CIAO: Collective Intelligence Algorithm for Optimization

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Tagged by Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago


Tagged by Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago

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The CIAO (Collective Intelligence Algorithm for Optimization) metaheuristic simulates a collective intelligence approach to solving unconstrained continuous optimization problems. It involves agents known as solvers (wolves) and users (dogs), navigating a solution space to find the optimal coordinates that minimize a cost function associated with a decision problem. This simulation model implements the algorithm as an agent-based model using the Netlogo programming language.


Solver agents maintain knowledge about promising sub-regions in the search space, represented as Gaussian distributions, involving their core expertise and their expertise dispersion. Users seek solutions from solvers, and the model incorporates learning and reputation mechanisms to refine the solver's expertise and reward effective solutions.


First configure the simulation parameters:

  • LANDSCAPE: Chooses the optimization problem, visually depicted in the view area. Selection influences the XY-BOUNDS. Refer to the LIST OF BENCHMARK PROBLEMS section for a description of available benchmark functions.
  • XY-BOUNDS: Sets the lower and upper bounds of the search space depending on the chosen landscape.
  • N-SOLVERS: Defines the number of solver agents.
  • K-SOLUTIONS: Defines the number of solutions a chosen solver attempts to generate.
  • N-USERS: Defines the number of user agents.
  • ALPHA: Sets the learning rate for solver adaptation.
  • ELITISM?: Activates the elitism mechanism, which ensures that the best solution found in the current generation is passed on as the center of expertise for one of the solvers in the next generation of the algorithm. This helps to preserve high-quality solutions and can improve the convergence rate of the algorithm by guiding the search process towards promising regions of the solution space, despite the restarts mechanism.
  • REPUTATION?: Enables or disables choosing solvers based on their scores using roulette wheel selection. If disabled, solvers are chosen randomly.
  • LHS?: Enables or disables Latin Hypercube Sampling of the initial solver population.
  • RESTARTS?: Enables or disables random resets to prevent stagnation due to premature convergence to local minima.
  • SPOTLIGHT?: Enables or disables highlighting the global minima in the view or world area.
  • MAX-TICKS: Sets the maximum number of iterations of the algorithm search procedure. Next click the SETUP button to initialize the model with chosen parameters. And then click the GO button to start the simulation. Observe the movement and interaction of solvers and users in the view area of the simulator.
  • GRID-SIZE: Adjusts the resolution of the view area. Choose web (200x200) if running the model on the Modeling Commons website, as server memory constraints limit the number of cells in the search space. Choose local (1000x1000) for higher resolution on a desktop machine, allowing for better discretization of the search space.
  • CELL-SIZE: Specifies the size of each grid cell in the view area. Can be adjusted from 0.1 to 2 with a step increment of 0.1. This control enables closer or further inspection of the cells in the view area.
  • AGENT-SIZE: Controls the size of agent representations in the view area. Adjusts from 10 to 50 with a step increment of 10.

You can control the execution of the simulation using the control panel buttons:

  • SETUP: Computes and visualizes the landscape and initializes agents and global variables of the simulation, according to the given parameters.
  • RESET: Only initializes agents and global variables of the simulation, according to the given parameters. Also clears plots from previous runs.
  • GO: Executes the main search procedure until stopping conditions are met.
  • STEP: Executes one iteration of the main search procedure.

The model also features two buttons: TEST SOLO and TEST ALL.

  • TEST SOLO: Executes an experiment with the specified number of repetitions (i.e. RUNS), using the current configuration of model parameters for the selected LANDSCAPE. Results of each run are recorded as either a hit or a miss depending on whether the algorithm finds the optimum or not. The BEST-TICK, which indicates the time step at which the solution was found in each run, along with the overall success rate within the specified MAX-TICKS, is displayed in the COMMAND-CENTER panel.
  • TEST ALL: Performs the same experiment but tests the specified number of RUNS on all benchmarks available in the LANDSCAPE list. Aggregated results showing the success rate for each experiment are displayed in the COMMAND-CENTER panel.


  • Observe how solvers adapt their expertise to the search space, guiding users towards promising regions.
  • Observe how regions with low (black) and high (yellow) values in the landscape are visualized in the view area based on the selected problem (LANDSCAPE).
  • Watch the TRUE-OPTIMUM value and notice how the BEST-EVER approaches to it.
  • Monitor the BEST-EVER patch, BEST-TICK, and BEST-TIME to understand when and where the best solution is discovered.
  • Observe how the EXPERTISE CORE and EXPERTISE DISPERSION parameters of solvers evolve over time in the corresponding plots.
  • Analyze the SOLVERS SCORE plot to see how solvers' reputation change during the optimization process.
  • Notice the periodic changes the SOLVERS SCORE plot when RESTARTS? is enabled.


  • Experiment with different numbers of SOLVERS and USERS to observe how the collective intelligence adapts to problem complexity.
  • Observe how adjusting the learning rate (ALPHA) affects the adaptation of solver expertise. Higher values (closer to 1) make solvers more resistant to exploring new solutions and cling to their currently known best solution. Lower values make them more susceptible to learning from new information and exploring alternative solutions.
  • Evaluate the impact of greedy (utilizing the single best new solution) and non-greedy (leveraging the average performance of multiple new solutions) learning strategies on solver adaptation using the GREEDY? switch.
  • Explore the effects on solvers scores and on user decisions, of enabling or disabling reputation-based solver selection (REPUTATION?).
  • Test the impact of Latin Hypercube Sampling of initial solver locations (LHS?).
  • Observe the behavior when random restarts are enabled or disabled (RESTARTS?).
  • Toggle the spotlight (SPOTLIGHT?) to visually track the global minimum in the landscape, and how user agents approach to it.


The CIAO tool offers a range of benchmark optimization problems for users to explore the behavior of the Collective Intelligence elements of the algorithm. Widely known in optimization literature, these problems provide diverse challenges. Users can select from any of the 33 benchmark functions included in this version.

Here's a concise overview of the available benchmark problems, presented in alphabetical order:

  • Ackley: A smooth and well-known optimization problem characterized by a large, deep, and nearly flat global minimum.

  • Beale: A multimodal problem with a relatively flat region around the global minimum.

  • Bohachesvsky n.1: A non-convex problem with multiple local minima and a single global minimum.

  • Booth: A simple, yet challenging optimization problem with a single global minimum.

  • Cross-in-Tray: A problem with four symmetric global minima and an intricate landscape.

  • Damavandi: A complex multimodal problem with varying scales of minima.

  • Dixon-Price: A non-convex problem with multiple local minima.

  • Dropwave: A problem with a large, flat area around the global minimum, adding difficulty to optimization.

  • Easom: A problem with a global minimum resembling the shape of a cosine function.

  • Eggholder: A challenging problem with multiple global minima, characterized by a complex landscape.

  • Goldstein-Price: A problem with a deep, narrow canyon leading to the global minimum.

  • Himmelblau: A multimodal problem with several local minima.

  • Holder-Table: A multimodal problem with a flat region around the global minimum.

  • Hosaki: A simple problem with a single global minimum and a smooth landscape.

  • Levy: A problem with a single global minimum and a complex, curved landscape.

  • Matyas: A convex problem with a single global minimum.

  • Michalewicz: A non-convex problem with multiple local minima.

  • Mishra n.3: A problem with multiple local minima and a single global minimum.

  • Mishra n.5: A non-convex problem with multiple local minima and a single global minimum.

  • Mishra n.6: A problem with several local minima and a single, more pronounced global minimum.

  • Parsopoulos: A complex multimodal problem with varying scales of minima.

  • Random: The cost function is randomly generated, simulating scenarios where optimization landscapes lack deterministic behavior or specific mathematical properties.

  • Rastrigin: A challenging optimization problem with a highly multimodal landscape.

  • Rastrigin Bipolar: A bipolar version of the Rastrigin problem.

  • Rastrigin Offset: A variant of the Rastrigin problem with an offset in the global minimum.

  • Rosenbrock: A classic optimization problem with a valley leading to the global minimum.

  • Schaffer n.2: A simple, yet challenging optimization problem with a deep and narrow global minimum.

  • Schaffer n.4: A problem with a large and flat global minimum.

  • Sphere: A convex problem with a single global minimum.

  • Sphere-Offset: A variant of the Sphere problem with an offset in the global minimum.

  • Three-Hump Camel: A non-convex problem with multiple local minima.

  • Vincent: A problem with several local minima and a single, more pronounced global minimum.

  • Zakharov: A problem with a large and flat global minimum.

We encourage you to explore various benchmark functions and witness how the CIAO model adapts to diverse optimization challenges, showcasing the power of Collective Intelligence in solving engineering problems.


Here are some ideas to extend the model:

  • Extend the list of landscape functions of optimization problems.
  • Implement additional user or solver behaviors to enhance the complexity of the collective intelligence dynamics. Techniques such as temporal memory, tabu lists, collaboration mechanisms, or more advanced expertise representation models like a mixture of Gaussians.
  • Extend the model to incorporate alternative solver selection strategies to compare their impact on the optimization process.
  • Generalize the model to handle continuous optimization problems in more than two dimensions (d > 2).
  • Investigate the adaptation of the model for binary domain problems, exploring how the dynamics change in this context.



Authors: Sergio Rojas-Galeano, Martha Garzon, Lindsay Alvarez. email:

Copyright (c) The authors, May 2024

Version 1.25



[1] Garzon, M., Alvarez-Pomar and Rojas-Galeano, S. (2023). An Agent-based Model of
Follow-the-leader Search using Multiple Leaders. Proceedings of the 14th Metaheuristic International Conference (MIC 2022).

[2] Garzon, M., and Rojas-Galeano, S. (2019). An Agent-Based Model of Urban Pigeon Swarm Optimisation. In 2019 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational
Intelligence (LA-CCI) (pp. 1-6). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/LA-CCI47412.2019.9036758.

[3] Stonedahl, F. and Wilensky, U. (2008). NetLogo Particle Swarm Optimization model. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

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; CIAO: Collective Intelligence Algorithm for Optimization
; This NetLogo code implements CIAO, a novel metaheuristic
; algorithm that leverages the collective intelligence of
; solvers and users to explore and optimize the solution
; space of a given optimization problem.
; Authors: Sergio Rojas-Galeano, Lindsay Álvarez, Martha Garzón
; v1.25 Copyright (c) 2024 The authors
; License: GNU General Public License (GPLv3)
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

; Global variables to store information about the best solution found
globals [
  true-best-patch ; Patch corresponding to the ground-truth optimum
  best-ever       ; Patch corresponding to the best solution found so far
  best-tick       ; Tick when best-ever was found
  best-time       ; Time when best-ever was found

; Patch attributes to represent landscape and cost function of the optimization problem
patches-own [
  x     ; Patch x-coordinate, associated with a point in the solution space within the defined bounds
  y     ; Patch y-coordinate, associated with a point in the solution space within the defined bounds
  value ; Patch value corresponding to the cost function evaluated at its (x, y) coordinates

; Agent breeds for different types of agents in the simulation
breed [solvers solver]
breed [users user]
breed [solutions solution]

; Solver agents' attributes
solvers-own [
  bx by   ; Knowledge of the best solution location found so far
  mx my   ; Core (mu) component of solver expertise
  sx sy   ; Breadth (sigma) component of solver expertise
  score   ; Solver's rating given by users

; User agents' attributes
users-own [
  own-best ; User's best solution value found so far

; Execute a single iteration of the main loop.

to go
  ; Reset the timer on the first tick
  if ticks = 0  [ reset-timer ]

  ; Apply search operators

  ; Restart agents at regular intervals if restarts are enabled
  if (restarts? and ticks mod 50 = 0) [ restart ]

  ; Stopping conditions: maximum number of ticks reached or true-best-patch found
  if (ticks > max-ticks) or (any? true-best-patch with [value = [value] of best-ever]) [ stop ]

; Search for solutions based on user interactions

to search-solutions
  ask users [

    ; Choose a solver and spawn new candidate solutions according to its expertise model
    let my-solver choose-solver
    hatch-solutions k-solutions [
      set xcor random-normal [mx] of my-solver [sx] of my-solver
      set ycor random-normal [my] of my-solver [sy] of my-solver

    ; Save user current location and move it to the best among the new solutions
    let old-patch patch-here
    move-to min-one-of solutions [value]

    ; Check if the best among the new solutions is better than the user's own best
    ifelse value < own-best [

      ; If so, update the user's own best and reward the chosen solver using the new location
      set own-best value
      reward-solver my-solver patch-here

    ] [

      ; Otherwise, preserve the previous own best location
      move-to old-patch

    ; Update solver's expertise and forget candidate solutions
    update-solver my-solver
    ask solutions [ die ]


  ; Apply elitism if switched on
  if elitism? [

    ; Choose the best performing solver and center it around the best ever location
    ask min-one-of solvers [ value ] [
      move-to best-ever
      set mx xcor set my ycor

; Reward the solver for obtaining a better solution

to reward-solver [the-solver better-patch]
  ask the-solver [
    set score score + 1   ; Increase the solver's reputation
    move-to better-patch  ; Move to the better solution's location
    set bx xcor           ; Update the solver's best solution's x-coordinate
    set by ycor           ; Update the solver's best solution's y-coordinate

; Update the solver's knowledge as they search for new solutions

to update-solver [the-solver]
  ask the-solver [
    let new-x 0 let new-y 0 ; Initialize variables for new coordinates

    set new-x [xcor] of min-one-of solutions [value]
    set new-y [ycor] of min-one-of solutions [value]

    ; Update solver's core expertise based on the learning rate
    set mx (alpha * bx) + ((1 - alpha) * new-x)
    set my (alpha * by) + ((1 - alpha) * new-y)
    setxy mx my ; Move the solver to the updated location

    ; Narrow down the solver's expertise dispersion
    set sx sx * exp (-.001 * (ticks mod 50))
    set sy sy * exp (-.001 * (ticks mod 50))

; Check if any user has improved the best solution found so far

to update-best
  let best-now min-one-of users [value]

  if [value] of best-now < [value] of best-ever [
    ; Record the location, tick, and time when a newer best-ever solution was found.
    ask best-now [ set best-ever patch-here ]
    set best-tick ticks
    set best-time timer

; Perform the initial setup for the simulation

to setup
  clear-all                  ; Clear the world and all agents
  setup-search-landscape     ; Set up the landscape and cost function
  setup-solvers              ; Set up solver agents
  setup-users                ; Set up user agents
  setup-globals              ; Set up global variables

; Reset the simulation for a new run (without computing the landscape again)

to reset
  clear-all-plots            ; Clear plot monitors from the previous run
  setup-solvers              ; Reinitialize solver agents
  setup-users                ; Reinitialize user agents
  setup-globals              ; Reinitialize global variables

; Set up solver agents

to setup-solvers
  ; Clear previous solver agents
  ask solvers [ die ]

  ; Create solver agents
  create-solvers n-solvers [

    ; Assign visual attributes
    set shape "wolf 7"
    set color 4 + (10 * who)
    set size agent-size

    ; Initialize expertise model and score
    set mx random-xcor
    set my random-ycor
    set sx random-float 50
    set sy random-float 50
    set bx mx
    set by my
    set score 1

    ; Set initial random location
    setxy mx my

  ; If enabled, change locations with Latin Hypercube Sampling (lhs)
  if lhs? [ latin-hypercube-sampling ]

; Set up user agents

to setup-users
  ; Clear previous user agents
  ask users [ die ]

  ; Create new users
  create-users n-users [
    ; Assign visual attributes
    set shape "dog"
    set size agent-size

    ; Assign initial own best solution
    move-to one-of patches
    set own-best value

; Assign initial values for global variables

to setup-globals
  set best-tick 0
  set best-time 0
  set best-ever max-one-of patches [value]	

; Restart agents to prevent stagnation

to restart

; Choose a solver either randomly or guided by reputation

to-report choose-solver
  ifelse (reputation?) [
    ; Choose a solver based on their reputation using a roulette wheel
    let score-list map [ [the-solver] -> [score] of the-solver ] sort solvers
    let id-list map [ [the-solver] -> [who] of the-solver ] sort solvers

    ; Compute cumulative distribution from the histogram of scores
    let hist fput (list (first score-list)) (but-first score-list)
    let aggs reduce [ [cumul next] -> sentence cumul ((last cumul) + next) ] hist

    ; Use a roulette wheel to choose a solver according to the cumulative distribution
    let pockets map [ p -> p / last aggs ] aggs  ; Compute wheel pockets by normalizing cumulative sum
    let ball random-float 1                      ; Roll the ball, then check the winner pocket
    let winner first filter [ [index] -> ball <= item index pockets ] range length pockets
    report solver item winner id-list
  ] [
    ; Otherwise choose any solver at random uniformly
    report one-of solvers

; Perform Latin Hypercube Sampling for initial solver locations

to latin-hypercube-sampling
  ; Compute the width of location slots
  let width 2 * max-pxcor / n-solvers

  ; Split each dimension into non-overlapping slots (1 per solver) and sample random locations within
  foreach range 2 [ index ->
    let coordinates shuffle n-values n-solvers [ slot -> width * (slot + random-float 1) ]

    ; Assign coordinate locations for each agent in an orderly manner, ensuring bound constraints
    (foreach sort solvers coordinates [
      [the-solver coordinate] ->
        ask the-solver [
          ifelse index = 0 [
            ; x-coordinate
            set mx (- max-pxcor + coordinate)
            set bx mx
            set xcor mx
            ; y-coordinate
            set my (- max-pycor + coordinate)
            set by my
            set ycor my

; Reporter to display solver's score

to-report show-scores [the-agent]
  report (word "s_" who "=" score " | ")

; Reporter to display agent's location

to-report locations [the-agent]
  report (word "u_" who ": (" precision x 1 ", " precision y 1 ")|")

; Define view area settings when loading the model

to startup
  set grid-resolution "web (200x200)"

  ; Startup with cell size 1 to prevent view area distortions when resizing (NetLogo bug)
  set cell-size 1
  set agent-size 10

; Routine for quick testing of success rate on a number of repetitions

to quick-test [verbose]
  print "------------------------------------------------------------------"
  type (word landscape " >> Testing " runs " runs" ifelse-value verbose [" (successful runs marked as '!!!'): \n"] [":"])
  set max-ticks round ( (ifelse-value grid-resolution = "web (200x200)" [ 10000 ] [ 20000 ]) / (n-users * k-solutions))

  let n 0 let i 1 let hit-tick 0
  repeat runs [
    ifelse landscape = "random" [ setup ] [ reset ]
    let success false
    while [ ticks < max-ticks and not success] [
      set success (any? true-best-patch with [value = [value] of best-ever])
    ifelse verbose [
      print (word "run #" i " >> best-tick: " best-tick ifelse-value success [ "!!! (hit)" ] [ " (miss)" ])
    ] [
      type "."
    set n n + ifelse-value success [ 1 ] [ 0 ]
    set hit-tick hit-tick + ifelse-value success [ best-tick ] [ 0 ]
    set i i + 1
  set hit-tick hit-tick / max list n 1
  print (word "\n" landscape " >> Success rate (within " max-ticks " max.ticks): " n "/" runs ". Mean hit tick: " precision hit-tick 2 )

; This procedure computes the landscape of the chosen cost function and visualizes it.
; Source: Jamil, M., & Yang, X. S. (2013). A literature survey of benchmark functions for global
; optimization problems. International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation.
; To add new problems, simply insert the mathematical expression of their cost function as new cases.

to setup-search-landscape

  ; Setup world and patch size
  set-patch-size cell-size
  ifelse grid-resolution = "web (200x200)" [
      landscape = "damavandi" or
      landscape = "hosaki" or
      landscape = "michalewicz" or
      landscape = "vincent"   [ resize-world 0 200 0 200 ]
      landscape = "zakharov"  [ resize-world -50 150 -50 150 ]
      ; All other optimisation problems are defined over the four quadrants of the solution space
      [ resize-world -100 100 -100 100 ]
  ] [
      landscape = "damavandi" or
      landscape = "hosaki" or
      landscape = "michalewicz" or
      landscape = "vincent"   [ resize-world 0 1000 0 1000 ]
      landscape = "zakharov"  [ resize-world -250 750 -250 750 ]
      ; All other optimisation problems are defined over the four quadrants of the solution space
      [ resize-world -500 500 -500 500 ]

  ; Setup range of variable coordinates for each problem
  set xy-bounds (ifelse-value
    landscape = "ackley" [ 32 ]
    landscape = "beale" or
    landscape = "michalewicz" or
    landscape = "parsopoulos" [ 5 ]
    landscape = "bohachesvsky n.1" [ 100 ]
    landscape = "booth" or
    landscape = "cross-in-tray" or
    landscape = "dixon-price" or
    landscape = "holder-table" or
    landscape = "hosaki" or
    landscape = "levy" or
    landscape = "matyas" or
    landscape = "mishra n.3" or
    landscape = "mishra n.5" or
    landscape = "mishra n.6" or
    landscape = "vincent" or
    landscape = "zakharov" [ 10 ]
    landscape = "damavandi" [ 14 ]
    landscape = "eggholder" [ 512 ]
    landscape = "goldstein-price" [ 2 ]
    ; For the following problems, we use the range [-32, 32] instead of the original [-100, 100], to reduce discretization errors
    landscape = "easom" or
    landscape = "schaffer n.4" or
    landscape = "schaffer n.2" [ 32 ]
    ; For any other problem use a [-5, 5] default range
    [ 5 ]

  ; Evaluate the cost function for each patch in the landscape
  ask patches [
    set x pxcor * (xy-bounds / max-pxcor )
    set y pycor * (xy-bounds / max-pycor )

    ; Note: Trigonometric functions require input in degrees, not radians; thus, a conversion factor (180 / pi) was used
    set value
      landscape = "ackley" [
        -20 * exp(-0.2 * sqrt(0.5 * (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2))) - exp(0.5 * (cos((180 / pi) * (2 * pi) * x) + cos((180 / pi) * (2 * pi) * y))) + 20 + e
      landscape = "beale" [
        ((1.5 - x + (x * y)) ^ 2) + ((2.25 - x + (x * (y ^ 2))) ^ 2) + ((2.625 - x + (x * (y ^ 3))) ^ 2)
      landscape = "bohachesvsky n.1" [
        (x ^ 2) + 2 * (y ^ 2) - (0.3 * (cos((180 / pi) * 3 * pi * x))) - (0.4 * cos ((180 / pi) * 4 * pi * y)) + 0.7
      landscape = "booth" [
        (x + (2 * y) - 7) ^ 2 + ((2 * x) + y - 5) ^ 2
      landscape = "cross-in-tray" [
        -0.0001 * (((abs(sin((180 / pi) * x) * sin((180 / pi) * y) * exp(abs(100 - ((sqrt((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)))) / pi)))) + 1) ^ 0.1)
      landscape = "damavandi" [
;        ifelse-value ( x = 2 ) or  ( y = 2 ) [ 100 ]
;        ifelse-value ( x = 2 ) and ( y = 2 ) [ 0 ]
        ifelse-value ( abs(x - 2) < 0.0001 ) or ( abs(y - 2) < 0.0001 )  [ 100 ]
        ifelse-value ( abs(x - 2) < 0.0001 ) and ( abs(y - 2) < 0.0001 ) [ 0 ]
        [(1 - (abs(((sin((180 / pi) * pi * (x - 2))) * (sin((180 / pi) * pi * (y - 2)))) /  ((pi ^ 2) * (x  - 2) * (y - 2)))) ^ 5  )  * ((2 + (x - 7) ^ 2) + (2 * (y - 7) ^ 2))]
      landscape = "dixon-price" [
        (x - 1) ^ 2  + 2 * ((2 * y ^ 2) - x) ^ 2
      landscape = "dropwave" [
        -1 * (((1 + (cos((180 / pi) * 12 *  sqrt((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) ))) / (0.5 * ((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2)) + 2 )))
      landscape = "easom" [
        -1 * (cos ((180 / pi) * x) * cos ((180 / pi) * y)) * exp (-((x - pi) ^ 2 + (y - pi) ^ 2))
      landscape = "eggholder" [ ; note that degrees, not radians, are needed for sin function
        ( (- x) * sin ( (180 / pi) * sqrt (abs (x - (y + 47))))) - (y + 47) * sin ( (180 / pi) * sqrt (abs ((x / 2) + (y + 47))))
      landscape = "goldstein-price" [
        (1 + ((x + y + 1) ^ 2) * (19 - (14 * x) + (3 * (x ^ 2) - (14 * y) + (6 * x * y) + (3 * (y ^ 2))))) *
          (30 + (((2 * x) - (3 * y) ) ^ 2) * (18 - (32 * x) + (12 * (x ^ 2) + (48 * y) - (36 * x * y) + (27 * (y ^ 2)))))
      landscape = "himmelblau" [
        ((x ^ 2) + y - 11) ^ 2 + (x + (y ^ 2) - 7) ^ 2
      landscape = "holder-table" [
        -1 * abs(sin((180 / pi) * x) * cos((180 / pi) * y) * exp(abs(1 - (sqrt(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) / pi))))
      landscape = "hosaki" [
        (1 - (8 * x) + (7 * (x ^ 2)) - ((7 / 3) * x ^ 3) + (0.25 * (x ^ 4)) ) * ((y ^ 2) * exp((- y)))
      landscape = "levy" [
        (sin((180 / pi) * pi * (1 + (x - 1) / 4)) ^ 2)
        + (((1 + (x - 1) / 4) - 1) ^ 2) * (1 + 10 * (sin((180 / pi) * (pi * (1 + (x - 1) / 4)) + 1)) ^ 2)
        + (((1 + (y - 1) / 4) - 1) ^ 2) * (1 + (sin((180 / pi) * (2 * pi * (1 + (y - 1) / 4)))) ^ 2)
      landscape = "matyas" [
        (0.26 * ((x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2))) - (0.48 * (x * y))
      landscape = "michalewicz" [
        -1 * (sin((180 / pi) * x) * (sin((180 / pi) * 1 * (x ^ 2)  / pi )) ^ (2 * 10) )
        - (sin((180 / pi) * y) * (sin((180 / pi) * 2 * (y ^ 2)  / pi )) ^ (2 * 10) )
      landscape = "mishra n.3" [
        sqrt(abs(cos((180 / pi) * sqrt(abs((x ^ 2) + y ))))) +  0.01 * (x + y)
      landscape = "mishra n.5" [
        (( (sin((180 / pi) * (cos((180 / pi) * x) + cos((180 / pi) * y)) ^ 2 )) ^ 2
          + (cos((180 / pi) * (sin((180 / pi) * x) + sin((180 / pi) * y)) ^ 2 )) ^ 2  + x) ^ 2)
        + (.01 * x) + (.1 * y)
      landscape = "mishra n.6" [
        -1 * ln(( (sin((180 / pi) * (cos((180 / pi) * x) + cos((180 / pi) * y)) ^ 2 )) ^ 2
          - (cos((180 / pi) * (sin((180 / pi) * x) + sin((180 / pi) * y)) ^ 2 )) ^ 2  + x) ^ 2)
        + .1 * ((x - 1) ^ 2 + (y - 1) ^ 2)
      landscape = "parsopoulos" [
        cos((180 / pi) * x) ^ 2 + sin((180 / pi) * y) ^ 2
      landscape = "rastrigin" [
        20 + ((x ^ 2) -  10 * cos((180 / pi) * (2 * pi) * x )) + ((y ^ 2) -  10 * cos((180 / pi) * (2 * pi) * y))
      landscape = "rastrigin offset" [
        20 + (((x - 1.123) ^ 2) -  10 * cos((180 / pi) * (2 * pi) * (x - 1.123))) + (((y - 1.123) ^ 2) -  10 * cos((180 / pi) * (2 * pi) * (y - 1.123)))
      landscape = "rastrigin bipolar" [
        20 + (((x + 1) ^ 2) -  10 * cos((180 / pi) * (2 * pi) * (x + 1))) + (((y - 1) ^ 2) -  10 * cos((180 / pi) * (2 * pi) * (y - 1)))
      landscape = "rosenbrock" [
        100 * (y - (x ^ 2)) ^ 2 + (1 - x) ^ 2
      landscape = "schaffer n.2" [
        0.5 + (((sin((180 / pi) * (x ^ 2 - y ^ 2)) ^ 2) - 0.5) / (1 + (0.001 * (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2))) ^ 2)
      landscape = "schaffer n.4" [
        0.5 + (((cos((180 / pi) * sin((180 / pi) * abs(x ^ 2 - y ^ 2)))) ^ 2 - 0.5) / (1 + (0.001 * (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2))) ^ 2)
      landscape = "sphere" [
        x ^ 2 + y ^ 2
    	landscape = "sphere-offset" [
        (x - 3) ^ 2  + (y + 3) ^ 2
      landscape = "three-hump camel" [
        (2 * (x ^ 2)) - (1.05 *  (x ^ 4)) + ((x ^ 6) / 6) + (x * y) + (y ^ 2)
      landscape = "vincent" [
        ifelse-value x < 0.25 or y < 0.25 [ 0 ]
;        [ -1 * sin((180 / pi) * 10 * (log(x) 10)) - sin((180 / pi) * 10 * (log(y) 10))]
        [ -1 * sin((180 / pi) * 10 * ln(x)) - sin((180 / pi) * 10 * ln(y)) ]
      landscape = "zakharov" [
        (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) + ((0.5 * x) + (0.5 * 2 * y)) ^ 2 + ((0.5 * x) + (0.5 * 2 * y)) ^ 4
      ; Otherwise, use a random landscape
      [ random-normal 0 500  ]

  ; Smooth out random landscape for better visualization and search efficiency
  if landscape = "random" [
    ask min-n-of 4 patches [value] [ ask patches in-radius 30 [ set value value - random-float 300 ] ]
    repeat 10 [ diffuse value 1 ]

  ; Find the true best patch (global minima) based on the chosen landscape
    ; Functions with 2 global minima
    landscape = "dixon-price" [ set true-best-patch min-n-of 2 patches [value] ]

    ; Functions with 4 global minima
    landscape = "cross-in-tray" or
    landscape = "holder-table" or
    landscape = "schaffer n.4" [ set true-best-patch min-n-of 4 patches [value] ]

    ; Himmelblau has 4 global minima, but 5 emerge due to discretization errors
    landscape = "himmelblau" [ set true-best-patch min-n-of 5 patches [value] ]

    ; Functions with 12 global minima
    landscape = "parsopoulos" [ set true-best-patch min-n-of 12 patches [value] ]

    ; Functions with 6^2 global minima
    landscape = "vincent" [ set true-best-patch min-n-of 36 patches [value] ]

    ; All other cost functions have a single global minima
    [ set true-best-patch patch-set min-one-of patches [value] ]

	;; Scale patches color within min and max values limits for visualisation purposes
  let min-val min [value] of patches
  let max-val max [value] of patches
	ask patches  [
      ; Problems better visualised using linear color scale
      landscape = "ackley" or
      landscape = "bohachesvsky n.1" or
      landscape = "cross-in-tray" or
      landscape = "damavandi" or
      landscape = "dropwave" or
      landscape = "schaffer n.2" or
      landscape = "schaffer n.4" or
      landscape = "vincent"
      [ set pcolor scale-color yellow value min-val max-val]

      ; Problems better visualised using square rooted color scale
      landscape = "easom" or
      landscape = "eggholder" or
      landscape = "holder-table" or
      landscape = "michalewicz" or
      landscape = "mishra n.6" or
      landscape = "parsopoulos" or
      landscape = "zakharov"
      [ set pcolor scale-color yellow value min-val sqrt max-val ]

      ; Problems better visualised using logarithmic scale
      landscape = "beale" or
      landscape = "dixon-price" or
      landscape = "goldstein-price" or
      landscape = "booth" or
      landscape = "rosenbrock"
      [ set pcolor scale-color yellow value min-val log max-val 1.01 ]

      landscape = "rastrigin" or
      landscape = "rastrigin offset" or
      landscape = "rastrigin bipolar"
      [ set pcolor scale-color yellow value min-val log max-val 1.05 ]

      landscape = "himmelblau" or
      landscape = "levy" or
      landscape = "matyas" or
      landscape = "mishra n.3" or
      landscape = "sphere" or
    	landscape = "sphere-offset" or
      landscape = "three-hump camel"
      [ set pcolor scale-color yellow value min-val log max-val 1.1 ]

      landscape = "hosaki" or
      landscape = "mishra n.5"
      [ set pcolor scale-color yellow value min-val log max-val 10.1 ]

      ; For any other problem use a logarithmic default scale
      [ set pcolor scale-color yellow value min-val log abs (max-val + 0.001) 1.05 ]

  ;; Set spotlight on or off
  if spotlight = true [ watch one-of true-best-patch ]

; Shorter setup procedure for some representative landscape problems

to setup-search-landscapes-short
  ; Set up world and patch size
  resize-world -500 500 -500 500
  set-patch-size cell-size

  ; Create the 2D landscape according to the chosen cost function and bound constraints
  set xy-bounds ifelse-value landscape = "eggholder" [ 512 ] [ 6 ]
  ask patches [
    set x pxcor * (xy-bounds / max-pxcor)
    set y pycor * (xy-bounds / max-pycor)

    set value (ifelse-value
      landscape = "sphere" [
        ifelse-value (x = 5) or (y = 5)
        [ 100 ]
        [ x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 ]
      landscape = "sphere-offset" [
        (x - 300 * (xy-bounds / max-pxcor)) ^ 2  + (y + 300 * (xy-bounds / max-pxcor)) ^ 2
      landscape = "rastrigin" [ ; Note that degrees, not radians, are needed for the cos function
        20 + ((x ^ 2) -  10 * cos ((180 / pi) * (2 * pi) * x)) + ((y ^ 2) -  10 * cos ((180 / pi) * (2 * pi) * y))
      landscape = "rosenbrock" [
        100 * (y - (x ^ 2))^ 2 + (1 - x)^ 2
      landscape = "himmelblau" [
        ((x ^ 2) + y - 11) ^ 2 + (x + (y ^ 2) - 7)^ 2
      landscape = "eggholder" [ ; Note that degrees, not radians, are needed for the sin function
        ( (- x) * sin ((180 / pi) * sqrt (abs (x - (y + 47))))) - (y + 47) * sin ((180 / pi) * sqrt (abs ((x / 2) + (y + 47))))
      [ random-normal 0 500 ] ; The last case is a random landscape

  if landscape = "random" [
    ; Smooth out the random landscape
    ask min-n-of 4 patches [value] [ ask patches in-radius 30 [ set value value - random-float 300 ] ]
    repeat 10 [ diffuse value 1 ]

  ; Find the true best location
  ifelse landscape = "himmelblau" [
    ; "himmelblau" exhibits 4 global minima (5 emerge due to discretisation errors)
    set true-best-patch min-n-of 5 patches [value]
  ] [
    ; All other cost functions have a single global minima
    set true-best-patch patch-set min-one-of patches [value]

  ; Scale patches color within value limits
  let min-val min [value] of patches
  let max-val max [value] of patches
  ask patches [ set pcolor scale-color yellow value min-val log abs max-val 1.05 ]

  ; Set spotlight if switched on
  if spotlight = true [ watch one-of true-best-patch ]

;;;;; END OF FILE ;;;;;;

There are 21 versions of this model.

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Sergio Rojas-Galeano 4 months ago Minor bug corrected Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 5 months ago Default ticks for test button Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 5 months ago Report mean hit tick in test buttons Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 5 months ago Report mean hit tick in test buttons Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 5 months ago Improved efficiency through elitism Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 7 months ago New "quick test" button Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 7 months ago New "quick test" button Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 7 months ago New "quick test" button Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 8 months ago View area settings controls Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 8 months ago View area settings controls Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago Fix world size web Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago Fix world size web Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago Fix world size web Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago World size fix Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago World size fix Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago World size fix Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago World size fix Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago World size fix Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago World size fix Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago Fix Info Tab Download this version
Sergio Rojas-Galeano 9 months ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
CIAO: Collective Intelligence Algorithm for Optimization.png preview Model's view area 8 months ago, by Sergio Rojas-Galeano Download
CIAO_UserGuide.pdf pdf Updated User Guide 5 months ago, by Sergio Rojas-Galeano Download

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