Student Conscription Model
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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; STUDENT MILITARY SERVICE MOTIVATION MODEL ;; Based on research on motivations of students in Kyiv universities ;; to join military service after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; GLOBAL VARIABLES globals [ war-week ; Current week count since full-scale invasion media-influence ; Level of positive media coverage of military (0-100) economic-hardship ; Level of economic difficulty in the country (0-100) ;; Regional distribution percentages percent-west ; Percentage of students from Western Ukraine percent-central ; Percentage of students from Central Ukraine percent-east ; Percentage of students from Eastern Ukraine percent-south ; Percentage of students from Southern Ukraine ;; Event counters for tracking simulation events military-events ; Count of significant military events economic-events ; Count of significant economic events political-events ; Count of significant political events ] ;; AGENT DEFINITIONS breed [students student] students-own [ ;; Demographic attributes age ; Student age (17-26) gender ; Student gender ("male" or "female") study-year ; Year of study (1-4) region ; Home region ("West", "Central", "East", "South") ;; Background factors (0-100 scale) family-influence ; Level of patriotic/military influence from family educational-influence ; Level of patriotic/educational influence from school/university activism-involvement ; Level of involvement in civic/political organizations ;; Motivation types (0-100 scale) social-motivation ; Motivation from social environment and peers moral-motivation ; Moral and psychological motivation political-motivation ; Civic and political motivation economic-motivation ; Economic/financial motivation ;; Decision variables motivation-threshold ; Individual threshold required to join (varies by person) joined? ; Whether student has joined military service ;; Network variables my-organization ; Type of organization the student belongs to (if any) my-university ; University the student attends peers ; List of connected peers my-peers-joined ; Percentage of peers who have joined military ] patches-own [ university ; University identifier (name) is-organization? ; Whether patch represents an organization organization-type ; Type of organization if applicable ("youth", "political", "volunteer") ] ;; MODEL SETUP PROCEDURES to setup clear-all ;; Initialize regional distribution set percent-west 30 ; 30% of students from Western region set percent-central 40 ; 40% from Central region set percent-east 20 ; 20% from Eastern region set percent-south 10 ; 10% from Southern region set economic-hardship 80 ; Start with high economic hardship (wartime conditions) ;; Initialize event counters set military-events 0 set economic-events 0 set political-events 0 ;; Set up the model environment and agents setup-environment setup-students setup-organizations reset-ticks end ;; Sets up the physical environment (universities and spaces) to setup-environment ;; Initialize all patches to default state ask patches [ set university "none" set is-organization? false set organization-type "none" set pcolor brown - 2 ; Default background color ] ;; Create university areas on the map setup-universities end ;; Creates student agents with appropriate attributes to setup-students create-students population-size [ set shape "person" set size 1 ; Set visible size for students ;; Initialize student attributes (demographics, motivations, etc.) setup-student-attributes ;; Place student at an appropriate university let target-university one-of patches with [university != "none"] ;; Fallback if no universities exist if target-university = nobody [ move-to one-of patches ] ;; Place student at their assigned university if target-university != nobody [ set my-university [university] of target-university ;; Try to find an unoccupied patch in the university let target-patch one-of patches with [(university = [my-university] of myself) and not any? students-here] ;; If all university patches are occupied, try nearby patches if target-patch = nobody [ set target-patch one-of patches with [university = [my-university] of myself] ;; Last resort fallback if target-patch = nobody [ set target-patch one-of patches ] ] ;; Move to the selected patch move-to target-patch ;; Add small random movement to avoid perfect alignment fd random-float 2 ] ] end ;; Initialize individual student attributes based on research data to setup-student-attributes ;; Set demographic attributes set age 17 + random 10 ; Ages 17-26 (typical university age range) set gender ifelse-value (random 100 < percent-female) ["female"] ["male"] set study-year 1 + random 4 ; Years 1-4 of university ;; Set regional background with appropriate probabilities let random-num random 100 if random-num < percent-west [set region "West"] if random-num >= percent-west and random-num < (percent-west + percent-central) [set region "Central"] if random-num >= (percent-west + percent-central) and random-num < (percent-west + percent-central + percent-east) [set region "East"] if random-num >= (percent-west + percent-central + percent-east) [set region "South"] ;; Initialize influence factors based partly on region set family-influence setup-family-influence set educational-influence setup-educational-influence set activism-involvement 0 ; Will be updated when organizations form ;; Initialize motivation factors with gender differences based on research ifelse gender = "female" [ ;; Female students - research shows higher moral components set social-motivation random 30 + 5 set moral-motivation random 30 + 10 set political-motivation random 30 set economic-motivation random 30 - 5 ] [ ;; Male students set social-motivation random 30 set moral-motivation random 30 set political-motivation random 30 + 5 set economic-motivation random 30 ] ;; Set individual threshold (varies by person and gender) ifelse gender = "female" [ ;; Women typically require higher motivation due to gender barriers in military set motivation-threshold 60 + random 40 ] [ ;; Men's threshold set motivation-threshold 50 + random 50 ] ;; Initialize decision and network variables set joined? false set peers [] end ;; Calculate family influence based on regional background to-report setup-family-influence let base-influence random 60 ;; Regional effects on family influence based on research if region = "West" [set base-influence base-influence + 20] ; Western regions more patriotic if region = "South" or region = "East" [set base-influence max list 0 (base-influence - 10)] ; Less patriotic influence report min list 100 base-influence ; Cap at 100 end ;; Calculate educational influence based on university quality and region to-report setup-educational-influence let base-influence random 50 let uni my-university ;; Higher quality education in prestigious universities if uni = "NaUKMA" [set base-influence base-influence + 20] ; Kyiv-Mohyla Academy if uni = "KNU" [set base-influence base-influence + 15] ; Kyiv National University if uni = "LNU" [set base-influence base-influence + 10] ; Lviv National University ;; Regional effects on educational influence if region = "West" [set base-influence base-influence + 5] ; Western universities more nationally oriented report min list 100 base-influence ; Cap at 100 end ;; Create organizations (youth, political, volunteer) on the map to setup-organizations ;; Number of each organization type let num-youth-orgs 3 + random 2 ; 3-4 youth organizations let num-political-orgs 2 + random 3 ; 2-4 political organizations let num-volunteer-orgs 4 + random 3 ; 4-6 volunteer organizations ;; Create youth organizations ask n-of num-youth-orgs patches with [not is-organization? and university != "none"] [ set is-organization? true set organization-type "youth" set pcolor yellow ] ;; Create political organizations ask n-of num-political-orgs patches with [not is-organization? and university != "none"] [ set is-organization? true set organization-type "political" set pcolor blue ] ;; Create volunteer organizations ask n-of num-volunteer-orgs patches with [not is-organization? and university != "none"] [ set is-organization? true set organization-type "volunteer" set pcolor green ] ;; Students join organizations based on their attributes and proximity ask students [ ;; Find nearby organizations (within radius of 5 patches) let nearby-orgs patches in-radius 5 with [is-organization?] ;; If there are nearby organizations, possibly join one based on student characteristics if any? nearby-orgs [ let chosen-org one-of nearby-orgs let join-probability 0 ;; Calculate join probability based on organization type and student characteristics if [organization-type] of chosen-org = "youth" [ ;; Younger students more likely to join youth orgs set join-probability 70 - ((age - 17) * 10) ] if [organization-type] of chosen-org = "political" [ ;; Political orgs appeal to students with political motivation set join-probability political-motivation / 2 ] if [organization-type] of chosen-org = "volunteer" [ ;; Volunteer orgs appeal more to students with moral motivation set join-probability moral-motivation / 2 ] ;; Regional effects on organization joining if region = "West" and [organization-type] of chosen-org = "volunteer" [ set join-probability join-probability + 20 ; Western regions more volunteer-oriented ] if region = "East" and [organization-type] of chosen-org = "political" [ set join-probability join-probability + 15 ; Eastern regions more politically active ] ;; Join organization if probability threshold met if random 100 < join-probability [ set my-organization [organization-type] of chosen-org ;; Being in an organization increases activism involvement set activism-involvement 20 + random 40 ;; Different organization types affect different motivations if my-organization = "youth" [ set social-motivation social-motivation + 10 ] if my-organization = "political" [ set political-motivation political-motivation + 15 ] if my-organization = "volunteer" [ set moral-motivation moral-motivation + 15 ] ] ] ] end ;; Create university areas on the map based on real geography to setup-universities ;; Define number of universities let num-universities 6 ; All 6 universities to match research data ;; List of university names let university-names ["NaUKMA" "KNU" "LNU" "KhNU" "ONPU" "ChNU"] ;; Regions associated with each university let university-regions ["Central" "Central" "West" "East" "South" "Central"] ;; University quality factors (0-100) - affects educational influence let university-quality [85 75 70 65 60 65] ;; Coordinates for each university based on approximate real geography let university-coordinates [ [0 0] ; NaUKMA - Kyiv (Central) [5 -2] ; KNU - Kyiv (Central) [-15 5] ; LNU - Lviv (West) [18 -5] ; KhNU - Kharkiv (East) [5 -15] ; ONPU - Odesa (South) [-5 -10] ; ChNU - Chernivtsi (Central-West) ] ;; University size (radius) to create appropriate areas let university-sizes [3 6 6 6 6 5] ;; Create each university in its geographic location let university-counter 0 repeat num-universities [ ;; Skip if we've run out of university names if university-counter >= length university-names [stop] ;; Get the current university coordinates and radius let center-x item 0 (item university-counter university-coordinates) let center-y item 1 (item university-counter university-coordinates) let radius item university-counter university-sizes ;; Get the current university name and associated data let current-name item university-counter university-names let current-region item university-counter university-regions let current-quality item university-counter university-quality ;; Create a cluster of patches for this university ask patches with [(pxcor - center-x) ^ 2 + (pycor - center-y) ^ 2 < radius ^ 2] [ set university current-name ;; Set colors based on university quality (unique shade for each university) set pcolor scale-color blue current-quality 0 100 set plabel-color white ;; Occasionally label a patch with university name for visualization if random 100 < 10 and (pxcor - center-x) ^ 2 + (pycor - center-y) ^ 2 < (radius - 1) ^ 2 [ set plabel current-name ] ] ;; Increment counter set university-counter university-counter + 1 ] end ;; MAIN SIMULATION PROCEDURES to go if ticks >= simulation-length [stop] ; End simulation after specified time ;; Advance war timeline set war-week ticks ;; Update environmental conditions (media, economy, events) update-environment ;; Students interact and update motivations ask students [ interact-with-peers update-motivations decide-to-join ] ;; Update visualization update-display tick end ;; Update environmental conditions affecting all students to update-environment ;; Initialize media influence on first tick if ticks = 0 [ set media-influence 50 ; Start at neutral value ] ;; Update media influence based on slider and random fluctuations set media-influence (media-coverage + random-float 5 - 2.5) set media-influence max list 0 min list 100 media-influence ; Keep within 0-100 range ;; Economy gradually fluctuates with war duration set economic-hardship max list 0 (economic-hardship + random-float 2 - 1) ;; Apply environmental effects to students based on their characteristics ask students [ ;; Recruitment campaigns affect social motivation set social-motivation social-motivation + (recuitment-campaign-intensity / 100) * social-weight ;; Recruitment campaigns also affect economic motivation but less strongly set economic-motivation economic-motivation + (recuitment-campaign-intensity / 200) * economic-weight ;; Eastern and Southern regions face more economic impact during war if region = "East" or region = "South" [ set economic-motivation economic-motivation + (economic-hardship / 200) ] ;; Media influence affects political motivation differently based on education level set political-motivation political-motivation + (media-influence / 100) * (educational-influence / 100) * political-weight ] ;; Occasional major events that affect motivations (roughly every 10 weeks) if war-week mod 10 = 0 and war-week > 0 [ let event-type random 3 ;; Major military event (increases moral motivation) if event-type = 0 [ set military-events military-events + 1 ask students [ set moral-motivation moral-motivation + random-float 10 ] ] ;; Economic support package (increases economic motivation) if event-type = 1 [ set economic-events economic-events + 1 ask students [ set economic-motivation economic-motivation + random-float 15 ] ] ;; Political development (increases political motivation) if event-type = 2 [ set political-events political-events + 1 ask students [ set political-motivation political-motivation + random-float 12 ] ] ] end ;; Students interact with peers and update their social network to interact-with-peers ;; Find nearby peers within interaction radius let nearby-peers other students in-radius interaction-radius ;; Store nearby peers list set peers nearby-peers ;; Calculate the percentage of peers who have joined military ifelse any? nearby-peers [ set my-peers-joined (count nearby-peers with [joined?] / count nearby-peers) * 100 ] [ set my-peers-joined 0 ; No peers, so set to 0 ] end ;; Update student motivation levels based on various factors to update-motivations ;; Calculate peer influence let joined-peers 0 let total-peers count peers if total-peers > 0 [ set joined-peers count peers with [joined?] ] ;; Social motivation increases when peers join set social-motivation social-motivation + (joined-peers / max list 1 total-peers) * social-weight ;; Moral motivation increases with war duration set moral-motivation moral-motivation + (war-week / 50) * moral-weight ;; Political motivation affected by activism involvement set political-motivation political-motivation + (activism-involvement / 100) * political-weight ;; Economic motivation affected by economic conditions set economic-motivation economic-motivation + (economic-hardship / 100) * economic-weight ;; Gender-specific motivation updates based on research if gender = "female" [ ;; Research shows women have higher responsibility for state welfare set moral-motivation moral-motivation + (war-week / 40) * moral-weight ;; Women more motivated to prove themselves against stereotypes set social-motivation social-motivation + (war-week / 200) * social-weight ] ;; Apply natural decay to motivations over time (prevents unlimited growth) set social-motivation min list 100 (social-motivation * 0.97) set moral-motivation min list 100 (moral-motivation * 0.99) set political-motivation min list 100 (political-motivation * 0.98) set economic-motivation min list 100 (economic-motivation * 0.96) end ;; Make decision about joining military based on motivations and barriers to decide-to-join if joined? [stop] ; Skip if already joined ;; Calculate overall motivation (weighted sum of motivation types) let overall-motivation ( (social-motivation * social-weight) + (moral-motivation * moral-weight) + (political-motivation * political-weight) + (economic-motivation * economic-weight) ) / (social-weight + moral-weight + political-weight + economic-weight) ;; Apply barriers based on research findings if contract-duration = "3-years" [ ;; Longer contracts reduce likelihood (significant barrier identified in research) set overall-motivation overall-motivation * 0.8 ] if study-service-compatibility < 50 [ ;; Lower compatibility between studies and service is a barrier set overall-motivation overall-motivation * (0.5 + (study-service-compatibility / 100)) ] ;; Make decision to join if motivation exceeds threshold if overall-motivation > motivation-threshold [ set joined? true set color red ] end ;; Update display elements for visualization to update-display ;; Update student colors based on joined status ask students [ ifelse joined? [ set color red ] ; Joined military (red) [ set color green ] ; Not joined (green) ] end
There is only one version of this model, created 3 days ago by Artem Serdyuk.
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