Prisoner's dilemma

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Default-person Kevin LIu (Author)


simply using genetic algorithm 

Tagged by Kevin LIu almost 2 years ago

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extensions [rnd]
breed [sheng s];;0 saint cooperate with every one;;圣徒俱乐部 跟任何人都合作
breed [huoban h];;1 buddies only cooperate with buddied member;;伙伴俱乐部 只跟自己阵营的人合作
breed [boji b];;4 fight club only cooperate with other club member;;搏击俱乐部 只跟外人合作
breed [youda y];;6 youda cooperate with no one ;;犹大俱乐部 跟任何人都不合作

turtles-own [
  ;;be careful we have 256 bits ,and each bit range from [0 1 4 6](using global rulers which means Any two numbers add up to be unique )
  ;;4 bits range from [0 1 2 3] ;;we have 6 bits and the first bit means 2 round before which club we choose ,the second bit means which bit our opponent choose .
  ;;why we use [0 1 2 3], because is more simply to calculate the history-number ,0->saint  1->buddies 2->fight club 3->youda
;; to see if this round we have been palyed or not
  ;;256 bits also range from [0 1 4 6]
  ;; history-number = 64 * item 0 club-bits   + 16 * item 1 club-bits   + 4 * item 2 club-bits   + 1 * item 3 club-bits
  ;; 4 * 256 bits ,if our clu-bits is [0 0 0 1] then ourhistory-number is 1,if our this round is 0(saint) then we choose 0 *256 + 1(1 means history-number) ,if this round we are 1(buddies) then we choose 1*256 + 1 and so on
  ;; 4 * 256 bits, and the rule is equal to payoff ,if our club-bits is [0 0 0 1] .if this round is 4(fight-club),then our step[2*256 + 1]++,if this round we are youda ,then step[3*256 + 1]++
;;;;;if this round A is youda(6) and club-bits is [0 0  1 2] which means the first round we are saint ,our opponent is saint;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;and the second round we are buddies and our opponent is fight club ,and if the third round A's opponent B is saint(0) and club-bits is [ 1 2 3 0];;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;A club-bits [0 0 1 2]->[1 2 3 0] B club-bits[1 2 3 0]->[3 0 0 3];;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;and A history-number is 6 ,ga-bits[6] means which club we are chooseing now ,and then we use next-club-bits[6] to cover ga-bits[6] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;and next-club-bits[6] covered and base on the weight : payoff[x * 256 + 6]/sum( payoff[ 0 * 256 + 6]+payoff[1 * 256 + 6]+payoff[2 * 256 + 6]+payoff[ 3* 256 + 6]);;;;;;;;;
;;;;;and now our history-number=1*64+2*16+3*4+0*1 = 108 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  co_xunhuan; test

to setup
  ;;change shape
  set-default-shape sheng "person doctor"
  set-default-shape boji "person soldier"
  set-default-shape huoban "person service"
  set-default-shape youda "person lumberjack"
  ;;set ga-bits's mutate_probability
  set mutate_probability 0.1
  ;;this is nextclub's mutate_probability
  set nextclub_mutate_probability 0.25
  ;;set each club member
  let pop floor( population / 4)
  set test 0
  set test-list [1 2 3 4 5]
  set forget_payoff 0
  create-sheng pop[
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
    set ga-bits n-values 256 [one-of [0 1 4 6]];;我们得找到相应的那个位置去修改为0
    set next-club-bits n-values 256 [one-of [0 1 4 6]]
    set club-bits n-values 4 [one-of [0 1 2 3]];从3个历史变成2个历史吧
    let number (64 * item 0 club-bits   + 16 * item 1 club-bits   + 4 * item 2 club-bits   + 1 * item 3 club-bits)  ;list 不再是list[1] 而是 item 1 list
    set ga-bits replace-item number ga-bits 0
    set isgambled  0 ;; which mean if isgambled is 0
    set history-number number
    set size 2
    set payoff n-values (256 * 4 ) [ 1 ]
    set step n-values (256 * 4) [1]
  create-huoban pop[
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
    set ga-bits n-values 256 [one-of [0 1 4 6]]
    set next-club-bits n-values 256 [one-of [0 1 4 6]]
    set club-bits n-values 4 [one-of [0 1 2 3]]
    let number 64 * item 0 club-bits   + 16 * item 1 club-bits   + 4 * item 2 club-bits   + 1 * item 3 club-bits  ;list 不再是list[1] 而是 item 1 list
    set ga-bits replace-item number ga-bits 1
    set isgambled  0
    set history-number number
    set size 2
    set payoff n-values (256 * 4 ) [ 1 ]
    set step n-values (256 * 4) [1]
  create-boji pop[
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
    set ga-bits n-values 256 [one-of [0 1 4 6]]
    set next-club-bits n-values 256 [one-of [0 1 4 6]]
    set club-bits n-values 4 [one-of [0 1 2 3]]
    let number 64 * item 0 club-bits   + 16 * item 1 club-bits   + 4 * item 2 club-bits   + 1 * item 3 club-bits  ;list 不再是list[1] 而是 item 1 list
    set ga-bits replace-item number ga-bits 4
    set isgambled  0
    set history-number number
    set size 2
    set payoff n-values (256 * 4 ) [ 1 ]
    set step n-values (256 * 4) [1]
  create-youda pop[
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
    set ga-bits n-values 256 [one-of [0 1 4 6]]
    set next-club-bits n-values 256 [one-of [0 1 4 6]]
    set club-bits n-values 4 [one-of [0 1 2 3]]
    let number 64 * item 0 club-bits   + 16 * item 1 club-bits   + 4 * item 2 club-bits   + 1 * item 3 club-bits  ;list 不再是list[1] 而是 item 1 list
    set ga-bits replace-item number ga-bits 6
    set isgambled  0
    set history-number number
    set size 2
    set payoff n-values (256 * 4 ) [ 1 ]
    set step n-values (256 * 4) [1]

to calculate-fitness
;do nothing

to gamble
   let opponent one-of other turtles-here
  ; cuz the turtles move randomly,if remain only 2-4 turtles not gamble ,which will waste lots of times if we wait this 2-4 turtles to meet each other
  ; if we have 200 pop ,and 20 people not played yet .
  ;we first set buf = self when we find the opponent's isgambled =0 and != buf ,then we match this two to gamble
   let buf self
  ;if self b87
  let count_remain  0
    if count turtles with [isgambled = 0] < population / 10[

      ask turtles with [isgambled = 0 ][
      ;myself ;b87
      ;self  s52
    if buf != self[
        set count_remain count_remain + 1
        if count_remain = 1 [
      set opponent self ;将最后一个置为opponent

  ;;;   圣和圣 0和0   (0,0);;;;;;;
  ;;; saint and saint (0 0) ;;;;;;;
  ifelse opponent = nobody[
    ;if the current turtle location meet no turtle
    ; then do nothing
    ;base on ga-bits[history-number]to get the opponent breed(club)
    let opp_history item [history-number] of opponent [ga-bits] of opponent;拿到对手当前的阵营 我们更新历史的时候要注意 由于我们ga-bits中是0146 对应的是0123 注意【ga-bits] of opponent
    ;if 4 then -> 2 mean fight club if 6 then -> 3 mean youda
    if opp_history > 1[set opp_history opp_history / 2]
    ;base on ga-bits[history] get my breed(club)
    let self_history item history-number ga-bits
    if self_history > 1 [set self_history self_history / 2]
    ;;to get the current_history-number payoff
    let self_history_payoff (self_history * 256) + history-number ;当前payoff对应的位置
    let opp_history_payoff (opp_history * 256) + ([history-number] of opponent)
    ;;to get the current history-number step
    let self_step item ((self_history * 256) + history-number) step ;得到当前历史走过几步
    let opp_step item opp_history_payoff [step] of opponent;大致意思是先拿到opponent的payoff的对应位置 再映射到step 那个对应位置就要1024里的那个 比如第一轮就是拿到1;

    ;;;;; test 测试啦
    if(test = 0 and [breed] of opponent = sheng and [history-number] of opponent < 30 and (history-number < 30 and fitness > 0 and isgambled = 0 and [fitness] of opponent > 0 and [isgambled] of opponent = 0))[
  set test  1
      print("opponent info")
      print("对手 club-bit")
      print [club-bits] of opponent
      print [ga-bits] of opponent
      print [step] of opponent
      print [payoff] of opponent
      print("对手当前的ga 步数")
      print [history-number] of opponent
      print [opp_history_payoff] of opponent
      print [opp_step] of opponent
      print [fitness] of opponent
      print("myself info")
      print breed
      print history-number
      print club-bits
      print ("本人当前的payoff-历史")
      print self_history_payoff
      print ("本人目前的ga")
      print ga-bits
      print( "本人当前的历史走过的步数")
      print self_step
      print fitness
      print isgambled
      print [isgambled] of opponent

  if[item history-number ga-bits] of opponent + item history-number ga-bits = 0 and cheack-playbefore([isgambled] of opponent )(isgambled)[
    ;;set we have been played before
    set isgambled 1
    ;; cuz me and opponent are saint ,so our fitness should + 4
    set fitness fitness + 4
    ;;;比如我们当前阵营为圣 我们的历史是圣圣圣圣 我们比赛完 然后更新我的历史 我们新的阵营由新的历史对应的ga-bits提供
    ;;;然后更新历史前要注意下一次遇到相同的圣圣圣圣 我们此时阵营的选择从next-club相应位置中获取
      ;;;then we should change our currently ga-bits[history-number] ,and use next-club-bits[history-number] to cover it
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    ;;还有这个时候就得更新我们的step和我们的payoff 比如此时我们在100号的ga基因 阵营是0  self_history_payoff就是0 * 256 + 100
      ;;before we change our history-number we should change our payoff[breed * 256 + history-number] and step[breed * 256 + history-number]
      ;; in payoff ,we use the [(old payoff * old step)+ fitness ]/step + 1
     set payoff replace-item self_history_payoff payoff ((item self_history_payoff payoff * self_step + 4 ) / (self_step + 1));(payoff原有的值 * 步数 + 当前得分(这轮获得的fitness) )/(步数 + 1)
      ;; set old step + 1
     set step replace-item self_history_payoff step (self_step + 1);这一步就要更新我们的步数了
      let numbers 0
      let step_buf[];[[123 1][234 2][... 3][... 4]...]
      ;; below code goal is to change next-club-bits[history-number] base on the weight of the [x * 256 + history-number]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buf lput list item(256 * numbers + history-number) payoff numbers step_buf
        set numbers numbers + 1
      ;;if our history-number is 100 then we get [[payoff[0* 256+100],0] [payoff[1*256 +100],1] [payoff[2*256+100],2][payoff[3*256 +100],3]]
      ;; base on weight(payoff) we can get the 0 1 2 3 ,
      ;;for example [100,0] [1,1][1,2][1,3] base on weight we safely choose [100,0] and take the 0 out,which means we get saint ,and then change next-club-bits[history-number] = 0
      let step_number weight step_buf
      let new_club item 1 step_number
      ;注意我们这里拿的是0123 我们得将其变回0 1 4 6
      ;;be careful : next_club is 0 1 2 3 ,and we should change it to 0 1 4 6
      if(new_club > 1)[
        set new_club new_club * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_club
      ; and then we should change club-bits
      ;; for example [1 2 2 0] -> [2 0 1 3]
      let number 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (number + 2) club-bits
        set number number + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits 0 ;self_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits 0 ;opp_history
      ;finally base on the new club-bits ,we change our history-number
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      ;change our breed base on the ga-bits[history-number]
     if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]
      ;;the opponent do the same job...
    ask opponent [set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 4
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits);这里将下一次的选择刻入ga-dna中
    set payoff replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff ((item opp_history_payoff payoff * opp_step + 4 ) / (opp_step + 1));(payoff原有的值 * 步数 + 当前得分(这轮获得的fitness) )/(步数 + 1)
     set step replace-item opp_history_payoff step (opp_step + 1);这一步就要更新我们的步数了
      let numberss 0
      let step_buff[];[[123 1][234 2][... 3][... 4]...]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buff lput list item(256 * numberss + history-number) payoff numberss step_buff
        set numberss numberss + 1
      let step_numbers weight step_buff
      let new_clubs item 1 step_numbers ;比如[2.5 0]我们拿0
        if(new_clubs > 1)[
        set new_clubs new_clubs * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_clubs
        ;到此我们先将next-club-bits[history-number]放入了ga-bits[history-number]里面 然后根据payoff的表的权重选出我们下一轮的策略,然后将选出的阵营放入next-club-bits
    let coun 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item coun club-bits item (coun + 2) club-bits
        set coun coun + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits 0;opp_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits 0;self_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

  ;;;   圣和伙伴 0和1  (0,6)  ;;;;
  ;;;saint and buddies(0 , 6)  ;;;;
  if[item history-number ga-bits] of opponent + item history-number ga-bits = 1 and cheack-playbefore([isgambled] of opponent )(isgambled)[
    set isgambled 1
    let opponent_fitness 0
    let fitness_buf 0
      ;the only difference is that we should find out who is the saint and appapparently the other one is buddies
    ifelse breed = sheng [
      set fitness_buf 0
      set fitness fitness + fitness_buf
      set opponent_fitness opponent_fitness + 6
      [ set fitness_buf 6
        set fitness fitness + fitness_buf
     set opponent_fitness 0
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
     set payoff replace-item self_history_payoff payoff ((item self_history_payoff payoff * self_step + fitness_buf ) / (self_step + 1))
     set step replace-item self_history_payoff step (self_step + 1)
      let numbers 0
      let step_buf[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buf lput list item(256 * numbers + history-number) payoff numbers step_buf
        set numbers numbers + 1
      let step_number weight step_buf
      let new_club item 1 step_number
      if(new_club > 1)[
        set new_club new_club * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_club
    let number 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (number + 2) club-bits
        set number number + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits self_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits opp_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
     if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

    ask opponent [set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + opponent_fitness
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    set payoff replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff ((item opp_history_payoff payoff * opp_step + opponent_fitness ) / (opp_step + 1))
     set step replace-item opp_history_payoff step (opp_step + 1)
    let numberss 0
      let step_buff[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buff lput list item(256 * numberss + history-number) payoff numberss step_buff
        set numberss numberss + 1
      let step_numbers weight step_buff
      let new_clubs item 1 step_numbers
        if(new_clubs > 1)[
        set new_clubs new_clubs * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_clubs

        let coun 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item coun club-bits item (coun + 2) club-bits
        set coun coun + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits opp_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits self_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

  ;;;   圣和搏击 0和4   (4,4)  ;;;;;
  ;;;saint and fight club(4 , 4)  ;;;
  if[item history-number ga-bits] of opponent + item history-number ga-bits = 4 and cheack-playbefore([isgambled] of opponent )(isgambled)[
    set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 4
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
     set payoff replace-item self_history_payoff payoff ((item self_history_payoff payoff * self_step + 4 ) / (self_step + 1))
     set step replace-item self_history_payoff step (self_step + 1)
      let numbers 0
      let step_buf[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buf lput list item(256 * numbers + history-number) payoff numbers step_buf
        set numbers numbers + 1
      let step_number weight step_buf
      let new_club item 1 step_number
      if(new_club > 1)[
        set new_club new_club * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_club
    let number 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (number + 2) club-bits
        set number number + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits self_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits opp_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
     if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

    ask opponent [set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 4
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    set payoff replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff ((item opp_history_payoff payoff * opp_step + 4 ) / (opp_step + 1))
    set step replace-item opp_history_payoff step (opp_step + 1)
    let numberss 0
    let step_buff[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buff lput list item(256 * numberss + history-number) payoff numberss step_buff
        set numberss numberss + 1
      let step_numbers weight step_buff
      let new_clubs item 1 step_numbers
        if(new_clubs > 1)[
        set new_clubs new_clubs * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_clubs

    let coun 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item coun club-bits item (coun + 2) club-bits
        set coun coun + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits opp_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits self_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]
  ;;;   圣和犹大 0和6  (0,6)   ;;;
  ;;;saint and youda  (0 , 6)  ;;;;
  if[item history-number ga-bits] of opponent + item history-number ga-bits = 6 and cheack-playbefore([isgambled] of opponent )(isgambled)[
    set isgambled 1
    let fitness_buf 0
    let opponent_fitness 0
    ifelse breed = sheng [
        set fitness_buf 0
      set fitness fitness + fitness_buf
      set opponent_fitness  6
    [set fitness_buf 6
        set fitness fitness + fitness_buf
     set opponent_fitness 0

    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
     set payoff replace-item self_history_payoff payoff ((item self_history_payoff payoff * self_step + fitness_buf ) / (self_step + 1))
     set step replace-item self_history_payoff step (self_step + 1)
      let numbers 0
      let step_buf[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buf lput list item(256 * numbers + history-number) payoff numbers step_buf
        set numbers numbers + 1
      let step_number weight step_buf
      let new_club item 1 step_number
      if(new_club > 1)[
        set new_club new_club * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_club
    let number 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (number + 2) club-bits
        set number number + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits self_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits opp_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
     if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

    ask opponent [set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + opponent_fitness
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
        set payoff replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff ((item opp_history_payoff payoff * opp_step + opponent_fitness ) / (opp_step + 1))
     set step replace-item opp_history_payoff step (opp_step + 1)
    let numberss 0
      let step_buff[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buff lput list item(256 * numberss + history-number) payoff numberss step_buff
        set numberss numberss + 1
      let step_numbers weight step_buff
      let new_clubs item 1 step_numbers
        if(new_clubs > 1)[
        set new_clubs new_clubs * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_clubs

        let coun 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item coun club-bits item (coun + 2) club-bits
        set coun coun + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits opp_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits self_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]
  ;;;   伙伴和伙伴 1和1 (4,4)   ;;;
  ;;;buddies and buddies(4,4)  ;;;;
    if[item history-number ga-bits] of opponent + item history-number ga-bits = 2 and cheack-playbefore([isgambled] of opponent )(isgambled)[
    set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 4
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
     set payoff replace-item self_history_payoff payoff ((item self_history_payoff payoff * self_step + 4 ) / (self_step + 1))
     set step replace-item self_history_payoff step (self_step + 1)
      let numbers 0
      let step_buf[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buf lput list item(256 * numbers + history-number) payoff numbers step_buf
        set numbers numbers + 1
      let step_number weight step_buf
      let new_club item 1 step_number
      if(new_club > 1)[
        set new_club new_club * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_club
      let number 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (number + 2) club-bits
        set number number + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits 1
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits 1
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
     if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

    ask opponent [set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 4
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    set payoff replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff ((item opp_history_payoff payoff * opp_step + 4 ) / (opp_step + 1))
    set step replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff (opp_step + 1)
    let numberss 0
      let step_buff[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buff lput list item(256 * numberss + history-number) payoff numberss step_buff
        set numberss numberss + 1
      let step_numbers weight step_buff
      let new_clubs item 1 step_numbers
        if(new_clubs > 1)[
        set new_clubs new_clubs * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_clubs

    let coun 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item coun club-bits item (coun + 2) club-bits
        set coun coun + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits 1
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits 1
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]
  ;;;   伙伴和搏击 1和4 (6,0)       ;;;;;
  ;;; buddies and fight club(6 , 0)  ;;;;
  if[item history-number ga-bits] of opponent + item history-number ga-bits = 5 and cheack-playbefore([isgambled] of opponent )(isgambled)[
    set isgambled 1
    let opponent_fitness 0
    let fitness_buf 0
    ifelse breed = huoban [
      set fitness_buf 6
      set fitness fitness + fitness_buf
      set opponent_fitness opponent_fitness + 0
        set fitness_buf 0
        set fitness fitness + fitness_buf
     set opponent_fitness opponent_fitness + 6
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
     set payoff replace-item self_history_payoff payoff ((item self_history_payoff payoff * self_step + fitness_buf ) / (self_step + 1))
     set step replace-item self_history_payoff step (self_step + 1)
      let numbers 0
      let step_buf[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buf lput list item(256 * numbers + history-number) payoff numbers step_buf
        set numbers numbers + 1
      let step_number weight step_buf
      let new_club item 1 step_number
      if(new_club > 1)[
        set new_club new_club * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_club
    let number 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (number + 2) club-bits
        set number number + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits self_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits opp_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
     if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

    ask opponent [set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + opponent_fitness
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    set payoff replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff ((item opp_history_payoff payoff * opp_step + opponent_fitness ) / (opp_step + 1));(payoff原有的值 * 步数 + 当前得分(这轮获得的fitness) )/(步数 + 1)
    set step replace-item opp_history_payoff step (opp_step + 1);这一步就要更新我们的步数了
    let numberss 0
    let step_buff[]
    repeat 4[
    set step_buff lput list item(256 * numberss + history-number) payoff numberss step_buff
        set numberss numberss + 1
      let step_numbers weight step_buff
      let new_clubs item 1 step_numbers
        if(new_clubs > 1)[
        set new_clubs new_clubs * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_clubs

    let coun 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (coun + 2) club-bits
        set coun coun + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits opp_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits self_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]
  ;;;   伙伴和犹大 1和6   (1,1) ;;;
  ;;;buddies and youda (1 , 1)  ;;;;
  if[item history-number ga-bits] of opponent + item history-number ga-bits = 7 and cheack-playbefore([isgambled] of opponent )(isgambled)[
    set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 1
    let opponent_fitness 0
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    set payoff replace-item self_history_payoff payoff ((item self_history_payoff payoff * self_step + 1 ) / (self_step + 1))
    set step replace-item self_history_payoff step (self_step + 1)
      let numbers 0
      let step_buf[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buf lput list item(256 * numbers + history-number) payoff numbers step_buf
        set numbers numbers + 1
    let step_number weight step_buf
    let new_club item 1 step_number
    if(new_club > 1)[
        set new_club new_club * 2
    set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_club
    let number 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (number + 2) club-bits
        set number number + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits self_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits opp_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
     if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

    ask opponent [set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 1
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    set payoff replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff ((item opp_history_payoff payoff * opp_step + 1) / (opp_step + 1))
    set step replace-item opp_history_payoff step (opp_step + 1)
    let numberss 0
    let step_buff[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buff lput list item(256 * numberss + history-number) payoff numberss step_buff
        set numberss numberss + 1
      let step_numbers weight step_buff
      let new_clubs item 1 step_numbers
        if(new_clubs > 1)[
        set new_clubs new_clubs * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_clubs

    let coun 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item coun club-bits item (coun + 2) club-bits
        set coun coun + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits opp_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits self_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]
  ;;;   搏击和搏击 4和4 (1,1)           ;;;
  ;;;fight club and fight club(1 , 1)  ;;;;
  if[item history-number ga-bits] of opponent + item history-number ga-bits = 8 and cheack-playbefore([isgambled] of opponent )(isgambled)[
    set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 1
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
     set payoff replace-item self_history_payoff payoff ((item self_history_payoff payoff * self_step + 1 ) / (self_step + 1))
     set step replace-item self_history_payoff step (self_step + 1)
      let numbers 0
      let step_buf[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buf lput list item(256 * numbers + history-number) payoff numbers step_buf
        set numbers numbers + 1
      let step_number weight step_buf
      let new_club item 1 step_number
      if(new_club > 1)[
        set new_club new_club * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_club
    let number 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (number + 2) club-bits
        set number number + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits self_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits opp_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
     if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

    ask opponent [set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 1
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    set payoff replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff ((item opp_history_payoff payoff * opp_step + 1 ) / (opp_step + 1))
    set step replace-item opp_history_payoff step (opp_step + 1)
    let numberss 0
      let step_buff[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buff lput list item(256 * numberss + history-number) payoff numberss step_buff
        set numberss numberss + 1
      let step_numbers weight step_buff
      let new_clubs item 1 step_numbers
        if(new_clubs > 1)[
        set new_clubs new_clubs * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_clubs

    let coun 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item coun club-bits item (coun + 2) club-bits
        set coun coun + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits opp_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits self_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]
  ;;;   搏击和犹大 4和6  (0,6)  ;;;;
  ;;;fight club and youda(0,6)  ;;;;
  if[item history-number ga-bits] of opponent + item history-number ga-bits = 10 and cheack-playbefore([isgambled] of opponent )(isgambled)[
    set isgambled 1
    let opponent_fitness 0
     let fitness_buf 0
    ifelse breed = boji[
        set fitness_buf 0
      set fitness fitness + fitness_buf
      set opponent_fitness 6
        set fitness_buf 6
        set fitness fitness + fitness_buf
    set opponent_fitness opponent_fitness + 0
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
     set payoff replace-item self_history_payoff payoff ((item self_history_payoff payoff * self_step + fitness_buf ) / (self_step + 1))
     set step replace-item self_history_payoff step (self_step + 1)
          let numbers 0
      let step_buf[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buf lput list item(256 * numbers + history-number) payoff numbers step_buf
        set numbers numbers + 1
      let step_number weight step_buf
      let new_club item 1 step_number
      if(new_club > 1)[
        set new_club new_club * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_club
    let number 0
    repeat 2[
      set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (number + 2) club-bits
      set number number + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits self_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits opp_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
    if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

    ask opponent [set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + opponent_fitness
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    set payoff replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff ((item opp_history_payoff payoff * opp_step + opponent_fitness ) / (opp_step + 1))
    set step replace-item opp_history_payoff step (opp_step + 1)
    let numberss 0
      let step_buff[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buff lput list item(256 * numberss + history-number) payoff numberss step_buff
        set numberss numberss + 1
      let step_numbers weight step_buff
      let new_clubs item 1 step_numbers
        if(new_clubs > 1)[
        set new_clubs new_clubs * 2
      set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_clubs

        let coun 0
      repeat 2[
        set club-bits replace-item coun club-bits item (coun + 2) club-bits
        set coun coun + 1
      set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits opp_history
      set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits self_history
      set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]
  ;;;   犹大和犹大 6和6  (1,1) ;;;
  ;;;youda and youda  (1 , 1)  ;;;;
  if[item history-number ga-bits] of opponent + item history-number ga-bits = 12 and cheack-playbefore([isgambled] of opponent )(isgambled)[
    set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 1
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    set payoff replace-item self_history_payoff payoff ((item self_history_payoff payoff * self_step + 1 ) / (self_step + 1))
    set step replace-item self_history_payoff step (self_step + 1)
    let numbers 0
    let step_buf[]
    repeat 4[
    set step_buf lput list item(256 * numbers + history-number) payoff numbers step_buf
       set numbers numbers + 1
    let step_number weight step_buf
    let new_club item 1 step_number
    if(new_club > 1)[
      set new_club new_club * 2
    set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_club
    let number 0
    repeat 2[
      set club-bits replace-item number club-bits item (number + 2) club-bits
      set number number + 1
    set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits 3
    set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits 3
    set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
    if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

    ask opponent [set isgambled 1
    set fitness fitness + 1
    set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits (item history-number next-club-bits)
    set payoff replace-item opp_history_payoff payoff ((item opp_history_payoff payoff * opp_step + 1 ) / (opp_step + 1))
    set step replace-item opp_history_payoff step (opp_step + 1);这一步就要更新我们的步数了
    let numberss 0
    let step_buff[]
      repeat 4[
      set step_buff lput list item(256 * numberss + history-number) payoff numberss step_buff
        set numberss numberss + 1
    let step_numbers weight step_buff
    let new_clubs item 1 step_numbers ;比如[2.5 0]我们拿0
        if(new_clubs > 1)[
        set new_clubs new_clubs * 2
    set next-club-bits replace-item history-number next-club-bits new_clubs

    let coun 0
    repeat 2[
      set club-bits replace-item coun club-bits item (coun + 2) club-bits
      set coun coun + 1
    set club-bits replace-item 2 club-bits 3
    set club-bits replace-item 3 club-bits 3
    set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
    if item history-number ga-bits = 0
        [set breed sheng]
        if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]
  ;;;over one round match  ;;;
;;; to get history-number base on club-bits

to-report get_history_number[z0 z1 z2 z3]
 report  64 * z0   + 16 * z1   + 4 * z2   + 1 * z3

to-report cheack-playbefore [x z]
  ifelse x + z > 0
  [report false]
  [;set x 1 这里我们想直接赌过的直接在判断的时候就将 isgamebled 设为 1 但行不通 我们先不理 先在代码主体写吧 虽然冗余 但至少清晰 后续再修改
   ;set z 1 不过还有个思路是把turtle对象扔进来 但他的效率会低 就不这样做
 ; print x
    ;print z
    report true]

to play
  ask turtles[
  if count turtles with [isgambled = 0] = 0[
    set co co + 1 ;假如我们要10次交换才进行ga操作
    set co_xunhuan co_xunhuan + 1
    set forget_payoff forget_payoff + 1
    ask turtles
      set isgambled 0
  ;;;which means ten round we set a tick and generate-generation
  if co = 10[
    set co 0
    ;print [fitness] of max-one-of turtles[fitness]
;each round we reset the x-cor and y-cor
; each 50 round we reset step payoff and fitness

to reset_game
  ask turtles[
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor
    if co_xunhuan = 10[
      set fitness 0
      set co_xunhuan 0
      if forget_payoff = 50[
    set payoff n-values (256 * 4 ) [ 1 ]
    set step n-values (256 * 4) [1]

to generate-generation
  ;g;mean old-generation was fixed and cover the whole turtles
  let old-generation turtles with [true]
  let crossover_number floor ((population * crossover_probability) / 2)
  ;假如我们配种的几率为0。8那么我们将进行40轮次 因为我们一轮次产生2个子代 然后剩下的20 我们从我们的父代去抽取然后进行变异
  repeat crossover_number[;crossover_number[
    let parents []
    ;remember we get two ruetles
    set parents select old-generation;注意我们里面装的2个turtl 而不是我们的gp
    let child []
    set child crossover (item 0 parents)(item 1 parents)
    ask item 0 parents [hatch 1
      [set ga-bits item 0 item 0 child
       set next-club-bits item 0 item 1 child
       set payoff item 0 item 2 child
        set step item 0 item 3 child
        set fitness 0
        ;;;due to we also need to mutate ,we dont set breed fitst
        set club-bits n-values 4 [one-of [0 1 2 3]]
        set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]
    ask item 1 parents [hatch 1
      [set ga-bits item 1 item 0 child
       set next-club-bits item 1 item 1 child
        set payoff item 1 item 2 child
        set step item 1 item 3 child
        set fitness 0
        set club-bits n-values 4 [one-of [0 1 2 3]]
        set history-number get_history_number(item 0 club-bits)(item 1 club-bits)(item 2 club-bits)(item 3 club-bits)
      if item history-number ga-bits = 0
      [set breed sheng]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 1
      [ set breed huoban]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 4
      [ set breed boji]
      if item history-number ga-bits = 6
      [set breed youda]

  ;in repeat - 1 is to randomly delete one turtle and use max-one-of to hatch a new one
  repeat (population - crossover_number * 2 ) - 1 [
    ask max-one-of(n-of floor(population / 5) old-generation) [fitness]
    [hatch 1
  ;before in repeat - 1 ,now we hatch a new one to make sure the whole number of turtle is not change
  ask max-one-of old-generation [fitness][hatch 1]

  ask old-generation [ die ]

  if crossover_probability + mutate_probability > 1[
    set mutate_probability (1 - crossover_probability)

  ask turtles[
   set fitness 0

;这里是选择过程 我们使用轮盘转法
;selection we use tournament

to-report select [population_]
  let parent1 rnd:weighted-one-of population_ [fitness]
  let parent2 rnd:weighted-one-of population_ [fitness]
  ;let parent1 max-n-of
  ;let parent1 max-one-of (n-of floor (population / 30) population_)[fitness]
  ;let parent2 max-one-of (n-of floor (population / 30) population_)[fitness]

  ;return two turtle
  report list parent1 parent2

to mutate
  let random-value random-float 100.0
  let current_club_buff item history-number ga-bits
  set ga-bits map [ bi ->
   ifelse-value (random-float 1.0 < mutate_probability )
   ;each bits(256 bits in ga-bits) we may mutate or do nothing
    [ one-of remove bi [0 1 4 6] ]
      [ bi ]
  ] ga-bits
  ;remember no matter how drastic the mutate is, club-bits not change (means history-number not change)
  ; so we should change ga-bits[history-number] back base on the current breed
  ;;这里的意思是 我们前面将ga-bits全进行变异操作了 现在我们将ga-bits的现在club改回来
  set ga-bits replace-item history-number ga-bits current_club_buff
  ;do the same mutate in next-club-bits
  set next-club-bits map [ bi ->
    ifelse-value (random-float 1.0 < nextclub_mutate_probability )
    [ one-of remove bi [0 1 4 6] ]
      [ bi ]
  ] next-club-bits
  ;we also mutate the payoff
  set payoff map[payoff_ ->
    ifelse-value( random-float 1.0 < payoff_mutate_probalility )
    ;which means we have 50% to mutate : +0.05 or -0.05
      [(payoff_ + random-float 0.1) - 0.05];这里的意思有一半的几率+ 一半的几率减 然后幅度也不大 在【-0.1,0.1]之间
  ] payoff
;cross over
;1. ga-bits
;2. next-club-bits
;3. payoff
;4. step

to-report crossover [turtle1 turtle2]
  let ga1 [ga-bits] of turtle1
  let ga2 [ga-bits] of turtle2
  let club3 [next-club-bits] of turtle1
  let club4 [next-club-bits] of turtle2
  ;If we have n positions to swap
  ;we create a list with n numbers
  ; and delete the duplicates
  ; and we lput 0 and rput 256
  let cross_point n-values crossover_point [1 + random 254]
  set cross_point remove-duplicates cross_point
  let buf nobody ;由于 交叉的节点可以共用 所以我们不用创建club的交叉位点
    while [ length(cross_point) < crossover_point ][
    set buf n-values (crossover_point - length(cross_point)) [1 + random 254]
    set cross_point (sentence cross_point buf)
    set cross_point remove-duplicates cross_point

  set cross_point fput 0 cross_point
  set cross_point lput 256 cross_point
  let cross_point_sort sort cross_point
  ;print cross_point_sort
  let child1 nobody
  let child2 nobody
  let child_1 nobody
  let child_2 nobody
  let child_main1 []
  let child_main2 []
  let child_club1 nobody
  let child_club2 nobody
  let child_club_1 nobody
  let child_club_2 nobody
  let child_club_main1 []
  let child_club_main2 []
  let count_ 0
  ;;注意 生下的孩子 不一定要跟父母一个阵营
  ;; child's breed may not equal to parent's breed
  while [count_ < length(cross_point_sort) - 1 ][
    ;set child1
    ifelse ((count_ mod length(cross_point_sort)) = 0)[
      ;;;ga-bits's crossover;;;
      set child1 (sentence (sublist ga1 item count_ cross_point_sort item (count_ + 1) cross_point_sort));这里就是交换2个ga的染色体 产生第一个parent的ga
      set child_1 (sentence (sublist ga2 item count_ cross_point_sort item (count_ + 1 ) cross_point_sort))
      set child_main1 (sentence child_main1 child1)
      set child_main2 (sentence child_main2 child_1)
      ;;;;nextclub-bits's crossover;;;
      set child_club1 (sentence (sublist club3 item count_ cross_point_sort item (count_ + 1) cross_point_sort));这里就是交换next-club-bits的信息
      set child_club_1 (sentence (sublist club4 item count_ cross_point_sort item (count_ + 1 ) cross_point_sort))
      set child_club_main1 (sentence child_club_main1 child_club1)
      set child_club_main2 (sentence child_club_main2 child_club_1)
      ;;for example before we get ga1[0.....3] then we combine ga2[3....8] and then we combine ga1[8....23] and so on ...
      set child2 (sentence(sublist ga2 item count_  cross_point_sort item ( count_ + 1 ) cross_point_sort))
      ;;the next child is ga2[0..3] then combine ga1[3.....8] and then combine ga2[8...23] and so on ....
      set child_2 (sentence (sublist ga1 item count_ cross_point_sort item (count_ + 1 ) cross_point_sort))
      set child_main1 (sentence child_main1 child2)
      set child_main2(sentence child_main2 child_2)

      set child_club2 (sentence(sublist club4 item count_  cross_point_sort item ( count_ + 1 ) cross_point_sort))
      set child_club_2 (sentence (sublist club3 item count_ cross_point_sort item (count_ + 1 ) cross_point_sort))
      set child_club_main1 (sentence child_club_main1 child_club2)
      set child_club_main2(sentence child_club_main2 child_club2)

    set count_  count_ + 1
  ;;;上面是对ga和next-club的交换 用到256的list 下面我们要对step和payoff进行操作;;;
  ;;;now we foucus on the payoff and step ,now we have 4 * 256 bits ;;;;;;;
  let payoff_point n-values (crossover_point * 4) [1 + random 1022]
  set payoff_point remove-duplicates payoff_point
  let payoff_buf nobody
   while [ length(payoff_point) < (crossover_point * 4) ][
    set payoff_buf n-values (crossover_point * 4 - length(cross_point)) [1 + random 1022]
    set payoff_point (sentence payoff_point payoff_buf)
    set payoff_point remove-duplicates payoff_point
  let payoff_point_sort sort payoff_point
  set payoff_point_sort fput 0 payoff_point_sort
  set payoff_point_sort lput 1024 payoff_point_sort
  let pay1 [payoff] of turtle1;;得到ga1的
  let pay2 [payoff] of turtle2
  let step3 [step] of turtle1
  let step4 [step] of turtle2
  let child_payoff1 nobody
  let child_payoff2 nobody
  let child_payoff_1 nobody
  let child_payoff_2 nobody
  let child_main_payoff1 []
  let child_main_payoff2 []
  let child_step1 nobody
  let child_step2 nobody
  let child_step_1 nobody
  let child_step_2 nobody
  let child_step_main1 []
  let child_step_main2 []
  let count_p 0
    while [count_p < length(payoff_point_sort) - 1 ][
    ifelse ((count_p mod length(payoff_point_sort)) = 0)[
      set child_payoff1 (sentence (sublist pay1 item count_p payoff_point_sort item (count_p + 1) payoff_point_sort))
      set child_payoff_1 (sentence (sublist pay2 item count_p payoff_point_sort item (count_p + 1 ) payoff_point_sort))
      set child_main_payoff1 (sentence child_main_payoff1 child_payoff1)
      set child_main_payoff2 (sentence child_main_payoff2 child_payoff_1)
      ;;;;   step 的 crossover     ;;;
      set child_step1 (sentence (sublist step3 item count_p payoff_point_sort item (count_p + 1) payoff_point_sort))
      set child_step_1 (sentence (sublist step4 item count_p payoff_point_sort item (count_p + 1 ) payoff_point_sort))
      set child_step_main1 (sentence child_step_main1 child_step1)
      set child_step_main2 (sentence child_step_main2 child_step_1)
      set child_payoff2 (sentence(sublist pay2 item count_p  payoff_point_sort item ( count_p + 1 ) payoff_point_sort))
      set child_payoff_2 (sentence (sublist pay1 item count_p payoff_point_sort item (count_p + 1 ) payoff_point_sort))
      set child_main_payoff1 (sentence child_main_payoff1 child_payoff2)
      set child_main_payoff2(sentence child_main_payoff2 child_payoff_2)

      set child_step2 (sentence(sublist step4 item count_p  payoff_point_sort item ( count_p + 1 ) payoff_point_sort))
      set child_step_2 (sentence (sublist step3 item count_p payoff_point_sort item (count_p + 1 ) payoff_point_sort))
      set child_step_main1 (sentence child_step_main1 child_step2)
      set child_step_main2(sentence child_step_main2 child_step2)

    set count_p  count_p + 1
  ;delete ; to check our cross over function
  ;print child_main_payoff1
  ;print child_main_payoff2
  ;print child_step_main1
  ;print child_step_main2
  ;print pay1
  ;print pay2
  ;print step3
  ;print step4
  ;print (sum(step3))
  ;print child_main1
  ;print child_club_main1
  let ga_child list child_main1 child_main2
  let club_child list child_club_main1 child_club_main2
  let pay_off_child list child_main_payoff1 child_main_payoff2
  let step_child list child_step_main1 child_step_main2
  let re list ga_child club_child ;[ [[ga1][ga2]]    [[club1][club2]] ]
  let re1 list pay_off_child step_child
  let re2 sentence re re1
  report re2

to move
  rt random 50
  lt random 50
  fd 1

to-report isgamed_number
  ;let number_1 count turtles with [isgambled = 1]
  ;report number_1
  report 1

to-report weight [pop]
  let p1 rnd:weighted-one-of-list pop [[p] -> first p]
  report p1
;;to see how many 0 in all turtles's ga-bits

to-report leng0
  let len0 0
  ask turtles[
    set len0 len0 + length filter[gg -> gg  = 0] ga-bits
  report len0

to-report leng1
  let len1 0
  ask turtles[
    set len1 len1 + length filter[gg -> gg  = 1] ga-bits
  report len1

to-report leng4
  let len4 0
  ask turtles[
    set len4 len4 + length filter[gg -> gg  = 4] ga-bits
  report len4

to-report leng6
  let len6 0
  ask turtles[
    set len6 len6 + length filter[gg -> gg  = 6] ga-bits
  report len6

There is only one version of this model, created almost 2 years ago by Kevin LIu.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
WechatIMG33.png png Task requirements almost 2 years ago, by Kevin LIu Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

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