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; import native netlogo library to use tables and array
extensions [table array]

; define global variables
         ; Global fix variables (hypothesis of simulation)
         COMPANIES-MAX-LEVERAGE  ; companies max leverage set at 0,9 for non sharia compliant companies and 0,33 for sharia compliant companies
         MIN-DEBT-RATIO ; companies min debt ratio set at 0 for sharia compliant companies and 0,6 for non sharia compliant for optimization purposes
         AUCTION-RISE-PERCENT; ; pourcentage of price rise for each round in the auction process

         ; Global variables for companies
         avg-companies-equity std-dev-companies-equity
         avg-companies-multiple-offer ; average multiple offer while companies are bought by funds
         min-companies-debt avg-companies-debt tot-companies-debt
         tot-companies-PE ; total of private equity backed companies
         tot-companies-monetized-badwill tot-companies-monetized-goodwill  ; monetized badwill and goodwill while companies are bought by funds

         ; Global variables for funds
         avg-funds-wealth   avg-fund-commitment
         number-of-funds-drivers ; a fund is considered driver if other funds imitate his investments

         ; Global variables for market data
         tot-IPO-transactions tot-transactions nb-transactions-per-tick ; informations of transactions
         multiple-market next-multiple-market  cumulative-multiple-market next-cumulative-multiple-market ; information of multiple market
         created-market-wealth ; created wealth for the global market

         ; Global counter variables
         company-counter fund-counter

         ; Global bank variables
         bank-available-debt bank-loses


; companies and funds are both breeds of turtle.
breed [companies company]
breed [funds fund]

companies-own [id-company ebit ebit-growth cash ebit-growth-n-1 enterprise-value debt debt-rate status  debt-reimbursment age-on-status initial-investment multiple-offer fund-owner-id ownership-percent]
;status 0,1,2,3 -> normal, PEbacked, bankrupt,forsale
; multiple-offer is the last multiple offer used

funds-own[id-fund age available-commitment investments wealth  max-investment-on-company min-investment-on-company isDriver]

; setup functions

to setup

to setup-company [id-c]

 ask companies with [id-company = id-c]

    set shape  "flag"
    set color white
    set size .8
    setxy random-xcor (random-ycor / 3 - 2 * max-pycor / 3)
    set company-counter company-counter + 1

    set status 0
    set age-on-status 0

    set ebit 100
    set ebit-growth 0
    set debt 0
    set enterprise-value 800
    set debt-rate 0.05
    set debt-reimbursment  0
    set cash enterprise-value * 2 / 3
    ; each company has initial value of 800
    set initial-investment 0
    set ownership-percent 0.66

    set  multiple-offer 0
    set  fund-owner-id 0

to setup-companies

  create-companies NUMBER-OF-COMPANIES; initial-number-companies  ; create the companies, then initialize their variables
    set id-company company-counter
    setup-company id-company


to setup-funds
  create-funds NUMBER-OF-FUNDS; initial-number-companies  ; create the companies, then initialize their variables
    set id-fund fund-counter
    set shape  "house"
    set color gray
    set size 1.2
    setxy (min-pxcor + (fund-counter - .5) * (max-pxcor - min-pxcor) / NUMBER-OF-FUNDS) (max-pycor - 1)
    if (fund-counter mod 2 = 0) [set ycor ycor - 1]
    set fund-counter fund-counter + 1
  ask funds
  set isDriver 0
  set available-commitment 20000
  set age 0

  set max-investment-on-company MAX-INVESTMENT-ON-COMPANY-PER-FUND * available-commitment
  set min-investment-on-company MIN-INVESTMENT-ON-COMPANY-PER-FUND * available-commitment

  set investments []
  set wealth available-commitment

  ask  n-of  NUMBER-OF-FUNDS-DRIVERS funds
    set isDriver 1
    set color yellow

to setup-globals-variables

  set multiple-market 8 ; is set at 8 as initial value
  set next-multiple-market 0
  set next-multiple-market  0
  set created-market-wealth 0
  set  cumulative-multiple-market multiple-market

  set company-counter 1
  set fund-counter 1

  set nb-transactions-per-tick 0
  set tot-transactions 0

  set tot-companies-bankrupt 0

  set bank-available-debt TOTAL-DEBT ; bank available debt is set to total debt as initial value

  ; initial fix values
  set MIN-DEBT-RATIO  0.6
  if isShariaCompliant? [
    set MIN-DEBT-RATIO 0

  ;Min 1 et x% of number of funds
  set number-of-funds-drivers  int (PERCENTAGE-OF-DRIVERS / 100 * NUMBER-OF-FUNDS)
  if number-of-funds-drivers = 0 [set number-of-funds-drivers 1]

; run functions

to initialize-tick

 set next-multiple-market  0
 set nb-transactions-per-tick 0

; calculate funds wealth

to calculate-funds-wealth
  ; fund wealth = available commitement (cash available)  + value of each owned company  (equity value of the company  * owned percent)
  ask funds
    ;calculate fund wealth
    set wealth available-commitment

    foreach investments
      id-c -> let m-status item 0 [status] of companies with [id-company = id-c ]
              if m-status != 2
              let m-value item 0 [enterprise-value] of companies with [id-company = id-c ]
              let m-debt item 0 [debt] of companies with [id-company = id-c ]
              let m-ownership-percent item 0 [ownership-percent] of companies with [id-company = id-c ]
              set wealth wealth  + (m-value - m-debt ) * m-ownership-percent

    set max-investment-on-company MAX-INVESTMENT-ON-COMPANY-PER-FUND * wealth
    set min-investment-on-company MIN-INVESTMENT-ON-COMPANY-PER-FUND * wealth

; calculate multiple market

to calculate-multiple-market
 if   nb-transactions-per-tick > 0
  [set multiple-market  next-multiple-market / nb-transactions-per-tick ]
  if  tot-transactions > 0
  [ set cumulative-multiple-market next-cumulative-multiple-market / tot-transactions ]

; calculate companies performance

to calculate-companies-performance

  ask companies with [status != 2]

    ;calculate ebit
    set ebit-growth-n-1 ebit-growth
    ; different growth for private equity backet company
    ifelse (status = 1 or status = 3) ; Private equity backed company
    [ set ebit-growth 0.04 + 0.2 * ebit-growth + (random-normal 0 Vol-PE) ]  ;AR(1) process for ebit growth modelling

    [ set ebit-growth 0.01 + 0.2 * ebit-growth + (random-normal 0 Vol-Non-PE) ]  ;AR(1) process for ebit growth modelling

    set ebit (1 + ebit-growth ) * ebit ; one year pace
    ifelse ebit-growth > 0 [set color green][set color red]

    ;calculate net income and entreprise value
    let RN (ebit - debt-rate * debt )
    if RN > 0 [ set RN RN * 0.7  ]; 0.7 = 1 - tax (30%)]

     ; calculate debt reimbursment
    let reimbursment debt-reimbursment
    if debt - debt-reimbursment <= 0
    [ set reimbursment debt]
    if debt = 0
    [ set reimbursment 0]
    set debt debt - reimbursment

    set bank-available-debt bank-available-debt + reimbursment
    set cash cash + RN - reimbursment

    ; update created wealth and enterprise value
    set  created-market-wealth  created-market-wealth  + RN
    set enterprise-value   enterprise-value + RN - reimbursment ; value entreprise  = Equity + Debt


; set aging funds and companies

to set-aging-companies-funds
    ; update age of funds
  ask funds
  [set age age + 1]

  ; update forsale status
  ask companies
    set age-on-status age-on-status + 1

    ; after one year if company is not saled, the multiple offer is discounted
    if status = 3
        set multiple-offer  ( 1 - ANNUAL-DISCOUNT-ON-UNSOLD-COMPANIES) * multiple-offer

    ; put forsale investments to IPO if Eq > 5 * initial investment
    if status = 3
      let amount-eq (enterprise-value - debt) * ownership-percent
      if ( amount-eq > 5 * initial-investment   )
        ; sale on IPO
        if debug-mode? [show (list "IPO" id-company initial-investment amount-eq )]
        set tot-IPO-transactions tot-IPO-transactions + 1
        let f-owner fund-owner-id
        let id-c id-company
        ask funds with [id-fund = f-owner ]
          set investments remove id-c  investments
          set available-commitment available-commitment + amount-eq

        set bank-available-debt bank-available-debt + debt
        setup-company  id-c
        set multiple-offer  multiple-market


    ; put to sale old investments
    if status = 1
      if ((ebit * multiple-market - debt) * ownership-percent > 3 * initial-investment or age-on-status > 5 )
        set status 3
        set age-on-status 0

        set multiple-offer  ((( 3 * initial-investment ) / ownership-percent )+ debt) / ebit



; auction processus

to launch-auction

  ;initilize auction tables

  let dict-auct-drivers table:make
  let dict-auct table:make

  ask companies

    table:put dict-auct id-company []
    table:put dict-auct-drivers  id-company []

  ask funds with [available-commitment >= min-investment-on-company ];

    let fund-id id-fund
    let dict-score table:make
    let nb-companies-to-look calculate-nb-companies-to-look fund-id

    ; for each fund choose "random" companies to look that are availables and score them
    ask n-of nb-companies-to-look companies with [status != 2 and status != 1 and  (isInFund id-company fund-id) = 0 ]
      let m-score scoring-function  ebit ebit-growth ebit-growth-n-1 length table:get dict-auct-drivers id-company
      table:put dict-score   id-company m-score

    ; sort scored companies
    let scores-sorted  (sort-by [ [id1 id2] ->  table:get dict-score id1 >  table:get dict-score id2 ] table:keys dict-score )
    let m-commitment available-commitment

    ; based on  scores determine wich company is interesting for investment
    foreach  scores-sorted
      id-c ->
      if ( table:get dict-score id-c > MIN-SCORE-TO-INVEST )
          let m-amout-eq  calculate-amount-eq id-c

          if min (list available-commitment max-investment-on-company) > ( 1 - COMPANIES-MAX-LEVERAGE) * m-amout-eq

            ask companies with [id-company = id-c ]
              create-link-from myself

            if isDriver = 1
              let m-list  lput id-fund  table:get  dict-auct-drivers id-c

              table:put dict-auct-drivers id-c m-list

            let m-list  lput id-fund  table:get  dict-auct id-c
            table:put dict-auct id-c m-list


  ; auction process
  foreach table:keys  dict-auct
   id-c ->
    let m-list-funds table:get dict-auct id-c

         let nb-funds length m-list-funds
         if ( nb-funds != 0 ) [

          let m-amout-eq  calculate-amount-eq id-c
          if ( nb-funds = 1 ) ; if only one fund os interested by a company , fund buy it
             Observer-buy-company id-c ( item 0 m-list-funds ) m-amout-eq
          ; else another round launched where price is rised
          if (nb-funds > 1 )
          negociation-to-buy m-list-funds INCREMENT-PROBABILITY-TO-QUIT  m-amout-eq id-c]


; main

to go

 clear-links ; delete all the links
; aging process

; auction process

; update variables

; display
  if debug-mode?
 ask funds
  [show (list id-fund age available-commitment investments wealth  max-investment-on-company isDriver)]
 ask companies
 [ show (list id-company  ebit enterprise-value debt  status  initial-investment multiple-offer fund-owner-id  )]

; update average global variables

to calculate-avg-tot

  set avg-companies-equity mean [enterprise-value] of companies with [status != 2]
  set avg-companies-equity avg-companies-equity  - (mean [debt] of companies with [status != 2])

  set std-dev-companies-equity standard-deviation [enterprise-value - debt] of companies with [status != 2]

  set tot-companies-debt sum [debt]  of companies with [status != 2]
  set avg-funds-wealth mean [wealth] of funds
  set avg-companies-ebit mean [ebit] of companies with [status != 2]
  set tot-companies-PE count companies with [ status = 1 or status = 3]

  set avg-companies-debt mean [debt] of companies with [status != 2]
  set avg-companies-multiple-offer mean [multiple-offer] of companies with [status != 2]
  set avg-fund-commitment mean [available-commitment] of funds

  ;calculation of average levrage
  ifelse count companies with [status = 1 or status = 3] > 0
    [ set avg-companies-leverage mean[debt / enterprise-value]  of companies with [status = 1 or status = 3]

      set min-companies-debt min [debt ]  of companies with [status = 1 or status = 3]

      [set avg-companies-leverage 0]

; private functions for auction process

to-report isInFund [id-c id-f]
  ; check if company of id id-c is owned by the fund of id id-f
  let m-investments  item 0  [investments] of funds with [id-fund = id-f ]
  foreach m-investments
    id -> if id = id-c [report 1]
  report 0

to-report calculate-amount-eq [id-c]
  ; calculate equity amount that a fund is able to pay for the company
  ; equity amount = ebit * multiple -debt
  ; multiple = to multiple offer if teh company is forsale ( it is different from market multiple)
  let result 0

  ask companies with [id-company = id-c]
    let m-multiple multiple-market
    if status = 3
      set m-multiple   multiple-offer ;
    set result  (ebit * m-multiple - debt)
    if debug-mode?
    [ show (list id-c result  multiple-market multiple-offer m-multiple )]

  report result

to negociation-to-buy [list-funds probability-to-quit amount id-c ]

   ; remove form list of funds  intrested by the company, companies that are not able because amount is too high that their financial capacity
   foreach list-funds
      id-fd ->  let rand random 100
                if  rand / 100  < probability-to-quit ; funds can quit for different reasons with a probability to quit that is incremented each round
                    set list-funds remove id-fd list-funds
                let m-max-investment-on-company item 0 [max-investment-on-company] of funds with [id-fund = id-fd]
                let m-commitment item 0 [available-commitment]of funds with [id-fund = id-fd]
                if min (list m-commitment m-max-investment-on-company) < ( 1 - COMPANIES-MAX-LEVERAGE) * amount
                     set list-funds remove id-fd list-funds

   ifelse length list-funds = 0 [
    if debug-mode?
    [show "quit"]
        stop ]
     ifelse length list-funds = 1
     [ Observer-buy-company id-c  item 0 list-funds  amount ]
         ; recursive function, we rise price another time
      ; if more than a fund is intrested , another round of negociation until only one fund or no fund is intrested , price is rised next round
           negociation-to-buy list-funds probability-to-quit + INCREMENT-PROBABILITY-TO-QUIT amount * ( 1 + AUCTION-RISE-PERCENT)   id-c

to-report calculate-nb-companies-to-look [ fund-id]

  ; calculate number of companies are available forsale or not yet owned , this number is capped ; funds can only look at a limied number of companies du to the associated cost
    let nb-companies-to-look count companies with [status != 2 and status != 1 and  (isInFund id-company fund-id) = 0 ]

    if nb-companies-to-look > NUMBER-OF-COMPANIES-TO-LOOK
      [set nb-companies-to-look  NUMBER-OF-COMPANIES-TO-LOOK]

  report nb-companies-to-look

to Observer-buy-company [id-c id-f amount]

; function to update variables when a fund id-f buy the company with id id-c at an amount "amount"
 let fund-is-able-to-buy-company 1

 let m-ownership-percent item 0 [ownership-percent] of companies with [id-company = id-c]

 let m-debt item 0 [debt] of companies with [id-company = id-c]
 let new-debt max (list ( MIN-DEBT-RATIO * amount )    ( ( amount +  m-debt ) * COMPANIES-MAX-LEVERAGE - m-debt )) ; what does this mean?
 let amount-eq-fund ( amount - new-debt ) * m-ownership-percent

  ask funds with [id-fund = id-f]

    ; check if  fund  is able to buy the company at the amount

    let possible-amount-eq  min (list available-commitment max-investment-on-company)

    if amount-eq-fund  > possible-amount-eq
      if possible-amount-eq < ( 1 - COMPANIES-MAX-LEVERAGE) * amount * m-ownership-percent
        set fund-is-able-to-buy-company 0

      set amount-eq-fund possible-amount-eq
      set new-debt  amount - amount-eq-fund / m-ownership-percent


    if amount-eq-fund < min-investment-on-company
        set amount-eq-fund  min-investment-on-company
        set new-debt  amount - amount-eq-fund / m-ownership-percent
    if   new-debt < 0  or new-debt / amount < min-debt-ratio
       set fund-is-able-to-buy-company 0


    ; if yes, upadte fund , companies and market variables
    if fund-is-able-to-buy-company = 1
      ; update company data
      ask companies with [id-company = id-c]

        let multiple  ( amount   +  debt)/ ebit

        let new_enterprise-Value  amount  + debt
        let leverage ( debt + new-debt ) / (new_enterprise-Value )

        if  ( ( multiple - multiple-offer ) > -0.01 and bank-available-debt > new-debt  and leverage < COMPANIES-MAX-LEVERAGE)
          ; update market data
          set bank-available-debt  bank-available-debt - new-debt
          set nb-transactions-per-tick   nb-transactions-per-tick + 1
          set tot-transactions tot-transactions + 1
          set next-multiple-market next-multiple-market +  multiple
          set next-cumulative-multiple-market next-cumulative-multiple-market + multiple

          if item 0 [status] of companies with [id-company = id-c] = 3
            ; update investement of fund
            ask funds with [id-fund = item 0  ([fund-owner-id] of companies with [id-company = id-c] ) ]
              set available-commitment available-commitment + amount-eq-fund
              set investments remove id-c  investments

          let diff-eq new_enterprise-Value - enterprise-value
          ifelse diff-eq > 0 [set tot-companies-monetized-goodwill tot-companies-monetized-goodwill + diff-eq]  [set tot-companies-monetized-badwill tot-companies-monetized-badwill + diff-eq]

          set debt   debt + new-debt
          set enterprise-value new_enterprise-Value

          set debt-reimbursment  debt / 5
          set status   1
          set fund-owner-id id-f
          set age-on-status  0
          set initial-investment amount-eq-fund

          ; upodate fund data
          ask funds with [id-fund = id-f]
            set available-commitment available-commitment - amount-eq-fund
            set investments lput id-c  investments


 ; update display data ( link between funds and companies owned )

to display-fund-own-company
; this function create link between funds and its owned companies for display purposes
 let nb-investments 0
 let xfund 0
 let yfund 0
 ; display function
  ask funds
     ;coordinates of fund
    set xfund xcor
    set yfund ycor
    set nb-investments length investments
    let counter  1
    foreach investments
      id ->
            ask companies with [id-company = id]
             set counter counter + 1
             ; positionner société sous le fonds
             setxy xfund yfund - counter

to display-labels
  ask companies [ set label "" ]
  if show-status? [
    ask companies [ set label status ]
    ask funds [set label int (wealth / 5000) ]


to-report scoring-function [ i-ebit perf-n perf-n-1 number-driver-in-auction]
  ; scoring function as explained in the article
  if i-ebit < 0 [ report 0 ]
  let perf-i ( ( i-ebit / 100 )^( 1 / (ticks + 1) ) - 1 )
   if debug-mode?
  show (list "Perf" perf-i perf-n perf-n-1 ticks i-ebit)
  report (( 1 - IMITATION-RATIO ) * score-perf perf-i perf-n perf-n-1 +  IMITATION-RATIO  * min (list 1  ( 4 * ( number-driver-in-auction / number-of-funds-drivers ))))

to-report score-perf [perf-i perf1 perf2]
  ifelse perf1 < 0.05 or perf2 < 0.05 or perf-i < 0
  [ report 0 ]

    report (( min(list  perf1 0.1)   + min (list perf2 0.1))/ 2  ) * 10

; private aging functions

to check-bankrupty
  ; check if a company is bankrupt
  ask companies with [status != 2]
    if (  enterprise-value - debt  < 1 or ebit * multiple-market < 1 or cash < 0 )
      if debug-mode?
      [show ( list "bankrupt " id-company enterprise-value debt ebit ) ]
      set bank-loses bank-loses + debt
      set tot-companies-bankrupt tot-companies-bankrupt + 1

      let f-owner fund-owner-id
      let id-c id-company
        ask funds with [id-fund = f-owner ]
          set investments remove id-c  investments

      setup-company id-company

;to export-data
; export data for debug and check
 ;if export-data?
 ; [
 ; file-open "output-netlogo.csv"
 ; file-print tot-companies-bankrupt
 ; file-print avg-leverage
  ;file-print avg-companies-equity
  ;  file-print cumulative-multiple-market
  ;if ticks = 0 [file-print "standard deviation of equity"]
  ;file-print std-dev-equity
 ; if ticks = 39 [
 ;   file-print "Company Equity"
  ;  ask companies [file-print enterprise-value - debt]
  ;  ]
 ; ]


There is only one version of this model, created 10 months ago by ifelab lerma.

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