Atmospheric Dispersion model
Model was written in NetLogo 6.4.0
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rays-own [initial-heading] breed [simulated-rays simulated-ray] breed [rays ray] globals [red_em blue_em green_em red_rec blue_rec green_rec test-list] ;;; HELPER PROCEDURES to-report is-scattered [t_color] ;; gives scattering probability as a function of the light ray color let probability (ifelse-value t_color = blue [base_probability] t_color = green [base_probability / 1.8] t_color = red [base_probability / 4.6] [0]) report (random-float 100 <= probability) end to-report scatter-angle ;; Rayleigh scattering has a scattering probability proportional to cos(theta)^2 let which_sign random 2 let sign (ifelse-value which_sign = 0 [ -1 ] which_sign = 1 [ 1 ] ) report ((acos (sign * sqrt(random-float 1))) * 2) - 90 end to-report is-oob [y] ;; check if the y coordinate is out of bounds ;; returns 1 if reached the top of the simulation (escaped the atmosphere) ;; returns 2 if collided with the ground ;; returns 0 if no collisions if y > max-pycor - 0.5 [report 1] if y < min-pycor + 0.5 [report 2] report 0 end to-report check-sun-collision [exit-angle] ;; Checks if the exit-angle is within the sun's diameter if exit-angle > 180 [set exit-angle (exit-angle - 360)] report ( (exit-angle > sun_angle - sun_diameter / 2 ) and (exit-angle < sun_angle + sun_diameter / 2 ) ) end to-report get-index [angle] ;; For a given angle, gets the index of the cone bin if angle > 180 [set angle (angle - 360)] set angle (angle + 90) report floor(angle / 180 * division-factor) end to-report get-color [red_emitted red_received green_emitted green_received blue_emitted blue_received] ;; yields an rgb vector of the color corresponding to the fraction of emitted and received rays ifelse relative-gain? [ let multiplier max rgb (red_received / red_emitted) (green_received / green_emitted) (blue_received / blue_emitted) ifelse multiplier = 0 [report rgb 0 0 0] [ let new-gain (relative-gain / 100) * (255 / multiplier) report rgb (new-gain * red_received / red_emitted) (new-gain * green_received / green_emitted) (new-gain * blue_received / blue_emitted) ] ] [report rgb (gain * red_received / red_emitted) (gain * green_received / green_emitted) (gain * blue_received / blue_emitted)] end ;;; SETUP PROCEDURES to setup clear-all setup-rays setup-atmosphere setup-simulated-rays setup-counters reset-ticks end to setup-rays ;; setup the rays with random colour and direction set-default-shape rays "line" create-rays n_rays [setxy 0 min-pycor + 1] ask rays [ let choice random 3 set color (ifelse-value who mod 3 = 0 [ red ] who mod 3 = 1 [ blue ] who mod 3 = 2 [ green ]) set heading (random-float 180) - 90 set initial-heading heading ] end to setup-counters ;; setup counters for emitted and received rays of each colours, one counter for each bin of sky set red_em (n-values division-factor [1]) set green_em (n-values division-factor [1]) set blue_em (n-values division-factor [1]) set red_rec (n-values division-factor [1]) set green_rec (n-values division-factor [1]) set blue_rec (n-values division-factor [1]) end to setup-simulated-rays ;; setup simulated rays with the calculated colours set-default-shape simulated-rays "line" let tot 180 * 3 create-simulated-rays tot [setxy 0 min-pycor + 1] ask simulated-rays [ set hidden? true set heading (((who - n_rays) * 180 / tot) - 90) set size 2 set pen-mode "down" set pen-size 2 ] end ;;; LOOP PROCEDURES to increment-color-counter [escaped init-heading escape-heading tcolor] ;; increment colour of the correct bin for a ray of color tcolor and initial and escape heading let index get-index init-heading ( ifelse tcolor = red [set red_em replace-item index red_em (item index red_em + 1)] tcolor = blue [set blue_em replace-item index blue_em (item index green_em + 1)] tcolor = green [set green_em replace-item index green_em (item index green_em + 1)] ) if escaped and (check-sun-collision escape-heading) [ ( ifelse tcolor = red [set red_rec replace-item index red_rec (item index red_rec + 1)] tcolor = blue [set blue_rec replace-item index blue_rec (item index green_rec + 1)] tcolor = green [set green_rec replace-item index green_rec (item index green_rec + 1)] ) ] end to setup-atmosphere ask patches [ ifelse pycor + max-pycor < 2 * max-pycor * atmosphere_height / 100 [ set pcolor blue + 3.5 ] [ set pcolor black] ] end to go ;; flow control of what to display and what to compute move-rays if-else draw-path [ask rays [pen-down]] [ask rays [pen-up]] setup-atmosphere ifelse show-result? [ set draw-path false ask rays [set hidden? true] ask simulated-rays [ set hidden? false set pen-mode "down" get-simulated-color ] move-simulated-rays ] [ ask rays [set hidden? false] ask simulated-rays [ set hidden? true set pen-mode "up" ] clear-drawing ] tick end to reset-ray set pen-mode "up" set xcor 0 set ycor min-pycor + 1 set heading (random-float 180) - 90 set initial-heading heading if draw-path [set pen-mode "down"] end to move-rays ;; move and scatter r ask rays [ if pcolor != black [ if is-scattered color [ right (heading + scatter-angle) ] ] forward light_path let oob is-oob ycor ;; escaped the atmosphere if oob = 1 [ increment-color-counter true initial-heading heading color reset-ray ] ;; collided with ground if oob = 2 [ increment-color-counter true initial-heading heading color reset-ray ] ] end to get-simulated-color ask simulated-rays [ let index get-index heading set color get-color (item index red_em) (item index red_rec) (item index green_em) (item index green_rec) (item index blue_em) (item index blue_rec) ] end to move-simulated-rays ask simulated-rays [ foreach (n-values 50 [1]) [ forward 0.1 if ((xcor < min-pxcor + 0.05) or (xcor > max-pxcor - 0.05) or (ycor > max-pycor - 0.05) ) [setxy 0 min-pycor + 1] ] ] end
There is only one version of this model, created 12 months ago by A Bedouch.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Atmospheric Dispersion model.png | preview | Preview for 'Atmospheric Dispersion model' | 12 months ago, by A Bedouch | Download |
example.png | png | example output | 12 months ago, by A Bedouch | Download |
rayleigh.jpg | png | physics principle illustration | 12 months ago, by A Bedouch | Download |
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