Tune-Town 2
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# TOON-TOWN ```by James P. Steiner```
## Build a Musical Highway! ##
## Featuring Steiner's Over-Engineered Mouse Driver for NetLogo 2022 ##
## Introduction ##
TUNE-TOWN is an incredibly elaborate demonstration of the mouse driver.
TUNE-TOWN uses Click, Drag, Drop, Long-Click, Patch-Enter, Patch-Exit, Drag-Enter, Drag-Exit, Click-End, Click-Start.
TUNE-TOWN also demonstrates an implementation of Turtle-based Toolbar, Buttons, and Button Icons.
## Mouse Driver ##
This module provides a framework for handling complex mouse operations. We find ourselves writing the same mouse code over and over. Some times it's quite simple, other times, complex. Beginners with netlogo may stumble through the mouse interface code, stealing time, effort, and energy from the novel and interesting parts of their simulation.
This aims to fix that.
## How it works, part 1
This framework is patch-centric. A breed of turtle follows the mouse pointer, and triggers events based on position and the state of the mouse button.
Patches listen for events sent by the mouse code, using event listeners added to their listener collection, and run their own code in response. Patches can listen on behalf of other agents.
The pointer also exposes some properties useful for your other mouse-interactions.
## What is if for?
For any model that needs mouse-based user interaction where more simple techniques won't do, or where the modeler doesn't wish to write their own mouse code.
## Extending to other kinds of agents
There are many ways to do it. One is to allow patches to pass events on to associated turtle-based controls, as in the tune-town demo
## How it works, part 2
### The pointer raises events and updates pointer-related properties
Your code can simply monitor and use those properties as it wishes.
This may make sense where it's the pointer, more than the patches or turtles,
are driving events.
### Patches Own Event Listeners.
The pointer also dispatches control to patches that possess event listeners matching the currently occuring event. Usually this is focused on the patch directly under the pointer.
Patches that need to respond to events add an "event listener" to their own list of listeners (the m:LISTENERS list) using the m:LISTEN-FOR command. An event listener names the event, and contains code that is run by the patch when the event occurs, in the form of an anonymous command procedure.
### The Mouse Tells the Patch to Run the Listener
When a mouse event occurs, the m:mouse object tells the appropriate patch to run the event code for that event, if it is defined.
## What about turtle events?
At this time, turtle events would be handled by writing patch event code that manipulates the turtle(s) standing on the patch (or elsewhere?).
## How to use the Mouse Driver
(1.) add the mouse driver file to an __INCLUDE section.
```__INCLUDES [ "mouse-driver-2022-2.nls" ]```
(2.) in your GO (or some other forever button, like EDIT or INTERACTION), call M:GO-MOUSE
to interact ;; forever button
every 1 / 30
[ update-animation ]
(3.) Add listeners to patches as needed using the M:LISTEN-FOR command on patches.
For example:
ask patches
m:listen-for e:click [ -> set pcolor pcolor + 1 ]
m:listen-for e:drag [ -> set pcolor pcolor + 1 ]
## Doing Drag / Drop
The Drag-Start event occurs when the pointer button is down, and the pointer leaves a patch, this also alerts the mouse that dragging is occuring.
If there is no drag-start event action defined for the current patch, then dragging does not start--instead click-move click and click-end occur
If a long-click started, then long-click-drag events may occur.
## Supported Mouse Events
The mouse driver module supports the following mouse events
set e:null-event m:new-event "null-event" "this is not an event, but a placeholder where there is no event"
set e:drag-exit m:new-event "drag-patch-exit" "mouse entered the patch while dragging"
set e:drag-enter m:new-event "drag-patch-enter" "mouse entered the patch while dragging"
set e:drag-start m:new-event "drag-start" "the mouse left the patch with button down, starting a drag"
set e:drag-idle m:new-event "drag-idle" "the mouse is not moving but over this patch during a drag"
set e:drag-move m:new-event "drag-move" "the patch began dragged does this"
set e:drag-drop m:new-event "drag-drop" "the patch being dragged does this"
set e:drag-catch m:new-event "drag-catch" "the patch under the mouse does this"
set e:drag-cancel m:new-event "drag-cancel" "ends and cleans up the current drag operation early"
set e:click-start m:new-event "click-start" "mouse button was just pressed. aka mouse-down"
set e:click-idle m:new-event "click-idle" "continuous. mouse button is pressed, mouse is not moving"
set e:long-click-start m:new-event "long-click-start" "mouse button down long enough to enable long-press"
set e:click-move m:new-event "click-move" "mouse moves while the button is pressed -- is not dragging"
set e:long-click-cancel m:new-event "long-click-cancel" "mouse moved after a long-press was activated, but before the button was released"
set e:click-enter m:new-event "click-enter" "mouse enters a new patch while the button is pressed"
set e:click-exit m:new-event "click-exit" "mouse exits a patch while the button is pressed"
set e:long-click m:new-event "long-click" "mouse button released after a while"
set e:click m:new-event "click" "mouse-button was released while on the same patch where the button was pressed"
set e:click-end m:new-event "click-end" "final event when the mouse-button is released, aka mouse-up"
set e:mouse-move m:new-event "mouse-move" "pointer moved"
set e:mouse-idle m:new-event "mouse-idle" "pointer is not moving, button up"
set e:patch-enter m:new-event "patch-enter" "pointer entered a patch"
set e:patch-exit m:new-event "patch-exit" "pointer left the patch"
set e:screen-enter m:new-event "screen-enter" "pointer entered the world view"
set e:screen-exit m:new-event "screen-exit" "pointer left the world view"
set e:offscreen-idle m:new-event "offscreen-idle" "pointer remains off the world view"
;; aliases doubles this event
set e:mouse-down e:click-start
set e:mouse-up e:click-end
set e:drag e:drag-enter
set e:hover e:mouse-idle
Theoretically, other kinds of events could be added.
# Includes
The mouse-driver is in a self-contained .nls file that lets it implement its own globals, breeds, -own variables, commands, and reporters, without the modeler needing to integrate these things into their own model code. This reduces opportunities to introduce bugs into the model code or the event handling code.
# Breeds
Uses a distinct breed to both display the mouse pointer (if desired) and manage the event code.
# Breed and Patch Variables
Uses breed and patch variables added by the module,
Comments and Questions
extensions [ sound dialog] __includes [ "mouse-driver-2022-2.nls" ] globals [ tempo velocity beats-per-measure last-note ;; not really used yet prototype-list prototype-set is-playing? field-margin field-top field-patches erase? all-sights prior-prop dragroot dragleaf dragset curr-button prior-button curr-prop-shape curr-prop-instrument drawing-mode ; "CAR" "ROAD" "prop" erase" "portal" "one-way" #prop-picker selected-prototype go-button stop-button note-labels ] turtles-own [ base-color ] breed [ toolbars toolbar ] breed [ controls control ] breed [ icons icon ] breed [ labelers labeler ] breed [ newthings newthing] breed [ roads road ] breed [ roadsigns roadsign ] breed [ props prop ] breed [ cars car ] breed [ portals portal ] breed [ prototypes prototype ] breed [ markers marker ] breed [ staves staff ] directed-link-breed [ marker-links marker-link ] directed-link-breed [ portal-links portal-link] portal-links-own [ expires ] toolbars-own [ slotx sloty padding gap button-spacing left-margin top-margin right-margin ] controls-own [ control-name control-type name my-icon my-labeler my-prototype prop-id control-click-action control-tooltip kind ;; drum or note instrument ;; instrument name note ;; keynumber 0-127 new-note ;; used in UI duration ;; seconds base-color ] icons-own [ icon-shape my-control base-color ] labelers-own [ my-control base-color text ] newthings-own [ new-breed base-color ] patches-own [ base-pcolor ] roads-own [ style sights kind ;; (blank)default; portal base-color ] portals-own [ destination pulse base-color ] props-own [ prop-id my-prototype my-button name kind instrument ;; string instrument name note ;; keynumber 0-127 new-note duration ;; seconds base-velocity ;; base velocity base-color ;; color when not playing ;; anon command to play correct sound my-sound-command prop-shape ] prototypes-own [ prop-id name kind instrument ;; string instrument name note ;; keynumber 0-127 duration base-velocity my-sound-command my-control icon-shape prop-shape my-button ] roadsigns-own [ name kind my-action base-color ] cars-own [ ; base-color next-road road-head exit-head ;; road-head or +/- 90 for turns next-exit-head sights ;; props visible beside car start-position start-heading sight-patch sight-heading step base-color ] markers-own [ my-snap drag-axis-x ;; used to force drag marks to stay on a certain axis drag-axis-y base-color ] ; m:controls-own [ kind instrument ] to-report filename report "tune-town-2022-prop-list.txt" end to-report field-color report green + random-float 4 - 2 end to-report border-color report gray end to-report icon-regular-color report gray + 2 end to-report icon-hover-color report white - 1 end to-report icon-press-color report lime end to-report icon-selected-color report yellow + 2 end to-report icon-spacing report 2 end to-report button-regular-size report 3 end to-report icon-regular-size report icon-spacing - 6 / patch-size end to-report icon-hover-size report icon-spacing + 3 / patch-size end to-report icon-press-size report icon-regular-size * .80 end to-report icon-selected-size report icon-regular-size + 2 / patch-size end to-report prop-hit-color report white end to-report road-color report gray end to-report intersection-color report turquoise end to-report hot-color report sky end to-report cold-color report yellow - 2 end to-report no-tasks report [] end to no-action end to choose-DRUM set is-playing? false dialog:user-one-of (word "Choose a new sound for " control-name ".") sound:DRUMs [ selection -> output-write selection if selection != false [ set instrument selection ] ] end to startup __setup end to send-message [ $text ] ask patch (max-pxcor - 10) max-pycor [ set plabel $text ] end to Play-sample [ #note ] ifelse ( kind = "DRUM" ) [ sound:play-DRUM instrument velocity ] [ ;;sound:play-note instrument keynumber velocity duration sound:play-note instrument #note velocity duration ] end to play-my-sound run my-sound-command end to-report q [ string ] report (word "\"" string "\"") end to-report pad-right [ string width ] report substring (word string " ") 0 width end to-report pad-left [ string width ] report reverse substring (word reverse (word string) " ") 0 width end to props-list-generator let i 0 let s " " let pad1 2 + max map length prop-shapes let pad2 2 + max map length sound:instruments output-print "[" let DRUM-index 0 foreach prop-shapes [ fullname -> let nickname (substring fullname 3 length fullname) let inst item DRUM-index sound:DRUMs output-print ( word s s "[" s pad-left i 3 s pad-right q nickname pad1 s q "DRUM" s pad-right q inst pad2 s 64 s "]" ) set i i + 1 set DRUM-index DRUM-index + 1 ;; OPEN HI HAT MIDI SOUND is BROKEN on MY (and other) Computers ;; it will cause problems (like not sounding, or never turning off) ;; sklip it! if DRUM-index = 11 [ set DRUM-index DRUM-index + 1 ] ] output-print "]" end to-report load-prototype-list ;; load prototype-data into prototype-list let $list [] carefully [ file-open filename set $list file-read file-close ;; correct item numbering issues that arise ;; from manually editing the arrangement of props ] [ file-close print error-message user-message "Unable to load props" set $list prototype-list-default ] report $list end to setup-prototypes let $list load-prototype-list ( foreach $list (range length $list) [ [ row index ] -> create-prototypes 1 [ set prop-id index set name item 1 row set kind uppercase item 2 row set instrument item 3 row set base-velocity 64 set note 60 ;; middle C set duration 0.25 set prop-shape ( word "_p:" name ) set icon-shape ( word "_p:" name ) carefully [ set shape "circle" set shape prop-shape ][] ifelse kind = "DRUM" [ set my-sound-command [-> sound:play-drum instrument velocity ] ] ; sound:play-note instrument keynumber velocity duration [ set my-sound-command [-> sound:play-note instrument note velocity duration ] ] hide-turtle ] ] ) set prototype-list sort-on [ prop-id ] prototypes end to-report format-prototype-list let id-len 4 let name-len 3 + max [ length name ] of prototypes let kind-len 3 + max [ length kind ] of prototypes let inst-len 3 + max [ length instrument ] of prototypes let num-len 4 let -- " " let table-out "[\n" ( foreach (sort-on [ prop-id ] prototypes) (range count prototypes) [ [ prop-in index ] -> let row-out [(word -- "[" -- pad-left index id-len -- pad-right (q name) name-len -- pad-right (q kind) kind-len -- pad-right (q instrument) inst-len -- "]\n" )] of prop-in set table-out (word table-out row-out) ] ) set table-out (word table-out "]\n") report table-out end to save-prop-list let new-list format-prototype-list carefully [ file-close-all if file-exists? filename [ file-delete filename ] file-open filename file-type new-list file-close ] [ file-close-all print error-message user-message (word "Unable to save prop list '" filename "'") ] end to-report prototype-list-default report [ [ 0 "cat" "DRUM" "OPEN TRIANGLE" 64 0 0 ] [ 1 "cow" "DRUM" "COWBELL" 64 0 0] [ 2 "dog" "DRUM" "MUTE CUICA" 64 0 0] [ 3 "frog" "DRUM" "LONG GUIRO" 64 0 0] [ 4 "moose" "DRUM" "CRASH CYMBAL 2" 64 0 0] [ 5 "crate" "DRUM" "PEDAL HI HAT" 64 0 0 ] [ 6 "barrel" "DRUM" "ACOUSTIC BASS DRUM" 64 0 0] [ 7 "garbage can" "DRUM" "CHINESE CYMBAL" 64 0 0] [ 8 "hydrant" "DRUM" "SPLASH CYMBAL" 64 0 0] [ 9 "mailbox" "DRUM" "CRASH CYMBAL 1" 64 0 0] [ 10 "pram" "DRUM" "LOW CONGA" 64 0 0 ] [ 11 "box-1" "DRUM" "LOW TOM" 64 0 0] [ 12 "box-2" "DRUM" "LOW MID TOM" 64 0 0] [ 13 "box-3" "DRUM" "HI MID TOM" 64 0 0] [ 14 "box-4" "DRUM" "HI TOM" 64 0 0] [ 15 "box-5" "DRUM" "HI FLOOR TOM" 64 0 0] [ 16 "box-6" "DRUM" "MARACAS" 64 0 0] [ 17 "brick-wall-1" "DRUM" "MARACAS" 64 0 0] [ 18 "brick-wall-2" "DRUM" "MARACAS" 64 0 0] [ 19 "brick-wall-3" "DRUM" "MARACAS" 64 0 0] [ 20 "tree" "DRUM" "CABASA" 64 0 0] [ 21 "evergreen" "DRUM" "LOW WOOD BLOCK" 64 0 0] [ 22 "cactus" "DRUM" "HI WOOD BLOCK" 64 0 0] [ 23 "flower" "DRUM" "ACOUSTIC SNARE" 64 0 0] [ 24 "plant-1" "DRUM" "VIBRASLAP" 64 0 0] [ 25 "plant-2" "DRUM" "RIDE CYMBAL 2" 64 0 0] [ 26 "plant-3" "DRUM" "HI BONGO" 64 0 0] [ 27 "plant-4" "DRUM" "LOW BONGO" 64 0 0] [ 28 "fisher" "DRUM" "HI MID TOM" 64 0 0] [ 29 "police" "DRUM" "LONG WHISTLE" 64 0 0] [ 30 "cross-guard" "DRUM" "OPEN HI CONGA" 64 0 0] [ 31 "road-crew" "DRUM" "HI TIMBALE" 64 0 0] [ 32 "thief" "DRUM" "HI TIMBALE" 64 0 0] [ 33 "service" "DRUM" "MARACAS" 64 0 0] [ 34 "lumberjack" "DRUM" "MARACAS" 64 0 0] [ 35 "doctor" "DRUM" "MARACAS" 64 0 0] [ 36 "ghost" "DRUM" "OPEN CUICA" 64 0 0] [ 37 "traffic-cone" "DRUM" "TAMBOURINE" 64 0 0] [ 38 "stop-sign" "DRUM" "HI AGOGO" 64 0 0] [ 39 "yield-sign" "DRUM" "LOW AGOGO" 64 0 0] [ 40 "exit-sign" "DRUM" "RIDE BELL" 64 0 0] [ 41 "speed-limit-25" "DRUM" "LOW WOOD BLOCK" 64 0 0] [ 42 "speed-limit-55" "DRUM" "HI WOOD BLOCK" 64 0 0] [ 43 "flag" "DRUM" "HAND CLAP" 64 0 0] ] end to redraw-neighbor-roads ask roads-on neighbors4 [ apply-road-shape ] end to update-pcolor [ hue ] set base-pcolor hue set pcolor hue end to update-base-color [ hue ] set base-color hue set color base-color end to set-road-color ifelse (is-grid-intersection?) [ update-base-color intersection-color ] [ update-base-color road-color ] end to-report is-field-patch? report ( (pxcor >= min-pxcor + 1) and (pxcor <= max-pxcor - 1) and (pycor >= min-pycor + 1) and (pycor <= field-top)) end to set-field-color ifelse (is-field-patch?) [ ifelse (is-grid-intersection?) [ update-pcolor black + 2] [ update-pcolor black ] ] [ update-pcolor gray + (random 6) / 5 set plabel-color black ] end to make-road-here [ event ] if any? props-here [ ask props-here [ die ] ] if not any? roads-here [ sprout-roads 1 [ carefully [ set shape (word road-style "new") ] [] set size 1 set breed roads set heading 0 set kind "" ;; animate-new-item set-road-color set-field-color apply-road-shape ] redraw-neighbor-roads ] end to apply-road-shape let new-shape shape let others-set roads-on neighbors4 let others sort-on [ towards myself ] others-set ( ifelse ( length others = 0 ) [ set new-shape ( word road-style "island" ) ] ( length others = 1 ) [ set new-shape ( word road-style "u-turn" ) set heading 180 + towards first others ] ( length others = 2 ) [ set heading 180 + towards first others let d subtract-headings heading towards last others ( ifelse ( d = 0 ) [ set new-shape ( word road-style "straight" ) ] ( d = -90 ) [ set new-shape ( word road-style "right" ) ] ( d = 90 ) [ set new-shape ( word road-style "left" ) ] ) ] ( length others = 3 ) [ set new-shape ( word road-style "tee" ) set heading sum [ -1 * towards myself ] of others-set ; if heading = 0 or heading = 180 [ rt 180 ] ] ( length others = 4 ) [ set new-shape ( word road-style "crossing" ) ] ) set shape new-shape end to-report prop-shapes report sort filter [$name -> 0 = position "_p:" $name ] shapes end to-report random-prop report one-of prop-shapes end to-report can-prop-go-here? report (any? roads-on neighbors4) and not (any? roads-here or any? props-here ) end to make-prop-here [ $prototype $event] ;; run by patch ifelse ($event = e:drag and erase?) or ($event = e:click and any? props-here ) [ ask props-here [ die ] ] [ if can-prop-go-here? [ let here self ask $prototype [ hatch-props 1 [ move-to here set shape prop-shape set color black set note last-note if kind = "NOTE" [ set label (word (item (note mod 12) note-labels) "-" int (note / 12 - 1) ) ] show-turtle run my-sound-command ] ] ] ] end to make-roadsign-here [ $kind ] if can-roadsign-go-here? $kind [ ifelse any? roadsigns-here [ let this-sign one-of roadsigns-here ask this-sign [ if kind = "one-way" [ rt 90 sfx-click ] ] ] [ sfx-click sprout-roadsigns 1 [ set name $kind set-shape-safely (word "_sign_" $kind) set kind $kind set heading 0 update-base-color white if kind = "one-way" [ set heading [ heading ] of one-of roads-here ] ] ] ] end to set-shape-safely [ shape-name ] if position shape-name shapes != false [ set shape shape-name ] end to make-portal-here ifelse any? portals-here [ if user-yes-or-no? "Delete portal? This will break all links to this portal!" [ sfx-whoosh ask portals-here [ die ] ] ] [ if can-portal-go-here? [ sfx-whoosh sprout-portals 1 [ set shape "_sign_portal" set color who * 10 + red + 2 set size 1.5 set pulse 1 set destination nobody if any? other portals [ set destination one-of other portals create-portal-link-to destination [ set thickness 3 / patch-size set shape "portal-link-to" set expires 20 set color [ color ] of myself ] ] ] select-portal-destination ] ] end to-report can-portal-go-here? report any? roads-here and not any? portals-here end to-report can-one-way-go-here? report can-roadsign-go-here? "one-way" end to-report can-roadsign-go-here? [ $kind ] report any? roads-here end to make-one-way-here make-roadsign-here "one-way" end to-report can-car-go-here? report ( any? roads-here ) end to sfx-beep-beep sound:play-note-later .2 "FIFTHS" 72 velocity .1 sound:play-note "FIFTHS" 72 velocity .1 end to sfx-click sound:play-DRUM "SIDE STICK" velocity end to sfx-wah-wah sound:play-note-later .2 "trombone" 45 velocity .3 sound:play-note "trombone" 49 velocity .3 end to sfx-whoosh sound:play-DRUM "VIBRASLAP" velocity end to make-car-here [ event ] ;; run by pointer ifelse (erase? or event = e:click) and any? cars-here [ ask cars-here [ die ] sfx-wah-wah ] [ if ( can-car-go-here? ) [ sprout-cars 1 [ set start-position patch-here set shape "_car_3_90" set base-color color set heading 0 set sights no-turtles if any? roads-on neighbors4 [ face one-of roads-on neighbors4 set shape (word "_car_3_" heading) ] set start-heading heading ] sfx-beep-beep ] ] end to _setup-field-patches output-print "defining field-patches" set field-patches patches with [ is-field-patch? ] output-print "defining events for field-patches" let n 0 ask field-patches [ output-type "X" set n n + 1 if ( n mod ( world-width - 4 ) = 0 ) [ output-print ""] m:listen-for e:click-start [ -> do-click-start ] m:listen-for e:click [ -> do-click ] m:listen-for e:drag-start [ -> do-drag-start ] m:listen-for e:drag-enter [ -> do-drag-enter ] m:listen-for e:drag-exit [ -> do-drag-exit ] m:listen-for e:drag-drop [ -> do-drag-drop ] m:listen-for e:patch-enter [ -> do-patch-enter ] m:listen-for e:patch-exit [ -> do-patch-exit ] m:listen-for e:drag-cancel [ -> do-drag-cancel ] m:listen-for e:long-click-start [ -> do-long-click-start ] ] output-print "" output-print "patch events added." output-print "coloring field-patches" ask patches [ set-field-color ] end to draw-prop-enter ifelse can-prop-go-here? [ set pcolor green send-message "CLICK TO PLACE prop HERE" ] [ set pcolor red - 2 send-message "PLACE PROPS NEXT TO ROADS" ] end to draw-car-enter ifelse can-car-go-here? [ set pcolor green send-message "CLICK TO PLACE CAR HERE" ] [ set pcolor red - 2 send-message "PLACE CARS ON ROADS" ] end to draw-portal-enter ifelse can-portal-go-here? [ ; set pcolor green m:set-color green send-message "CLICK TO PLACE PORTAL HERE" ] [ ifelse any? portals-here [ ; m:set-shape "_sign_portal" send-message "CLICK TO REMOVE PORTAL. LONG-CLICK TO CHANGE DESTINATION." ;; show link to other portal, if a portal is here ask portals-here [ if not any? my-out-links [ if is-portal? destination [ create-portal-link-to destination [ set shape "portal-link-to" set thickness 4 / patch-size set color [ color ] of end2 set expires 100 ] ask destination [ create-portal-link-to myself [ set shape "portal-link-from" set thickness 4 / patch-size set color [ color ] of end2 set expires 100 ] ] ] ] ] ] [ set pcolor red - 2 ; m:set-shape "NO" send-message "PLACE PORTALS ON ROADS" ] ] end to draw-oneway-enter end to do-patch-enter ifelse is-field-patch? [ m:show ( ifelse ( drawing-mode = "PROP" ) [ draw-prop-enter ] (drawing-mode = "CAR" ) [ draw-car-enter ] ( drawing-mode = "PORTAL" ) [ draw-portal-enter ] ( drawing-mode = "ONEWAY" ) [ ifelse can-one-way-go-here? [ set pcolor green send-message "CLICK TO PLACE ONEWAY HERE" ] [ set pcolor red - 2 send-message "PLACE SIGNS NEXT TO ROADS"] ] [ set pcolor green ] ) ] [ ; m:hide ] end to do-patch-exit if is-field-patch? [ set pcolor base-pcolor ] ask portals-here [ ask my-portal-links [ die ] ] end to-report slotx++ report slotx ;; the toolbar end to-report sloty++ let sloty-- sloty set slotx slotx + button-spacing if slotx >= right-margin [ set slotx left-margin set sloty sloty - button-spacing ] report sloty-- end to _setup-toolbar let this-toolbar nobody create-toolbars 1 [ hide-turtle setxy min-pxcor min-pycor set button-spacing 2 set padding 0 set left-margin min-pxcor + ( padding ) set right-margin max-pxcor - ( padding ) set top-margin max-pycor - ( padding ) - 1 set slotx left-margin set sloty top-margin set this-toolbar self ] ;; btndata format is: ;; [1 "box-2" "DRUM" "BASS DRUM 1" Velocity] ;; let this nobody let btninfo [] ask this-toolbar [ make-spacer make-spacer ask make-button "TOGGLE" "_icon_grid" "TOGGLE GRID MARKS" [ -> set-gridspacing m:hide] [ set control-name "GRID" ask my-icon [ set label precision beats-per-measure 0 ] ] ask make-button "CMD" "_icon_road" "BUILD ROADS MODE" [ -> set drawing-mode "ROAD" m:set-shape "m-pointer-3" m:show] [ ] ask make-button "CMD" "_icon_car" "ADD/REMOVE CARS MODE" [ -> set drawing-mode "CAR" m:set-shape "_tool_car" m:show ] [ ] ask make-button "CMD" "_icon_erase" "ERASER MODE" [ -> set drawing-mode "ERASE" m:set-shape "_tool_erase" m:show ] [ ] make-spacer ask make-button "CMD" "_icon_drive" "START DRIVING" [ -> set is-playing? true ] [] ask make-button "CMD" "_icon_stop" "STOP DRIVING" [ -> set is-playing? false ] [] ask make-button "CMD" "_icon_rewind" "RETURN TO START" [ -> rewind-cars ] [] make-spacer ask make-button "VALUE" "_icon_vol-plus" "PLAY MORE LOUDLY" [ -> get-louder] [] ask make-button "DISPLAY" "_icon_speaker" "CURRENT VELOCITY (LOUDNESS)" [-> set velocity 64 ] [ set control-name "VELOCITY" ask my-icon [ set label precision velocity 0 ] ] ask make-button "VALUE" "_icon_vol-minus" "PLAY MORE QUIETLY" [ -> get-softer ] [] ; make-spacer ask make-button "VALUE" "_icon_tempo-down" "DRIVE MORE SLOWLY" [ -> get-slower ] [] ask make-button "DISPLAY" "_icon_speed" "CURRENT TEMPO (SPEED)" [-> ] [ set control-name "TEMPO" ask my-icon [ set label precision tempo 0 ] ] ask make-button "VALUE" "_icon_tempo-up" "DRIVE MORE QUICKLY" [ -> get-faster ] [] make-spacer ask make-button "EFX" "_icon_one-way" "ADD ONE-WAY SIGN" [ -> set drawing-mode "ONEWAY" m:set-shape "m-pointer-3" ][] ask make-button "PORTAL" "_icon_portal" "ADD PORTAL TO ROAD" [ -> set drawing-mode "PORTAL" m:set-shape "_sign_portal" ][] make-spacer ask make-button "CMD" "_icon_question" "ADD/REMOVE PROPS MODE, select random prop" [ -> random-prop-button ] [ set control-name "RANDOPROP" ] ;; ;; now make the buttons for all the props in the props-list foreach prototype-list [ p -> make-prop-button p ] set field-top sloty - button-spacing - 1 ] end to random-prop-button let rando one-of controls with [ control-type = "PROP" ] ask rando [ run control-click-action ] end to set-gridspacing set beats-per-measure beats-per-measure + 1 if beats-per-measure >= 5 [ set beats-per-measure 0 ] if beats-per-measure = 1 [ set beats-per-measure 2 ] ask roads [ set-road-color ] ask field-patches [ set-field-color ] ask [ my-icon ] of one-of (Controls with [ control-name = "GRID" ] ) [ set label precision beats-per-measure 0 ] end to get-softer set velocity ifelse-value ( velocity <= 0) [ 0 ] [ (max (list 1 int (velocity * .8 ))) ] ask [ my-icon ] of one-of (Controls with [ control-name = "VELOCITY" ] ) [ set label precision velocity 0 ] end to get-louder set velocity ifelse-value ( velocity < 1) [ 1 ] [ (min (list 127 (velocity + max (list 1 int (velocity * .1 ))))) ] ask [ my-icon ] of one-of (Controls with [ control-name = "VELOCITY" ] ) [ set label precision velocity 0 ] end to get-faster set tempo tempo + 10 ask [ my-icon ] of one-of (Controls with [ control-name = "TEMPO" ] ) [ set label precision tempo 0 ] end to get-slower set tempo tempo - 10 ask [ my-icon ] of one-of (controls with [ control-name = "TEMPO" ] ) [ set label precision tempo 0 ] end to rewind-cars ask cars [ move-to start-position set heading start-heading] end to make-spacer ask make-button "GAP" "_icon_blank" "" [->] [ set shape "__blank__"] end to-report char-to-upper [ c ] let lower "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" let upper "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" let p position c lower report ifelse-value ( p = false ) [ c ] [ item p upper ] end to-report split-string [ s ] report n-values length s [ i -> item i s ] end to-report uppercase [ s ] report reduce word map char-to-upper (split-string s) end to-report my-linked-patches report patches at-points [ [ 0 0 ] [ 0 -1 ] [ 1 0 ] [ 1 -1 ] ] end to do-long-press-prop m:cancel-long-click let prompt "" let choices [] let no-change "- NO CHANGE -" ifelse( kind = "DRUM" ) [ set prompt (word "Select a new DRUM for " control-name) set choices fput no-change ifelse-value ( sort-inst-list? ) [ sort DRUM-list ] [ DRUM-list ] ] [ set prompt (word "Select a new instrument for " control-name) set choices fput no-change instrument-list ] let new-inst user-one-of prompt choices if ( new-inst != no-change and first new-inst != "-" ) [ ask my-prototype [ set instrument new-inst ] set instrument new-inst update-prop-tooltip save-prop-list ] end to do-long-click-start if any? portals-here [ select-portal-destination ] end to select-portal-destination m:cancel-long-click let this one-of portals-here ask this [ let pSET other portals if any? pset [ set color white let pLIST sort pSet let pnum 0 let clabels [ "red" "yellow" "green" "blue" "purple" "orange" "turquoise" "pink" ] let alabels [ "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" ] let ccolors [ red yellow green blue violet orange turquoise pink ] (foreach plist range length plist [ [ pp index] -> ask pp [ set color item (index mod (length ccolors)) ccolors set label-color item (index mod (length ccolors)) ccolors set label (word ITEM (index mod (length alabels)) alabels index "-" item (index mod (length clabels)) clabels) ] ]) create-portal-links-to pset [ set label [ label ] of other-end set color [ color ] of other-end set label-color color set shape "portal-link-to" set thickness 3 / patch-size set expires 20 ] create-portal-links-from pset [ set label [ label ] of other-end set color [ color ] of other-end set label-color color set shape "portal-link-from" set thickness 2 / patch-size set expires 20 ] ;; player chooses a destiantion let label-list fput "NO DESTINATION" sort [ label ] of pset let pchoice user-one-of "select destination of this portal" label-list ask this [ set destination one-of portals with [ label = pchoice ] ] ask pset [ set label "" ] ask my-portal-links [ die ] sfx-whoosh ] ] end to-report make-button [ $type $icon-shape $tooltip $click-action ] ;; run by a toolbar let this nobody let b-x slotx++ let b-y sloty++ hatch-controls 1 [ set this self set size button-regular-size set heading 0 set control-tooltip $tooltip set control-type $type set control-name remove "_icon" $icon-shape update-pcolor icon-regular-color set label-color black set shape "_C:BUTTON" UPDATE-base-color icon-regular-color show-turtle setxy int b-x int b-y ask my-linked-patches [ set linked-control myself m:listen-for e:patch-enter [-> ask linked-control [ do-button-enter ] ] m:listen-for e:patch-exit [-> ask linked-control [ do-button-exit ] ] m:listen-for e:click [-> ask linked-control [ do-button-click ] ] m:listen-for e:click-start [-> ask linked-control [ do-button-down ] ] m:listen-for e:click-end [-> ask linked-control [ do-button-up ] ] ] setxy b-x b-y let this-icon nobody hatch-icons 1 [ set heading 0 set size icon-regular-size update-base-color icon-regular-color set-shape-safely $icon-shape set my-control myself set this-icon self setxy xcor + .25 * icon-regular-size ycor - .25 * icon-regular-size ] set my-icon this-icon set control-click-action $click-action ] report this end to update-prop-tooltip set control-tooltip (word "THIS " control-name " PLAYS " instrument " (hold button down to change instrument)") end to make-prop-button [ $prototype ] ask (make-button "PROP" [name] of $prototype "" [->]) [ set prop-id [ prop-id ] of $prototype set kind [ kind ] of $prototype set instrument [ instrument ] of $prototype set control-name uppercase [ name ] of $prototype ask my-icon [ set shape [ icon-shape ] of $prototype ] set my-prototype $prototype ask $prototype [ set my-button myself ] update-prop-tooltip ;; temp move to patch-center let xx xcor let yy ycor setxy int xx int yy ;; figure out linked patches ask my-linked-patches [ set linked-control myself m:listen-for e:long-click-start [-> ask linked-control [ do-long-press-prop ] ] m:listen-for e:long-click-end [-> ask linked-control [ set color icon-regular-color ] ] m:listen-for e:long-click-cancel [-> ask linked-control [ set color icon-regular-color ] ] ] ;; return to original position setxy xx yy set control-click-action [ -> set drawing-mode "PROP" ;; de-select old selected prop if is-prototype? selected-prototype and selected-prototype != my-prototype [ ;; deselect prior selection ask selected-prototype [ ask my-button [ ask my-icon [ set size icon-regular-size set color base-color ] ] ] ] set selected-prototype my-prototype ask my-icon [ set size icon-selected-size set color icon-selected-color ] m:set-shape "m-grab" m:show ] ] end to do-button-enter ;; patch makes linked control run this ;; only on button change if self != curr-button [ set curr-button self ifelse selected-prototype = my-prototype or drawing-mode = control-name [ ask my-icon [ set size icon-selected-size set color icon-selected-color ] ] [ ask my-icon [ set size icon-hover-size set color icon-hover-color ] ] send-message control-tooltip ] end to do-button-exit ;; patch makes linked control run this ;; this happens when pointer has left this patch ;; only on button change ;; if linked-control of m:prior-patch (this patch, this control ) ;; is not linked-control of m:curr-patch patch about to be entered... ;; change curr control let new-control nobody if is-patch? m:curr-patch [ set new-control [ linked-control ] of m:curr-patch ] if new-control != self [ ;; control change... what kind? ;; first... ;; un-current this control set curr-button nobody ifelse is-prototype? selected-prototype and my-prototype = selected-prototype or control-name = drawing-mode [ ;; return to "selected" appearance ask my-icon [ set size icon-selected-size set color icon-selected-color ] ] [ ;; return to normal apprearance ask my-icon [ set size icon-regular-size set color icon-regular-color ] ] send-message "" if not is-control? new-control [ ;; no new control ;; hide pointer decoration m:hide ] ] end to do-button-click m:hide m:reset-shape run control-click-action end to do-button-down m:reset-shape ask my-icon [ set size icon-press-size set color icon-press-color] if control-type = "PROP" [ ask my-prototype [ run my-sound-command ] ] end to do-button-up end to-report DRUM-list report [ "ACOUSTIC BASS DRUM" "BASS DRUM 1" "-" "ACOUSTIC SNARE" "ELECTRIC SNARE" "-" "LOW AGOGO" "HI AGOGO" "LOW BONGO" "HI BONGO" "LOW CONGA" "OPEN HI CONGA" "MUTE HI CONGA" "HI TIMBALE" "LOW TIMBALE" "-" "LOW TOM" "LOW MID TOM" "HI MID TOM" "HI TOM" "LOW FLOOR TOM" "HI FLOOR TOM" "-" "CHINESE CYMBAL" "CRASH CYMBAL 1" "CRASH CYMBAL 2" ;; "RIDE BELL" ;; ride bell causes issues with some midi implementations "RIDE CYMBAL 1" "RIDE CYMBAL 2" "SPLASH CYMBAL" "-" "CLOSED HI HAT" "OPEN HI HAT" "PEDAL HI HAT" "-" "CABASA" "CLAVES" "COWBELL" "HAND CLAP" "MARACAS" "SIDE STICK" "TAMBOURINE" "MUTE TRIANGLE" "OPEN TRIANGLE" "LOW WOOD BLOCK" "HI WOOD BLOCK" "-" "OPEN CUICA" "MUTE CUICA" "SHORT GUIRO" "LONG GUIRO" "VIBRASLAP" "-" "SHORT WHISTLE" "LONG WHISTLE" ] end to-report instrument-list ;; observer> print "[" foreach sound:instruments [ x -> type " " write x print "" ] print "]" report [ "-- KEYBOARDS" "ACOUSTIC GRAND PIANO" "BRIGHT ACOUSTIC PIANO" "ELECTRIC GRAND PIANO" "HONKY-TONK PIANO" "ELECTRIC PIANO 1" "ELECTRIC PIANO 2" "HARPSICHORD" "CLAVI" "CELESTA" "--Struck Keyboards" "GLOCKENSPIEL" "MUSIC BOX" "VIBRAPHONE" "MARIMBA" "XYLOPHONE" "TUBULAR BELLS" "DULCIMER" "--Organs" "DRAWBAR ORGAN" "PERCUSSIVE ORGAN" "ROCK ORGAN" "CHURCH ORGAN" "--Blown / Reed Keyboards" "REED ORGAN" "ACCORDION" "HARMONICA" "TANGO ACCORDION" "--Guitars" "NYLON STRING GUITAR" "STEEL ACOUSTIC GUITAR" "JAZZ ELECTRIC GUITAR" "CLEAN ELECTRIC GUITAR" "MUTED ELECTRIC GUITAR" "OVERDRIVEN GUITAR" "DISTORTION GUITAR" "GUITAR HARMONICS" "--Basses" "ACOUSTIC BASS" "FINGERED ELECTRIC BASS" "PICKED ELECTRIC BASS" "FRETLESS BASS" "SLAP BASS 1" "SLAP BASS 2" "SYNTH BASS 1" "SYNTH BASS 2" "--Strings" "VIOLIN" "VIOLA" "CELLO" "CONTRABASS" "TREMOLO STRINGS" "PIZZICATO STRINGS" "ORCHESTRAL HARP" "TIMPANI" "STRING ENSEMBLE 1" "STRING ENSEMBLE 2" "SYNTH STRINGS 1" "SYNTH STRINGS 2" "--Voices" "CHOIR AAHS" "VOICE OOHS" "SYNTH VOICE" "--Orchestra Hit" "ORCHESTRA HIT" "--Brass" "TRUMPET" "TROMBONE" "TUBA" "MUTED TRUMPET" "FRENCH HORN" "BRASS SECTION" "SYNTH BRASS 1" "SYNTH BRASS 2" "SOPRANO SAX" "ALTO SAX" "TENOR SAX" "BARITONE SAX" "--Woodwind" "OBOE" "ENGLISH HORN" "BASSOON" "CLARINET" "--Flute" "PICCOLO" "FLUTE" "RECORDER" "PAN FLUTE" "BLOWN BOTTLE" "SHAKUHACHI" "WHISTLE" "OCARINA" "--Synth Pads" "SQUARE WAVE" "SAWTOOTH WAVE" "CALLIOPE" "CHIFF" "CHARANG" "VOICE" "FIFTHS" "BASS AND LEAD" "NEW AGE" "WARM" "POLYSYNTH" "CHOIR" "BOWED" "METAL" "HALO" "SWEEP" "RAIN" "SOUNDTRACK" "CRYSTAL" "ATMOSPHERE" "BRIGHTNESS" "GOBLINS" "ECHOES" "SCI-FI" "--World Instr" "SITAR" "BANJO" "SHAMISEN" "KOTO" "KALIMBA" "BAG PIPE" "FIDDLE" "SHANAI" "TINKLE BELL" "--Percussion" "AGOGO" "STEEL DRUMS" "WOODBLOCK" "TAIKO DRUM" "MELODIC TOM" "SYNTH DRUM" "REVERSE CYMBAL" "--SFX" "GUITAR FRET NOISE" "BREATH NOISE" "SEASHORE" "BIRD TWEET" "TELEPHONE RING" "HELICOPTER" "APPLAUSE" "GUNSHOT" ] end to do-click-start ( ifelse ( drawing-mode = "PROP" ) [ set erase? any? props-here ] ( drawing-mode = "ROAD" ) [ set erase? any? roads-here ] [ set erase? false ] ) end to do-click draw-thing e:click end to do-drag-start ( ifelse ( drawing-mode = "ROAD" or drawing-mode = "ERASE" ) [ draw-line-of-road-drag-start ] ( drawing-mode = "PROP" ) [ let dp [ props-here with [ kind = "NOTE" ] ] of m:drag-patch if any? dp [ set dp one-of dp let dpx [ pxcor ] of m:drag-patch let y-diff [ pycor ] of m:curr-patch - [ pycor] of m:drag-patch let dpnote [ note ] of dp let temp-note y-diff + dpnote if temp-note > 127 [ set temp-note 127 ] let note-name (word (item (temp-note mod 12) note-labels) "-" int (temp-note / 12 - 1) ) ask dp [ play-sample temp-note ask neighbors ;; apply note labels [ ; set plabel note-name ; set pcolor white ; set plabel-color black ask turtles-here with [ breed != m:pointers ] [ hide-turtle ] ] ] ask field-patches with [ pxcor = dpx ] [ set temp-note dpnote + pycor - [ pycor ] of m:drag-patch set plabel (word (item (temp-note mod 12) note-labels) "-" int (temp-note / 12 - 1) ) ask patches at-points [[ -1 0 ] [ 0 0 ] [ 1 0] ] [ set pcolor white set plabel-color black ] ] ] ] [] ) end to do-drag-enter ( ifelse (drawing-mode = "ROAD" or drawing-mode = "ERASE") [ draw-line-of-road-drag-enter] (drawing-mode = "PROP") [ if any? [ props-here with [ kind = "NOTE" ]] of m:drag-patch [ ask m:drag-patch [ let ny [ pycor ] of m:curr-patch - [ pycor] of m:down-patch ask props-here [ play-sample (note + ny) ] ask patch pxcor [ pycor ] of m:curr-patch [ ask patches at-points [ [ -1 0][0 0][1 0]] [ set pcolor gray + 2]] ] ] ] [] ) end to do-drag-exit ( ifelse (drawing-mode = "PROP") [ if any? [ props-here with [ kind = "NOTE" ]] of m:drag-patch [ ask m:drag-patch [ ask patch pxcor [ pycor ] of m:prior-patch [ ask patches at-points [ [ -1 0][0 0][1 0]] [ set pcolor white]] ] ] ] [] ) end to do-drag-drop ( ifelse ( drawing-mode = "ROAD" or drawing-mode = "ERASE") [ draw-line-of-road-drag-drop ] ( drawing-mode = "PROP" ) [ ask m:drag-patch [ if any? [ props-here with [ kind = "NOTE" ] ] of m:drag-patch [ let dp [ props-here with [ kind = "NOTE" ] ] of m:drag-patch if any? dp [ set dp one-of dp let dpx [ pxcor ] of m:drag-patch let y-diff [ pycor ] of m:curr-patch - [ pycor] of m:drag-patch let dpnote [ note ] of dp let temp-note y-diff + dpnote if temp-note > 127 [ set temp-note 127 ] let note-name (word (item (temp-note mod 12) note-labels) "-" int (temp-note / 12 - 1) ) ask dp [ ;; play-sample temp-note ask neighbors ;; apply note labels [ set plabel "" ask turtles-here with [ breed != m:pointers ] [ show-turtle ] set pcolor base-pcolor ] set note temp-note set duration .25 * (1 + abs ( pxcor - [ pxcor ] of m:drop-patch ) ) ] ask field-patches with [ pxcor = dpx ] [ ask patches at-points [[ -1 0 ] [ 0 0 ] [ 1 0] ] [ set plabel "" set pcolor base-pcolor set plabel-color white ]] ] ] ] ] [] ) end to do-drag-cancel ask m:Mouse [ m:do-event e:drag-exit m:curr-patch set dragging? false] if is-patch-set? dragset [ ask dragset [set pcolor base-pcolor ] ] ask markers [ die ] end to draw-thing [ event ] (ifelse (drawing-mode = "ROAD") [ ifelse erase? [ erase-things] [ make-road-here event ] ] (drawing-mode = "PROP") [ sfx-click make-prop-here selected-prototype event ] (drawing-mode = "CAR" ) [ make-car-here event ] (drawing-mode = "ERASE" ) [ erase-things ] (drawing-mode = "PORTAL" ) [ make-portal-here ] (drawing-mode = "ONEWAY" ) [ make-one-way-here ] ) end to draw-line-of-road-drag-start ;; run by ddrag-patch aka prior-patch let dxa abs ( [ pxcor ] of m:curr-patch - pxcor ) let dya abs ( [ pycor ] of m:curr-patch - pycor ) ifelse dxa != 0 and dya != 0 [ ask m:mouse [ m:do-event e:drag-cancel drag-patch ] ] [ sprout-markers 1 [ update-base-color lime set my-snap myself set drag-axis-x 1 set drag-axis-y 1 set dragroot self ] sprout-markers 1 [ update-base-color lime set shape "m-control-decorator-target" move-to [ curr-patch ] of m:mouse set drag-axis-y dxa set drag-axis-x dya set my-snap m:mouse set dragleaf self create-marker-link-from dragroot ] ] end to draw-line-of-road-drag-enter if is-marker? dragleaf and is-marker? dragroot [ ask dragleaf [ let px [ pxcor ] of my-snap let py [ pycor ] of my-snap let rx [ pxcor ] of dragleaf let ry [ pycor ] of dragleaf let nx (px * drag-axis-y ) + (rx * drag-axis-x) let ny (py * drag-axis-x ) + (ry * drag-axis-y) if is-patch? patch nx ny [ setxy nx ny ] ] let p no-patches ask dragroot [ let d distance dragleaf if d > 0 [ let h towards dragleaf set heading h set p patches in-cone d .1 ] ] if is-patch-set? dragset [ ask dragset [ set pcolor base-pcolor ] ] set dragset p ask dragset [ set pcolor ifelse-value ( ( int (distance dragroot) ) mod beats-per-measure) = 0 [ red ] [green ] ] let n int ( ( (count dragset ) - 1 ) / beats-per-measure ) sound:play-note "clavi" (n * 5 + 32) velocity / 2 .05 ;;; sound:play-note instrument keynumber velocity duration ] end to-report is-grid-intersection? report ifelse-value ( beats-per-measure = 0 ) [ false ] [ (( pxcor mod beats-per-measure) = 0 ) and ( (pycor mod beats-per-measure) = 0) ] end to draw-line-of-road-drag-drop let temp nobody if is-patch-set? dragset [ ask dragset [ set pcolor base-pcolor ] ifelse (drawing-mode = "ERASE") [ ask dragset [ erase-things-partial ] ask dragset [ redraw-neighbor-roads ] ] [ ask dragset [ make-road-here e:null-event ] ] ] ask markers [ die ] end to erase-things let also-roads? any? roads-here ask props-here [ die ] ask cars-here [ die ] erase-portals-here ask roadsigns-here [ die ] if also-roads? [ ask roads-here [ die ] ask (props-on neighbors4 ) with [ not any? roads-on neighbors4 ] [ die ] redraw-neighbor-roads ] set-field-color end to erase-things-partial let also-roads? any? roads-here ask props-here [ die ] ask cars-here [ die ] erase-portals-here ask roadsigns-here [ die ] if also-roads? [ ask roads-here [ die ] ask (props-on neighbors4 ) with [ not any? roads-on neighbors4 ] [ die ] ] set-field-color end to erase-portals-here ask portals-here [ ask portals with [ destination = myself ] [ set destination nobody ] die ] end to update-mouse-label ask m:mouse [ let t drawing-mode if drawing-mode = "PROP" [ if is-turtle? selected-prototype [ set t [name] of selected-prototype ] ] set label (word "\n\n\n" t " ") ] end to _edit every .01 [ m:go-mouse update-mouse-label ] every .1 [ ask portals [ rt 5 if color mod 10 < 5 or color mod 10 > 8 [ set pulse -1 * pulse ] set color color + pulse ] ask portal-links [ set color [ color] of end1 set expires expires - 1 if expires <= 0 [ die ] ] ] end to _play every ( 15 / tempo ) [ if is-playing? [ _drive ] ] end to _drive ; if ( playing? = true ) ; [ ask cars [ let this-car self set sight-patch patch-here set sight-heading heading let choices no-turtles let choice nobody let this-sign nobody ;let signs-near (roadsigns-on neighbors4 ) with [ kind = "one-way" ] ;ifelse any? signs-near ;[ set this-sign one-of signs-near ; set choices roads-on (patch-set ; patch-at-heading-and-distance [ heading ] of this-sign 1 ; ) ;] ;[ let this-patch sight-patch set choices roads-on ((patch-set patch-ahead 1 patch-at-heading-and-distance (90 + heading) 1 patch-at-heading-and-distance (-90 + heading) 1 ) with [ not any? (roadsigns-here with [ kind = "one-way" and 0 = subtract-headings heading [180 + towards myself] of this-patch ] ) ] ) ;] ifelse (any? choices) [ set choice one-of choices set sight-patch [ patch-here ] of choice set sight-heading towards choice ] ;; jump 1 [ ifelse ( any? roads-on patch-ahead -1 ) [ set sight-patch patch-ahead -1 set sight-heading heading + 180 ] [ set sight-heading heading + 90 ] ] ;; jump 1 ;; handle portals ;; if there's a portal, look at the destination let ppp portals-on sight-patch if any? ppp with [ is-portal? destination ] [ set sight-patch [ destination ] of one-of ppp ask ppp [ create-portal-link-to destination [ set shape "portal-link-to" set color white set expires 2 ]] ] set sights [ props-on neighbors4 ] of sight-patch ] if is-turtle-set? all-sights [ ask all-sights [ set color base-color ] ] set all-sights (turtle-set [ sights ] of cars ) ask all-sights [ play-my-sound ] ask cars [ set heading sight-heading set shape (word "_car_3_" heading ) move-to sight-patch ] ask all-sights [ set color prop-hit-color ] end to __setup clear-all send-message "GETTING READY FOR FUN!" output-print "calling mouse setup" m:setup-mouse-driver ask m:mouse [ set shape "m-pointer-1" ] set tempo 120 set velocity 64 set beats-per-measure 4 set last-note 60 ;; middle c setup-prototypes _setup-toolbar _setup-field-patches ask patches with [ (pxcor = min-pxcor or pxcor = max-pxcor) and (pycor = min-pycor or pycor = max-pycor) ] [ m:listen-for e:screen-exit [ -> do-drag-cancel ] ] set note-labels [ "C" "C#" "D" "D#" "E" "F" "F#" "G" "G#" "A" "A#" "B" ] output-print "" set drawing-mode "ROAD" set is-playing? false reset-ticks output-print "all done!" send-message "WELCOME TO TOON-TOWN! -- PRESS PLAY TO BEGIN" end
There are 6 versions of this model.
Attached files
File | Type | Description | Last updated | |
mouse-driver-2022-2.nls | extension | latest bug fixes | over 2 years ago, by James Steiner | Download |
Tune-Town 2.png | preview | new new new preview | almost 3 years ago, by James Steiner | Download |
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