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;;; ;;; Define Variables (declaration) ;;; breed [ customers customer ] ;; customers the main target of Microfinance. breed [mfis mfi] ;; Microfinance institution, which give a loan to the customer. breed [ partners partner ] ;; partners who evaluate the loan amount according to the purpose of the loan. breed [donors donor] ;; donors who finance MFI. globals [ periods ;; the time span we consider. number represents the year after the starting time. ;custom_solvab? fund credit_amount ;; the limit of each microcredit interestrate ;; interest rate for the microcredit charged by the MFI. wealth_mfi ;; profits of the mfi amount_purposeloan? efficiency profitability productivity credit_risk average_loan_balance_per_borrower nb_customers performance_achieved? ;; if true, the IMF achieved social and financial performance funds_Offer? ;; the donors offer funds to mfi profit_loss_amount ;; the amount of the profit or the loss of the activity financing_cost wealth_funds ] patches-own [ ] customers-own [ wealth_cust ;; each individual's wealth level sex ;; each individual sex, either male or female8 marital_status ;; Married, single, divorced or widow customer_activity ;; the activity of the customer, either agriculture, trade or cruft level_education ;; the level of education of the customer: bad, medium or high level of education insured_customer ;; the customer is insured or not customer_residence ;; Rural or Urban area purpose_loan ;; Creation or Devlopment of the activity customer_type ;; Old or new customer nb_loan ;; the number of loan contracted by the customer cross_indebteness ;; if the customer has another loan with other institutions unpaid_amount ;; the unpaid amout of the loan nb_paid_installments ;; the number of paid installments nb_installments ;; the number of installments borrowingdate ;; the date when one of poors get a loan from mfi ;wealth_sufficient? ;; if true, customer can reimburse his loan. repay_amount? ;; if true, customer reimubrse his loan. borrower-mfi? ;; if true, the turtle has got a microcredit from mfi. customer_score ] ;;; ;;; SETUP PROCEDURES (initialisation) ;;; to-report VARY [#low #high] ;; reports a random integer in given range, inclusive report #low + random(#high - #low + 1) end to SETUP ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features, ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end ;; of the procedure.) clear-all reset-ticks setup-patches setup-customers set periods time-span-years ;; the slider of time-span-years stands for the periods (years). reset-ticks end to setup-patches ask patches [ set pcolor black ] ;; set patche's color black. mfi-setup partners-setup end to mfi-setup ask patches [ ask patch 0 0 [set pcolor red] ;; the color for the patch of MFI is yellow. sprout-mfis 1 [ ;; for visual impact, the mfi has the shape of yellow house. set size 3 set shape "house" set color red setxy 0 0 set fund microcredit-available ;; microcredits available from mfi is set using the slider of microcredit-available. set credit_amount vary 1 20 ;; the loan limit from the MFI is set using the slider -> need to make credit-limit slider set wealth_mfi fund set performance_achieved? random 2 set funds_Offer? random 2 set wealth_funds wealth-funds ] ] end to partners-setup ask patches [ ask patch 0 10 [set pcolor grey] ;; the suppliers of raw materials are on the grey patch ask patch 0 -10 [set pcolor grey] ask patch 10 0 [set pcolor grey] ask patch -10 0 [set pcolor grey] sprout-partners 1 [ ;; for visual impact, the raw material suppliers have the shapes of grey trucks. set size 2 set shape "circle" set color grey setxy 0 10 set amount_purposeloan? true ;; if true, the amount applied by customer is accepted. ] sprout-partners 1 [ set size 2 set shape "circle" set color grey setxy 0 -10 set amount_purposeloan? true ;; if true, the amount applied by customer is accepted. ] sprout-partners 1 [ set size 2 set shape "circle" set color grey setxy 10 0 set amount_purposeloan? true ;; if true, the amount applied by customer is accepted. ] sprout-partners 1 [ set size 2 set shape "circle" set color grey setxy -10 0 set amount_purposeloan? true ;; if true, the amount applied by customer is accepted. ] ] end to setup-customers create-customers customers-number ;; uses the value of the customers-number slider to set the number of customers. ask customers [ set shape "person" set color green ;; the color for the customer is green. setxy random-xcor random-ycor set wealth_cust random-normal 50 15 ;; wealth level each custumers start with come from N(50, 15) set sex random 2 ;; sex for each custumers is either o (female) or 1 (male) set customer_type random 2 ;; statut for each custumer is either old (0) or new (1). set marital_status random 2 ;; either Married (0) or single (1). set customer_activity random 4 ;; either agriculture or cruft (0), trade (1), industry (2) or others (3) set level_education random 3 ;; either bad (0), medium (1) or high (2) level of education set insured_customer random 2 ;; the customer is insured (1) or not (0) set customer_residence random 2 ;; Rural (1) or Urban area (0) set purpose_loan random 2 ;; Creation (0) or Devlopment (1) of the activity ;set custom_solvab? FALSE ;; if true, customer is accepted. ;set wealth_sufficient? false set borrower-mfi? random 2 ;; if true, the turtle has got a microcredit from mfi. set repay_amount? random 2 set nb_loan 0 set cross_indebteness 0 set unpaid_amount 0 set nb_paid_installments 0 set nb_installments 0 set customer_score vary -5.0 5.0 set profit_loss_amount profit-loss-amount set financing_cost financ-cost ] end ;;; ;;; GO PROCEDURES ;;; to go if ticks >= 365 * periods [ stop ] ;; the time span is restricted to periods (year). * ask customers [ move-customers ;; this procedure makes customers move. microcredit_application ;; this procedure makes customer ask for a microcredit. reimburse-mfi ;; this procedure makes customers reimburse their loans towards mfi. ;donors_mfi ;; this procedure makes mfi get funds from donors. ] tick ;; one tick stands for one day. update-plot end to move-customers right random 360 forward random 4 set wealth_cust ( wealth_cust - 0.05 ) end ;;; ;;; granting microcredit from mfi ;;; to-report custom_solvab? ifelse (customer_type = 0 and customer_score > -0.58) or (customer_type = 1 and customer_score > 1.8) [ report true ] [ report false ] end to-report mfi_performance report ((efficiency + profitability + productivity + credit_risk + average_loan_balance_per_borrower + nb_customers) / 6 ) end to microcredit_application if (fund >= credit_amount) and wealth_cust < 20 and wealth_cust > 5 [ ;; microcredit is possible only when the MFI have money enough to loan and customers is located in the same patch as MFI, which reflects ;if (wealth_mfi >= credit_amount) [ ;; microcredit is possible only when the MFI have money enough to loan and customers is located in the same patch as MFI, which reflects ; ask customers with [ (credit_amount <= 20 and amount_purposeloan? = true) or (amount_purposeloan? = false or credit_amount > 20) ] [ ;; the amout of loan applied by customer. ;; ifelse ((customer_type = 0 and customer_score > -0.58) or (customer_type = 1 and customer_score > 1.8)) ;; [set custom_solvab? true][set custom_solvab? false] ask customers with [custom_solvab? = true ] [ set wealth_cust (wealth_cust + credit_amount ) set color yellow ;; those with microcredit turn yellow. set wealth_mfi (fund - credit_amount) ;; available fund to loan will decreases as the loan increases. ;;set custom_Solvab? true set borrower-mfi? 1 ;; if true, the turtle has got a microcredit from mfi. set borrowingdate ticks ] ; ] ask customers with [custom_solvab? = false] [ set wealth_cust ( wealth_cust) set color orange ;; those with microcredit turn orange. ;;set custom_Solvab? false set borrower-mfi? 0 ;; if true, the turtle has got a microcredit from mfi set wealth_mfi (wealth_mfi) ;; available fund . ] ] end to-report wealth_sufficient? ;; ifelse ( wealth_cust >= ((credit_amount * interestrate / 100 / 365) / (1 - (1 + interestrate / 100 / 365)^(ticks - borrowingdate )) * ( ticks - borrowingdate ))) ;; ifelse ( wealth_cust >= ((credit_amount * interestrate / 100 / 365) / (1 - (1 + interestrate / 100 / 365)^(loan_duration * -30 )) * loan_duration * 30)) ifelse ( (wealth_cust + profit_loss_amount ) >= ( 1 + financing_cost) * credit_amount) [ report true ] [ report false ] end to reimburse-mfi if ( borrower-mfi? = 1 and color = yellow and wealth_sufficient? = true) [ ;; customers can repay their debts only if he has contracted loan from mfi. ;if (color = yellow and wealth_sufficient? = true ) [ ;; customers can repay their debts only if he has contracted loan from mfi. ask customers with [ repay_amount? = 1 ][ set wealth_cust ((wealth_cust + profit_loss_amount ) - (( 1 + financing_cost / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate ) ) * credit_amount)) ;; the amount of repayment is the summation of pricipal and interest (annual interest rate -> daily interest rate) set color violet ;; after repay, the color turn into violet set wealth_mfi ( wealth_mfi + (( 1 + financing_cost / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate) ) * credit_amount) - 20 ) ;; interest rate is rate for one year. if ticks - borrowingdate <= 365 [ set nb_paid_installments ( nb_paid_installments + 1 ) ] ;;maturity for the loan is assumed to be one year. ] ask customers with [ repay_amount? = 0][ set wealth_cust (wealth_cust + profit_loss_amount) ;; the amount of repayment is the summation of pricipal and interest (annual interest rate -> daily interest rate) set color pink ;; after repay, the color turn into pink if ( wealth_funds + wealth_mfi >= (1 + financing_cost)* credit_amount) [set wealth_mfi ( wealth_mfi + (( 1 + financing_cost / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate) ) * credit_amount) - 20 ) ;; interest rate is rate for one year. set unpaid_amount (unpaid_amount + ((1 + financing_cost / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate) ) * credit_amount)) if ticks - borrowingdate <= 365 [ set nb_paid_installments ( nb_paid_installments) ] SET wealth_funds wealth_funds - (( 1 + financing_cost / 100 / 365 * ( ticks - borrowingdate) ) * credit_amount) ]] ] end ;to donors_mfi ;ask customers with [(( efficiency + profitability + productivity + credit_risk + average_loan_balance_per_borrower + nb_customers) / 6 >= 3) and count customers with [custom_Solvab? = true] >= 0.7 * customers-number] [ ; set wealth_mfi (wealth_mfi + 100 + 50) ; set performance_achieved? 1 ; set funds_Offer? 1 ; ] ;end ;;; ;;; reports ;;; to-report average-wealth-customer report ( sum [ wealth_cust ] of customers / count customers ) end to-report sum-wealth-mfi report ( sum [ wealth_mfi] of mfis) end to-report customer-solvability report ( count customers with [ custom_Solvab? = true] ) end To-report customer-reimburse-loan report ( count customers with [ repay_amount? = 1 and custom_solvab? = true ] ) end to-report solvability-ratio report (count customers with [ custom_Solvab? = true] / count customers ) end to-report PAR30 report ( sum [ credit_amount ] of customers with [ ticks - borrowingdate >= 30 ] / sum [ credit_amount ] of customers ) end to-report PAR90 report ( sum [ credit_amount ] of customers with [ ticks - borrowingdate >= 90 ] / sum [ credit_amount ] of customers ) end to-report PAR180 report ( sum [ credit_amount ] of customers with [ ticks - borrowingdate >= 180 ] / sum [ credit_amount ] of customers ) end ;;; ;;; PLOTS ;;; to update-plot set-current-plot "Average Wealth-customer" set-current-plot-pen "customers" plot sum [ wealth_cust ] of customers / count customers set-current-plot "Wealth-mfi" set-current-plot-pen "mfi" plot sum [ wealth_mfi ] of mfis set-current-plot "Average Loan" set-current-plot-pen "customers" plot sum [ credit_amount ] of customers / count customers set-current-plot "Number of Payment" set-current-plot-pen "customers" plot sum [ nb_paid_installments ] of customers end
There is only one version of this model, created 11 months ago by ifelab lerma.
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