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Default-person ifelab lerma (Author)


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globals [seed-number R-rate R*-rate R**-rate  Taxes deathcounter]
Extensions [array]
breed [householders householder]
breed [banks bank]
breed [firms firm]
breed [centralbanks Centralbank ]

householders-own [income  NBK W dep C0 conso wealth Div infoLevel ethicLevel ethical ethicalExperience ETHIQUE ]
banks-own [K Mcb TP FP P Prem RL deposits]
firms-own [firmMoney NBF price act Work LL Y TY N I Pr chP chA Fpp Rent TDIV debt money-Need se-index fin-index  positiveImpact weightedImpact Se-weight]
Centralbanks-own [TMCB]

to setup

to set-random-seed
 let my-seed 123; user-input "Enter a random seed (an integer):"

to setup-patches
  ask patches [
    set pcolor brown

to setup-turtles
  create-householders howManycapitalists
  [set shape "person"
    set size 1
    set color 2
    set label "c"
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set infoLevel  infoHouseholders + random-float 5 ; info level retourne un nb aléatoire entre 0 et 5 , on rajoute l'infohouseholders sur le slider
    set ethicLevel  EthicsHouseholders + random-float 5
    set ethical nobody ;  boolean var, true or false
    ; la consommation initiale
    set C0 random 5998 ; valeur de la consommation moyenne des ménages Bam Aout 2019
    set Taxes 0.5
    set ethicalExperience 1
    set conso 4000
    set dep 4500
    set income 9000

   create-householders howManyWorkers
  [set shape "person"
    set size 1
    set color 2
    set label "w"
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set infoLevel  infoHouseholders + random-float 5
    set ethicLevel EthicsHouseholders + random-float 5
    set ethical nobody
    set C0 random 5998
    set Taxes 0.5
    set ethicalExperience 1
    set conso 4000
    set dep 4500
    set income 9000

create-banks howManytraditionalBanks ; 19
  [set shape "house"
    set size 2.5
    set color gray
    set label "Trad"
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor ; position au hasard
    ask banks [if any? other banks-here[move-to one-of patches]] ; une banque par patch
    set FP 50000000
    set K 1000000
    set R-rate 0.04
    set R*-rate 0.0225
    set R**-rate 0.0225
    ; la prime de risque
    set Prem  (R-rate - R**-rate)

  create-banks howManyEthicalBanks ; 5
  [set shape "house"
    set size 2.5
    set color 53
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set label "Ethic"
    set FP 50000000;
    set K 1000000
    set R-rate 0.04
    set R*-rate 0.0225
    set R**-rate 0.0225


  create-Centralbanks 1
  [set shape "house"
    set size 4
    set color 2
    set label " centralbank"
    setxy 0 0

 create-firms howManyFirms
  [set shape "factory"
    set size 2
    set color yellow
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set se-index EindexFirms
    set fin-index random-float 10
    set firmMoney 10000 + random 1000
    set positiveImpact 0
    set weightedImpact 0

to go

ask householders
    set W 1500 + random 8000
    ask my-links [ die ]
    create-link-with one-of firms
      [set color 8]
    set wealth wealth + dep
    forward random 4 left random 180

  Ask banks
    create-link-with min-one-of Centralbanks  [distance myself][set color 1]
    set TP  (FP + deposits + Mcb )
    set Prem  (R-rate - R**-rate)
    set P  ((R-rate * K) - (R*-rate * deposits) - (R**-rate * Mcb) )
    set FP FP + P
    set RL  FP / K
   if TP < 5000000
            [ set label "Fall"


Ask firms
    firmact ;
    Let T 0
    ask my-links [ ask other-end [ if label = "w" [set T T + 1 ]]]
    set Work T
    let cap 0
    ask my-links [ ask other-end [ if label = "c" [set cap cap + 1 ]]]
    set Act cap
    Set N (T + Act )
    let At  1
    let Ut 1
    Let L 0
    ask my-links [ ask other-end [ if label = "w" or label = "c" [set L L + W ]]]
    set LL L
    let alpha 0.7
    set Y  (At * (( Ut * firmMoney ) ^ alpha) * (( LL ) ^ ( 1 - alpha )) )
    set TY TY + Y
    set I (I + firmMoney)
    set ChP  LL
    set Pr  ( chA - ChP - (R-rate * firmMoney ) )
    set Fpp (Fpp + Pr)
    ifelse I != 0
    [ set Rent  Fpp / I ]
    [set Rent 0]
    If Rent > 0
    [ set fin-index 10 - Random-float 5 ]
    dividente ;
    if random 200 > 180


to Myincome
  ifelse any? links with [color = green or color = blue ]
   [let D  (R-rate * dep)
       set income (W + D + Div)]
  [set income (W + Div)]

to consumption
    let sigma random-float 0.45
    set conso (C0 + sigma * ( income - (Taxes * income)))
  let Con conso
    ask my-links [ ask other-end [set chA chA + Con ]]

to householderAct
  set NBK 0;
  Set ETHIQUE (infoLevel * ethicLevel * (1.1 - random-float 0.2) * (ethicalExperience ))

  ifelse ETHIQUE > 49
    [set ethical true
    if ethicLevel > 6 or ethicLevel = 6
       [ifelse any? banks with [label = "Ethic"]
       [move-to one-of banks with [label = "Ethic"]]
          [set NBK NBK + 1]]
    if ethicLevel < 6
      [ ifelse any? banks with [label = "Ethic"]
       [move-to one-of banks with [label = "Ethic"]]
       [if any? banks with [label = "Trad"]
          [move-to one-of banks with [label = "Trad"]]]]]

     [set ethical false
          ifelse any? banks with [label = "Trad"]
        [move-to one-of banks with [label = "Trad"]]
      [if any? banks with [label = "Ethic"]
          [move-to one-of banks with [label = "Ethic"]]]]

; effectuer un dépôt
    If any? banks-here
  [if income > conso
      [ Let myDeposit (income - conso)
        set dep myDeposit
        ask banks-here [set deposits deposits + myDeposit]


; effectuer un retrait
  If any? banks-here
 [if income < conso
  [let myWithdraw (conso - income)
      set dep (-1 * myWithdraw)
      ask banks-here [set deposits deposits - myWithdraw ]
      set color 16]]

to householders-interaction
  forward random 2 right random 360
  let speaker one-of other householders-here
  if speaker != nobody
  [ifelse [ethicLevel] of speaker > 6
    [if ethicalExperience < 10
      [ set ethicalExperience ethicalExperience + 1
      [if ethicalExperience > 1
        [ set ethicalExperience ethicalExperience - 1

to CBdeposit
  let F (0.7 * (FP + deposits))
  ifelse K > F
  [ Let M ( K - F  )
    Ask my-links [ask Centralbanks [set TMCB TMCB + M ]]
   set Mcb M ]
    [ set Mcb 0 ]

to firmact
  set NBF 0
  ask my-links with [color = green or color = blue] [die]
  ifelse se-index + random-float 3  > 5
   [ ifelse any? banks with [label = "Ethic"]
   [ create-link-with one-of banks with [label = "Ethic"]
        [set color green ]]
             [ set NBF NBF + 1 ]]
     [ create-link-with one-of banks with [label = "Trad"]
        [set color blue ]]

to Loan
  If y < chA
 [ let q (LL ^ 0.3) ;
    if q != 0
  [let H  (( chA / q ) ^ ( 1 / 0.7))
  let crd  (H - FirmMoney)
     if any? links with [color = green or color = blue ]
      [set firmMoney firmMoney + crd
        ask my-links with [color = green] [ask other-end [set k k + crd]]
        ask my-links with [color = blue] [ask other-end  [set k k + crd]]]]]

to Bankrupt
  if Pr < -30000
  [set color black
    set deathcounter deathcounter + 1
  if Pr < -30000

to createFirm
  create-firms 1
  [set shape "factory"
    set size 2
    set color yellow
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set se-index EindexFirms
    set fin-index random-float 10
    set firmMoney 10000 + random 1000
    set positiveImpact 0
    set weightedImpact 0

to dividente
    if Act > 0
  [ Let beta random-float 0.3
    Let A (beta * Pr)   ;
  if A > 0
    [set TDIV A
     Let B A / Act
      ask my-links [ ask other-end [ if label = "c" [set Div B ]]]


There is only one version of this model, created 10 months ago by ifelab lerma.

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model.png preview Preview for 'model' 10 months ago, by ifelab lerma Download

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