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Default-person Eduardo Tapia (Author)


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;; Jarvis, B., Chihaya Da Silva, G., & Tapia, E. (2022).
;; The ABM is based on Schelling´s model of segregation (1971,1969).

extensions [ rnd ]

globals [

turtles-own [
  similar-nearby  ;; in-group turtles at my NBH (Moore neighborhood)
  total-nearby    ;; turtles at my NBH
  proportion_similar ;; similar-nearby / total-nearby
  kin ;; unique ID number to identify agents' kin
  total_utility_current_NBH ;; b1 (ethnic_share) + b3 (kin-distance to NBH)
  mover ;; if the household has been selected to move, mover = 1.

patches-own [

breed [slots slot]  ;; slot = empty dwelling
breed [households household]

;############################ S E T U P #####################################

to setup
  resize-world 0 world_size 0 world_size
  set-patch-size patch_size ; 7 o 36
  let number_of_patches precision ((count patches * Perc_Agents ) / 100 ) 0
  ask n-of number_of_patches patches [ sprout-households 1 ]
  ;; majority (green agents)
  ask households [ set color green set shape "square"]
  ;; minority (red agents)
  ask n-of (( number_of_patches * %_minority_group_RED ) / 100 ) households [ set color red set shape "square"]
  ;; kin
  ask patches with [ not any? turtles-here ] [ sprout-slots 1 [ set color black ]]



to create_NBH

    let temp (world_size + 1) /   NBHsize_mXm
    let pool n-values temp [ i -> i ]
  foreach pool [
    x -> ask patches with [pycor >= (x * NBHsize_mXm) and pycor < (x * NBHsize_mXm) + NBHsize_mXm] [
set NBH_id int(pxcor / NBHsize_mXm) + ((x * ( (world_size + 1) /   NBHsize_mXm) ) + 1)

to kinship
  let NumRed count turtles with [ color = red ]
  let NumGreen count turtles with [ color = green ]
  let NumgroupsRed floor ( NumRed / Kin_size )
  let NumgroupsGreen floor ( NumGreen / Kin_size )
  let greenlist n-values NumgroupsGreen [i -> i + 1]
  let redlist n-values NumgroupsRed [i -> i + (NumgroupsGreen + 1)]
  foreach greenlist [i -> ask n-of Kin_size households with [color = green and kin = 0] [ set kin i ]  ]
  foreach redlist   [i -> ask n-of Kin_size households with [color = red   and kin = 0] [ set kin i ]  ]
  ;; dropping unmatched agents
  ask turtles with [ kin = 0 ] [ die ]

to current-NBH-utility

 ask households
  ;; household color?
  let mycolor [color] of self

  ;; Calculating utility current NBH
  ;; (A) Ethnic Share utility
  set similar-nearby count (households-on neighbors) with [color = mycolor]
  set total-nearby count (households-on neighbors)
  ifelse (total-nearby > 0) [ set proportion_similar similar-nearby / total-nearby ] [set proportion_similar 0] ;; or 1?
  let utility_share_own_NBH ( proportion_similar * beta_ethnic )
  ;; (B) Kin-distance utility
  let yo [who] of self
  let mykin [kin] of self
  let mykins [who] of other households with [kin = mykin]
  let tempo2 []  ;; to save kin distances
  foreach mykins
    i -> let x i
    let distance_to_temp euclidean_distancia x yo
    set tempo2 lput distance_to_temp tempo2

  let averg_kin_distance mean tempo2
  ;; normalizing kin distance
  let averg_kin_distance_NORM   averg_kin_distance / (world_size / 2)
  let utility_kin_distance_own_NBH ( averg_kin_distance_NORM * beta_kin )
  ;; household utility
  set total_utility_current_NBH utility_share_own_NBH + utility_kin_distance_own_NBH


to selecting-movers
  let num_movers precision (( %_movers * count households ) / 100 ) 0
  ask min-n-of num_movers households [total_utility_current_NBH] [ set mover 1 ]

to initialize
  ifelse (burning = "A")
  ifelse (ticks < 150)
    set beta_ethnic 1
    set beta_kin -1
    set beta_ethnic beta_ethnic2
    set beta_kin beta_kin2
  ifelse (ticks < 150)
    set beta_ethnic 0
    set beta_kin -1
    set beta_ethnic beta_ethnic2
    set beta_kin beta_kin2


;############################  G O  #####################################

to go
  if (ticks = 300) [stop]


to move-households
  ifelse (All_move? = "yes")
   ask households with [ mover = 1 ]
   ask one-of households with [ mover = 1 ]

to resetting-mover-list
  ask households [ set mover 0 ]

to evalute_select_and_movingin_neighborhoods

  ;; creating a raw list of NBHS
  let candidates [who] of slots
  let mycolor [color] of self
  ;; calculating distance to each of NBHs candidates
  let my [who] of self

  ;; calculating b1 = ethnic share
  let ethnic_share map [i -> prop_same_group i mycolor] candidates

  ;; calculating b2 = distance
  let distance_to_slots2 map [i -> euclidean_distancia my i] candidates
  let distance_to_slots_normalized map [i -> normalize2 i ] distance_to_slots2

  ;; calculating b3 = kin distance
  let mykin [kin] of self
  let mykins [who] of other households with [kin = mykin]
  let tempo2 []
  let temp3 n-values (length candidates) [i -> 0]

  foreach mykins
    i -> let x i
    let pos position x mykins
    let distance_to_temp map [r -> euclidean_distancia x r] candidates
    set tempo2 temp3
    set temp3 []
    (foreach distance_to_temp tempo2 [ [a b] -> let suma (a + b) set temp3 lput suma temp3 ])

  let averg_kin_distance map [i -> i / (Kin_size - 1)] temp3
  let averg_kin_distance_normalized map [i -> normalize2 i ] averg_kin_distance

  ;; calculating utility
  let utility_share map [i -> i * beta_ethnic] ethnic_share
  ;; household distance
  let utility_distance map [i -> i * beta_distance] distance_to_slots_normalized
  ;; kin-distance
  let utility_kin_distance map [i -> i * beta_kin] averg_kin_distance_normalized
  let added_utility2 []
  (foreach utility_share utility_distance utility_kin_distance [ [a b c] -> let suma (a + b + c) set added_utility2 lput suma added_utility2 ])
  ;; Exp utility
  let added_utility map [i -> exp i ] added_utility2
  ;; Calculating probabilities
  let tot_utility sum added_utility
  let NBH_probabilities map [i -> i / tot_utility] added_utility
  ;; Joining final utilities and NBHs' ids
  let final_pool (map list candidates NBH_probabilities)

  ;; selecting and moving
  let origin_place patch-here
  let decision select_and_move my final_pool origin_place

;; F U N C T I O N S

to-report select_and_move [a b c]
 ask turtle a [
  if ( (length b) > 0 )
    let chosen_NBH first rnd:weighted-one-of-list b [ [p] -> last p ]
    move-to slot chosen_NBH
    ask slot chosen_NBH [
      move-to c ]

  report []

to-report prop_same_group [a mycolor]
   ask turtle a [
    let similar_nearby count (households-on neighbors) with [color = mycolor]
    let total_nearby count (households-on neighbors)
    ifelse (total_nearby > 0)    [set prop_neighborhood   (similar_nearby / total_nearby)] [ set prop_neighborhood 0]

  report prop_neighborhood

to-report euclidean_distancia [my neighborhood]
   ask turtle my [
    set euclidean_distance distance turtle neighborhood
  report euclidean_distance

to-report normalize2 [ current_distance ]
  let b precision ( current_distance / ( world_size / 2 )) 4
  report b

to calculate_index
  let num_NBHs ((world_size + 1) / NBHsize_mXm) ^ 2
  let neig n-values num_NBHs [ ?1 -> ?1  + 1]
  let segre_by_n map [ ?1 -> abs (((count (households-on patches with [NBH_id = ?1]) with [ color = red ]) / (count households with [ color = red]) ) - ((count (households-on patches with [NBH_id = ?1]) with [ color = green ]) / (count households with [ color = green]) )) ] neig
  set index_of_dissimilarity sum segre_by_n / 2

There is only one version of this model, created about 2 years ago by Eduardo Tapia.

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