Updated Civil Unrest Model
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;extensions [ time ] breed [ agents an-agent ] breed [ cops cop ] globals [ k ; factor for determining arrest probability threshold ; by how much must G > N to make someone rebel? ; Time tracking current-date ; current simulation date wave-start-date ; start date of current wave wave-duration ; duration of current wave ; Wave parameters current-wave ; current active wave type wave-number ; which wave we're on wave-intensity ; current wave intensity ; Social tension parameters immigration-tension ; tracks immigration-related tension womens-rights-tension ; tracks women's rights related tension geopolitical-tension ; tracks international relations tension corporate-tension ; tracks corporate/economic tension ; Crisis indicators communication-crisis ; poor international communication policy-crisis ; controversial policy implementations economic-crisis ; economic hardship indicators ; Population parameters base-protest-ready-percent ; 20-25% normally crisis-protest-ready-percent ; 30-35% during crisis ; Statistics total-active-protesters female-active-protesters male-active-protesters cumulative-participants ; total participants across all waves ] agents-own [ risk-aversion ; R, fixed for the agent's lifetime perceived-hardship ; H, ranging from 0-1 active? ; if true, then the agent is actively rebelling jail-term ; how many turns in jail remain? gender ; "female" or "male" protest-causes ; list of causes they care about protest-energy ; energy for protesting (0-1) protest-threshold ; individual threshold for joining diaspora ; specific community membership activism-level ; how likely to join protests home-patch ; where agent typically returns to ] patches-own [ neighborhood ; surrounding patches within vision radius diaspora-density ; concentration of specific communities urban-center? ; is this a major city? protest-probability ; base likelihood of protest activity ] to setup clear-all reset-ticks set k 2.3 set threshold 0.1 set current-date 0 set wave-number 0 set cumulative-participants 0 ; Initialize tension levels set immigration-tension random-float 0.3 set womens-rights-tension random-float 0.3 set geopolitical-tension random-float 0.3 set corporate-tension random-float 0.3 ; Initialize crisis indicators set communication-crisis false set policy-crisis false set economic-crisis false ; Set population parameters set base-protest-ready-percent 0.225 set crisis-protest-ready-percent 0.325 setup-patches setup-agents setup-cops update-statistics end to setup-patches ask patches [ set pcolor gray - 1 set neighborhood patches in-radius vision set urban-center? (random-float 1.0 < 0.1) set protest-probability ifelse-value urban-center? [ 0.3 + random-float 0.2 ] [ 0.1 + random-float 0.1 ] set diaspora-density random-float 1.0 ] end to setup-cops create-cops round (initial-cop-density * .01 * count patches) [ move-to one-of patches with [ not any? turtles-here ] display-cop ] end to-report assign-gender ; Based on sociology data showing 60-70% female participation report ifelse-value (random-float 1.0 < 0.65) [ "female" ] [ "male" ] end to setup-agents create-agents round (initial-agent-density * .01 * count patches) [ move-to one-of patches with [ not any? turtles-here ] set heading 0 set home-patch patch-here ; Basic properties set risk-aversion random-float 1.0 set perceived-hardship random-float 1.0 set active? false set jail-term 0 ; Advanced properties set gender assign-gender set protest-causes assign-causes set protest-energy random-float 1.0 set protest-threshold calculate-protest-threshold set diaspora assign-diaspora set activism-level random-float 1.0 display-agent ] end to go ; Increment time and manage waves first manage-waves update-social-dynamics ask turtles [ if (breed = agents and jail-term = 0) or breed = cops [ move ] if breed = agents and jail-term = 0 [ determine-behavior ] if breed = cops [ enforce ] ] ask agents [ if jail-term > 0 [ set jail-term jail-term - 1 ] ] ask agents [ display-agent ] ask cops [ display-cop ] update-statistics tick end to enforce ; cop procedure ; Use in-radius instead of patch variable let active-targets agents in-radius vision with [active? and breed = agents] if any? active-targets [ let target min-one-of active-targets [ ; Prioritize closer targets and those causing more disturbance distance myself - activism-level ] if target != nobody [ move-to target ask target [ set active? false set jail-term random max-jail-term if gender = "female" [ set womens-rights-tension womens-rights-tension + 0.01 ] if diaspora != "none" [ set geopolitical-tension geopolitical-tension + 0.01 ] ] ] ] end to update-social-dynamics ; Update tension levels based on current events and conditions set immigration-tension update-tension immigration-tension policy-crisis set womens-rights-tension update-tension womens-rights-tension policy-crisis set geopolitical-tension update-tension geopolitical-tension communication-crisis set corporate-tension update-tension corporate-tension economic-crisis ; Update crisis indicators based on evolving conditions if random-float 1.0 < 0.001 [ toggle-crisis "communication" ] if random-float 1.0 < 0.001 [ toggle-crisis "policy" ] if random-float 1.0 < 0.001 [ toggle-crisis "economic" ] end to-report update-tension [current-tension crisis?] let new-tension current-tension ; Natural decay set new-tension new-tension * 0.99 ; Crisis impact if crisis? [ set new-tension new-tension + 0.05 ] ; Random fluctuation set new-tension new-tension + (random-float 0.02 - 0.01) ; Ensure bounds report max (list 0 (min (list 1 new-tension))) end to toggle-crisis [crisis-type] if crisis-type = "communication" [ set communication-crisis not communication-crisis if communication-crisis [ set geopolitical-tension geopolitical-tension + 0.2 ] ] if crisis-type = "policy" [ set policy-crisis not policy-crisis if policy-crisis [ set immigration-tension immigration-tension + 0.2 set womens-rights-tension womens-rights-tension + 0.2 ] ] if crisis-type = "economic" [ set economic-crisis not economic-crisis if economic-crisis [ set corporate-tension corporate-tension + 0.2 ] ] end to manage-waves ; Increment current date set current-date current-date + 1 ; Check for wave end conditions if current-wave != 0 [ if current-date - wave-start-date > wave-duration [ set current-wave 0 set wave-intensity 0 ] ] ; Check for new wave start conditions if current-wave = 0 and should-start-new-wave? [ set wave-number wave-number + 1 set wave-start-date current-date set current-wave select-wave-cause set wave-intensity calculate-wave-intensity set wave-duration calculate-wave-duration ] end to start-new-wave set wave-number wave-number + 1 set wave-start-date current-date set current-wave select-wave-cause set wave-intensity calculate-wave-intensity set wave-duration calculate-wave-duration ; Trigger immediate effects ask agents [ if member? current-wave protest-causes [ set perceived-hardship perceived-hardship * 1.2 ] ] end to end-current-wave set current-wave 0 set wave-intensity 0 ; Cool down effects ask agents [ set perceived-hardship perceived-hardship * 0.9 ] end to update-wave-intensity let elapsed-time current-date - wave-start-date let peak-time wave-duration / 2 ; Calculate bell curve intensity let time-factor (- ((elapsed-time - peak-time) ^ 2) / (2 * (wave-duration / 4) ^ 2)) let new-intensity wave-intensity * exp time-factor ; Add random fluctuations set wave-intensity new-intensity * (0.9 + random-float 0.2) ; Intensity affected by active protesters let active-ratio count agents with [active?] / count agents if active-ratio > 0.1 [ set wave-intensity wave-intensity * (1 + active-ratio) ] end to-report should-start-new-wave? ; Base probability from social tensions let total-tension ( immigration-tension * 0.25 + womens-rights-tension * 0.35 + geopolitical-tension * 0.2 + corporate-tension * 0.2 ) ; Wave probability increases with: ; 1. Higher tensions let wave-probability total-tension * 0.1 ; 2. Existing protest activity let active-ratio count agents with [active?] / count agents if active-ratio > 0.05 [ set wave-probability wave-probability * (1 + active-ratio * 4) ] ; 3. Crisis conditions if communication-crisis [ set wave-probability wave-probability * 1.5 ] if policy-crisis [ set wave-probability wave-probability * 1.5 ] if economic-crisis [ set wave-probability wave-probability * 1.5 ] ; 4. Time since last wave if wave-number > 0 [ let time-since-last-wave current-date - wave-start-date if time-since-last-wave > 100 [ set wave-probability wave-probability * 1.3 ] ] ; Threshold check with randomization report random-float 1.0 < wave-probability end to-report select-wave-cause ; Calculate weighted probabilities based on current tensions let total-weight ( immigration-tension * immigration-weight + womens-rights-tension * womens-rights-weight + geopolitical-tension * geopolitics-weight + corporate-tension * corporate-weight ) let r random-float total-weight let cumulative 0 set cumulative cumulative + (immigration-tension * immigration-weight) if r < cumulative [ report "immigration" ] set cumulative cumulative + (womens-rights-tension * womens-rights-weight) if r < cumulative [ report "womens-rights" ] set cumulative cumulative + (geopolitical-tension * geopolitics-weight) if r < cumulative [ report "geopolitics" ] report "corporate" end to-report calculate-wave-intensity let base-intensity 0.002 ; Base intensity for ~500K participants ; Adjust based on cause-specific tension if current-wave = "immigration" [ set base-intensity base-intensity * (1 + immigration-tension) ] if current-wave = "womens-rights" [ set base-intensity base-intensity * (1 + womens-rights-tension) ] if current-wave = "geopolitics" [ set base-intensity base-intensity * (1 + geopolitical-tension) ] if current-wave = "corporate" [ set base-intensity base-intensity * (1 + corporate-tension) ] ; Adjust for crisis conditions if communication-crisis [ set base-intensity base-intensity * 1.3 ] if policy-crisis [ set base-intensity base-intensity * 1.3 ] if economic-crisis [ set base-intensity base-intensity * 1.3 ] ; Add random variation set base-intensity base-intensity * (0.8 + random-float 0.4) report precision base-intensity 3 end to-report assign-causes let causes [] ; Check each cause based on weights from sociology data if random-float 1.0 < immigration-weight [ set causes lput "immigration" causes ] if random-float 1.0 < womens-rights-weight [ set causes lput "womens-rights" causes ] if random-float 1.0 < geopolitics-weight [ set causes lput "geopolitics" causes ] if random-float 1.0 < corporate-weight [ set causes lput "corporate" causes ] ; Ensure each agent has at least one cause if empty? causes [ set causes list (one-of ["immigration" "womens-rights" "geopolitics" "corporate"]) [] ] report causes end to-report assign-diaspora ; Based on sociology data mentioning Ukrainian diaspora specifically let r random-float 1.0 report ifelse-value (r < 0.05) ; Small percentage for specific diaspora groups [ one-of ["ukrainian" "other"] ] [ "none" ] end to-report calculate-protest-threshold let base-threshold 0.5 if gender = "female" [ set base-threshold base-threshold * 0.8 ] if diaspora != "none" [ set base-threshold base-threshold * 0.9 ] ; Fixed to use actual crisis variables: ifelse communication-crisis or policy-crisis or economic-crisis [ set base-threshold base-threshold * (1 - crisis-protest-ready-percent) ] [ set base-threshold base-threshold * (1 - base-protest-ready-percent) ] report base-threshold end to-report calculate-grievance ; agent procedure ; Use the interface slider directly let base-grievance perceived-hardship * (grievance-multiplier - government-legitimacy) ; Cap at reasonable values set base-grievance min (list 1 base-grievance) ; Rest of the function remains the same if current-wave != 0 [ if member? current-wave protest-causes [ set base-grievance base-grievance * (1 + wave-intensity) ] ] ; Identity-based grievance multipliers if gender = "female" and member? "womens-rights" protest-causes [ set base-grievance base-grievance * 1.2 ] ; Social tension effects if member? "immigration" protest-causes [ set base-grievance base-grievance * (1 + immigration-tension * 0.8) ] if member? "womens-rights" protest-causes [ set base-grievance base-grievance * (1 + womens-rights-tension * 0.8) ] if member? "geopolitics" protest-causes [ set base-grievance base-grievance * (1 + geopolitical-tension * 0.8) ] if member? "corporate" protest-causes [ set base-grievance base-grievance * (1 + corporate-tension * 0.8) ] report base-grievance end to-report estimated-arrest-probability ; agent procedure let c count cops in-radius vision let a 1 + count agents in-radius vision with [active?] ; Based on original model's formula with slight modification for dynamic scenarios report 1 - exp (- k * floor (c / a)) end to display-agent ifelse visualization = "2D" [ display-agent-2d ] [ display-agent-3d ] end to display-agent-2d set shape "circle" ifelse active? [ set color red ] [ ifelse jail-term > 0 [ set color black + 3 ] [ set color scale-color green perceived-hardship 1.5 -0.5 ] ] end to display-agent-3d ifelse active? [ set shape "person active" ] [ ifelse jail-term > 0 [ set shape "person jailed" ] [ set shape "person quiet" ] ] ; Color represents grievance level set color scale-color green perceived-hardship 1.5 -0.5 end to move if movement? or breed = cops [ ifelse breed = agents and not active? [ ; Non-protesting agents prefer to stay near home move-toward-home ] [ ; Active agents and cops look for strategic positions let potential-moves neighborhood with [ not any? cops-here and not any? agents-here with [ jail-term > 0 ] ] if any? potential-moves [ ; Cops prefer to move toward clusters of active agents ifelse breed = cops [ let active-nearby-patches neighborhood with [ any? agents-here with [ active? ] ] ifelse any? active-nearby-patches [ move-to one-of active-nearby-patches ] [ move-to one-of potential-moves ] ] [ ; Active agents try to avoid cops while staying in protest areas move-to one-of potential-moves ] ] ] ] end to move-toward-home ; Only agents have home patches, not cops if breed = agents [ let my-home [home-patch] of self if distance my-home > vision [ face my-home let target-patch min-one-of (patch-set patch-ahead 1 patch-right-and-ahead 45 1 patch-left-and-ahead 45 1) [ distance my-home ] if target-patch != nobody and not any? turtles-on target-patch [ move-to target-patch ] ] ] end to display-cop set color cyan ifelse visualization = "2D" [ set shape "triangle" ] [ set shape "person soldier" ] end to-report calculate-wave-duration let base-duration 30 ; Longer duration for higher intensity waves set base-duration base-duration * (1 + wave-intensity * 10) ; Adjust for crisis conditions if communication-crisis or policy-crisis or economic-crisis [ set base-duration base-duration * 1.2 ] ; Add random variation report base-duration + random 20 end to determine-behavior let current-grievance calculate-grievance let arrest-prob estimated-arrest-probability ; Use the interface slider directly set active? (current-grievance - (risk-aversion * risk-weight) * arrest-prob > threshold-base-value) ; Track if agent just became active if active? and not was-active? [ set cumulative-participants cumulative-participants + 1 ] end to-report was-active? report active? end ; [Rest of the original procedures remain the same: move, enforce, display-agent, etc.] to update-statistics set total-active-protesters count agents with [ active? ] set female-active-protesters count agents with [ active? and gender = "female" ] set male-active-protesters count agents with [ active? and gender = "male" ] end
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