Robotic Factory

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1 collaborator

7ca38943c64d6f6208f80936788f40bc Jack M (Author)


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Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.2 • Viewed 198 times • Downloaded 8 times • Run 0 times
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turtles-own [






to setup

  setup-patches  ;; patches draw themselves
  __change-topology false false  ;; square map, instead of torus, means agents cant wrap sides

  let picking-goal patches with [  ;; make agentset of patches where storage is connected to road
    pcolor = brown  and any? neighbors with [ pcolor = gray + 2 ]]  ;; patches that are brown, beside a road
  let packing-goal patches with  ;; make agentset of patches where agents can pack
    [ pcolor = green and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = gray + 2 ]]  ;; patches that are yellow, beside a road
  let dispatching-goal patches with  ;; make agentset of patches where agents can drop packages
  [ pcolor = blue and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = gray + 2 ]]
  let charging-goal patches with  ;; make agentset of patches where agents can charge
  [ pcolor = yellow and any? neighbors4 with [pcolor = gray + 2 ]]  ;; patches that are yellow, beside a road

 ;; set location, direction, energy and color
  create-turtles num-turtles [   ;; initlialise n turtles
    move-to one-of patches with [ pcolor = gray + 2 ]  ;; place on road
    set energy 300
    set pending num-turtles  ;; slider num
    set color white

    set picking one-of picking-goal  ;; agent goal random storage
    set packing one-of packing-goal  ;; agent goal random pack point
    set dispatching one-of dispatching-goal  ;; agent goal random drop point
    set charging one-of charging-goal  ;; choose random charge point
    set goal picking  ;; agent goal is packing point

to setup-patches  ;; build warehouse
  ask patches with [pycor < 15 and pycor > -10 and pxcor < 15 and pxcor > -15]
 [ set pcolor brown ]  ;; STORAGE
  ask patches [
  if pycor = 15 or pycor = -15 or pycor = 10 or pycor = -10
   or pycor = 5 or pycor = -5 or pycor = 0 or pxcor = 15 or pxcor = -15
   or pxcor = 10 or pxcor = -10 or pxcor = 5 or pxcor = -5  or pxcor = 0
   [ set pcolor gray + 2 ]  ;; ROAD
  if pycor > -15 and pycor < -10
   [ set pcolor gray + 2 ]  ;; ROAD
  if pxcor = 16 or pxcor = -16 or pycor = 16 or pycor = -16
    [ set pcolor black + 3]  ;; WALLS
  if pycor  > -16 and pycor < -12 and pxcor > -16 and pxcor > -16 and pxcor < 16
    [ set pcolor yellow ]  ;; CHARGE STATION
  if pycor > 10 AND pycor < 15 AND pxcor > -15 AND pxcor < -10 [ set pcolor green ]   ;; PACKING
  if pycor < -5 AND pycor > -10 AND pxcor < 15 AND pxcor > 10 [ set pcolor blue ]   ;; DROP OFF

to separate  ;; separate turtles
  if any? other turtles-here [ move-to one-of patches with [ pcolor = gray + 2 ]]  ;; if collision, place elsewhere


to go

to check-trail?  ;; agents draw their path
  ask turtles [
    set turtles-present count turtles-here
    ifelse show-trail? [ pen-down ] [ pen-up ]

to check-goal?  ;; agents display goal as label
  ask turtles [
    set turtles-present count turtles-here
    ifelse show-goal?
      if goal = picking [ set label "picking" ]
      if goal = packing [ set label "packing" ]
      if goal = dispatching [ set label "dispatching" ]
      if goal = charging [ set label "charging" ] ]
    [ set label "" ]

to check-charge
  ask turtles
    ifelse energy < 100 and (goal = picking or goal = packing)  ;; if charge below 100 and agent has cancelled pick or pack
     [ set goal charging set pending pending + 1 ]  ;; charge and add order to pending again
       [ ifelse energy < 100 and (goal = dispatching)  ;; if charge below 100 and cancelled dispatch
         [ set goal charging set packaged packaged - 1 set pending pending + 1 ]  ;; charge and cancel packaged
         [ if energy < 100 [set goal charging set color orange]]  ;; otherwise, charge

to move
  ask turtles [
    face next-patch  ;; face goal
    set-speed  ;; move forward if possible

to reduce-speed
  fd -1
  set my-speed  0

to increase-speed
  fd 1
  set my-speed  1

to set-speed
  if energy > 505 [ fd 1 ]  ;; fixes glitch where agents freeze occasionally after charging

  ifelse not member? patch-here [neighbors4] of charging
  [     ifelse any? turtles-on patch-ahead 1  ;; if path is blocked
   [ lt random 90  ;; incrementally turn
       ifelse [ pcolor ] of patch-ahead 1 != grey  + 2 ;; if not facing path
        [  lt random 90 set color pink ]  ;; incrementally turn and color pink when avoiding obstacle
        [ increase-speed update-energy ]  ;; when path clear move and reduce charge
    [ increase-speed update-energy ] ] ;; move and reduce charge       ]
    [ set heading 0 update-energy  ;; face up
    if pcolor != yellow [ reduce-speed update-energy]  ;; stay still and begin charging

to update-energy
 ifelse laden? = true  ;; if carrying item,
   [ set energy energy - 2 ]  ;; increase rate of energy consumption
   [ set energy energy - 1 ]  ;; otherwise, normal rate

  if member? patch-here [neighbors] of charging [ set energy energy + 10 ]  ;; increase turtle energy when on bay
  if pcolor = yellow and energy > 499 [ increase-speed set goal picking ]  ;; if full charge leave bay

to-report next-patch  ;; establish goal of agent
  if goal = picking [ set color white ]
  if goal = picking and (member? patch-here [ neighbors4 ] of picking) [  ;; if goal pick and order picked
    set goal packing  ;; goal set to packing order
    set color green - 1
    set pending pending - 1
    set laden? true  ;; carrying item
  if goal = packing [ set color green ]
  if goal = packing and (member? patch-here [ neighbors4 ] of packing) [  ;; if goal pack and order packed
    set goal dispatching   ;; goal set to dispatching order
    set color  blue - 1
    set packaged packaged + 1
  if goal = dispatching [ set color blue ]
  if goal = dispatching and (member? patch-here [ neighbors4 ] of dispatching) [  ;; if goal drop and order dropped
    set goal picking  ;; goal set to next order
    set color  white
    set dispatched dispatched + 1
    set packaged packaged - 1 set pending pending + 1
    set laden? false  ;; not carrying item
  ;; CHOICES is agentset of the candidate patches that the robot can move to
  let choices neighbors with [ pcolor = gray + 2 or pcolor = yellow]  ;; grey patches are roads
  let choice min-one-of choices [ distance [ goal ] of myself ]  ;; move to patch closest to goal
  report choice  ;; report chosen patch

to watch-robot
   watch one-of turtles  ;; pick random agent
   ask subject
     inspect self  ;; show view
     set size 1.5  ;; increase size

     ask picking [
       set pcolor yellow - 1
       set plabel-color yellow
       set plabel "picking"
     ask packing [
       set pcolor orange - 1
       set plabel-color orange
       set plabel "packing"
       ask dispatching [
       set pcolor white - 1
       set plabel-color white
       set plabel "dispatching"
     ask charging [
       set pcolor red - 1
       set plabel-color red
       set plabel "charging"
     set label [ plabel ] of goal

to stop-watching ;; reset the picking and packing patches from previously watched car(s) to the background color
  ask patches
  [ if pcolor = orange - 1 [
      stop-inspecting self
      set pcolor green
      set plabel ""
    if pcolor = red - 1 [
      stop-inspecting self
      set pcolor yellow
      set plabel ""
    if pcolor = yellow - 1 [
      stop-inspecting self
      set pcolor brown
      set plabel ""
    if pcolor = white - 1 [
      stop-inspecting self
      set pcolor blue
      set plabel "" ]
  ask turtles  ;; close open inspectors
  [ set label ""
    stop-inspecting self


There is only one version of this model, created almost 2 years ago by Jack M.

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Robotic Factory.png preview Preview for 'Robotic Factory' almost 2 years ago, by Jack M Download

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