to proceed before actually doing the setup

to setup-prompt
  if user-yes-or-no? (word "The SETUP button should only be used when starting "
              "over with a new group (such as a new set of students) since "
              "all data is lost.  Use the RE-RUN button for continuing with "
              "an existing group."
              "\\n\\nDo you really want to setup the model?")
    user-message (word "Before closing this dialog, please do the following:"
                 "\\n  -Have everyone that is currently logged in, log off and "
                 "then kick all remaining clients with the HubNet Console.")

;; Runtime Functions ;;

to go
  every 0.1 [
    ;; get commands and data from the clients

to edgify
  ask edges [ die ]
  let smarties [self] of students with [user-id != 0]
  let dummies [self] of students with [user-id = 0]
  ifelse fixed-together? [
    set the-points sentence (shuffle smarties) (shuffle dummies)
  ] [
    set the-points shuffle (sentence smarties dummies)
  if length the-points >= 2 [
    foreach n-values length the-points [?] [
      ask item ? the-points [
        connect-to item ((? + 1) mod length the-points) the-points

to make-fixed-point
  create-students 1 [
    set color white
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
    set heading 0

to move-fixed-point
  let fixed-points students with [user-id = 0 ]
  if mouse-down? [
    let closest min-one-of fixed-points [distancexy-nowrap mouse-xcor mouse-ycor ]
    ask closest 
      set xcor mouse-xcor 
      set ycor mouse-ycor 
    ask edges [reposition]

to display-angles
  ask patches [set plabel ""]
  ask edges [
    ask a [
      let e1 myself
      let e2 one-of edges with [ b = myself ] ; here myself is the asking a
      let n1 [b] of e1
      let n2 [a] of e2
      let angle subtract-headings towards n1 towards n2
      if  label-dood != nobody [
      ask label-dood [
        set plabel-color [color] of myself set plabel precision abs angle 0
        ask myself [set angle-between-edges abs angle]
      set edge-1 [size] of e1
      set edge-2 [size] of e2

to-report label-dood
  report one-of neighbors with [
    distance myself = distance-nowrap myself and
    not any? students-here

;; report the amount we can move in the current direction
;; if we don't want to wrap around the screen

to-report move-amount [direction] ;; turtle procedure
  let amount step-size
  let me self
    while [
      abs (xcor + (amount * dx * direction)) > max-pxcor or
      abs (ycor + (amount * dy * direction)) > max-pycor or
      (amount > 0 and
      any? [
        students-here with [self != me]
      ] of patch-ahead (amount * direction))
    ] [
      ifelse amount < 1 [
        set amount 0
      ] [
        set amount amount - 1
  report amount

;; Code for interacting with the clients ;;

;; determines which client sent a command, and what the command was

to listen-clients
  while [ hubnet-message-waiting? ]
    ifelse hubnet-enter-message? [
    ] [
    ifelse hubnet-exit-message? [
    ] [
      execute-command hubnet-message-tag

;; NetLogo knows what each student turtle is supposed to be
;; doing based on the tag sent by the node:

to execute-command [command]
  ifelse command = "Change Appearance" [
  ] [
  ifelse command = "step-size" [
    ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source] [
      set step-size read-from-string hubnet-message
      ;; we only want non integers when it's less than 1
      if step-size > 1 [
        let closest-int round step-size
        ifelse closest-int = ceiling step-size [
          set step-size floor step-size
        ] [
          set step-size ceiling step-size
  ] [
  ifelse command = "Lt" [
    execute-turn -45
  ] [
  ifelse command = "Rt" [
    execute-turn 45
  ] [
  ifelse command = "Up" [
    execute-move 0
  ] [
  ifelse command = "Down" [
    execute-move 180
  ] [
  ifelse command = "Right" [
    execute-move 90 stop
  ] [
  ifelse command = "Left" [
    execute-move 270
  ] [
  ifelse command = "Fd" [
    execute-go 1
  ] [
  ifelse command = "Bk" [
    execute-go -1
  ] [
    ;; executed no matter which movement command it was
    if any? edges [ update-plots ]
  if hubnet-message-tag = "View" [
    ask students with [ user-id = hubnet-message-source ] [

to move-to-click ; student procedure
  let patch-clicked-on patch (round item 0 hubnet-message) (round item 1 hubnet-message)
  setxy [pxcor] of patch-clicked-on [pycor] of patch-clicked-on
  ask edges [ reposition ]

;; Create a turtle, set its shape, color, and position
;; and tell the node what its turtle looks like and where it is

to create-new-student
  create-students 1

;; sets the turtle variables to appropriate initial values

to setup-student-vars  ;; turtle procedure
  set user-id hubnet-message-source
  set step-size 1
  while [ any? other students-here ] [
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
  set heading 0

;; sends the appropriate monitor information back to the client

to send-init-to-client
  hubnet-send user-id "You are a:" (word (color-string color) " " base-shape)
  hubnet-send user-id "Located at:" (word "(" pxcor "," pycor ")")
  hubnet-send user-id "Heading:" heading-text
  hubnet-send user-id "Perimeter:" perimeter
  hubnet-send user-id "Area:" area

;; pick a base-shape and color for the turtle

to set-unique-shape-and-color
  let code random max-possible-codes
  while [member? code used-shape-colors and count students < max-possible-codes]
    set code random max-possible-codes
  set used-shape-colors (lput code used-shape-colors)
  set base-shape item (code mod length shape-names) shape-names
  set shape base-shape
  set color item (code / length shape-names) colors
  set label-color color

;; report the string version of the turtle's color

to-report color-string [color-value]
  report item (position color-value colors) color-names

to-report heading-text
  ifelse heading = 0 [
    report "^"
  ] [
  ifelse heading = 45 [
    report "/^"
  ] [
  ifelse heading = 90 [
    report ">"
  ] [
  ifelse heading = 135 [
    report "\\\\v"
  ] [
  ifelse heading = 180 [
    report "v"
  ] [
  ifelse heading = 225 [
    report "v/"
  ] [
  ifelse heading = 270 [
    report "<"
  ] [
  if heading = 315 [
    report "^\\\\"

;; Kill the turtle, set its shape, color, and position
;; and tell the node what its turtle looks like and where it is

to remove-student
  ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source]
    set used-shape-colors remove my-code used-shape-colors

;; translates a student turtle's shape and color into a code

to-report my-code
  report (position base-shape shape-names) + (length shape-names) * (position color colors)

;XXXXXXXXXX these 3 procedures should be combined if possible
;; Cause the students to move forward step-size in new-heading's heading

to execute-move [new-heading]
  ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source]
    set heading new-heading
    jump move-amount 1 ; 1 means forward direction
    set heading 0
    ask edges [ reposition ]

;XXXXXXXX terrible name

to execute-go [direction]
  ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source]
    jump direction * move-amount direction
    ask edges [ reposition ]

to execute-turn [amount]
  ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source]
    rt amount

to update-clients-info
  let user-id-dooder 0
  foreach [ self ] of students with [user-id != 0] [
    set user-id-dooder [user-id] of ?
    hubnet-send user-id-dooder "Perimeter:" perimeter
    hubnet-send user-id-dooder "Area:" area
    hubnet-send user-id-dooder "Heading:" [ heading-text ] of ?
    hubnet-send user-id-dooder "step-size" [step-size] of ?
    hubnet-send user-id-dooder "Located at:" (word "(" precision [xcor] of ? 1 "," precision [ycor] of ? 1 ")")

to-report perimeter
  report precision sum [size] of edges 1

to-report area
  let vertices the-points
  let result 0
  foreach n-values length vertices [?] [
    let vertex item ? vertices
    let other-vertex item ((? + 1) mod length vertices) vertices
    let addend (([pxcor] of vertex * [pycor] of other-vertex) -
                ([pycor] of vertex * [pxcor] of other-vertex))
    set result result + addend
  report precision abs (result / 2) 1

to update-plots
  set-current-plot "perimeter"
  plot perimeter
  set-current-plot "area"
  plot area

to execute-change-turtle
  ask students with [user-id = hubnet-message-source]
    set used-shape-colors remove my-code used-shape-colors
    hubnet-send user-id "You are a:" (word (color-string color) " " base-shape)

to connect-to [other-node]  ;; node procedure
  hatch 1
    [ set breed edges
      set a myself
      set b other-node
      set color white
      set label-color white
      reposition ]

to reposition  ;; edge procedure
  setxy ([xcor] of a) ([ycor] of a)
  set heading towards-nowrap b
  set size distance-nowrap b
  jump (distance-nowrap b) / 2
  set label precision size 1

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago Perimeters and Areas Download this version
Uri Wilensky over 14 years ago Perimeters and Areas Download this version

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