Straw for ethanol production - impact of market dynamics

Straw for ethanol production - impact of market dynamics preview image

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Default-person Henrik Sontag (Author)


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extensions [ ]

; Agents and/or objects in the model
breed [ farmers farmer  ]
breed [ localUsers localUser ]
breed [ EtOHPlantOperators EtOHPlantOperator ]

;Links in the model

undirected-link-breed [ contracts contract ]
undirected-link-breed [ relationships relationship ]

;directed-link-breed [ ]
directed-link-breed [ requests request ]
directed-link-breed [ offers offer ]

; Specifying global variables in the model
  ;;model region setup
  scale                              ;; 1 pixellength = 5 km  ; 20x20 pixel = 100x100km area = 10 000 km2
  aggregationFactor                  ;; factor by which farmers are grouped together





  ;; straw harvest

  ;; regulations, policies

  ;; humus coefficients for supply and demand
  humusDemandWheat                             ;; [t humus-C/ ha] ,  -0.28 t humus-C/ha
  reproductionCoefficientStraw                 ;; [t humus-C/t] = 0.1 t humus-C/t of straw
  reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig       ;; [t humus-C/t of substrat] , most conservative value, assuming lowest % values dm content

  ;technical parameters

  ;; market prices

  ;compostMarketPrice                ;; not included yet
  ;nitrogenPrice                      ;; not included yet... same for following
  ;humusPrice                          ;; calculation method?? (LWK Niedersachsen: 0,04 €/kg 2015)


; Specifying agents properties
  marketAgentType               ;; "seller" "no seller" or "buyer"

  ;; farmer attributes
  ;farmerType                   ;; risk averse / profit oriented
  ;businessMotivation           ;; (1) profit/market driven, (2) Sustainable farming
  yieldAlert                    ;; true/false depending on deviation of yield from other
  turnover                      ;; [€/a]
  profit                        ;; [€/a]
  moneyBalance                  ;; [€]
  strawMates                    ;; customers in neighborhood farmer trust

  ;; farm attributes
  farmType                      ;; (1) arable farm (2) mixed farm (livestock and arable farming)
  acreageWheat                  ;; [ha] , land use for cereal production
  farmSystem                    ;; conventional / integrated / biodynamic
  livestock                     ;; true / false

  ;; farming attributes
  cropRotation                  ;; determines overall humus balance
  humusSoilBalance              ;; [kg humus C/ha]
  estimatedhumusSoilBalance      ;; [kg humus C/ha]
  soilQuality                   ;; [0...100] , qualitative value to illustrate negative impact from negative humus balance on soils
  strawHarvestFactor            ;; Weiser et al. 2014

  ;; farmer estimations straw potentials and straw use
  estimatedStrawYield           ;; [t] estimated straw yield for upcoming season
  strawSold                 ;;

  ;; actual straw potentials and straw uses
  actualWheatYield                             ;; [t/ha] , Model region showed wheat yields between 7 and 9 t/ha over the last 15 years (
  actualStrawYield                             ;; [t] actual straw yield at harvest
  theoreticalStrawPotential                    ;; [t] theoretical straw potential (omniscient perspective)
  actualStrawPotential                         ;; [t] actual straw potential available at harvest
  technicalStrawPotential                      ;; [t] technical straw potential (theoretical straw potential (omniscient perspective) - assumptions on technical limitations in harvest)

  ;; review need

  ;; live straw account farmer
  strawAccount                        ;; [t] live account of straw availability of farmer

  ;;straw trade variables
  potentialStrawForSale               ;; [t] straw estimated by farmer to be available for potential sale
  strawAvailabilityBidding            ;; [t]

  biddingStatus                       ;; "out of stock" , "no matches at current asking price", ...
  numberRequestsEtOH                  ;; [unit]
  numberRequestsLocalUsers            ;; [unit]

  ;; straw prices
  markup                              ;; [€/t]
  askingPriceStrawOffField            ;; [€/t]
  reservePriceStrawOffField           ;; [€/t]
  askingPriceRoundBales5km            ;; [€/t]
  reservePriceRoundBales5km           ;; [€/t]
  askingPriceRoundBales               ;; [€/t]
  reservePriceRoundBales              ;; [€/t]

  ;;straw costs
  costsPressingRoundBales            ;; [€/t], 14,4 - 17,7 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsPressingSquaredBales          ;; [€/t], 17,0 - 22,1 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsPressingHDBales               ;; [€/t], 27,2 - 31,7 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsHandlingRoundBales            ;; [€/t], 10,8 - 12,3 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsHandlingSquaredBales          ;; [€/t], 10,2 - 12,3 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsHandlingHDBales               ;; [€/t], 17,3 - 21,7 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsTransportFixedRoundBales      ;; [€/t], 10,3 - 12,4 €/t incl. 5 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsTransportFixedSquaredBales    ;; [€/t], 8,0 - 10,0 €/t incl. 5 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsTransportFixedHDBales         ;; [€/t], 7,5 - 9,2 €/t incl. 5 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsTransportVariableRoundBales   ;; [€/tkm], 0,36 - 0,48 , 5 to 10 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsTransportVariableSquaredBales ;; [€/tkm], 0,29 - 0,38 , 5 to 10 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsTransportVariableHDBales      ;; [€/tkm], 0,50 - 0,68 , 5 to 10 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS

  ;; agent attributes
  marketAgentType               ;; "seller" or "buyer"
  moneyBalance                  ;; [€]
  feedstockDemand               ;; [t]
  sourcingRadius                ;; [km]
  farmerMates                   ;; farmers within 5 km with established trade relationships

  ;; bidding variables
  reservePrice                  ;; [€/t]
  biddingStatus                 ;; bidding status of local users?

  ;; agent attributes
  marketAgentType              ;; "seller" or "buyer"
  moneyBalance                 ;; [€]
  profit                       ;; [€/year]
  feedstockDemand              ;; [t/year]
  sourcingRadius               ;; [km]

  ;production variables
  capacity                     ;; [MW]
  operatingHours               ;; [hours]
  yieldEtOH                    ;; [t,EtOH/t,straw]
  productionCostsEtOH          ;; [€/tonne EtOH]
  markup                       ;; [€/t]

  ;; bidding variables
  expectingSalesPriceEtOH                  ;; [€/tonne EtOH]
  reservePrice                             ;; [€/t], maximum acceptable price per ton of straw
  priceOffer                               ;; [€/t], starting price offer in yearly straw procurement process
  priceOfferBidding                        ;; [€/t], price offer during straw procurement process
  storedFeedstockBidding                   ;; [t]
  requiredFeedstockBidding                 ;; [t]

    ;;straw procurement costs
  costsTransportFixedSquaredBales          ;; [€/t], 8,0 - 10,0 €/t incl. 5 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsTransportVariableSquaredBales       ;; [€/tkm], 0,29 - 0,38 , 5 to 10 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsPressingSquaredBales            ;; [€/t], 17,0 - 22,1 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsHandlingSquaredBales            ;; [€/t], 10,2 - 12,3 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsTransportFixedSquaredBales      ;; [€/t], 8,0 - 10,0 €/t incl. 5 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
  costsTransportVariableSquaredBales   ;; [€/tkm], 0,29 - 0,38 , 5 to 10 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS


; Specifying links properties

  demandType                 ;; "off field" / "round bales" / "squared bales" / "HD bales"
  priceTon                   ;; [€/t]
  priceTotal                 ;; [€]
  quantity                   ;; [t]

  demandType                  ;; "loose/ off field" / "round bales" / "squared bales" / "HD bales"
  priceTon                   ;; [€/t]
  priceTotal                 ;; [€]
  quantity                   ;; [t]

  demandType                  ;; "off field" / "round bales" / "squared bales" / "HD bales"
  contractNumber             ;; [number]
  quantity                   ;; [t]
  priceTotal                 ;; [€]
  priceTon                   ;; [€/t]
  transportCostsPerTon       ;; [€/t]
  totalCostsBuyer            ;; [€]
  contractLength             ;; [years]


; Including functions (reports) and procedures to use in the script


  ;updates / new year

  ;buyer preparations

  ;farmer preparations

  ;negotiations/straw trade

  ;harvest, transport

  ;season evaluation


to setup


  ; Create world


  set scale 5                                          ;; 1 pixellength = 5 km  ; 20x20 pixel = 100x100km area = 10 000 km2 (why 10 000 km2, if model region equals to approx 4700 km?...scale = 3.5 adds up to area of 4900 km2...)
  set aggregationFactor 10

  ;;; constants ;;;

  ; wheat properties
  set grainStrawRatio 0.8                              ;; (Weiser et al., 2014)
  set humusDemandWheat 0.28                            ;; [t humus-C / ha]

  ; humus production coefficients
  set reproductionCoefficientStraw 0.1                 ;; [t humus C/t] (Weiser et al., 2014)
  set reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig 0.004     ;; [t humus-C/t of substrat] , most conservative value, assuming lowest % values dm content

    ;technical parameters
  set heatValueEtOH 7.42                               ;; [MWh/t]

  ;;; world ;;;

  ; market variables
  set strawNutrientValue 11.4                          ;; [€/t] ]composed of N, P, K, Mg, S
  set bioethanolMarketPrice 820                        ;; [€/t]  .... 31 €/GJ or 650 €/m^3 or 822 €/t ... assumption from Zech et al. (2016)
  ;set priceOfferEtOH strawNutrientValue + strawHumusValueConventional
  ;set priceLiquidManurePig -5
  set priceLiquidManureCattle -5

  ;; rules and regulations
  set humusBalanceCrossCompliance -0.075               ;; [t humus-C/ha]

  ; Create agents

    ;; based on distribution of farm types in model region in 2007 and latest total number of farms
  ;; acreage equals average area per farm type based on share of land per farm type category of total land

  ;;setup model region

  ;; create farmer agents
  create-farmers ceiling (numberOfFarms / aggregationFactor)
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "house"
    set size 0.3

  ;; assigning farm types in model region
  ask farmers
    set farmType farm-type-distribution

  ;; assigning farm systems run by farmers in model region
  ask farmers
    set farmSystem size-independent-farm-system-attribution

  ;; farming parameters
  ask farmers
    set acreageWheat acreage-per-farm-size farmType
    set acreageWheat precision acreageWheat 0
    set cropRotation one-of [1 ];2 3 4 5 6 ]; 7 8]     Assuming all farmers have same crop rotation of beet root, wheat, barley and residues of beet root and barley is incorporated into soil
    set wheatYieldExpectation 8
    set strawHarvestFactor 0.66                          ;; Weiser et al. 2014
    set soilQuality 1
    set yieldAlert false
    if farmSystem = "integrated"
      set humusBalanceMinimum 0.1
    if farmSystem = "biodynamic"
      set humusBalanceMinimum 0.5
    ifelse farmType = "mixed farm"
      set liveStock true
      set liveStock false
    ;; straw production cost variables
    ;; pressing and handling
    set costsPressingRoundBales            17.7 ;; [€/t], 14,4 - 17,7 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsPressingSquaredBales          22.1 ;; [€/t], 17,0 - 22,1 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsPressingHDBales               31.7 ;; [€/t], 27,2 - 31,7 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsHandlingRoundBales            12.3 ;; [€/t], 10,8 - 12,3 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsHandlingSquaredBales          12.3 ;; [€/t], 10,2 - 12,3 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsHandlingHDBales               21.7 ;; [€/t], 17,3 - 21,7 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS

    ;; transport costs
    set costsTransportFixedRoundBales      12.4 ;; [€/t], 10,3 - 12,4 €/t incl. 5 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsTransportFixedSquaredBales    10.0 ;; [€/t], 8,0 - 10,0 €/t incl. 5 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsTransportFixedHDBales         9.2  ;; [€/t], 7,5 - 9,2 €/t incl. 5 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsTransportVariableRoundBales   0.48 ;; [€/tkm], 0,36 - 0,48 , 5 to 10 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsTransportVariableSquaredBales 0.38 ;; [€/tkm], 0,29 - 0,38 , 5 to 10 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsTransportVariableHDBales      0.68 ;; [€/tkm], 0,50 - 0,68 , 5 to 10 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS

  ;; straw prices
  ask farmers
    if farmSystem = "conventional"
      set strawHumusValue strawHumusValueConventional
      let farmer-straw-value strawHumusValue + strawNutrientValue
      set markup 0.5 * farmer-straw-value
      set askingPriceStrawOffField farmer-straw-value + markup + random 5
      set reservePriceStrawOffField farmer-straw-value + 0.5 * markup
      set askingPriceRoundBales5km farmer-straw-value + markup + random 5 + costsPressingRoundBales + costsHandlingRoundBales + costsTransportFixedRoundBales
      set reservePriceRoundBales5km farmer-straw-value + 0.5 * markup + costsPressingRoundBales + costsHandlingRoundBales + costsTransportFixedRoundBales
      set mySellingPriceRoundBales reservePriceRoundBales5km
      set mySellingPriceOffField reservePriceStrawOffField
    if farmSystem = "integrated"
      set strawHumusValue strawHumusValueIntegrated
      let farmer-straw-value strawHumusValue + strawNutrientValue
      set markup 0.5 * farmer-straw-value
      set askingPriceStrawOffField farmer-straw-value + markup + random 5
      set reservePriceStrawOffField farmer-straw-value + 0.5 * markup
      set askingPriceRoundBales5km farmer-straw-value + markup + random 5 + costsPressingRoundBales + costsHandlingRoundBales + costsTransportFixedRoundBales
      set reservePriceRoundBales5km farmer-straw-value + 0.5 * markup + costsPressingRoundBales + costsHandlingRoundBales + costsTransportFixedRoundBales
      set mySellingPriceRoundBales reservePriceRoundBales5km
      set mySellingPriceOffField reservePriceStrawOffField
    if farmSystem = "biodynamic"
      set strawHumusValue strawHumusValueBiodynamic
      let farmer-straw-value strawHumusValue + strawNutrientValue
      set markup 0.5 * farmer-straw-value
      set askingPriceStrawOffField farmer-straw-value + markup + random 5
      set reservePriceStrawOffField farmer-straw-value + 0.5 * markup
      set askingPriceRoundBales5km farmer-straw-value + markup + random 5 + costsPressingRoundBales + costsHandlingRoundBales + costsTransportFixedRoundBales
      set reservePriceRoundBales5km farmer-straw-value + 0.5 * markup + costsPressingRoundBales + costsHandlingRoundBales + costsTransportFixedRoundBales
      set mySellingPriceRoundBales reservePriceRoundBales5km
      set mySellingPriceOffField reservePriceStrawOffField

  ;; setup-local-users

    create-localUsers numberTraditionalAgents
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "person"
    set size 0.5
    set color 95
    set marketAgentType "buyer"
    set farmerMates nobody
    set feedstockDemand totalDemandTraditionalUsers / numberTraditionalAgents
    set requiredFeedstockBidding feedstockDemand
    set sourcingRadius ( 15 / scale)                                  ;; assumption sourcing radius of 15 km
    ;set priceOffer 40 + random 20                                    ;; Own assumption
    set reservePrice 150                                              ;; Own assumption

  ; Create links


    ask farmers with [farmType = "arable farm" or farmType = "mixed farm"]
    create-relationships-with localUsers in-radius (5 / scale)        ;; 5 km radius
      set color blue
      set trust random 3

    set strawMates [other-end] of my-relationships               ;; lists of straw mates

  ask localUsers
    if any? my-relationships
      set farmerMates [other-end] of my-relationships            ;; lists of farmer mates

  ; Create patches
    ask patches
    set pcolor white


;;;;;;; setup sub-procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;

to-report farm-type-distribution

  ;; only arable or mixed farms are considered

  let output ""

  let a random-float (shareArableFarms + shareMixedFarms)

  ifelse a <= shareArableFarms
    set output "arable farm"
    set output "mixed farm"

  report output

to-report acreage-per-farm-size [farm-type]

  let land-use-farms 0
  let number-of-farms 0

  if farm-type = "arable farm"
    set land-use-farms landUseWheat * (shareLandUseArableFarms / (shareLandUseArableFarms + shareLandUseMixedFarms))
    set number-of-farms count farmers with [farmType = "arable farm"]
  if farm-type = "mixed farm"
    set land-use-farms landUseWheat * (shareLandUseMixedFarms / (shareLandUseArableFarms + shareLandUseMixedFarms))
    set number-of-farms count farmers with [farmType = "mixed farm"]

  let average-land-per-farm-agent 0

  ;; number farms per size category
  let farms-5to10 round number-of-farms * shareFarms5to10ha
  let farms-10to20 round number-of-farms * shareFarms10to20ha
  let farms-20to50 round number-of-farms * shareFarms20to50ha
  let farms-50to100 round number-of-farms * shareFarms50to100ha
  let farms-100to200 round number-of-farms * shareFarms100to200ha
  let farms-200+ round number-of-farms * shareFarms200ha+

  ;; average land per size category
  let land-5to10 land-use-farms * shareLandUseFarms5to10ha
  let land-10to20 land-use-farms * shareLandUseFarms10to20ha
  let land-20to50 land-use-farms * shareLandUseFarms20to50ha
  let land-50to100 land-use-farms * shareLandUseFarms50to100ha
  let land-100to200 land-use-farms * shareLandUseFarms100to200ha
  let land-200+ land-use-farms * shareLandUseFarms200ha+

  let a random-float (0.17 + 0.22 + 0.27 + 0.21 + 0.07 + 0.01)         ;; values = shareFarms... parameters

  ifelse a <= 0.17
    set average-land-per-farm-agent (land-5to10 / farms-5to10 )
    ifelse a > 0.17 and a <= (0.17 + 0.22)
      set average-land-per-farm-agent (land-10to20 / farms-10to20 )
      ifelse a > (0.17 + 0.22) and a <= (0.17 + 0.22 + 0.27)
        set average-land-per-farm-agent (land-20to50 / farms-20to50 )
        ifelse a > (0.17 + 0.22 + 0.27)  and a <= (0.17 + 0.22 + 0.27 + 0.21)
          set average-land-per-farm-agent (land-50to100 / farms-50to100 )
          ifelse a > (0.17 + 0.22 + 0.27 + 0.21)  and a <= (0.17 + 0.22 + 0.27 + 0.21 + 0.07)
            set average-land-per-farm-agent (land-100to200 / farms-100to200 )
            if a <= (0.17 + 0.22 + 0.27 + 0.21 + 0.07 + 0.01)

              set average-land-per-farm-agent (land-200+ / farms-200+ )

  report average-land-per-farm-agent

to setup-model-region-parameters

;  set numberOfFarms 5455
;  set landUseWheat 50000

  ;; 2007 regional data collection
  set shareArableFarms 27
  set shareMixedFarms 20
  set shareMixedLivestockFarms 6
  set shareGrazingLivestockFarms 35

  ;; 2007 regional data colelction, share of total arable land
  set shareLandUseArableFarms 0.29
  set shareLandUseMixedFarms 0.26
  set shareLandUseMixedLivestockFarms 0.07
  set shareLandUseGrazingLivestockFarms 0.26

  ;; 2010 regional data collection
  set shareFarms5to10ha 0.17
  set shareFarms10to20ha 0.22
  set shareFarms20to50ha 0.27
  set shareFarms50to100ha 0.21
  set shareFarms100to200ha 0.07
  set shareFarms200ha+ 0.01

  set shareLandUseFarms5to10ha 0.03
  set shareLandUseFarms10to20ha 0.08
  set shareLandUseFarms20to50ha 0.21
  set shareLandUseFarms50to100ha 0.34
  set shareLandUseFarms100to200ha 0.23
  set shareLandUseFarms200ha+ 0.11

to-report size-independent-farm-system-attribution

  let farm-system ""

  let a random-float 1

  ifelse a <= (shareMulchFarmers / 100)
    set farm-system "biodynamic"
    set color green
    ifelse a > (shareMulchFarmers / 100) and a <= ((shareMulchFarmers / 100) + (shareIntegratedFarmers / 100))
      set farm-system "integrated"
      set color orange
      set farm-system "conventional"
      set color brown

  report farm-system

;;;;;;;;;;;; ONE YEAR ;;;;;;;;;;;

to go-once

  If ticks = 15 [stop]                             ;;  ( 1 tick = 1 year)


  ;updates / new year

    ask farmers
    set turnover 0
    set profit 0
    set numberRequestsEtOH 0
    set numberRequestsLocalUsers 0
    set liquidManureUse 0
    set estimatedStrawForSoil 0
    set strawSold 0
    set strawForSoil 0
    set strawForLivestock 0

  if ticks > yearEtOHEntry
    if EtOHMarketPriceScenario = "stable"
      set bioethanolMarketPrice bioethanolMarketPrice    ;; [€/t]  .... 31 €/GJ or 650 €/m^3 or 822 €/t ... assumption from Zech et al. (2016)
    if EtOHMarketPriceScenario = "increasing"
      set bioethanolMarketPrice bioethanolMarketPrice * 1.02
    if EtOHMarketPriceScenario = "decreasing"
      set bioethanolMArketPrice bioethanolMarketPrice * 0.98

    set bioethanolMArketPrice precision bioethanolMArketPrice 0

  ask farmers
    ifelse manualHumusBalanceSetting = false
      set humusSoilBalance humusSoilBalance + net-humus-balance-per-ha-and-year-from cropRotation

      set humusSoilBalance humusBalanceFromCropRotation
;    print "humus soil balance new year"
;    show humusSoilBalance

    if ticks = yearEtOHEntry                                       ;; energy producers enters the market in year 5 (tick = 5), if scenario is chosen
    if EtOHPlantScenario = true
      create-EtOHPlantOperators EtOHplantsNumber
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "wheel"
    set size 1.5
    set color green
    set marketAgentType "buyer"
    set moneyBalance 0

    ;;production variables
    set capacity capacityEtOHPlant                                                                          ;; [MW]
    set operatingHours 7500                                                                                 ;; [h]
    set efficiency 0.24                                                                                     ;; conversion efficiency (Weiser et al. 2014)
    set yieldEtOH  0.25                                                                                     ;; [t,EtOH/t,straw]   Weiser et al.  yield = 0,135 according to own calculations
    set productionCostsEtOH precision (uniform-distribution-floating 450 550) 0                                           ;; [€/tonne EtOH] ... Estimation based on Inbicon / Zech et al., (2016)
    set markup productionCostsEtOH * 0.3                                                                    ;; [€/t]     markup of 30%
    set feedstockDemand ( capacity * operatingHours * efficiency / heatValueEtOH ) * (1 / yieldEtOH)        ;; [t]  required straw
    set feedstockDemand feedstockDemand * 0.5
    set feedstockDemand precision feedstockDemand 0

    ;; straw procurement costs
    set costsPressingSquaredBales 20                 ;; [€/t], 17,0 - 22,1 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsHandlingSquaredBales 11                 ;; [€/t], 10,2 - 12,3 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsTransportFixedSquaredBales 9            ;; [€/t], 8,0 - 10,0 €/t incl. 5 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsTransportVariableSquaredBales 0.3       ;; [€/tkm], 0,29 - 0,38 , 5 to 10 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS

    ;; straw procurement variables
    set sourcingRadius (50 / scale)                                                                         ;; [km] (Weiser et al., 2014)
    set priceOffer priceOfferEtOH
    set expectingSalesPriceEtOH bioethanolMarketPrice           ;; operator calculates with market price from last year
    let average-transport-cost-assumption precision (costsTransportFixedSquaredBales + (50 / scale) * costsTransportVariableSquaredBales) 0       ;; assuming transport distance of 50 km
    set reservePrice precision (expectingSalesPriceEtOH - productionCostsEtOH - markup - average-transport-cost-assumption) 0


  ;buyer preparations

  ;checking-contracts procedure
    ask contracts
    ifelse contractLength <= 1
      set contractLength contractLength - 1

  ;update-feedstock-demand procedure
    ask EtOHplantOperators
    let maximum-feedstock-demand ( capacity * operatingHours * efficiency / heatValueEtOH ) * (1 / yieldEtOH)

    set feedstockDemand feedstockDemand * 1.2
    if feedstockDemand >= maximum-feedstock-demand
      set feedstockDemand maximum-feedstock-demand

    print "EtOH feedstockDemand"
    show feedstockDemand

  ;update-procurement-variables proceudre
  ask etohplantoperators
    set expectingSalesPriceEtOH bioethanolMarketPrice
    let average-transport-cost-assumption precision (costsTransportFixedSquaredBales + (50 / scale) * costsTransportVariableSquaredBales) 0
    set reservePrice precision (expectingSalesPriceEtOH - productionCostsEtOH - markup - average-transport-cost-assumption) 0
    if reservePrice <= 0
      set reservePrice 0

    if priceOffer > reservePrice
      set priceOffer reservePrice

  ;farmer preparations

  ;estimating-straw-yield procedure
  ask farmers
    set estimatedStrawYield (wheatYieldExpectation * grainStrawRatio)
    set estimatedNonHarvestableStraw  estimatedStrawYield * (1 - strawHarvestFactor)
    set estimatedStrawPotential (estimatedStrawYield - estimatedNonHarvestableStraw) * acreageWheat

  ask farmers
    set estimatedhumusSoilBalance humusSoilBalance
;    print "estimatedhumusSoilBalance"
;    show estimatedhumusSoilBalance

    set estimatedhumusSoilBalance estimatedhumusSoilBalance + humus-supply-from-straw estimatedNonHarvestableStraw
;    print "estimatedhumusSoilBalance after considering non harvestable straw"
;    show estimatedhumusSoilBalance

    set humusDemandPerHa humus-demand-calculation-per-ha farmSystem estimatedhumusSoilBalance                         ;; [t humus-C / ha]

;    print "farmSystem"
;    show farmSystem
;    print "humusDemandPerHa after humus balance calculation"
;    show humusDemandPerHa

  ;determining-humus-supply procedure
  ask farmers
    if humusDemandPerHa > 0
    ;; if farmer has humus deficit
    ;; farmer determines most cost-beneficial option for humus supply
      let total-humus-demand acreageWheat * humusDemandPerHa
;            print "total humus demand"
;            show total-humus-demand

      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MIXED FARMS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;

      if liveStock = true
      ;; options are to use straw
      ;; or use land in humus beneficial way (intertillage, leave as uncultivated land, perennial field forage)
      ;; or use organic material available from livestock
      ;; or purchase other organic material, i.e. compost low in nutrients
        if farmSystem = "conventional" or farmSystem = "integrated"
          ;; conventional farms with high livestock intensity will maximize use of liquid manure and are willing to give up straw (nutrient pressure)

          ;; quantity needed
          let liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha liquid-manure-for-humus-demand "pig" humusDemandPerHa
          ;; DüngV (max N supply per year = 170 kg N/ha)
          let N-supply-from-pig-liquid-manure-per-ha N-supply-from "pig" liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha
          ;; if manure supply surpasses 170 kg/ha boundary
          let complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option 0
          let remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option 0
          if N-supply-from-pig-liquid-manure-per-ha > 170
            set liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha allowable-liquid-manure-per-ha "pig"
            set remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option humusDemandPerHa - (liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig)
;                    print "remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option"
;                    show remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option
            set complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option / reproductionCoefficientStraw
;                    print "complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option"
;                    show complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option

          let total-liquid-pig-manure-use liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * acreageWheat
          let total-complementary-straw-use-pig-option complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option * acreageWheat
          set estimatedstrawForSoil total-complementary-straw-use-pig-option
;          print "estimatedstrawForSoil after animal manure consideration for mixed farm"
;          show estimatedstrawForSoil

          set liquidManureUse total-liquid-pig-manure-use
;          print "liquidManureUse after animal manure consideration for mixed farm"
;          show liquidManureUse

          let straw-for-soil-per-ha estimatedstrawForSoil / acreageWheat

          set estimatedhumusSoilBalance estimatedhumusSoilBalance + (liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig) + humus-supply-from-straw complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option
;          print "estimatedhumusSoilBalance after animal manure consideration for mixed farm"
;          show estimatedhumusSoilBalance

        if farmSystem = "biodynamic"
        ;; probably use solid manure  from satbles for fields...
          let straw-for-soil-per-ha humusDemandPerHa / reproductionCoefficientStraw
          set estimatedStrawForSoil straw-for-soil-per-ha * acreageWheat


      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ARABLE FARMS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;

      if farmType = "arable farm"
      ;; options are to use straw,
      ;; (or use land in humus beneficial way (intertillage, leave as uncultivated land, perennial field forage))
      ;; or purchase organic material, most likely liquiid manure
        ;; OPTION: STRAW
        ;; quantity needed
        let straw-required-straw-option straw-for-humus-demand total-humus-demand
        ;; costs of straw use
        let costs-straw-use straw-opportunity-cost-calculation straw-required-straw-option

        ;; quantity needed
        let liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha liquid-manure-for-humus-demand "pig" humusDemandPerHa
        ;; DüngV (max N supply per year = 170 kg N/ha)
        let N-supply-from-pig-liquid-manure-per-ha N-supply-from "pig" liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha
        ;; if manure supply surpasses 170 kg/ha boundary
        let complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option 0
        let remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option 0
        if N-supply-from-pig-liquid-manure-per-ha > 170
          set liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha allowable-liquid-manure-per-ha "pig"
          set remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option humusDemandPerHa - (liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig)
;                  print "remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option"
;                  show remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option
          set complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option (remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option / reproductionCoefficientStraw)
;                  print "complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option"
;                  show complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option


        let total-liquid-pig-manure-use liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * acreageWheat
        let total-complementary-straw-use-pig-option complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option * acreageWheat

        ;; costs of pig manure use
        let costs-pig-manure-use liquid-manure-cost-calculation "pig" total-liquid-pig-manure-use

        ;        ;; quantity needed
        ;        let liquid-manure-required-cattle liquid-manure-for-humus-demand "cattle" humus-demand
        ;        ;; ?? restrictions on quantity?? (phosphor, nitrate,...)
        ;        ;; costs of cattle manure use
        ;        let costs-cattle-manure-use liquid-manure-cost-calculation "cattle" liquid-manure-required-cattle


        let my-choice min (list costs-straw-use costs-pig-manure-use) ; costs-cattle-manure-use)

        ;; based on humus supply plan determination of potential straw for sale
        if my-choice = costs-straw-use
          set estimatedStrawForSoil straw-required-straw-option
;          print "estimatedStrawForSoil after choosing straw for humus supply by arable farm"
;          show estimatedStrawForSoil

          set estimatedhumusSoilBalance estimatedhumusSoilBalance + humus-supply-from-straw estimatedStrawForSoil
;          print "estimatedhumusSoilBalance after choosing straw as humus supply by arable farm"
;          show estimatedhumusSoilBalance


        if my-choice = costs-pig-manure-use
          set liquidManureUse total-liquid-pig-manure-use
;          print "liquidManureUse after choosing liquid manure use to substitute straw by arable farmer"
;          show liquidManureUse
          set estimatedStrawForSoil total-complementary-straw-use-pig-option
;          print "estimatedStrawForSoil after choosing liquid manure use to substitute straw by arable farmer"
;          show estimatedStrawForSoil
          let straw-for-soil-per-ha estimatedStrawForSoil / acreageWheat
          ;set profit profit - costs-pig-manure-use
;          print "profit"
;          show profit
          set estimatedhumusSoilBalance estimatedhumusSoilBalance + (liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig) + humus-supply-from-straw straw-for-soil-per-ha
;          print "estimatedhumusSoilBalance after choosing liquid manure use to substitute straw by arable farmer"
;          show estimatedhumusSoilBalance

  ask farmers
    ;; straw for livestock
    if livestock = TRUE
      ;; farms with livestock

      ;; (This is where I can incorporate if straw price passes threshold that makes it more cost-beneficial to use alternative source!)

      if farmSystem = "conventional"
        ;; assumption 15% straw need for animal husbandry assuming stables are mostly not litter based
        set estimatedStrawForLivestock estimatedStrawPotential * shareStrawForLivestockConventionalFarm

      if farmSystem = "integrated"
      ;; assuming integrated and biodynamic farms have more straw based stable systems and therefore use more straw for own purposes
        set estimatedStrawForLivestock estimatedStrawPotential * shareStrawForLiveStockIntegratedFarm

      ;; ecofarms that grow wheat and have livestock are assumed to keep all straw for on farm purposes
      if farmSystem = "biodynamic"
        set estimatedStrawForLivestock estimatedStrawPotential * shareStrawForLiveStockBiodynamicFarm

    ;; straw for soil (determined in previous procedure)

    ;; straw for sale

    ifelse farmSystem = "biodynamic"
      set potentialStrawForSale 0
      ifelse askingPriceRoundBales5km > beddingSubstitutionPrice
        let risk-margin 0.1
        set potentialStrawForSale ((1 - risk-margin) * estimatedStrawPotential) - estimatedStrawForSoil - estimatedStrawForLivestock * 0.2
        if potentialStrawForSale < 0
          set potentialStrawForSale 0
        let risk-margin 0.1
        set potentialStrawForSale ((1 - risk-margin) * estimatedStrawPotential) - estimatedStrawForSoil - estimatedStrawForLivestock
        if potentialStrawForSale < 0
          set potentialStrawForSale 0

  ;negotiations/straw trade
  ;straw-procurement procedure
  ;; local users are price takers
  ;; etoh plant makes price offers

  ;; buyers in the market
  let buyers turtles with [marketAgentType = "buyer" and feedstockDemand > 0]

  ;; buyers feedstock demand
  ask buyers
    let my-list initialisation-bidding-mechanism-buyers feedstockDemand

    set storedFeedstockBidding item 0 my-list
    set requiredFeedstockBidding item 1 my-list
    ;show my-list

    set biddingStatus "feedstock demand"

  ;; etoh plant starting price offer
  ask etohPlantOperators
    set priceOfferBidding priceOffer

  ;; straw available to market from farmers

   ;; potential sellers in the market
  let potential-sellers farmers with [potentialStrawForSale > 0]

  ask potential-sellers
    set strawAvailabilityBidding potentialStrawForSale


    any? potential-sellers with [ strawAvailabilityBidding > 0 ] and
    any? buyers with [ requiredFeedstockBidding > 0 ] and
    ;not any? etohplantoperators with [priceOfferBidding > reservePrice] and
    any? buyers with [biddingStatus != "switch to alternative" ]

    ;;;; Buyer requests/offers ;;;;

    ask localUsers
      if requiredFeedstockBidding > 0 and biddingStatus != "switch to alternative"

    ask etohPlantOperators
      if requiredFeedstockBidding > 0

    ;;;; Farmer responses ;;;;
    ask farmers
      ;show timer

    ;;;; Buyer responses ;;;;

    ask buyers
      ;show timer

    ;show timer

  ;; after straw negotiations are finished

;  ask farmers
;  [
;    print "straw account after straw procurement procedure"
;    show strawAccount
;  ]

  ;harvest, transport
  ;; global wheat yield area
  set globalWheatYield random-normal 8.5 0.5              ;; [t/ha] , Model region showed wheat yields between 7 and 9 t/ha over the last 15 years (

  ;; individual wheat yield farmer
  ;; in current model setup, soil quality has direct impact on wheat yield
  ask farmers
    set actualWheatYield globalWheatYield * soilQuality
    set wheatYieldExpectation actualWheatYield

    ask farmers
    set theoreticalStrawPotential (acreageWheat * actualWheatYield * grainStrawRatio)
    set actualStrawYield (actualWheatYield * grainStrawRatio)                                         ;; grain straw ratio varies for instance due to weather or different crop types, machinery used...
    set actualStrawPotential actualStrawYield * strawHarvestFactor * acreageWheat
    set actualNonHarvestableStraw actualStrawYield * (1 - strawHarvestFactor)

  ask farmers
    set strawSold sum [quantity] of my-contracts

    set strawAccount strawAccount + actualStrawPotential
;    print "strawAccount after contract fullfillment"
;    show strawAccount
    set strawAccount strawAccount - estimatedStrawForSoil - estimatedStrawForLivestock

    set strawForSoil  estimatedStrawForSoil + actualNonHarvestableStraw

    ifelse askingPriceRoundBales5km > beddingSubstitutionPrice
      ifelse strawAvailabilityBidding > estimatedStrawForLivestock
        set strawForLivestock estimatedStrawForLivestock
        set strawForLivestock estimatedStrawForLivestock * 0.2 + strawAvailabilityBidding
      set strawForLivestock estimatedStrawForLivestock

  ask farmers
    ; humus supply from non harvestable straw
    set humusSoilBalance humusSoilBalance + humus-supply-from-straw actualNonHarvestableStraw

;    print "humus balance after considering actual non harvestable straw"
;    show humusSoilBalance

    ;;humus from dedicated straw
    set humusSoilBalance humusSoilBalance + (estimatedStrawForSoil / acreageWheat) * reproductionCoefficientStraw

;    print "humus balance after considering dedicated straw for soil"
;    show humusSoilBalance

    ;; humus from manure
    set humusSoilBalance humussoilBalance + (liquidManureUse / acreageWheat) * reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig

;    print "humusSoilBalance after considering humus from liquid manure"
;    show humusSoilBalance
  ;season evaluation
    ask farmers
    ifelse humusSoilBalance < 0
    ; negative humus balance has impact on soil quality, which has impact on yields.
      set soilQuality soilQuality * soilImpactFactor                 ;; simple model assumption: negative humus balance has direct negative impact on soil quality
      set soilQuality soilQuality * soilRecoveryFactor                 ;; simple model assumption: positive humus balance has direct positive impact on soil qualtiy

    if soilQuality >= 1
      set soilQuality 1
  ;etoh-profit-calculation proc
    ask ETOHPlantOperators
    ;let actual-operating-hours operatingHours
    ;let actual-efficiency efficiency
    ;let conversion-mwh-t 7.42                    ;;[MWh/t]

    let feedstockAvailability storedFeedstockBidding
    let output feedstockAvailability / yieldEtOH
    let my-turnover output * bioethanolMarketPrice
    set moneyBalance moneyBalance + my-turnover
    set moneyBalance precision moneyBalance 0

    let my-expenses sum [totalCostsBuyer] of my-contracts

    set profit my-turnover - my-expenses
    set profit precision profit 0
    ;print "profit"
    ;show profit

  ;market-reactions-of-agents proc
    ask localUsers
    if any? my-contracts
      set averageStrawBuyingPrice precision (mean [priceTon] of my-contracts) 0

  ask EtOHPlantOperators
    if any? my-contracts
      set averageStrawBuyingPrice precision (mean [priceTon] of my-contracts) 1
      set averageStrawProcurementCosts precision (mean [(totalCostsBuyer / quantity)] of my-contracts) 1

    ifelse feedstockDemand - storedFeedstockBidding > 0
      set priceOffer priceOffer * 1.2
      if priceOffer >= reservePrice
        set priceOffer reservePrice
      set priceOffer priceOffer * 0.9

    set priceOffer precision priceOffer 1

  ask farmers
    ifelse any? my-contracts
      ;; inventory selling prices and quantities at tend of year
      if any? my-contracts with [demandType = "round bales"]
        set mySellingPriceRoundBales precision (mean [priceTon] of my-contracts with [demandType = "round bales"]) 1
        set mySellingQuantityRoundBales precision (sum [quantity] of my-contracts with [demandType = "round bales"]) 1
        set averageTransportDistanceRoundBales precision (mean [link-length * 5] of my-contracts with [demandType = "round bales"]) 1

      if any? my-contracts with [demandType = "off field"]
        set mySellingPriceOffField precision (mean [priceTon] of my-contracts with [demandType = "off field"]) 1
        set mySellingQuantityOffField precision (sum [quantity] of my-contracts with [demandType = "off field"]) 1

      ifelse strawAvailabilityBidding <= 0
        set askingPriceRoundBales5km precision (askingPriceRoundBales5km * 1.1) 1
        set askingPriceStrawOffField precision (askingPriceStrawOffField * 1.1) 1
        ifelse strawAvailabilityBidding > 0.5 * potentialStrawForSale
          set askingPriceRoundBales5km askingPriceRoundBales5km * 0.7
          set askingPriceStrawOffField askingPriceStrawOffField * 0.7

          if askingPriceRoundBales5km <= reservePriceRoundBales5km
            set askingPriceRoundBales5km reservePriceRoundBales5km

          if askingPriceStrawOffField <= reservePriceStrawOffField
            set askingPriceStrawOffField reservePriceStrawOffField

          ifelse strawAvailabilityBidding > 0.3 * potentialStrawForSale
            set askingPriceRoundBales5km precision (askingPriceRoundBales5km * 0.8) 1
            set askingPriceStrawOffField precision (askingPriceStrawOffField * 0.8) 1

            if askingPriceRoundBales5km <= reservePriceRoundBales5km
              set askingPriceRoundBales5km reservePriceRoundBales5km

            if askingPriceStrawOffField <= reservePriceStrawOffField
              set askingPriceStrawOffField reservePriceStrawOffField
            if strawAvailabilityBidding > 0.15 * potentialStrawForSale
              set askingPriceRoundBales5km precision (askingPriceRoundBales5km * 0.9) 1
              set askingPriceStrawOffField precision (askingPriceStrawOffField * 0.9) 1
              if askingPriceRoundBales5km <= reservePriceRoundBales5km
                set askingPriceRoundBales5km reservePriceRoundBales5km

              if askingPriceStrawOffField <= reservePriceStrawOffField
                set askingPriceStrawOffField reservePriceStrawOffField
      set askingPriceRoundBales5km precision (askingPriceRoundBales5km * 0.7) 1
      set askingPriceStrawOffField precision (askingPriceStrawOffField * 0.7) 1
      if askingPriceRoundBales5km <= reservePriceRoundBales5km
        set askingPriceRoundBales5km reservePriceRoundBales5km

      if askingPriceStrawOffField <= reservePriceStrawOffField
        set askingPriceStrawOffField reservePriceStrawOffField
  ;;season-reactions procedure

  ask farmers
    if actualWheatYield < globalWheatYield * 0.85
      set yieldAlert true

    if actualWheatYield >= globalWheatYield * 0.95 and soilQuality >= 1
      set yieldAlert false

;;;;;;;;;;; sub-procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;

to local-users-requests


  ;; potential sellers in area
  let my-potential-sellers potential-sellers in-radius sourcingRadius

  ;; only farmers with whom I do not have a contract with yet
  set my-potential-sellers my-potential-sellers with [ contract-with myself = nobody ]

  ; Make sure there are farmers
  ifelse any? my-potential-sellers
    let my-buyer self

    ask my-potential-sellers
      ; Identify themselves
      let my-seller self

      ask my-buyer
          let request-volume requiredFeedstockBidding                                               ;; [t]

          ; Create link "REQUEST" to my-seller
          create-request-to my-seller
            set demandType "round bales"
            set quantity request-volume
            ;show quantity

  ; else not any? my-feedstock-producers
    set biddingStatus "No straw suppliers in area"
    set sourcingRadius sourcingRadius + 5 / scale                           ;; buyers increase sourcing radius by 5 km

to etoh-requests
    potential-sellers                    ; [farmers]
    required-feedstock-bidding           ; [t]
    stored-feedstock-bidding             ; [t]

  ;; potential sellers in area
  let my-potential-sellers potential-sellers in-radius sourcingRadius

  ;; only farmers with whom I do not have a contract with yet
  set my-potential-sellers my-potential-sellers with [ contract-with myself = nobody ]

  set my-potential-sellers my-potential-sellers with [ strawAvailabilityBidding > 0 ]

  ; Make sure there are farmers
  ifelse any? my-potential-sellers
      let my-buyer self

      ask my-potential-sellers
        ; Identify themselves
        let my-seller self

        ask my-buyer
            ;; determination price --> price offer independent from transport costs or anything. Pre-determined. Has to have adaptation rule from year to year.
            let price-bidding priceOfferBidding

            ; Create link "REQUEST" to my-seller
            create-request-to my-seller
              set demandType "off field"
              set priceTon price-bidding
              set quantity required-feedstock-bidding

  ; else not any? my-feedstock-producers
    set biddingStatus "No straw suppliers in area"
    set sourcingRadius sourcingRadius + 5 / scale                           ;; buyers increase sourcing radius by 5 km

to friend-offers

  ;; offers to straw mates if requests from friends in network and straw availability
  let my-straw-mates localUsers with [relationship-with myself != nobody ]

  if any? my-straw-mates
    set my-straw-mates localUsers with [relationship-with myself != nobody ]

    let my-friend-requests my-in-requests with [member? other-end my-straw-mates]
    set numberRequestsLocalUsers numberRequestsLocalUsers + count my-friend-requests

    if any? my-friend-requests
      if strawAvailabilityBidding > 0
        let straw-for-friends strawAvailabilityBidding

          any? my-friend-requests and
          straw-for-friends > 0

          let my-friend-buyers my-straw-mates with [request-with myself != nobody]
          ;print "my-friend-buyers"
          ;show my-friend-buyers

          let my-buyer-relationships my-relationships with [member? other-end my-friend-buyers]
          ;print "my-buyer-relationships"
          ;show my-buyer-relationships

          let my-best-buyer-relationship max-one-of my-buyer-relationships [trust]
          let my-best-buyer [other-end] of my-best-buyer-relationship
          let request-best-buyer in-request-from my-best-buyer

          ;print "my-best-buyer"
          ;show [who] of my-best-buyer

          ;print "request-best-buyer"
          ;show request-best-buyer

          ;; determining size of offer
          let volume-offer 0
          let straw-demand-best-buyer [quantity] of request-best-buyer
          let straw-availability straw-for-friends

          ifelse straw-demand-best-buyer > straw-availability
            set volume-offer straw-availability
            set volume-offer straw-demand-best-buyer

          let price-ton askingPriceRoundBales5km

          create-offer-to my-best-buyer
            set demandType [demandType] of request-best-buyer
            set quantity volume-offer
            set priceTon price-ton
            set priceTotal quantity * priceTon

          let my-offer out-offer-to my-best-buyer
          ;print "my-offer"
          ;show my-offer

          set straw-for-friends straw-for-friends - [quantity] of my-offer

          ask request-best-buyer

to response-to-other-offers


  if strawAvailabilityBidding > 0
    if any? my-in-requests
      let my-requests my-in-requests

      ;;;; profit calculation etoh request ;;;;

      let total-profit-from-etoh-request 0

      if any? my-requests with [demandType = "off field"]
        let my-off-field-requests my-in-requests with [demandType = "off field"]               ;; request from etoh plant (=1)
        let my-request max-one-of my-off-field-requests [priceTon]
        let my-etoh-buyer [other-end] of my-request
        ;; calculating profit from etoh request
        let profit-from-etoh-request 0
        let price-offer [priceTon] of my-request             ;; [€/t]

        let my-costs reservePriceStrawOffField                                                 ;; [€/t]

        set profit-from-etoh-request price-offer - my-costs                     ;; [€/t]

        let quantity-etoh-request [quantity] of my-request

        let straw-volume 0

        ifelse quantity-etoh-request >= strawAvailabilityBidding
          set straw-volume strawAvailabilityBidding
          set straw-volume quantity-etoh-request

        set straw-volume precision straw-volume 0
        set profit-from-etoh-request precision profit-from-etoh-request 0

;        print "straw-volume"
;        show straw-volume
;        print "profit-from-etoh-request"
;        show profit-from-etoh-request

        set total-profit-from-etoh-request straw-volume * profit-from-etoh-request

      ;;;; expected profit from local user requests

      let expected-total-profit-from-local-requests 0

      if any? my-requests with [demandType = "round bales"]
        let my-round-bales-requests my-requests with [demandType = "round bales"]           ;; requests from all local users

        ;; calculating profit from local user requests
        let expected-profit askingPriceRoundBales5km - reservePriceRoundBales5km       ;; [€/t] , at the moment local users only make requests with straw quantity but not own price offers.

        let total-straw-volume-local-requests sum [quantity] of my-round-bales-requests
        ;print "total-straw-volume-local-requests"
        ;show total-straw-volume-local-requests

        ifelse total-straw-volume-local-requests >= strawAvailabilityBidding ;potentialStrawForSale
          set expected-total-profit-from-local-requests strawAvailabilityBidding * expected-profit  ;potentialStrawForSale
          set expected-total-profit-from-local-requests total-straw-volume-local-requests * expected-profit

      ;;;; selecting distribution channel with highest profit expectations

        ifelse expected-total-profit-from-local-requests >=  total-profit-from-etoh-request

  ;show timer

to make-local-user-offers

  ifelse strawAvailabilityBidding > 0
    if any? my-in-requests with [demandType = "round bales"]

      let my-requests-straw-round-bales my-in-requests with [demandType = "round bales"]
      set numberRequestsLocalUsers numberRequestsLocalUsers +  count my-requests-straw-round-bales

        any? my-requests-straw-round-bales

        let my-request one-of my-requests-straw-round-bales
        let my-potential-buyer nobody

        let distance-buyer 0

        ask my-request
          set my-potential-buyer other-end
          set distance-buyer link-length

        set distance-buyer distance-buyer * scale

        let my-price-offer 0

        ifelse distance-buyer > 5
          set my-price-offer askingPriceRoundBales5km + distance-buyer * costsTransportVariableRoundBales
          set my-price-offer askingPriceRoundBales5km

        create-offer-to my-potential-buyer
          set demandType "round bales"
          ;; price
          set priceTon my-price-offer                                           ; [€/t]
                                                                                ; determine the quantity of the offer
          ifelse [ quantity ] of my-request > [ strawAvailabilityBidding ] of myself
            set quantity [ strawAvailabilityBidding ] of myself                      ; [t]
            set quantity [ quantity ] of my-request                              ; [t]
          ;; price total
          set priceTotal priceTon * quantity                                ; [€]

        ask my-request
    ask my-in-requests

to make-etoh-offers

  ifelse strawAvailabilityBidding > 0
    if any? my-in-requests with [demandType = "off field"]
      let my-requests-straw-off-field my-in-requests with [demandType = "off field"]
      set numberRequestsEtOH numberRequestsEtOH + count my-requests-straw-off-field

      let off-field-asking-price askingPriceStrawOffField

      if any? my-requests-straw-off-field with [ priceTon >= off-field-asking-price ]
          let my-matching-requests-straw-off-field my-requests-straw-off-field with [ priceTon >= off-field-asking-price ]

            any? my-matching-requests-straw-off-field

            let my-request one-of my-matching-requests-straw-off-field
            let my-potential-buyer nobody

            ask my-request
              set my-potential-buyer other-end

            let my-price-offer [priceTon] of my-request

            create-offer-to my-potential-buyer
              set demandType [demandType] of my-request

              ;; price
              set priceTon my-price-offer                                                    ;; [€/t]
                                                                                             ;; determine the quantity of the offer
              ifelse [ quantity ] of my-request > [ strawAvailabilityBidding ] of myself
                set quantity [ strawAvailabilityBidding ] of myself                           ;; [t]
                set quantity [ quantity ] of my-request                                    ;; [t]
              ;; price total
              set priceTotal priceTon * quantity                                           ;; [€]

            ask my-request
    ask my-in-requests

;to make-offers [straw-availability]
;  ifelse any? my-in-requests
;    [
;      ;; if still straw available
;      ifelse strawAvailabilitybidding > 0
;      [
;        let my-seller self
;        let my-requests-straw-off-field my-in-requests with [demandType = "off field"]
;        let off-field-asking-price askingPriceStrawOffField
;        ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; straw off field ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;        ifelse any? my-requests-straw-off-field with [ priceTon >= off-field-asking-price ]
;        [
;          let my-matching-requests-straw-off-field my-requests-straw-off-field with [ priceTon >= off-field-asking-price ]
;          ;;loop
;          while
;          [
;            any? my-matching-requests-straw-off-field
;          ]
;          [
;            let my-request one-of my-matching-requests-straw-off-field
;            let my-potential-buyer nobody
;            ask my-request
;            [
;              set my-potential-buyer other-end
;            ]
;            let my-price-offer [priceTon] of my-request
;            create-offer-to my-potential-buyer
;            [
;              set demandType [demandType] of my-request
;              ;; price
;              set priceTon my-price-offer                                                    ;; [€/t]
;                                                                                             ;; determine the quantity of the offer
;              ifelse [ quantity ] of my-request > [ strawAvailabilityBidding ] of my-seller
;              [
;                set quantity [ strawAvailabilityBidding ] of my-seller                           ;; [t]
;              ]
;              [
;                set quantity [ quantity ] of my-request                                    ;; [t]
;              ]
;              ;; price total
;              set priceTotal priceTon * quantity                                           ;; [€]
;            ]
;            ask my-request
;            [
;              die
;            ]
;          ]
;        ]
;        ;; if price offer for straw off field is below asking price
;        [
;          while
;          [
;            any? my-requests-straw-off-field
;          ]
;          [
;            let my-request one-of my-requests-straw-off-field
;            let my-potential-buyer nobody
;            let my-price-offer askingPriceStrawOffField
;            ask my-request
;            [
;              set my-potential-buyer other-end
;            ]
;            create-offer-to my-potential-buyer
;            [
;              set demandType [demandType] of my-request
;              ;; price
;              set priceTon my-price-offer                                           ; [€/t]
;                                                                                    ; determine the quantity of the offer
;              ifelse [ quantity ] of my-request > [ strawAvailabilityBidding ] of my-seller
;              [
;                set quantity [ strawAvailabilityBidding ] of my-seller                       ; [t]
;              ]
;              [
;                set quantity [ quantity ] of my-request                              ; [t]
;              ]
;              ;; price total
;              set priceTotal priceTon * quantity                                ; [€]
;            ]
;            ask my-request
;            [
;              die
;            ]
;          ]
;        ]
;        ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; round bales ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;        let my-requests-straw-round-bales my-in-requests with [demandType = "round bales"]
;        while [ any? my-requests-straw-round-bales ]
;        [
;          let my-request one-of my-requests-straw-round-bales
;          let my-potential-buyer nobody
;          let distance-buyer 0
;          ask my-request
;          [
;            set my-potential-buyer other-end
;            set distance-buyer link-length
;          ]
;          set distance-buyer distance-buyer * scale
;          let my-price-offer 0
;          ifelse distance-buyer > 5
;          [
;            set my-price-offer askingPriceRoundBales5km + distance-buyer * costsTransportVariableRoundBales
;          ]
;          [
;            set my-price-offer askingPriceRoundBales5km
;          ]
;          create-offer-to my-potential-buyer
;          [
;            set demandType "round bales"
;            ;; price
;            set priceTon my-price-offer                                           ; [€/t]
;                                                                                  ; determine the quantity of the offer
;            ifelse [ quantity ] of my-request > [ strawAvailabilityBidding ] of my-seller
;            [
;              set quantity [ strawAvailabilityBidding ] of my-seller                       ; [t]
;            ]
;            [
;              set quantity [ quantity ] of my-request                              ; [t]
;            ]
;            ;; price total
;            set priceTotal priceTon * quantity                                ; [€]
;          ]
;          ask my-request
;          [
;            die
;          ]
;        ]
;      ]
;      [
;        set biddingStatus "out of stock"
;        ask my-in-requests
;        [
;          die
;        ]
;      ]
;  ]
;  [
;    set biddingStatus "no requests"
;  ]

;; request procedures

;; buyer reaction procedure(s)

to accept/refuse-offers

  let my-buyer self

  ifelse requiredFeedstockBidding > 0
    ifelse any? my-in-offers
      ifelse any? my-in-offers with [ priceTon < [reservePrice] of myself]
        ;; select offers that are below reserve price
        let my-acceptable-offers my-in-offers with [ priceTon < [reservePrice] of myself]

        ;;select best offer
        let my-best-offer nobody

        ifelse [breed] of my-buyer = localUsers
          set my-best-offer min-one-of my-acceptable-offers [ priceTon ]
          set my-best-offer min-one-of my-acceptable-offers [ priceTon + link-length ]

        ;; identify seller
        let my-seller nobody

        ask my-best-offer
          set my-seller other-end

        ;; transport cost calculaton
        let transport-costs-fixed 0
        let transport-costs-variable 0

        if [demandType] of my-best-offer = "off field"
          set transport-costs-fixed costsTransportFixedSquaredBales
          set transport-costs-variable costsTransportVariableSquaredBales

        ;;create contract with my-seller
        ifelse [strawAvailabilityBidding] of my-seller > 0

          let a count my-contracts
          let revenue-seller 0
          let profit-seller 0
          let costs-buyer 0

          create-contract-with my-seller
            set color red
            set demandType [demandType] of my-best-offer

            ifelse [strawAvailabilityBidding] of my-seller >= [ quantity ] of my-best-offer
              set quantity [quantity] of my-best-offer
              set quantity [strawAvailabilityBidding] of my-seller
            set priceTon [priceTon] of my-best-offer

            set priceTotal priceTon * quantity

            ifelse [breed] of my-buyer = etohPLantOperators
              set transportCostsPerTon (link-length * scale * ([costsTransportVariableSquaredBales] of my-buyer) + [costsTransportFixedSquaredBales] of my-buyer )
              set totalCostsBuyer priceTotal + (transportCostsPerTon + [costsPressingSquaredBales + costsHandlingSquaredBales] of my-buyer) * quantity
              set contractLength 1
              set totalCostsBuyer priceTotal
              set contractLength 1

            set contractNumber a + 1
            set revenue-seller priceTotal
            set costs-buyer totalCostsBuyer

          let my-contract contract-with my-seller

          ;update buyer feedstock status variables and money balance
          set storedFeedstockBidding storedFeedstockBidding + [quantity] of my-contract
          set requiredFeedstockBidding requiredFeedstockBidding - [quantity] of my-contract
          if storedFeedstockBidding >= feedstockDemand
            set requiredFeedstockBidding 0
            set biddingStatus "feedstock demand met"

          set moneyBalance moneyBalance - costs-buyer

          ;update seller monetary status and feedstock status
          ask my-seller
            set moneyBalance moneyBalance + revenue-seller
            set turnover turnover + revenue-seller

            let contract-costs-seller 0
            let production-costs-round-bales costsPressingRoundBales + costsHandlingRoundBales + strawHumusValue + strawNutrientValue + costsTransportFixedRoundBales
            let production-costs-off-field strawHumusValue + strawNutrientValue
            if [demandType] of my-contract = "off field"
              set contract-costs-seller ([quantity] of my-contract) *  production-costs-off-field

            if [demandType] of my-contract = "round bales"
              ifelse [link-length] of my-contract > 5 / scale
                let production-costs costsPressingRoundBales + costsHandlingRoundBales + strawHumusValue + strawNutrientValue + costsTransportFixedRoundBales
                set contract-costs-seller ([quantity] of my-contract) * (production-costs + costsTransportVariableRoundBales * ([link-length] of my-contract - ( 5 / scale)))
                set contract-costs-seller ([quantity] of my-contract) * (production-costs-round-bales)

            set profit-seller revenue-seller - contract-costs-seller

;            print "revenue-seller"
;            show revenue-seller
;            print "contract-costs-seller"
;            show contract-costs-seller

            set profit profit + profit-seller

            set strawAvailabilityBidding strawAvailabilityBidding - [ quantity ] of my-contract
;            set potentialStrawForSale potentialStrawForSale - [quantity] of my-contract
            set strawAccount strawAccount - [ quantity ] of my-contract

            if strawAvailabilityBidding <= 0
              set biddingStatus "out of stock"

          ;; Buyer retires all requests (Due to conceptual setup (loops). Agents need to recalculate/update feedstock demand.
          ask my-out-requests

          ;; Buyer cancels all other in-offers ( (Due to conceptual setup (loops). Agents need to recalculate/update feedstock demand.
          ask my-in-offers

        ;; else is farmer has no straw availability anymore
          ask my-best-offer

          ;; Buyer retires all requests (Due to conceptual setup (loops). Agents need to recalculate/update feedstock demand.
          ask my-out-requests

          ;; Buyer cancels all other in-offers ( (Due to conceptual setup (loops). Agents need to recalculate/update feedstock demand.
          ask my-in-offers
      ;;; else no offers below reserve price
        ask my-in-offers

        set biddingStatus "switch to alternative"
        set requiredFeedstockBidding 0
    ;else: not any? in offers
      if requiredFeedstockBidding > 0 and biddingStatus != "switch to alternative"
        ask my-out-requests
        ;;ETOH Plant reaction to not being able to source any straw
        if [breed] of my-buyer = EtOHPlantOperators
          set sourcingRadius sourcingRadius + 5 / scale                   ;; 5 km increase of sourcing radius
          set priceOfferBidding priceOfferBidding * 1.1                    ;; increase of bid offer of 10% if no positive response on requests come back
          if priceOfferBidding >= reservePrice
            set biddingStatus "too high feedstock costs for plant operation"
            set requiredFeedstockBidding 0
            set priceOfferBidding reservePrice
        ;; Local user reaction to no straw available below reserve price
        if [breed] of my-buyer = localUsers
          set sourcingRadius sourcingRadius + 5 / scale

  ;; if buyers feedstock demand not > 0:
    set biddingStatus "feedstock demand met"
    ask my-in-offers

to-report initialisation-bidding-mechanism-buyers [ feedstock-demand ]

  let stored-feedstock-bidding 0
  let required-feedstock-bidding feedstock-demand

  report (list stored-feedstock-bidding required-feedstock-bidding)

to-report allowable-liquid-manure-per-ha [ animal-type ]

  let a 0

  if animal-type = "pig"
    let share-dm-content 3
    if share-dm-content = 3
      set a 170 / 4.3

  report a

to-report N-supply-from [ animal-type quantity-manure ]

  let a 0

  let share-dm-content 3            ;; %-dm-content

  if animal-type = "pig"
    if share-dm-content = 3
      set a quantity-manure * 4.3         ;;  N supply from pigs (3% dm) in [kg/m^3]

  report a

to-report liquid-manure-cost-calculation [ animal-type quantity-manure]

  let a 0

  if animal-type = "pig"
    set a priceLiquidManurePig * quantity-manure
  if animal-type = "cattle"
    set a priceLiquidManureCattle * quantity-manure

  report a

to-report liquid-manure-for-humus-demand [ animal-type humus-demand-per-ha ]

  let a 0

  if animal-type = "pig"
    set a humus-demand-per-ha / reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig

  report a

to-report straw-for-humus-demand [humus-demand-per-ha]

  report (humus-demand-per-ha / reproductionCoefficientStraw)

to-report straw-opportunity-cost-calculation [straw-quantity]

  let lost-profit-local-user-sale 0
  let lost-profit-etoh-sale 0

  ifelse (mySellingQuantityRoundBales + mySellingQuantityOffField) >= (0.8 * potentialStrawForSale)
  ;; demand expected for straw in market
    let expected-revenue-local-user-sale straw-quantity * mySellingPriceRoundBales
    let expected-revenue-etoh-sale straw-quantity * mySellingPriceOffField
;    print "expected-revenue-local-user-sale"
;    show expected-revenue-local-user-sale

    let average-transport-costs costsTransportVariableRoundBales * (averageTransportDistanceRoundBales)
;    print "average-transport-costs"
;    show average-transport-costs

    let expected-costs-local-user-sale straw-quantity * (reservePriceRoundBales5km + average-transport-costs)
;    print "expected-costs-local-user-sale"
;    show expected-costs-local-user-sale

    let expected-costs-etoh-sale straw-quantity * reservePriceStrawOffField

    set lost-profit-local-user-sale expected-revenue-local-user-sale - expected-costs-local-user-sale
;    print "lost-profit-local-user-sale"
;    show lost-profit-local-user-sale
    set lost-profit-etoh-sale expected-revenue-etoh-sale - expected-costs-etoh-sale
  ;; no demand expected for straw in market
    set lost-profit-local-user-sale 0
    set lost-profit-etoh-sale 0

  report max list lost-profit-local-user-sale lost-profit-etoh-sale

to-report humus-supply-from-straw [straw-volume]

  report straw-volume * reproductionCoefficientStraw

to-report  humus-demand-calculation-per-ha [farm-system humus-soil-balance-value]

  let humus-demand-ha 0

  ifelse farm-system = "conventional"
    ifelse ignoringSoilQuality = TRUE
      set humus-demand-ha 0

      ifelse farmersComplyToEUCCPolicy = TRUE
        ifelse yieldAlert = TRUE
          ifelse humus-soil-balance-value < 0.1
            set humus-demand-ha (0.1 - humus-soil-balance-value)
            set humus-demand-ha 0
          ifelse humus-soil-balance-value > humusBalanceCrossCompliance
            set humus-demand-ha 0
            set humus-demand-ha (humus-soil-balance-value - humusBalanceCrossCompliance) * (-1)
        ifelse yieldAlert = TRUE
          ifelse humus-soil-balance-value < 0.1
            set humus-demand-ha (0.1 - humus-soil-balance-value)
            set humus-demand-ha 0
          set humus-demand-ha 0
    ifelse humus-soil-balance-value > humusBalanceMinimum
      set humus-demand-ha 0
      set humus-demand-ha (humusBalanceMinimum - humus-soil-balance-value)

  report humus-demand-ha

to-report net-humus-balance-per-ha-and-year-from [crop-rotation]

  ;; based on examples presented in article in wochenblatt lippe
  ;; if no further notice all crops are assumed to use 33% of land each)
  let output 0

  if crop-rotation = 1       ;; wheat (50% of total land use) (straw removed), potato (25%), beet root (25%)
    set output -0.422

  if cropRotation = 2        ;; beet root, wheat (straw removed), barley (straw removed)
    set output -0.31

  if cropRotation = 3        ;; beet root, wheat (straw removed), barley
    set output -0.123

  if cropRotation = 4        ;; beet root, wheat (straw removed), barley, catch crop
    set output -0.003

  if cropRotation = 5        ;; potato, wheat (straw removed), barley, catch crop
    set output -0.133

  if cropRotation = 6        ;; rapeseed, wheat (straw removed), barley (straw removed)
    set output -0.25

  if cropRotation = 7          ;; rapseed, wheat (straw removed), barley
    set output 0.162

  if cropRotation = 8          ;; cc corn, wheat (straw removed), barley
    set output 0.117

  report output

to-report uniform-distribution-floating [#min #max]

  report #min + random-float(#max - #min)

;;;;;;;;;;; COMPLETE SIMULATION RUN ;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to go

   If ticks = 15 [stop]                             ;;  ( 1 tick = 1 year)


  ;updates / new year
    ask farmers
    set turnover 0
    set profit 0
    set numberRequestsEtOH 0
    set numberRequestsLocalUsers 0
    set liquidManureUse 0
    set estimatedStrawForSoil 0
    set strawSold 0
    set strawForSoil 0
    set strawForLivestock 0
  if ticks > yearEtOHEntry
    if EtOHMarketPriceScenario = "stable"
      set bioethanolMarketPrice bioethanolMarketPrice    ;; [€/t]  .... 31 €/GJ or 650 €/m^3 or 822 €/t ... assumption from Zech et al. (2016)
    if EtOHMarketPriceScenario = "increasing"
      set bioethanolMarketPrice bioethanolMarketPrice * 1.02
    if EtOHMarketPriceScenario = "decreasing"
      set bioethanolMArketPrice bioethanolMarketPrice * 0.98

    set bioethanolMArketPrice precision bioethanolMArketPrice 0
  ask farmers
    ifelse manualHumusBalanceSetting = false
      set humusSoilBalance humusSoilBalance + net-humus-balance-per-ha-and-year-from cropRotation

      set humusSoilBalance humusBalanceFromCropRotation
;    print "humus soil balance new year"
;    show humusSoilBalance

  if ticks = 5                                       ;; energy producers enters the market in year 5 (tick = 5), if scenario is chosen
    if EtOHPlantScenario = true
        create-EtOHPlantOperators EtOHplantsNumber
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set shape "wheel"
    set size 1.5
    set color green
    set marketAgentType "buyer"
    set moneyBalance 0

    ;;production variables
    set capacity capacityEtOHPlant                                                                          ;; [MW]
    set operatingHours 7500                                                                                 ;; [h]
    set efficiency 0.24                                                                                     ;; conversion efficiency (Weiser et al. 2014)
    set yieldEtOH  0.25                                                                                     ;; [t,EtOH/t,straw]   Weiser et al.  yield = 0,135 according to own calculations
    set productionCostsEtOH precision (uniform-distribution-floating 450 550) 0                                           ;; [€/tonne EtOH] ... Estimation based on Inbicon / Zech et al., (2016)
    set markup productionCostsEtOH * 0.3                                                                    ;; [€/t]     markup of 30%
    set feedstockDemand ( capacity * operatingHours * efficiency / heatValueEtOH ) * (1 / yieldEtOH)        ;; [t]  required straw
    set feedstockDemand feedstockDemand * 0.5
    set feedstockDemand precision feedstockDemand 0

    ;; straw procurement costs
    set costsPressingSquaredBales 20                 ;; [€/t], 17,0 - 22,1 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsHandlingSquaredBales 11                 ;; [€/t], 10,2 - 12,3 €/t (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsTransportFixedSquaredBales 9            ;; [€/t], 8,0 - 10,0 €/t incl. 5 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS
    set costsTransportVariableSquaredBales 0.3       ;; [€/tkm], 0,29 - 0,38 , 5 to 10 km (100% - 50% capacity utilisation) LWK NS

    ;; straw procurement variables
    set sourcingRadius (50 / scale)                                                                         ;; [km] (Weiser et al., 2014)
    set priceOffer priceOfferEtOH
    set expectingSalesPriceEtOH bioethanolMarketPrice           ;; operator calculates with market price from last year
    let average-transport-cost-assumption precision (costsTransportFixedSquaredBales + (50 / scale) * costsTransportVariableSquaredBales) 0       ;; assuming transport distance of 50 km
    set reservePrice precision (expectingSalesPriceEtOH - productionCostsEtOH - markup - average-transport-cost-assumption) 0


  ;buyer preparations
  ;checking-contracts procedure
    ask contracts
    ifelse contractLength <= 1
      set contractLength contractLength - 1
    ask EtOHplantOperators
    let maximum-feedstock-demand ( capacity * operatingHours * efficiency / heatValueEtOH ) * (1 / yieldEtOH)

    set feedstockDemand feedstockDemand * 1.2
    if feedstockDemand >= maximum-feedstock-demand
      set feedstockDemand maximum-feedstock-demand

    print "EtOH feedstockDemand"
    show feedstockDemand
  ; update-procurement-variables procedure

  ask etohplantoperators
    set expectingSalesPriceEtOH bioethanolMarketPrice
    let average-transport-cost-assumption precision (costsTransportFixedSquaredBales + (50 / scale) * costsTransportVariableSquaredBales) 0
    set reservePrice precision (expectingSalesPriceEtOH - productionCostsEtOH - markup - average-transport-cost-assumption) 0
    if reservePrice <= 0
      set reservePrice 0

    if priceOffer > reservePrice
      set priceOffer reservePrice

  ;farmer preparations

  ask farmers
    set estimatedStrawYield (wheatYieldExpectation * grainStrawRatio)
    set estimatedNonHarvestableStraw  estimatedStrawYield * (1 - strawHarvestFactor)
    set estimatedStrawPotential (estimatedStrawYield - estimatedNonHarvestableStraw) * acreageWheat
  ask farmers
    set estimatedhumusSoilBalance humusSoilBalance
;    print "estimatedhumusSoilBalance"
;    show estimatedhumusSoilBalance

    set estimatedhumusSoilBalance estimatedhumusSoilBalance + humus-supply-from-straw estimatedNonHarvestableStraw
;    print "estimatedhumusSoilBalance after considering non harvestable straw"
;    show estimatedhumusSoilBalance

    set humusDemandPerHa humus-demand-calculation-per-ha farmSystem estimatedhumusSoilBalance                         ;; [t humus-C / ha]

;    print "farmSystem"
;    show farmSystem
;    print "humusDemandPerHa after humus balance calculation"
;    show humusDemandPerHa
  ;determining-humus-supply procedure
  ask farmers
    if humusDemandPerHa > 0
    ;; if farmer has humus deficit
    ;; farmer determines most cost-beneficial option for humus supply
      let total-humus-demand acreageWheat * humusDemandPerHa
;            print "total humus demand"
;            show total-humus-demand

      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MIXED FARMS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;

      if liveStock = true
      ;; options are to use straw
      ;; or use land in humus beneficial way (intertillage, leave as uncultivated land, perennial field forage)
      ;; or use organic material available from livestock
      ;; or purchase other organic material, i.e. compost low in nutrients
        if farmSystem = "conventional" or farmSystem = "integrated"
          ;; conventional farms with high livestock intensity will maximize use of liquid manure and are willing to give up straw (nutrient pressure)

          ;; quantity needed
          let liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha liquid-manure-for-humus-demand "pig" humusDemandPerHa
          ;; DüngV (max N supply per year = 170 kg N/ha)
          let N-supply-from-pig-liquid-manure-per-ha N-supply-from "pig" liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha
          ;; if manure supply surpasses 170 kg/ha boundary
          let complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option 0
          let remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option 0
          if N-supply-from-pig-liquid-manure-per-ha > 170
            set liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha allowable-liquid-manure-per-ha "pig"
            set remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option humusDemandPerHa - (liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig)
;                    print "remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option"
;                    show remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option
            set complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option / reproductionCoefficientStraw
;                    print "complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option"
;                    show complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option

          let total-liquid-pig-manure-use liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * acreageWheat
          let total-complementary-straw-use-pig-option complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option * acreageWheat
          set estimatedstrawForSoil total-complementary-straw-use-pig-option
;          print "estimatedstrawForSoil after animal manure consideration for mixed farm"
;          show estimatedstrawForSoil

          set liquidManureUse total-liquid-pig-manure-use
;          print "liquidManureUse after animal manure consideration for mixed farm"
;          show liquidManureUse

          let straw-for-soil-per-ha estimatedstrawForSoil / acreageWheat

          set estimatedhumusSoilBalance estimatedhumusSoilBalance + (liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig) + humus-supply-from-straw complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option
;          print "estimatedhumusSoilBalance after animal manure consideration for mixed farm"
;          show estimatedhumusSoilBalance

        if farmSystem = "biodynamic"
        ;; probably use solid manure  from satbles for fields...
          let straw-for-soil-per-ha humusDemandPerHa / reproductionCoefficientStraw
          set estimatedStrawForSoil straw-for-soil-per-ha * acreageWheat


      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ARABLE FARMS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;

      if farmType = "arable farm"
      ;; options are to use straw,
      ;; (or use land in humus beneficial way (intertillage, leave as uncultivated land, perennial field forage))
      ;; or purchase organic material, most likely liquiid manure
        ;; OPTION: STRAW
        ;; quantity needed
        let straw-required-straw-option straw-for-humus-demand total-humus-demand
        ;; costs of straw use
        let costs-straw-use straw-opportunity-cost-calculation straw-required-straw-option

        ;; quantity needed
        let liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha liquid-manure-for-humus-demand "pig" humusDemandPerHa
        ;; DüngV (max N supply per year = 170 kg N/ha)
        let N-supply-from-pig-liquid-manure-per-ha N-supply-from "pig" liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha
        ;; if manure supply surpasses 170 kg/ha boundary
        let complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option 0
        let remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option 0
        if N-supply-from-pig-liquid-manure-per-ha > 170
          set liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha allowable-liquid-manure-per-ha "pig"
          set remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option humusDemandPerHa - (liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig)
;                  print "remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option"
;                  show remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option
          set complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option (remaining-humus-demand-per-ha-pig-option / reproductionCoefficientStraw)
;                  print "complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option"
;                  show complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option


        let total-liquid-pig-manure-use liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * acreageWheat
        let total-complementary-straw-use-pig-option complementary-straw-need-per-ha-pig-option * acreageWheat

        ;; costs of pig manure use
        let costs-pig-manure-use liquid-manure-cost-calculation "pig" total-liquid-pig-manure-use

        ;        ;; quantity needed
        ;        let liquid-manure-required-cattle liquid-manure-for-humus-demand "cattle" humus-demand
        ;        ;; ?? restrictions on quantity?? (phosphor, nitrate,...)
        ;        ;; costs of cattle manure use
        ;        let costs-cattle-manure-use liquid-manure-cost-calculation "cattle" liquid-manure-required-cattle


        let my-choice min (list costs-straw-use costs-pig-manure-use) ; costs-cattle-manure-use)

        ;; based on humus supply plan determination of potential straw for sale
        if my-choice = costs-straw-use
          set estimatedStrawForSoil straw-required-straw-option
;          print "estimatedStrawForSoil after choosing straw for humus supply by arable farm"
;          show estimatedStrawForSoil

          set estimatedhumusSoilBalance estimatedhumusSoilBalance + humus-supply-from-straw estimatedStrawForSoil
;          print "estimatedhumusSoilBalance after choosing straw as humus supply by arable farm"
;          show estimatedhumusSoilBalance


        if my-choice = costs-pig-manure-use
          set liquidManureUse total-liquid-pig-manure-use
;          print "liquidManureUse after choosing liquid manure use to substitute straw by arable farmer"
;          show liquidManureUse
          set estimatedStrawForSoil total-complementary-straw-use-pig-option
;          print "estimatedStrawForSoil after choosing liquid manure use to substitute straw by arable farmer"
;          show estimatedStrawForSoil
          let straw-for-soil-per-ha estimatedStrawForSoil / acreageWheat
          ;set profit profit - costs-pig-manure-use
;          print "profit"
;          show profit
          set estimatedhumusSoilBalance estimatedhumusSoilBalance + (liquid-manure-use-from-pigs-per-ha * reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig) + humus-supply-from-straw straw-for-soil-per-ha
;          print "estimatedhumusSoilBalance after choosing liquid manure use to substitute straw by arable farmer"
;          show estimatedhumusSoilBalance

  ask farmers
    ;; straw for livestock
    if livestock = TRUE
      ;; farms with livestock

      ;; (This is where I can incorporate if straw price passes threshold that makes it more cost-beneficial to use alternative source!)

      if farmSystem = "conventional"
        ;; assumption 15% straw need for animal husbandry assuming stables are mostly not litter based
        set estimatedStrawForLivestock estimatedStrawPotential * shareStrawForLivestockConventionalFarm

      if farmSystem = "integrated"
      ;; assuming integrated and biodynamic farms have more straw based stable systems and therefore use more straw for own purposes
        set estimatedStrawForLivestock estimatedStrawPotential * shareStrawForLiveStockIntegratedFarm

      ;; ecofarms that grow wheat and have livestock are assumed to keep all straw for on farm purposes
      if farmSystem = "biodynamic"
        set estimatedStrawForLivestock estimatedStrawPotential * shareStrawForLiveStockBiodynamicFarm

    ;; straw for soil (determined in previous procedure)

    ;; straw for sale

    ifelse farmSystem = "biodynamic"
      set potentialStrawForSale 0
      ifelse askingPriceRoundBales5km > beddingSubstitutionPrice
        let risk-margin 0.1
        set potentialStrawForSale ((1 - risk-margin) * estimatedStrawPotential) - estimatedStrawForSoil - estimatedStrawForLivestock * 0.2
        if potentialStrawForSale < 0
          set potentialStrawForSale 0
        let risk-margin 0.1
        set potentialStrawForSale ((1 - risk-margin) * estimatedStrawPotential) - estimatedStrawForSoil - estimatedStrawForLivestock
        if potentialStrawForSale < 0
          set potentialStrawForSale 0

  ;negotiations/straw trade
  ;straw-procurement procedure
  ;; local users are price takers
  ;; etoh plant makes price offers

  ;; buyers in the market
  let buyers turtles with [marketAgentType = "buyer" and feedstockDemand > 0]

  ;; buyers feedstock demand
  ask buyers
    let my-list initialisation-bidding-mechanism-buyers feedstockDemand

    set storedFeedstockBidding item 0 my-list
    set requiredFeedstockBidding item 1 my-list
    ;show my-list

    set biddingStatus "feedstock demand"

  ;; etoh plant starting price offer
  ask etohPlantOperators
    set priceOfferBidding priceOffer

  ;; straw available to market from farmers

   ;; potential sellers in the market
  let potential-sellers farmers with [potentialStrawForSale > 0]

  ask potential-sellers
    set strawAvailabilityBidding potentialStrawForSale


    any? potential-sellers with [ strawAvailabilityBidding > 0 ] and
    any? buyers with [ requiredFeedstockBidding > 0 ] and
    ;not any? etohplantoperators with [priceOfferBidding > reservePrice] and
    any? buyers with [biddingStatus != "switch to alternative" ]

    ;;;; Buyer requests/offers ;;;;

    ask localUsers
      if requiredFeedstockBidding > 0 and biddingStatus != "switch to alternative"

    ask etohPlantOperators
      if requiredFeedstockBidding > 0

    ;;;; Farmer responses ;;;;
    ask farmers
      ;show timer

    ;;;; Buyer responses ;;;;

    ask buyers
      ;show timer

    ;show timer

  ;; after straw negotiations are finished

;  ask farmers
;  [
;    print "straw account after straw procurement procedure"
;    show strawAccount
;  ]

  ;harvest, transport
  ;harvest procedure
  ;; global wheat yield area
  set globalWheatYield random-normal 8.5 0.5              ;; [t/ha] , Model region showed wheat yields between 7 and 9 t/ha over the last 15 years (

  ;; individual wheat yield farmer
  ;; in current model setup, soil quality has direct impact on wheat yield
  ask farmers
    set actualWheatYield globalWheatYield * soilQuality
    set wheatYieldExpectation actualWheatYield

    ask farmers
    set theoreticalStrawPotential (acreageWheat * actualWheatYield * grainStrawRatio)
    set actualStrawYield (actualWheatYield * grainStrawRatio)                                         ;; grain straw ratio varies for instance due to weather or different crop types, machinery used...
    set actualStrawPotential actualStrawYield * strawHarvestFactor * acreageWheat
    set actualNonHarvestableStraw actualStrawYield * (1 - strawHarvestFactor)

  ask farmers
    set strawSold sum [quantity] of my-contracts

    set strawAccount strawAccount + actualStrawPotential
;    print "strawAccount after contract fullfillment"
;    show strawAccount
    set strawAccount strawAccount - estimatedStrawForSoil - estimatedStrawForLivestock

    set strawForSoil  estimatedStrawForSoil + actualNonHarvestableStraw

    ifelse askingPriceRoundBales5km > beddingSubstitutionPrice
      ifelse strawAvailabilityBidding > estimatedStrawForLivestock
        set strawForLivestock estimatedStrawForLivestock
        set strawForLivestock estimatedStrawForLivestock * 0.2 + strawAvailabilityBidding
      set strawForLivestock estimatedStrawForLivestock

  ask farmers
    ; humus supply from non harvestable straw
    set humusSoilBalance humusSoilBalance + humus-supply-from-straw actualNonHarvestableStraw

;    print "humus balance after considering actual non harvestable straw"
;    show humusSoilBalance

    ;;humus from dedicated straw
    set humusSoilBalance humusSoilBalance + (estimatedStrawForSoil / acreageWheat) * reproductionCoefficientStraw

;    print "humus balance after considering dedicated straw for soil"
;    show humusSoilBalance

    ;; humus from manure
    set humusSoilBalance humussoilBalance + (liquidManureUse / acreageWheat) * reproductionCoefficientLiquidManurePig

;    print "humusSoilBalance after considering humus from liquid manure"
;    show humusSoilBalance

  ;season evaluation
    ask farmers
    ifelse humusSoilBalance < 0
    ; negative humus balance has impact on soil quality, which has impact on yields.
      set soilQuality soilQuality * soilImpactFactor                 ;; simple model assumption: negative humus balance has direct negative impact on soil quality
      set soilQuality soilQuality * soilRecoveryFactor                 ;; simple model assumption: positive humus balance has direct positive impact on soil qualtiy

    if soilQuality >= 1
      set soilQuality 1
    ask ETOHPlantOperators
    ;let actual-operating-hours operatingHours
    ;let actual-efficiency efficiency
    ;let conversion-mwh-t 7.42                    ;;[MWh/t]

    let feedstockAvailability storedFeedstockBidding
    let output feedstockAvailability / yieldEtOH
    let my-turnover output * bioethanolMarketPrice
    set moneyBalance moneyBalance + my-turnover
    set moneyBalance precision moneyBalance 0

    let my-expenses sum [totalCostsBuyer] of my-contracts

    set profit my-turnover - my-expenses
    set profit precision profit 0
    ;print "profit"
    ;show profit

  ;market-reactions-of-agents procedure
    ask localUsers
    if any? my-contracts
      set averageStrawBuyingPrice precision (mean [priceTon] of my-contracts) 0

  ask EtOHPlantOperators
    if any? my-contracts
      set averageStrawBuyingPrice precision (mean [priceTon] of my-contracts) 1
      set averageStrawProcurementCosts precision (mean [(totalCostsBuyer / quantity)] of my-contracts) 1

    ifelse feedstockDemand - storedFeedstockBidding > 0
      set priceOffer priceOffer * 1.2
      if priceOffer >= reservePrice
        set priceOffer reservePrice
      set priceOffer priceOffer * 0.9

    set priceOffer precision priceOffer 1

  ask farmers
    ifelse any? my-contracts
      ;; inventory selling prices and quantities at tend of year
      if any? my-contracts with [demandType = "round bales"]
        set mySellingPriceRoundBales precision (mean [priceTon] of my-contracts with [demandType = "round bales"]) 1
        set mySellingQuantityRoundBales precision (sum [quantity] of my-contracts with [demandType = "round bales"]) 1
        set averageTransportDistanceRoundBales precision (mean [link-length * 5] of my-contracts with [demandType = "round bales"]) 1

      if any? my-contracts with [demandType = "off field"]
        set mySellingPriceOffField precision (mean [priceTon] of my-contracts with [demandType = "off field"]) 1
        set mySellingQuantityOffField precision (sum [quantity] of my-contracts with [demandType = "off field"]) 1

      ifelse strawAvailabilityBidding <= 0
        set askingPriceRoundBales5km precision (askingPriceRoundBales5km * 1.1) 1
        set askingPriceStrawOffField precision (askingPriceStrawOffField * 1.1) 1
        ifelse strawAvailabilityBidding > 0.5 * potentialStrawForSale
          set askingPriceRoundBales5km askingPriceRoundBales5km * 0.7
          set askingPriceStrawOffField askingPriceStrawOffField * 0.7

          if askingPriceRoundBales5km <= reservePriceRoundBales5km
            set askingPriceRoundBales5km reservePriceRoundBales5km

          if askingPriceStrawOffField <= reservePriceStrawOffField
            set askingPriceStrawOffField reservePriceStrawOffField

          ifelse strawAvailabilityBidding > 0.3 * potentialStrawForSale
            set askingPriceRoundBales5km precision (askingPriceRoundBales5km * 0.8) 1
            set askingPriceStrawOffField precision (askingPriceStrawOffField * 0.8) 1

            if askingPriceRoundBales5km <= reservePriceRoundBales5km
              set askingPriceRoundBales5km reservePriceRoundBales5km

            if askingPriceStrawOffField <= reservePriceStrawOffField
              set askingPriceStrawOffField reservePriceStrawOffField
            if strawAvailabilityBidding > 0.15 * potentialStrawForSale
              set askingPriceRoundBales5km precision (askingPriceRoundBales5km * 0.9) 1
              set askingPriceStrawOffField precision (askingPriceStrawOffField * 0.9) 1
              if askingPriceRoundBales5km <= reservePriceRoundBales5km
                set askingPriceRoundBales5km reservePriceRoundBales5km

              if askingPriceStrawOffField <= reservePriceStrawOffField
                set askingPriceStrawOffField reservePriceStrawOffField
      set askingPriceRoundBales5km precision (askingPriceRoundBales5km * 0.7) 1
      set askingPriceStrawOffField precision (askingPriceStrawOffField * 0.7) 1
      if askingPriceRoundBales5km <= reservePriceRoundBales5km
        set askingPriceRoundBales5km reservePriceRoundBales5km

      if askingPriceStrawOffField <= reservePriceStrawOffField
        set askingPriceStrawOffField reservePriceStrawOffField
  ;; season-reactions prdocedure

  ask farmers
    if actualWheatYield < globalWheatYield * 0.85
      set yieldAlert true

    if actualWheatYield >= globalWheatYield * 0.95 and soilQuality >= 1
      set yieldAlert false

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; REPORTERS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


to-report averagePriceRoundBales

  let a 0
  if any? contracts with [demandType = "round bales"]
    set a mean [priceTon] of contracts with [demandType = "round bales"]
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report averagePriceOffField

  let a 0

  if any? contracts with [demandType = "off field"]
    set a mean [priceTon] of contracts with [demandType = "off field"]
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report averagePriceRoundBalesConventionalFarmers

  report mean [mySellingPriceRoundBales] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]

to-report averagePriceOffFieldConventionalFarmers

  report mean [mySellingPriceOffField] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]

to-report averagePriceRoundBalesIntegratedFarmers

  report mean [mySellingPriceRoundBales] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]

to-report averagePriceOffFieldIntegratedFarmers

  report mean [mySellingPriceOffField] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]


to-report totalDemand
  let total-demand 0
  set total-demand sum [feedstockDemand] of turtles with [marketAgentType = "buyer"]
  set total-demand precision total-demand 0
  report total-demand

to-report totalDemandEtOH
  let a 0
  set a sum [feedstockDemand] of EtOHPlantOperators
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report currentDemandEtOH
  let etoh-demand 0
  set etoh-demand sum [requiredFeedstockBidding] of etohplantoperators
  set etoh-demand precision etoh-demand 0
  report etoh-demand

to-report totalDemandLocalUsers
  report sum [feedstockDemand] of localUsers

to-report currentDemandLocalUsers
  let local-demand 0
  set local-demand sum [requiredFeedstockBidding] of localUsers
  set local-demand precision local-demand 0
  report local-demand


to-report sumTheoreticalStrawPotential
  let a 0
  set a sum [theoreticalStrawPotential] of farmers
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report sumTheoreticalStrawPotentialConventional
  let a 0
  set a sum [theoreticalStrawPotential] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report sumTheoreticalStrawPotentialIntegrated
  let a 0
  set a sum [theoreticalStrawPotential] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report sumTechnicalStrawPotential
  let a 0
  set a sum [actualStrawPotential] of farmers
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report sumTechnicalStrawPotentialConventional
  let a 0
  set a sum [actualStrawPotential] of farmers with [farmsystem = "conventional"]
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report sumTechnicalStrawPotentialIntegrated
  let a 0
  set a sum [actualStrawPotential] of farmers with [farmsystem = "integrated"]
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report sumPotentialStrawForSale
  let straw-supply 0
  set straw-supply sum [potentialStrawForSale] of farmers
  set straw-supply precision straw-supply 0
  report straw-supply

to-report sumPotentialStrawForSaleConventional
  let straw-supply 0
  set straw-supply sum [potentialStrawForSale] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]
  set straw-supply precision straw-supply 0
  report straw-supply

to-report sumPotentialStrawForSaleIntegrated
  let straw-supply 0
  set straw-supply sum [potentialStrawForSale] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]
  set straw-supply precision straw-supply 0
  report straw-supply


to-report sumStrawForSoils
  let straw-supply 0
  set straw-supply sum [strawForSoil] of farmers
  set straw-supply precision straw-supply 0
  report straw-supply

to-report sumStrawForSoilsConventional
  let straw-supply 0
  set straw-supply sum [strawForSoil] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]
  set straw-supply precision straw-supply 0
  report straw-supply

to-report sumStrawForSoilsIntegrated
  let straw-supply 0
  set straw-supply sum [strawForSoil] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]
  set straw-supply precision straw-supply 0
  report straw-supply

to-report sumStrawSold
  let a 0
  set a sum [strawSold] of farmers
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report sumStrawSoldConventional
  let a 0
  set a sum [strawSold] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report sumStrawSoldIntegrated
  let a 0
  set a sum [strawSold] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report totalStrawSupplyForEtOH
  let a 0
  set a sum [storedFeedstockBidding] of EtohPlantOperators
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report totalStrawSupplyForEtOHConventional

  report sum [mySellingQuantityOffField] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]

to-report totalStrawSupplyForEtOHIntegrated

  report sum [mySellingQuantityOffField] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]

to-report sumStrawSupplyForLocalUsers
  report sum [storedFeedstockBidding] of localusers

to-report sumStrawSupplyForLocalUsersConventional
  report sum [mySellingQuantityRoundBales] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]

to-report sumStrawSupplyForLocalUsersIntegrated
  report sum [mySellingQuantityRoundBales] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]

to-report sumStrawForLivestock
  let a 0
  set a sum [StrawForLivestock] of farmers
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report sumStrawForLivestockConventional
  let a 0
  set a sum [StrawForLivestock] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]
  set a precision a 0
  report a

to-report sumStrawForLivestockIntegrated
  let a 0
  set a sum [StrawForLivestock] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]
  set a precision a 0
  report a


to-report averageWheatYield
  let a 0
  set a mean [actualWheatYield] of farmers
  set a precision a 3
  report a

to-report wheatYieldConventionalFarmers
  let a 0
  set a mean [actualWheatYield] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]
  set a precision a 3
  report a

to-report wheatYieldIntegratedFarmers
  let a 0
  set a mean [actualWheatYield] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]
  set a precision a 3
  report a


to-report meanHumusBalanceConventionalFarmers
  let a 0
  set a mean [humusSoilBalance] of farmers with [ farmSystem = "conventional" ]
  set a precision a 3
  report a

to-report meanHumusBalanceIntegratedFarmers
  let a 0
  set a mean [humusSoilBalance] of farmers with [ farmSystem = "integrated" ]
  set a precision a 3
  report a

to-report meanHumusBalanceMixedConventionalFarmers
  let output 0
  let mean-humus-per-agent mean [humusSoilBalance] of farmers with [farmType = "mixed farm" and farmSystem = "conventional"]
  set output mean-humus-per-agent
  report output

to-report meanHumusBalanceArableConventionalFarmers
  let output 0
  let mean-humus-per-agent mean [humusSoilBalance] of farmers with [farmType = "arable farm" and farmSystem = "conventional"]
  set output mean-humus-per-agent
  report output

to-report meanHumusBalanceMixedIntegratedFarmers
  let output 0
  let mean-humus-per-agent mean [humusSoilBalance] of farmers with [farmType = "mixed farm" and farmSystem = "integrated"]
  set output mean-humus-per-agent
  report output

to-report meanHumusBalanceArableIntegratedFarmers
  let output 0
  let mean-humus-per-agent mean [humusSoilBalance] of farmers with [farmType = "arable farm" and farmSystem = "integrated"]
  set output mean-humus-per-agent
  report output

to-report meanHumusBalanceAggregate
  let output 0
  let mean-humus-per-agent mean [humusSoilBalance] of farmers
  set output mean-humus-per-agent
  set output precision output 3
  report output


to-report totalLiquidManureUse
  let a 0
  set a sum [liquidManureUse] of farmers
  set a precision a 0
  report a



to-report avgTurnoverFarmers

  report mean [turnover] of farmers

to-report avgTurnoverConventionalFarmers
  report mean [turnover] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]

to-report avgTurnoverIntegratedFarmers
  report mean [turnover] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]


to-report totalProfitConventionalFarmers
  report sum [profit / acreageWheat] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"]

to-report totalProfitIntegratedFarmers
  report sum [profit / acreageWheat] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"]

to-report avgProfitFarmers
  report mean [profit / acreageWheat] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional" or farmSystem = "integrated"]

to-report avgProfitConventionalFarmers
  report (mean [profit / acreageWheat] of farmers with [farmSystem = "conventional"])

to-report avgProfitIntegratedFarmers
  report (mean [profit / acreageWheat] of farmers with [farmSystem = "integrated"])

There is only one version of this model, created about 2 years ago by Henrik Sontag.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Straw for ethanol production - impact of market dynamics.png preview Preview for 'Straw for ethanol production - impact of market dynamics' about 2 years ago, by Henrik Sontag Download

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