Updated Estimating Stream Diversity

Updated Estimating Stream Diversity preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Bella Fassett (Author)


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breed [seine seines]
breed [critter critters]
globals [time StTime catchem s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s16 sTot]

to startup

to setup
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  ;import-pcolors "streampic4.jpg"
  set catchem 0

to setup-patches
  ask patches
    set pcolor blue
    if pycor < 25 [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and pycor > 2 [set pcolor blue + 2]
    if pycor < 23 and pxcor < 11 [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and pxcor > 88 [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and (pxcor = 9 or pxcor = 10) [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and (pxcor = 19 or pxcor = 20) [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and (pxcor = 29 or pxcor = 30) [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and (pxcor = 39 or pxcor = 40) [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and (pxcor = 49 or pxcor = 50) [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and (pxcor = 59 or pxcor = 60) [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and (pxcor = 69 or pxcor = 70) [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and (pxcor = 79 or pxcor = 80) [set pcolor black]
    if pycor < 23 and (pxcor = 89 or pxcor = 90) [set pcolor black]
    if pycor <= 14 and pycor >= 11 [set pcolor black]

to go
  if catchem = 1 [do-plots]
  if sttime = 1 [set time time + .1]
  if time > sampling-time [close]

to init-critters
  let x random 100
  if random 100 < 5
    create-critter 1
    set size 3
    set xcor 100 set ycor 45 + random 10 - random 10
    if Pollution = "None"
      if x <= 10  [set shape "caddisfly"]
      if x > 10 and x <= 15 [set shape "mayfly"]
      if x > 15 and x <= 25 [set shape "stonefly"]
      if x > 25 and x <= 30 [set shape "rifflebeetle"]
      if x > 30 and x <= 35 [set shape "waterpenny"]
      if x > 35 and x <= 40 [set shape "gilledsnail"]
      if x > 40 and x <= 45 [set shape "dobsonfly"]
      if x > 45 and x <= 50 [set shape "cranefly"]
      if x > 50 and x <= 55 [set shape "dragonfly"]
      if x > 55 and x <= 60 [set shape "crawdad"]
      if x > 60 and x <= 65 [set shape "sowbug"]
      if x > 65 and x <= 70 [set shape "worm"]
      if x > 70 and x <= 75 [set shape "blackfly"]
      if x > 75 and x <= 80 [set shape "midge"]
      if x > 80 and x <= 85 [set shape "leech"]
      if x > 85  [set shape "lungedsnail"]
    if Pollution = "Moderate"
      if x <= 0  [set shape "caddisfly"]
      if x > 0 and x <= 2 [set shape "mayfly"]
      if x > 2 and x <= 4 [set shape "stonefly"]
      if x > 4 and x <= 6 [set shape "rifflebeetle"]
      if x > 6 and x <= 8 [set shape "waterpenny"]
      if x > 8 and x <= 10 [set shape "gilledsnail"]
      if x > 10 and x <= 15 [set shape "dobsonfly"]
      if x > 15 and x <= 22 [set shape "cranefly"]
      if x > 22 and x <= 32 [set shape "dragonfly"]
      if x > 32 and x <= 50 [set shape "crawdad"]
      if x > 50 and x <= 60 [set shape "sowbug"]
      if x > 60 and x <= 70 [set shape "worm"]
      if x > 70 and x <= 75 [set shape "blackfly"]
      if x > 75 and x <= 80 [set shape "midge"]
      if x > 80 and x <= 85 [set shape "leech"]
      if x > 85  [set shape "lungedsnail"]
    if Pollution = "Severe"
      if x <= 0  [set shape "caddisfly"]
      if x > 0 and x <= 0 [set shape "mayfly"]
      if x > 0 and x <= 0 [set shape "stonefly"]
      if x > 0 and x <= 0 [set shape "rifflebeetle"]
      if x > 0 and x <= 0 [set shape "waterpenny"]
      if x > 0 and x <= 0 [set shape "gilledsnail"]
      if x > 0 and x <= 3 [set shape "dobsonfly"]
      if x > 3 and x <= 6 [set shape "cranefly"]
      if x > 6 and x <= 9 [set shape "dragonfly"]
      if x > 9 and x <= 13 [set shape "crawdad"]
      if x > 13 and x <= 20 [set shape "sowbug"]
      if x > 20 and x <= 60 [set shape "worm"]
      if x > 60 and x <= 75 [set shape "blackfly"]
      if x > 75 and x <= 80 [set shape "midge"]
      if x > 80 and x <= 85 [set shape "leech"]
      if x > 85  [set shape "lungedsnail"]

to move-critters
  ask critter

    ifelse [pcolor = black] of patch-ahead 1
      set heading heading + 260 - random 20
      fd .2
      if ycor > 24 [set xcor xcor - .5]
      set heading heading + random 20 - random 20
      fd .2
      if ycor > 24 [set xcor xcor - .5]
    if xcor < 1 [die]
    if catchem = 1 and xcor < 50 and xcor > 48 and ycor < 48 and ycor > 34
      if shape = "caddisfly" [setxy 15 19]
      if shape = "mayfly" [setxy 25 19]
      if shape = "stonefly" [setxy 35 19]
      if shape = "rifflebeetle" [setxy 45 19]
      if shape = "waterpenny" [setxy 55 19]
      if shape = "gilledsnail" [setxy 65 19]
      if shape = "dobsonfly" [setxy 75 19]
      if shape = "cranefly" [setxy 85 19]
      if shape = "dragonfly" [setxy 15 9]
      if shape = "crawdad" [setxy 25 9]
      if shape = "sowbug" [setxy 35 9]
      if shape = "worm" [setxy 45 9]
      if shape = "blackfly" [setxy 55 9]
      if shape = "midge" [setxy 65 9]
      if shape = "leech" [setxy 75 9]
      if shape = "lungedsnail" [setxy 85 9]

to update
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "caddisfly" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s1 1] [set s1 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "mayfly" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s2 1] [set s2 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "stonefly" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s3 1] [set s3 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "rifflebeetle" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s4 1] [set s4 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "waterpenny" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s5 1] [set s5 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "gilledsnail" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s6 1] [set s6 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "dobsonfly" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s7 1] [set s7 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "cranefly" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s8 1] [set s8 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "dragonfly" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s9 1] [set s9 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "crawdad" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s10 1] [set s10 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "sowbug" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s11 1] [set s11 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "worm" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s12 1] [set s12 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "blackfly" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s13 1] [set s13 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "midge" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s14 1] [set s14 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "leech" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s15 1] [set s15 0]
   ifelse count critter with [shape = "lungedsnail" and ycor < 24] > 0 [set s16 1] [set s16 0]
   set sTot s1 + S2 + s3 + s4 + s4 + s5 + s6 + s7 + s8 + s9 + s10 + s11 + s12 + s13 + s14 + s15 + s16

to open
  ask seine [die]
  create-seine 1
    set shape "seine"
    set size 15
    set xcor 50 set ycor 40
  set catchem 1
  set sttime 1

to Close
  ask Seine [die]
  set catchem 0
  set sttime 0

to release
  ask critter
  [ if ycor < 24 [setxy 40 45]]
  set time 0
  set stot 0

to do-plots
  set-current-plot "Cumulative Species"
  set-current-plot-pen "Total"
  plotxy time sTot

There is only one version of this model, created 11 months ago by Bella Fassett.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Updated Estimating Stream Diversity.png preview Preview for 'Updated Estimating Stream Diversity' 11 months ago, by Bella Fassett Download

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