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Icon Slaven Smojver (Author)


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A multi-agent compliance inspection model (ICARUS - Inspecting Compliance to mAny RUleS). The model is applicable to environments where an inspection agency, via centrally coordinated inspections, examines compliance of organizations which must comply with multiple provisions. The model should allow verification of whether inspection strategies that rely on the assumption of different frequency of violations of different provisions are more effective than the often used inspection strategies (Cyclic, random).


The model (ICARUS) contains 3 types of agents:

  1. entities,
  2. inspection agency and
  3. inspectors / inspections

ICARUS describes a repeated, simultaneous, non-cooperative game of pure competition. Agents have imperfect, incomplete, asymmetric information. Entities in each move (tick) choose a pure strategy (comply/violate) for each rule, depending on their own subjective assessment of the probability of the inspection. The Inspection Agency carries out the given inspection strategy.


Each entity is obliged to comply with all the established social norms (rules or regulations). Each entity in each discrete time interval (tick) decides whether to comply with or violate each rule. When an entity decides whether to comply with or violate each rule, it does not know whether it will be subjected to an inspection.

Entities' decision mechanisms are based on the theory of rational choice and the game theory. The strategies of the inspection agency are based on simplified patterns identified in empirical research.

Entities are characterized by uniqueness, heterogeneity, explicit goals, autonomy, locality, flexibility and limited rationality. In addition, entities have the following characteristics:

  • Entities are rational, but their rationality is bounded because of the limited scope of the data on which decisions are made.
  • Entities are heterogeneous, given their willingness to take risks and the resources required for compliance.
  • Entities learn in line with the fictitious play model and make decisions about the future.
  • Entities have a present bias, i.e. they attach greater value to recent experiences.
  • Entities do not communicate with each other.

Each entity is characterized by a resource requirements vector, i.e. the resources required to fulfill each rule. Entities also differ in their willingness to take risks, i.e. "risk appetite". Entities record the history of their actions and the inspections they were exposed to. At any moment, each entity knows the state of its compliance with all the rules and the results of all the inspections in the recorded history.

Entities make boundedly rational decisions on whether to comply with or violate each rule, comparing the cost of compliance and the expected value of punishment. Entities estimate the probability of the inspection based on their risk appetite, known inspection history, and the temporal discounting index, or the measure of sensitivity to delay, modeled via hyperbolic function.

The Inspection Agency

The Inspection Agency monitors compliance of entities with all rules. In each discrete time interval (tick), the Agency decides whether to inspect each of the possible combinations (pairs) of entities and rules. The Agency does not know the state of compliance of entities with the rules when it decides which combination of entities and rules will be include in inspections at a given time interval. The Agency monitors compliance via inspections.

The Inspection Agency makes assumptions about the resources required to comply with each provision. The Agency determines which entities and rules will be monitored at each time interval (tick), depending on the selected inspection strategy and the inspection capacity. The inspection capacity determines how many entity-rule combinations can be inspected at any time interval.

The Inspection Agency may apply several inspection strategies:

  • By applying the Random strategy, the agency randomly selects entities and rules for inspekction. Each entity-rule combination has the same probability of inspection.
  • By applying the Random entity strategy, the agency randomly selects the entities that will be inspected. All the rules in the selected entities are checked for compliance.
  • By applying the Cyclic strategy, inspections sequentially inspect entities, until all are covered, which indicates completion of the inspection cycle. After that, a new cycle begins. One or more rules may be included in one cycle.
  • By applying the Stohastic universal selection (SUS) strategy, the inspection agency randomly selects entities and provisions to be inspected. The probability of inspection of individual provisions varies, depending on the assumptions about the resources required to comply. That is, the rule that the inspection agency believes to require greater resources for achieving / maintaining compliance will be proportionately more often covered by the inspection.


Inspections are agents that can verify the compliance of any entity with one or more rules. Inspections are directed by the Inspection Agency. At any moment, one inspection can check the compliance of only one entity. The inspection determines whether the entity complied with the supervised rules at the time of inspection. The inspection then informs the agency of inspection result.

Spatial postions of entities has no impact on model performance and simulation results. However, interaction between entities and inspections are visually displayed by moving avatars. These moves are conditioned by the selected inspection strategy and the spatial location of entites. The influence of time on the behavior of the inspection agency depends on the chosen inspection strategy. Time does not affect a random inspection strategies and the Stohastic universal selection, but it affects cyclic strategies. Namely, the choice of entities and the rules to be covered in further steps in cyclic strategies depends on the previous steps of the inspection cycle.



The interface is divided into 3 parts:

  1. left: input parameters,
  2. central: graphical display of the results of the current simulation step,
  3. right: quantitative and descriptive statistics of the current simulation.

The central part of the interface graphically displays the current simulation step. Entities, the Inspection Agency and inspections are shown with different icons. At the beginning of the simulation (setup()), the given number of entities (number-of-entites) is randomly placed, each entity having a unique numeric mark. In each step of the simulation (go()), the inspections' icons are positioned on the selected entity and the inspection is performed. The color of the inspection (inspector) indicates whether the inspection in question has revealed compliance (green) or violation (red). The entity's color indicates how many rules it is violating (darker red indicates that the entity violates more rules). The current step (tick) is visible.

Input variables

Simulation runtime

  • debug: print debug data?
  • plot-all: draw the results of the simulation on the user interface diagrams?
  • print-values: results of the simulation are printed in the output file?
  • initial-seed: allows seed input to be used to generate random values. If the parameter value is 0, the seed will be generated randomly at the beginning of the simulation. With identical (predefined) initial seed, all simulation steps will have the same results.


The resource-requirements, resource-requirements-type, and resource-requirements-param parameters are connected to the knowledge of the Inspection Agency, about the resource requirements required to fulfill each provision. The resource-requirements-type parameter allows the user to select one of the following options: Input from line, Uniform distribution, Exponential distribution, and Validation.

  • If the Input from line option is selected, the user needs to manually enter the resource requirements required to meet each provision manually in the resource-requirements parameter.
  • If a user chooses Uniform distribution then the resource requirements for fulfilling each provision will be U[0, resource-requirements-param].
  • If a user chooses Exponential distribution, then the resource requirements for the fulfillment of each provision will be determined as the value of the random variable with the exponential distribution whose arithmetic mean is the value of the resource-requirements-param.
  • By selecting the Validation option, resource requirements are defined through validation procedure validate().

The default-risk-attitude, max-risk-attitude-deviation and risk-exp parameters are related to the setting risk appetite preferences. If the risk-exp variable is activated (TRUE) then each entities' risk appetite is the value of the random variable with the exponential distribution whose arithmetic mean is the default-risk-attitude parameter. If the risk-exp variable is not activated (FALSE), then each entities' risk appetite will be determined as a random variable with a uniform distribution in the range whose mean is the value of the default-risk-attitude variable and the upper and lower limits are the percentage deviation from these values, set by the max-risk-attitude-deviation variable. The risk appetite of each entity is constructed dynamically at the beginning of the simulation in the make-entity() procedure. Risk appetite of 1 means that the entity is perfectly rational in making decisions. Risk appetite greater than 1 means that the entity is risk-taker, and risk appetite less than 1 means that the entity is risk-averse.


Overview of the entities-related parameters:

  • learning-mechanism allows users to choose one of 2 possible learning methods: Fictitious play and Reinforcement learning. All entities in the model learn using the selected method.
  • If the variable stackelberg-aware is activated (TRUE), all entities know that the inspection agency applies the SUS inspection strategy and estimate the probability of inspection of each provision, taking into account their own compliance resource requirements.
  • The max-deviation-resource parameter defines the largest possible deviation in the resource requirements for compliance with each individual rule from the resource requirements expected by the Inspection Agency.
  • The impact of past experience is weakened over time (hyperbolic discounting), with the reduction rate dependent on the parameter k-hyperbolic-discounting.

The Inspection Agency and inspections

Overview of the parameters related to the Inspection Agency and inspections:

  • inspectors-capacity defines the ratio of entity-rule combinations that can be inspected in one tick.
  • inspection-accuracy determines how accurately inspections determine violations (only type I error - false positive).
  • The type-of-inspection-selection allows the user to select one of the 4 possible methods of selecting the inspection pattern: Random, Random Entity, Cycle and Stohastic universal sampling. The Inspection Agency uses the selected method throughout the simulation to direct the inspections of entities. The Inspection Agency is characterized by several variables. The subset of variables that will be used depends on the applied inspection strategy, i.e. the value of the variable type-of-inspection-selection.

Reporting variables and diagrams

Numeric indicators:

  1. rp-violations: total (accumulated) number of violation during the simulation; includes violations observed by inspections, violations that the inspections did not recognize as well as violations that were not subject to inspections.
  2. rp-compliance: total (accumulated) number of rules compliant with regulations; includes the compliance observed by inspections, as well as compliance not covered by inspections.
  3. rp-trn-violations: The number of rules' violations in the current simulation step (observed or not by inspection).
  4. rp-trn-compliance: The number of compliant rules in the current simulation step (observed or not by inspection).
  5. rp-trn-inspect-viol: the number of violations that were observed by the inspections performed in the current simulation step.
  6. rp-trn-inspct-comp: the number of compliant rules that were observed by the inspections performed in the current simulation step.

The right side of the graphical interface displays the results of the simulation, some of which relate to the current simulation step (the "Per TICK" tag in the diagram name), while others display accumulated simulation results.


The key measure is the total number of violations (rp-violations). Observe how changes in input parameters influence the total number of violations.



Built under NetLogo 5.3.1 (download: https://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/5.3.1/)

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extensions [csv profiler]   ;; Used extensions

breed [entities entity]
breed [agencies agency]
breed [inspections inspection]

entities-own [
   e-lst-resources      ;;  list with resource needs of entity
   e-avrg-resources     ;;  entity's average resource requirements
   e-lst-history        ;;  list with inspection history known to entity
   e-lst-influence      ;;  list with influence of inspection history
   e-lst-insp-risk      ;;  list with variables for inspection risk calculation
   e-lst-compliance     ;;  list with compliance or non-compliance with the rules
   e-risk-appetite      ;;  entity's risk appetite

agencies-own [
   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  INSPECTION-RELATED VARIABLES
   a-i-nr-of-inspcts    ;;  number of inspections in one turn

   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  Random inspection strategy related variables

   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  Random entity inspection strategy related variables
   a-rnd-lst            ;;  list of entites for random inspection

   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  Cyclical inspection strategy related variables
   a-cyc-lst-entity     ;;  list of entites for cyclic inspection
   a-cyc-lst-rule       ;;  list of rules for cyclic inspection
   a-cyc-count-entity   ;;  counter of entities for cyclic inspection
   a-cyc-count-rule     ;;  counter of rules for cyclic inspection
   a-cyc-slide          ;;  "slide" of cyclic inspections

   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  Stohastic universal sampling (SUS) strategy related variables
   a-sus-sum-resources  ;;  Sum of all resource requirements
   a-sus-window         ;;  SUS inspection window


inspections-own [
  i-insp-entity         ;;  inspected entity
  i-insp-rule           ;;  inspected rule
  i-insp-result         ;;  inspection result

globals [
   g-i-lst-resources    ;;  list with resource needs assumed by the inspection agency
   g-i-history          ;;  global history of all remembered inspections

   g-memory-turns       ;;  how many turns are remembered
   g-lst-correction     ;;  list of discounting correction factors

   ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  REPORTER VARIABLES
   rp-violations        ;;  total nr. of violations
   rp-compliance        ;;  total nr. of compliance
   rp-trn-violations    ;;  nr. of violations in each turn
   rp-trn-compliance    ;;  nr. of compliance in each turn
   rp-trn-inspct-compli ;;  nr. of inspections with the result "compliance" in each turn
   rp-trn-inspct-viol   ;;  nr. of inspections with the result "violation" in each turn
   rp-inspct-entities   ;;  inspected entities
   rp-inspct-rules      ;;  inspected rules
   rp-entity-violation  ;;  violations per entity in each turn
   rp-rule-violation    ;;  violations per rule in each turn



;;;;;; count occurences of "x" in the list "the-list"

to-report occurrences [ x the-list ]
  report length filter [? = x] the-list

;;;;;; count occurences of "x" (+ or -) in the list "the-list"

to-report abs-occurrences [ x the-list ]
  report length filter [abs (?) = x ] the-list

;;;;;; count the number of elements in the list "the-list" _greater_ than "x"

to-report greater [ x the-list ]
  report length filter [? > x] the-list

;;;;;; count the number of elements in the list "the-list" _smaller_ than x

to-report smaller [ x the-list ]
  report length filter [? < x] the-list

;;;;;; replace element on position "first-dim", "second-dim" of a 2-dimensional
;;;;;; list ("list-name") with a new element ("new-value")

to-report replace-elem [ first-dim second-dim new-value list-name ]
  let out-list [0]

  set out-list (replace-item first-dim list-name
                  (replace-item second-dim (item first-dim list-name) new-value) )
  report out-list

;;;;;; Simulation output into .CSV file placed in the model's home directory

to out-prnt [ the-list ]
  file-open "output.csv"
  foreach the-list [
    file-type ?
  file-print " "

;;;;;; Debug output into .CSV file placed in the model's home directory

to debug-prnt [ the-list ]
  file-open "debug.txt"
  foreach the-list [
    file-type ?
  file-print " "

;;;;;; (visual) clean-up of inspections (agents)

to clean-up
  ask inspections [
    set color white

;;;;;; profiler function

to profile
  repeat 100 [go]   ;; number of times the "go" is run
  let _fname "profiler-report.log"  ;; output file
  carefully [file-delete _fname] []
  file-open _fname
  file-print profiler:report

;;;;;;; Validation function

to validate

  let tick-nr 12      ;; set tick number
  let l-lst-in []

  set g-i-history n-values number-of-entities [0]
  repeat tick-nr [go]  ;; number of repetitions in validation

  ;;;;; Model: IT bank
  ask entities [
    set l-lst-in reverse e-lst-history   ;; list now starts from tick 1
    foreach but-first l-lst-in [           ;; For each tick:

;;;;;;      MAKE ENTITIES

to make-entities

  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$020# ==> make-entities "  ) ]

  create-entities number-of-entities [
    move-to one-of patches with [not any? turtles-here]      ;; randomly assigning entities
    set shape "pentagon"                                     ;; entities are shaped as pentagons
    set color white	                                         ;; default entity color is white
    set label-color black                                    ;; with black labels

    set e-lst-history [0]
    set e-lst-insp-risk []
    ;; setting entity's resource requirements: global +/- max-deviation-resources variation
    set e-lst-resources map [ ? + (? * (precision (random-float (max-deviation-resources * 2) -
                              max-deviation-resources ) 2 )) ] g-i-lst-resources
    set e-avrg-resources (sum (e-lst-resources) / number-of-rules )

    ifelse (risk-exp = TRUE) [  ;; setting entity's risk appetite
      set e-risk-appetite ( precision (random-exponential default-risk-attitude ) 2 ) + 0.0001 ;;  exponential
    [  ;; risk-exp = FALSE : uniform risk distribution
      set e-risk-appetite default-risk-attitude + (default-risk-attitude *
              precision ((random-float ( 2 * max-risk-attitude-deviation) -
              max-risk-attitude-deviation ) / 100) 2 )

    if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$020# entity=" who "  e-risk-appetite="  e-risk-appetite) ]

    set e-lst-compliance n-values number-of-rules [1]
    set e-lst-influence n-values g-memory-turns [0]
    set label who

  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$030# <== make-entities ") ]

;;;;;;      MAKE AGENCY

to make-agency

  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$040# ==> make-agency ") ]
  create-agencies 1 [
    set shape "circle"
    set color black

    set a-cyc-lst-entity n-values number-of-entities [?]  ;; list of all entites
;    if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$042# a-cyc-lst-entity " a-cyc-lst-entity) ]
    set a-cyc-lst-rule n-values number-of-rules [?]       ;; list of all rules
    set a-i-nr-of-inspcts (number-of-entities * number-of-rules * inspectors-capacity)  ;; number of inspectors

    if (type-of-inspection-selection = "Cycle") [
      set a-cyc-lst-entity (shuffle a-cyc-lst-entity)  ;; reshuffling list of entities
      set a-cyc-lst-rule (shuffle a-cyc-lst-rule)      ;; reshuffling list of rules
      set a-cyc-count-entity 0
      set a-cyc-count-rule 0
      if (rules-inspected-in-one-cycle > number-of-rules)
        [ set rules-inspected-in-one-cycle number-of-rules ]   ;; max rules inspected in one cycle = all rules
      set a-cyc-slide rules-inspected-in-one-cycle

    ;; if "Stohastic universal sampling", calculate size of the "window" and make random selection
    ;; in inteval [0, window]
    if (type-of-inspection-selection = "Stohastic universal sampling") [
      set a-sus-sum-resources sum g-i-lst-resources
      set a-sus-window ( (a-sus-sum-resources * number-of-entities) /
                         floor (number-of-rules * number-of-entities * inspectors-capacity) )
      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$045# a-sus-sum-resources=" a-sus-sum-resources "  a-sus-window=" a-sus-window  ) ]

    hatch-inspections a-i-nr-of-inspcts [    ;; hatching all inspections
      set shape "person"
      set color white
  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$050# <== make-agency ") ]

;;;;;;      PLAY ENTITIES

to play-entities

  let l-assess-insp-prob 0        ;; Assessed inspection probability
  let l-violations 0              ;; Reporting variable: number of violations in one turn
  let l-compliance 0              ;; Reporting variable: number of compliant rules in one turn
  let l-aggr-violations 0         ;; Reporting variable: aggregate number of violations
  let l-aggr-compliance 0         ;; Reporting variable: aggregate number of compliant rules
  let l-lst-inspections []        ;; History of inspections in one time-step
  let l-lst-results []            ;; Results of discounting
  let l-steps 0                   ;; Step counter
  let l-V 0                       ;; Temp variable for assessment of inspection probability
  let l-A 0                       ;; Temp variable for assessment of inspection probability
  let l-counter 0                 ;; Counter variable
  let l-sum-discount 0            ;; Sum of all discounting factors
  let l-lst-weighted-insp-prob [] ;; List of stackelberg-weighted inspection probabilities
  let l-resources-avg 0           ;; Average resource cost
  let l-insp-riskiness 1          ;; Calculated riskiness of inspections
  let l-detect-noncomp 0          ;; Detected non-compliance - for riskiness of inspections
  let l-detect-comp 0             ;; Detected compliance - for riskiness of inspections
  let l-all-noncomp 0             ;; All non-compliant rules - for riskiness of inspections
  let l-riskiness 0               ;; Assessed inspection riskiness of the last tick

  set rp-entity-violation n-values number-of-entities [0]  ;; initialization of reporter of violations
  set rp-rule-violation []                                 ;; initialization of reporter

  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$060# ==> play-entities,         ticks=" ticks) ]

  ;; preparation for discounting
  ask one-of entities [                                             ;; calling this only once because this calculation applies to all entities
    set l-steps ( (length e-lst-history) - 1 )                      ;; setting number of historic steps
    if (g-memory-turns < l-steps) [ set l-steps g-memory-turns ]    ;; that are remembered
    set l-sum-discount (sum (sublist g-lst-correction 0 l-steps) )

  ;; setting values of compliance/noncompliance for all rules by comparing costs of compliance
  ;; and product of inspection probability and punishment
  ask entities [

    ;;;;;;;;;;; calculation of assessed inspection probability

    ifelse (l-steps = 0) [  ;; first step
      set l-assess-insp-prob (inspectors-capacity * (1 / e-risk-appetite) ) ;; Initially, inspection probability = capacity * (1 / risk appetite)
      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$083#  l-assess-insp-prob="  l-assess-insp-prob ) ]
    [  ;; (l-steps > 0)
      set l-V 0
      set l-lst-inspections (item 0 e-lst-history)  ;; results of the previous turn
      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$084#  l-lst-inspections="  l-lst-inspections "  l-steps="  l-steps) ]

      ifelse (learning-mechanism = "Reinforcement learning") [
        set l-A ( ( occurrences -2 l-lst-inspections ) -
                  ( occurrences -1 l-lst-inspections ) ) / number-of-rules
      [  ;; else: (learning-mechanism = "Fictitious play")
        set l-A ( ( abs-occurrences 2 l-lst-inspections )  / number-of-rules ) ;; counts -2 (inspected violations) and 2 (inspected compliance)

      set e-lst-influence (fput l-A e-lst-influence)  ;; updating the list of historic influence

      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$085#  l-A="  l-A "  e-lst-influence="  e-lst-influence) ]

      if (length e-lst-influence > g-memory-turns)
        [ set e-lst-influence (but-last e-lst-influence) ]                  ;; shortening of historic influence list if too long
      set l-lst-results ( map [?1 * ?2] e-lst-influence g-lst-correction )  ;; mapping historic results with correction factors
      set l-V ( (sum l-lst-results ) / l-sum-discount )                     ;; calculating final objective assessment of inspection probability

      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$086#  e-lst-influence="  e-lst-influence "  g-lst-correction="  g-lst-correction "  l-lst-results="  l-lst-results "  l-V="  l-V) ]

      ;;;;;;;;; Calculation of inspection riskiness

      set l-all-noncomp (smaller 0 l-lst-inspections)   ;; number of non-compliant rules

      ifelse (l-all-noncomp = 0)                                ;;  If there are no non-compliant rules,
      [ set l-riskiness 0 ]                                     ;;  no influence on inspection riskiness
      [                                                         ;;  Otherwise, l-all-noncomp > 0
        set l-detect-noncomp (occurrences -2 l-lst-inspections) ;;  Detected non-compliance
        set l-detect-comp (occurrences  2 l-lst-inspections)    ;;  Detected compliance

        ifelse ((l-detect-noncomp + l-detect-comp) = 0 )        ;; if there was no inspection
          [ set l-riskiness 0 ]
          [ ifelse (l-detect-noncomp = 0)                       ;; Otherwise, if there are no detected non-compliant rules
            [ set l-riskiness ( (number-of-rules - l-all-noncomp) /
                                                number-of-rules ) ^ l-detect-comp ]     ;; Combinatorics approach
            [ set l-riskiness (l-detect-noncomp * number-of-rules) /
                              ( (l-detect-noncomp + l-detect-comp) * l-all-noncomp ) ]  ;; Comparison approach

      set e-lst-insp-risk (fput l-riskiness e-lst-insp-risk)

      if (length e-lst-insp-risk > 5)
        [ set e-lst-insp-risk but-last e-lst-insp-risk ]

      ifelse (sum e-lst-insp-risk > 0)
        [ set l-insp-riskiness ( mean (filter [? > 0] e-lst-insp-risk ) ) ]  ;; product of all elements of e-lst-insp-risk > 0
        [ set l-insp-riskiness 1 ]

      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$088#  who=" who " l-riskiness=" l-riskiness " l-detect-noncomp=" l-detect-noncomp " l-detect-comp=" l-detect-comp " l-all-noncomp=" l-all-noncomp " e-lst-insp-risk="  e-lst-insp-risk "  l-insp-riskiness="  l-insp-riskiness ) ]

      ifelse (learning-mechanism = "Reinforcement learning")
        [ set l-assess-insp-prob ( ( l-assess-insp-prob * (1 + l-A) ) * (1 / e-risk-appetite) * l-insp-riskiness) ] ;; correction of assessed inspection  probability
        [ set l-assess-insp-prob ( l-V * (1 / e-risk-appetite) * l-insp-riskiness) ]                                ;; else: (learning-mechanism = "Fictitious play")

      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$090#  l-V=" l-V " (1 / e-risk-appetite)=" (1 / e-risk-appetite) " l-insp-riskiness=" l-insp-riskiness " l-assess-insp-prob="  l-assess-insp-prob ) ]

    if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0A0# ** Entity=" who "  l-steps="  l-steps "  l-V=" l-V "  l-assess-insp-prob=" l-assess-insp-prob ) ]

    ;; if cost of compliance is less than punishment * assessed inspection probability: Comply [1], otherwise, violate [-1]
    ifelse (stackelberg-aware = TRUE)

      set l-lst-weighted-insp-prob map [(? / e-avrg-resources) * l-assess-insp-prob] e-lst-resources
      set e-lst-compliance ( map [ ifelse-value (?1 < punishment-size * ?2)
                                           [1] [-1] ] e-lst-resources l-lst-weighted-insp-prob )
      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0A3#  Stackelberg:  e-avrg-resources="  e-avrg-resources "  e-lst-resources=" e-lst-resources "  l-lst-weighted-insp-prob=" l-lst-weighted-insp-prob "  e-lst-compliance=" e-lst-compliance) ]
    [   ;; (stackelberg-aware = FALSE)
      set e-lst-compliance map [ ifelse-value (? < punishment-size * l-assess-insp-prob)
                                                       [1] [-1] ] e-lst-resources
      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0A5#  non-Stackelberg:  e-lst-resources=" e-lst-resources "  e-lst-compliance=" e-lst-compliance) ]
    set e-lst-history fput e-lst-compliance e-lst-history
;    if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0B0# ** Entity=" who "  e-lst-history="  e-lst-history) ]
;    if (ticks mod 5 = 0) [ if print-values [ out-prnt ( list ticks ";" who ";" l-assess-insp-prob ";" punishment-size ";" e-lst-resources ";" e-lst-compliance) ] ]
;    if print-values [ out-prnt ( list ticks ";" type-of-inspection-selection ";" who ";" l-assess-insp-prob ";" punishment-size ";" e-lst-resources ";" e-lst-compliance) ]

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  reporting variables
    set l-violations (occurrences -1 e-lst-compliance)
    set l-compliance (occurrences  1 e-lst-compliance)
    set l-aggr-violations (l-aggr-violations + l-violations)
    set l-aggr-compliance (l-aggr-compliance + l-compliance)

    set rp-entity-violation (replace-item who rp-entity-violation l-violations) ;; set who variables

    set l-counter 0
    repeat number-of-rules [
      if (item l-counter e-lst-compliance) = -1
        [ set rp-rule-violation fput l-counter rp-rule-violation ]
      set l-counter (l-counter + 1)

    ;; display
    set color ( ((number-of-rules - l-violations) / number-of-rules) * 4 + 135 )


  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0C0# rp-entity-violation=" rp-entity-violation) ]

  set rp-trn-violations l-aggr-violations
  set rp-violations (rp-violations + rp-trn-violations)
  set rp-trn-compliance l-aggr-compliance
  set rp-compliance (rp-compliance + rp-trn-compliance)

  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0D0# <== play-entities") ]

;;;;;;      PLAY AGENCY

to play-agency
  let l-entity-choice -1     ;; entity chosen for insepection
  let l-rule-choice -1       ;; rule chosen for insepection
  let l-lst-rule []          ;; list of rules for tracking inspection history
  let l-lst-ent []           ;; list of entites for tracking inspection history
  let l-window 0             ;; SUS: selection window
  let l-selection 0          ;; SUS: random selection in inteval [0, window]
  let l-remainder 0          ;; SUS: remainder of selection / sum-resources
  let l-counter 0            ;; counter variable
  let l-counter-two 0        ;; counter variable
  let l-sum-tmp 0            ;; temporary sum
  let l-asses-compl 0        ;; assessed compliance
  let l-lst-entity-rule []   ;; Random: list of all possible entity-rule combinations
  let l-rnd-lst []           ;; Random: list of entites and rules for random inspection

  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0E0# ==> play-agency") ]

  ;; setting 2D list for tracking history (size: number-of-entities * number-of-rules)
  set l-lst-rule n-values number-of-rules [0]
  set l-lst-ent n-values number-of-entities [l-lst-rule]

;  set l-t-lst n-values number-of-entities [0]

  set rp-trn-inspct-compli 0
  set rp-trn-inspct-viol 0

  ask agencies [
    if (type-of-inspection-selection = "Stohastic universal sampling") [
      ;; if "Stohastic universal sampling", calculate size of the "window" and make random selection
      ;; in inteval [0, window]
      set l-selection random-float a-sus-window  ]
    if (type-of-inspection-selection = "Random") [
      ;; if "Random", determine a-i-nr-of-inspcts (number of inspections) random pairs of entites and rules for inspection
      set l-lst-entity-rule (n-values (number-of-entities * number-of-rules) [?] )   ;; helper list with (number-of-entities * number-of-rules) sequential elements
      set l-rnd-lst n-of a-i-nr-of-inspcts l-lst-entity-rule                         ;; random selection of rules and entities for inspection
      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0F1# l-lst-entity-rule=" l-lst-entity-rule "  l-rnd-lst=" l-rnd-lst )]
    if (type-of-inspection-selection = "Random entity") [
      ;; if "Random entity", determine (number of inspections) / (number of rules) random entites for inspection
      ;; i.e. for selected entity all rules will be inspected
      set l-lst-entity-rule (n-values (number-of-entities) [?] )                                  ;; helper list with number-of-entities sequential elements
      set l-sum-tmp ( number-of-entities * inspectors-capacity )
      ifelse (l-sum-tmp = (floor l-sum-tmp ))                            ;; If all rules for given entities can be inspected
        [ set a-rnd-lst n-of (l-sum-tmp) l-lst-entity-rule ]             ;; random selection of (floor) entities for inspection
        [ set a-rnd-lst n-of (floor (l-sum-tmp) + 1) l-lst-entity-rule ] ;; random selection of (Floor + 1) entities for inspection
      set a-rnd-lst shuffle a-rnd-lst                                    ;; shuffle selected entites
      set l-sum-tmp 0
      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0F2# l-lst-entity-rule=" l-lst-entity-rule "  a-rnd-lst=" a-rnd-lst )]

  ask inspections [
;    if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0G0# -- Inspection=" who ) ]
    ;; ======================================= Inspection preparation =======================================

    ifelse (type-of-inspection-selection = "Random") [    ;; if random inspection strategy, inspections decide independently
    ;;---------------------------------------- Random begin ----------------------------------------
      set i-insp-entity floor ( (item l-counter l-rnd-lst) / number-of-rules ) ;; select entity
      set i-insp-rule (item l-counter l-rnd-lst) mod number-of-rules           ;; and the rule
      set l-counter (l-counter + 1)
      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0F2# i-insp-entity=" i-insp-entity "  i-insp-rule=" i-insp-rule ) ]
    ;;---------------------------------------- Random end ------------------------------------------
    [                                                     ;; otherwise, they have to ask the agency
      ask agencies [

        if (type-of-inspection-selection = "Random entity") [
          ;;---------------------------------------- Random entity begin ---------------------------------
          set l-entity-choice (item l-counter a-rnd-lst)  ;; selected entity
          set l-rule-choice l-counter-two                 ;; selected rule
          set l-counter-two (l-counter-two + 1)           ;; incrementing counter
          if (l-counter-two = number-of-rules) [          ;; if the last rule (number-of-rules - 1) was inspected:
            set l-counter (l-counter + 1)                 ;; go to next entity
            set l-counter-two 0                           ;; reset rule counter
          if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0H0# l-counter=" l-counter "  l-counter-two=" l-counter-two "  l-entity-choice=" l-entity-choice "  l-rule-choice=" l-rule-choice) ]
          ;;---------------------------------------- Random entity end -----------------------------------
        if (type-of-inspection-selection = "Cycle") [
          ;;---------------------------------------- Cyclical begin --------------------------------------

          if (a-cyc-count-rule = number-of-rules) [                ;; if all rules have been inspected
            ifelse (a-cyc-count-entity = number-of-entities - 1) [              ;; and the last entity is currently being inspected
              set a-cyc-count-rule 0                                            ;; reset rule counter
              set a-cyc-count-entity 0                                          ;; reset entity counter
              set a-cyc-slide rules-inspected-in-one-cycle                      ;; reset slide
            [                                                      ;; otherwise (current entity is not the last)
              set a-cyc-count-rule (a-cyc-slide - rules-inspected-in-one-cycle) ;; move to the first rule in current slide
              set a-cyc-count-entity (a-cyc-count-entity + 1)                   ;; and move to the next entity

          if (a-cyc-count-rule = a-cyc-slide) [                    ;; if at slide,
            set a-cyc-count-entity (a-cyc-count-entity + 1)                     ;; move to the next entity

            ifelse (a-cyc-count-entity = number-of-entities) [                  ;; if previusly inspected entitiy is the last entity,
              set a-cyc-count-entity 0                                          ;; go to the first etity and
              set a-cyc-slide (a-cyc-slide + rules-inspected-in-one-cycle)      ;; increase slide
            [                                                                   ;; otherwise (current entity is not the last)
              set a-cyc-count-rule (a-cyc-slide - rules-inspected-in-one-cycle) ;; move to the first rule in current slide

    ;      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0H4# slide=" a-cyc-slide "  entity=" a-cyc-count-entity "  rule=" a-cyc-count-rule ) ]

          set l-entity-choice (item a-cyc-count-entity a-cyc-lst-entity)       ;; set inspection choice: entity
          set l-rule-choice (item a-cyc-count-rule a-cyc-lst-rule)             ;; set inspection choice: rule

          set a-cyc-count-rule (a-cyc-count-rule + 1)                          ;; move to the next rule

        ;;---------------------------------------- Cyclical end ----------------------------------------

        if (type-of-inspection-selection = "Stohastic universal sampling") [
        ;;---------------------------------------- SUS begin -------------------------------------------
          set l-entity-choice floor (l-selection / a-sus-sum-resources)        ;; chosen entity is whole part of selection / sum-resources
          set l-remainder (remainder l-selection a-sus-sum-resources)          ;; while chosen entity is remainder of selection / sum-resources

          set l-sum-tmp 0
          set l-counter 0
          while [l-sum-tmp < l-remainder] [                           ;; while temporary sum is smaller than reminder
            set l-sum-tmp (l-sum-tmp + item l-counter g-i-lst-resources)       ;; add resource requirements of next rule to temporary sum
            set l-counter (l-counter + 1)                                      ;; and increase conuter
          ]                                                           ;; when while loop ends, temporary sum has reached next rule
          set l-rule-choice (l-counter - 1)                                    ;; set rule-choise
          set l-selection (l-selection + a-sus-window)                         ;; increase selection for the next inspection

         if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0I0# l-selection=" (l-selection - a-sus-window) "  l-entity-choice=" l-entity-choice "  l-remainder=" l-remainder "  l-rule-choice=" l-rule-choice) ]
        ;;---------------------------------------- SUS end ---------------------------------------------
      set i-insp-entity l-entity-choice ;; entity to be inspected
      set i-insp-rule l-rule-choice     ;; rule to be inspected

    ;; ======================================= Inspection  =======================================
    move-to entity i-insp-entity

    ask entities-here [

      ;; Possible states for each entity-rule combination after the inspection are:
      ;;   1: not inspected and in compliance
      ;;  -1: not inspected and in violation
      ;;   2: inspected and in compliance (detected compliance)
      ;;  -2: inspected and in violation (detected violation)

      set l-rule-choice [i-insp-rule] of myself
      set l-asses-compl (item l-rule-choice e-lst-compliance)

;        if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0I2# Noncompliance: Entity=" who ", rule=" l-rule-choice ) ]
      if (l-asses-compl = -1) [                      ;; if entity is non-compliant and
        if (random 101 > inspection-accuracy) [      ;; result larger than inspection-accuracy ==> inaccurate inspection
          set l-asses-compl 1                        ;; inspection incorrectly determines compliance
;          if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0I3# Inaccurate inspection: Entity=" who ", rule=" l-rule-choice ) ]

      ifelse (l-asses-compl = 1) [                                      ;; inspection has determined compliance
        set e-lst-history replace-elem 0 l-rule-choice 2 e-lst-history
        set rp-trn-inspct-compli (rp-trn-inspct-compli + 1)
      [                                                                 ;; inspection has determined violation
        set e-lst-history replace-elem 0 l-rule-choice -2 e-lst-history
        set rp-trn-inspct-viol (rp-trn-inspct-viol + 1)

      if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0J0# * Entity=" who "  e-lst-history="  e-lst-history ) ]

 ;     set l-t-lst (replace-item who l-t-lst (item 0 e-lst-history))

    set i-insp-result l-asses-compl

    ;; seting inspector's variables, depending on inspection's result
    ifelse (i-insp-result = 1) [           ;; compliance
      set color green
      set l-lst-ent replace-elem i-insp-entity i-insp-rule 1 l-lst-ent
    [                                      ;; violation
      set color red
      set l-lst-ent replace-elem i-insp-entity i-insp-rule -1 l-lst-ent

;    set g-i-history fput l-lst-ent g-i-history
    set rp-inspct-entities fput i-insp-entity rp-inspct-entities
    set rp-inspct-rules fput i-insp-rule rp-inspct-rules

;  set g-i-history fput l-t-lst g-i-history
  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$0K0# <== play-agency") ]

;;;;;;      SETUP

to setup

  let l-counter 0
  let l-lst-factor []

  ;; setup of debug properties - debug is written in "debug.txt" file in directory of .nlogo file
  if debug [
    carefully [ file-delete "debug.txt" ] []
    file-open "debug.txt"
    file-print "$000#---------------- ICARUS model - debug mode ----------------"
    file-print word "$000# Date & Time: " date-and-time

  ;; setup of output file - output is written in .csv format in "output.csv" file in directory of .nlogo file
  if print-values [
    carefully [ file-delete "output.txt" ] []
    if (file-exists? "output.csv") [ file-delete "output.csv"]
    file-open "output.csv"
    file-print "tick;inspection strategy;entity;assessed inspection probability;punishment-size;e-lst-resources;e-lst-compliance"  ;; Header input


  ask patches [ set pcolor grey ]

  ;; setting random seed
  ifelse (initial-seed = 0)
    [ random-seed new-seed ]      ; if initial seed is not set: set completely random seed
    [ random-seed initial-seed ]  ; otherwise, use specified seed

  ;; setting of global resorce requirements, taking into account input type
  ;; if resource requirements are read from the line, data should be in .csv format
  if ( (resource-requirements-type = "Input from line") or (resource-requirements-type = "Validation") ) [
    set g-i-lst-resources (csv:from-row resource-requirements)
    set number-of-rules (length g-i-lst-resources)
    if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$003# g-i-lst-resources=" g-i-lst-resources ", number-of-rules=" number-of-rules) ]

  if (resource-requirements-type = "Uniform distribution") [
    set g-i-lst-resources n-values number-of-rules
     [ precision (random-float resource-requirements-param ) 1] ]    ;; Normal

  if (resource-requirements-type = "Exponential distribution") [
    set g-i-lst-resources n-values number-of-rules
     [ precision (random-exponential resource-requirements-param ) 1] ]  ;; Otherwise, exponential

  ;; setting global learning parameters
  set g-memory-turns 100   ;; how many turns are remembered
  set g-lst-correction []  ;; corrrection factors

  repeat g-memory-turns [
    set g-lst-correction ( lput  ( 1 / (1 + l-counter * k-hyperbolic-discounting) ) g-lst-correction ) ;; calculating correction cefficient
    set l-counter (l-counter + 1)

  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$006#  g-lst-correction=" g-lst-correction ) ]

  set g-i-history []

  ;; setting reporter values
  set rp-entity-violation n-values number-of-entities [0] ;; initialization of reporter
  set rp-rule-violation [-1]
  set rp-violations 0
  set rp-inspct-entities [-1]
  set rp-inspct-rules [-1]

  ;; create entites and inspection agency


;;;;;;      GO

to go
  if debug [ debug-prnt (list "$010# !!! ticks=" ticks) ]

There is only one version of this model, created about 2 years ago by Slaven Smojver.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
ICARUS.png preview Preview for 'ICARUS' about 2 years ago, by Slaven Smojver Download

This model does not have any ancestors.

This model does not have any descendants.