Worley Noise CA
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A simple cellular automata to generate Worley Noise(ish).
A handful of patches act as seeds. These are green, and marked "done" at setup. When you hit go, any patches who are NOT marked "done" ask if any of their neighbors are done. If any of their neighbors are done, they mark themselves done, and set their color based on tick count. This means that the further away a patch is from any of the seed patches, the higher the number of ticks will be before that patch can mark itself done, and therefore the brighter it will be.
Choose how many seeds/cells you want with the cell slider. Hit Setup to clear previous and generate seeds. Hit Go to run the model. It will stop when all cells are marked as done.
Worley Noise was thought up by Steven Worley in 1996. https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/237170.237267
Comments and Questions
patches-own [done] to setup ca reset-ticks crt cells [setxy random-xcor random-ycor] ask patches [ ifelse count turtles-here > 0 [set pcolor green set done true] [set done false] ] ask turtles [die] end to go if count patches with [done = false] < 1 [stop] ask patches [ if done = true [stop] if any? neighbors with [done = true] [set pcolor scale-color blue ticks 0 (max-pxcor / 8) set done true] ] tick end
There is only one version of this model, created 12 months ago by Talaya White.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
Worley Noise CA.png | preview | Preview for 'Worley Noise CA' | 12 months ago, by Talaya White | Download |
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