Wheeler's CT Model

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Default-person Yicheng Shen (Author)


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patches-own [density]

globals[city forest

breed[insurgents insurgent]
breed[civilians civilian]
breed[soldiers soldier]

soldiers-own[flockmates alert]
civilians-own[panic panic_time]
insurgents-own[detect detect_time]

to setup

  set soldier_casualty 0
  set insurgent_casualty 0


to setup_patches

   ask patches
  [ set density (random 10000) ]
  repeat 2 [  diffuse density 1 ]  ; can change density layout if needed

  ask patches
  [ set pcolor scale-color green density 9000 1000]

  set city min-n-of 120 patches [density]      ; low density city
  set forest max-n-of 20 patches [density]     ; high density forest

  ask city [set pcolor black]

to setup_individuals

  create-civilians initial_civilian_number
   [ set size 1.5
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set color white
    set shape "person"
    set panic False
    set panic_time 0

   create-insurgents initial_insurgent_number
  [ set size 1.5
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set color red
    set shape "person soldier"
    set detect False
    set detect_time 0

  create-soldiers initial_soldier_number
  [ set size 1.5
    set xcor random-normal 0 1
    set ycor random-normal 0 1
    set color blue
    set shape "person police"
    set flockmates no-turtles
    set alert False

to go
;user-message "Insurgency has been eliminated"
;user-message "Government forces have been defeated"
  if not any? insurgents [ stop ]
  if not any? soldiers [ stop ]

  ask civilians [civilians_movement]
  ask insurgents [insurgents_movement]
  ask soldiers [soldiers_movement]

  if Reinforcement? [           ; reinforcement: send in 10 more soldiers when there are fewer than 5 remaining
  if count soldiers < 5
  [create-soldiers 10
  [ set size 1.5
    set xcor random-normal 0 1
    set ycor random-normal 0 1
    set color blue
    set shape "person police"
    set flockmates no-turtles
    set alert False


to civilians_movement

  if any? insurgents in-radius 3       ; if seeing insurgents, become panic for 20 ticks
  [set panic_time 20]

  ifelse panic_time > 0
;    let target insurgents in-radius 3
;    ask target [set detect True]

    set color yellow
    set panic True
    face min-one-of soldiers [distance myself]           ; run towards soldiers during panic
    set heading heading + random-normal 0 10
    fd 1
    set panic_time panic_time - 1

  [ set panic False
    set color white
    ifelse [density] of patch-ahead 1 < 5500          ; avoid forest when wandering around normally
    [fd 1]
    [set heading heading + 180 + random-normal 0 30
    fd 1]

;  let p min-one-of patches in-radius 15 [density]
;  ifelse [density] of p < density
;  [
;    face p
;    fd  0.6
;     ]
;  [  right random 20
;      left random 20
;    fd 0.8
;  ]

to insurgents_movement

  let p max-one-of patches in-radius 20 [density]

  if [density] of p > density [           ;  find nearest forest to hide
    face p
    fd  1]

  if any? civilians in-radius 3 or any? soldiers in-radius 3    ; if seen by soliders or civilians, detected for 20 ticks
  [set detect_time 20]

  ifelse detect_time > 0
  [set detect True
    face min-one-of turtles with [color != red] [distance myself]     ; move away to hide
    set heading heading + 180 + random-normal 0 30
    fd 1
  set detect_time detect_time - 1 ]
  [set detect False]

  if any? soldiers with [alert = False] in-radius 8   ; ambush those soliders with alert = false

to soldiers_movement

;    ifelse any? insurgents
;    [face one-of insurgents
;    ; [distance myself]
;    set heading heading
;    fd 0.3]
;    [flock]

  if any? civilians with [panic = True] in-radius 10
  or any? insurgents in-radius 3
  or any? soldiers with [alert = True] in-radius 1
  [set alert True]

  ifelse any? insurgents with [detect = True]  in-radius 15
   ifelse alert = True
  [face min-one-of insurgents with [detect = True] [distance myself]
    set heading heading
    fd 1]
    fd 1]

  if any? insurgents-here

   [set alert False
    fd 1]

to soldiers-fight-insurgents
  let x random 100
  ifelse x > 20                        ; 80% kill insurgent and 20% soldier casulaty

  ask min-one-of insurgents with [detect = True] [distance myself] [die]
  set insurgent_casualty insurgent_casualty + 1

  [ die
  set soldier_casualty soldier_casualty + 1]

to insurgents-ambush-soldiers
  set detect True

  let x random 100
  ifelse x > 70                          ; 70% kill soldier and 30% insurgent dies

  [ die
    set insurgent_casualty insurgent_casualty + 1

  [ let insurgent-target one-of soldiers with [alert = False] in-radius 8
    ask insurgent-target [die]
  set soldier_casualty soldier_casualty + 1
  ask soldiers in-radius 8 [set alert True]]

;; flocking code

to flock
  let nearest-neighbor min-one-of flockmates [distance myself]
  if any? flockmates
      ifelse distance nearest-neighbor < 1
        [ separate ]
        [ align
          cohere ] ]

to find-flockmates
  set flockmates other soldiers in-radius 8

to find-nearest-neighbor
  let nearest-neighbor min-one-of flockmates [distance myself]


to separate
  let nearest-neighbor min-one-of flockmates [distance myself]
  turn-away ([heading] of nearest-neighbor) 1.5


to align  ;; turtle procedure
  turn-towards average-flockmate-heading 5

to-report average-flockmate-heading
  let x-component sum [dx] of flockmates
  let y-component sum [dy] of flockmates
  ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0
    [ report heading ]
    [ report atan x-component y-component ]

to cohere
  turn-towards average-heading-towards-flockmates 3

to-report average-heading-towards-flockmates
  let x-component mean [sin (towards myself + 180)] of flockmates
  let y-component mean [cos (towards myself + 180)] of flockmates
  ifelse x-component = 0 and y-component = 0
    [ report heading ]
    [ report atan x-component y-component ]

to turn-towards [new-heading max-turn]
  turn-at-most (subtract-headings new-heading heading) max-turn

to turn-away [new-heading max-turn]
  turn-at-most (subtract-headings heading new-heading) max-turn

to turn-at-most [turn max-turn]
  ifelse abs turn > max-turn
    [ ifelse turn > 0
        [ rt max-turn ]
        [ lt max-turn ] ]
    [ rt turn ]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 2 years ago by Yicheng Shen.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Wheeler 2005 JASSS It pays to be Popular.pdf pdf Reference almost 2 years ago, by Yicheng Shen Download

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