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Default-person youssef lamrani (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.0 • Viewed 65 times • Downloaded 1 time • Run 0 times
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breed [randomauditors randomauditor ]

breed [learningauditors learningauditor]

globals [totalfrauders Frauderscaughtla Frauderscaughtr]

breed[pomdpauditors pomdpauditor]

breed [randomfilers randomfiler]
breed [learningfilers learningfiler]
breed [pomdpfilers pomdpfiler]

randomauditors-own [   frauders collect ]
learningauditors-own [   frauders collect ]
pomdpauditors-own [ frauders collect]

randomfilers-own [selected compliance taxdue reward]
learningfilers-own [selected compliance taxdue  reward]
pomdpfilers-own [selected compliance taxdue observe belief reward]

to setup

  clear-all reset-ticks

  set totalfrauders 0

  create-randomauditors 1[setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color green set shape "face neutral" set size 2 set collect 0]
  create-learningauditors 1[setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color yellow set shape "face neutral" set size 2   set collect 0  ]
  create-pomdpauditors 1[setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color red set shape "face neutral" set size 2  set collect 0  ]

   create-randomfilers 50[setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color green set shape "person" set selected false set compliance random 3 set taxdue random-normal 1000 100 ]
  create-learningfilers 50[setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color yellow  set shape "person" set selected false set compliance random 3 set taxdue random-normal 1000 100]
  create-pomdpfilers 50[setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color red  set shape "person" set selected false set compliance random 3 set taxdue random-normal 1000 100
     set observe true set belief  0.5]

to go

  set Frauderscaughtla Frauderscaughtla + random 50
  set Frauderscaughtr Frauderscaughtr + random 50



to audit

  ask randomauditors [ let rs one-of turtles with [breed = randomfilers or breed = learningfilers or breed = pomdpfilers ]

  create-link-with rs

  ask rs [set selected true]


to learn

to updatebelief

  ask pomdpfilers [

  ifelse (observe = true)  [

    let a count turtles with [selected = true and compliance = 0]
     let b count turtles with [selected = true and compliance = 1]

     let o 2 * a + b




to takeaction

 ask randomfilers [set compliance random 3]
 ask learningfilers []

ask pomdpfilers [

  ifelse (belief > 0.85) [set  compliance 2 ]

[ ifelse (belief > 0.65) [set compliance 1]  [

   ifelse (belief > 0.35) [set observe true]
 [set compliance 1] ]  ]]

to rewardb
ask turtles with [breed = randomfilers or breed = learningfilers or breed = pomdpfilers] [

  if (selected = true)  [

    if ( compliance = 0) [  ]

      if (compliance = 1) []

      if (compliance = 2) []



;; rate tax

;; consommateur

;; complexité

;; auditeur intelligent (data mining)

;;training with big data

There is only one version of this model, created 10 months ago by youssef lamrani.

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