How law decrees influence the world of restaurants
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breed [healthies healthy] ;;Different breeds of turtles to show heatlh state. breed [infecteds infected] breed [sicks sick] breed [immunes immune] breed [deads dead] breed [restaurants rest] breed [hospitals hosp] globals [ ;; Global variables. total-healthy total-sick total-infected total-immune total-dead total-wealth total-cost Cost rti check-seats total-income seats0 seats1 seats2 seats3 flag immune-chance-after immune-chance-before ] turtles-own [ ;; Turtle variables. incubate sickness terminal-check immune-check money x y turn-check ] restaurants-own [ ;; patches variables. max-people fixed-cost1 fixed-cost2 fixed-cost3 fixed-cost4 income0 income1 income2 income3 ] to setup ;; Initialize the model. clear-all clear-turtles reset-ticks set immune-chance-after 83 set immune-chance-before random 10 create-restaurants 1 [setxy -12 14 set size 3 set shape "house" set color magenta set fixed-cost1 random-float 200 set seats0 22] create-restaurants 1 [setxy -13 -8 set size 3 set shape "house" set color turquoise set fixed-cost2 random-float 450 set seats1 38 ] create-restaurants 1 [setxy 12 14 set size 3 set shape "house" set color brown set fixed-cost3 random-float 300 set seats2 22] create-restaurants 1 [setxy 15 -10 set size 3 set shape "house" set color red set fixed-cost4 random-float 675 set seats3 52 ] create-hospitals 1 [setxy 1 -14 set size 8 set shape "hospital" set color white ] set w-par 50 set y-par 150 set o-par 250 update-plot1 setup-agents set Cost total-cost update-globals first-plot end to go ;; Run the model. disease-check repeat 7 [ ask healthies [ fd 1 ] display ] repeat 7 [ ask infecteds [ fd 1 ] display ] repeat 7 [ ask immunes [ fd 1 ] display ] goal update-plot1 rt-index places tick update-globals first-plot randomize end to-report tot report sum [fixed-cost1 + fixed-cost2 + fixed-cost3 + fixed-cost4] of restaurants end to update-plot1 set total-cost tot end to places ask rest 0 [ show "number of clients " show count turtles-here - 1 show "available seats" show seats0 set check-seats count turtles-here - 1 ifelse check-seats > seats0 [show "available seats limit exceeded, calculating the maximum possible profit ..." set income0 seats0 * 20 show "income of restaurant is -->" show income0 ] [show "seats still available" set income0 check-seats * 20 show "income of restaurant is -->" show income0] stop] ask rest 1 [ show "number of clients " show count turtles-here - 1 show "available seats" show seats1 set check-seats count turtles-here - 1 ifelse check-seats > seats1 [show "available seats limit exceeded, calculating the maximum possible profit ..." set income1 seats1 * 20 show "income of restaurant is -->" show income1 ] [show "seats still available" set income1 check-seats * 20 show "income of restaurant is -->" show income1] stop] ask rest 2 [ show "number of clients " show count turtles-here - 1 show "available seats" show seats2 set check-seats count turtles-here - 1 ifelse check-seats > seats2 [show "available seats limit exceeded, calculating the maximum possible profit ..." set income2 seats2 * 20 show "income of restaurant is -->" show income2 ] [show "seats still available" set income2 check-seats * 20 show "income of restaurant is -->" show income2] stop] ask rest 3 [ show "number of clients " show count turtles-here - 1 show "available seats" show seats3 set check-seats count turtles-here - 1 ifelse check-seats > seats3 [show "available seats limit exceeded, calculating the maximum possible profit ..." set income3 seats3 * 20 show "income of restaurant is -->" show income3 ] [show "seats still available" set income3 check-seats * 20 show "income of restaurant is -->" show income3] stop] set total-income sum [income0 + income1 + income2 + income3 ] of restaurants show total-income end to setup-agents ;; Setup the begining number of agents and their initial states. set-default-shape healthies "person" set-default-shape infecteds "person" set-default-shape sicks "person" set-default-shape immunes "person" set-default-shape deads "person" ask n-of initial-healthy patches [ sprout-healthies 1 [ set color blue set money 20] ] ask n-of initial-infecteds patches [ sprout-infecteds 1 [ set color red set incubate random 14 set money 20] ] ask n-of vaccinated patches [ sprout-immunes 1 [ set color green set money 20] ] end to disease-check ;; Check to see if an infected or sick turtle occupies the same patch. ask healthies [ if any? other turtles-here with [color = yellow] [infect] if any? other turtles-here with [color = red] [infect] wander ] ask sicks [ if any? other turtles-here with [color = blue] [infect] set sickness sickness - 1 if sickness < 1 [live-or-die] ] ask infecteds [ if any? other turtles-here with [color = blue] [infect] wander set incubate incubate - 1 if incubate = 0 [get-sick] ] ask immunes [wander] end to goal ask turtles with[ shape = "person" and color != grey and color != yellow][ set x max-one-of turtles with [shape = "house" and color != white ][distance myself] face x set y distance x while [y > 1] [ fd 1 display set y y - 1 ] if y < 1 [ eat ] ] ask turtles with [ shape = "person" and color = yellow][ set x max-one-of turtles with [shape = "hospital" and color = white ][distance myself] face x set y distance x while [y > 1] [ fd 1 display set y y - 1 ] ] end to rt-index set rti((count sicks + count infecteds) / (count healthies + count immunes + count sicks + count infecteds)) let q (count healthies + count immunes + count sicks + count infecteds) * w-par / 100000 let w (count healthies + count immunes + count sicks + count infecteds) * y-par / 100000 let r (count healthies + count immunes + count sicks + count infecteds) * o-par / 100000 if rti >= 0 and rti < q [ show "WHITE ZONE" ask rest 0 [ set seats0 22] ask rest 1 [set seats1 38] ask rest 2 [set seats2 22] ask rest 3 [set seats3 52] set flag 1] if rti >= q and rti <= w [ ask rest 0 [ set seats0 22] ask rest 1 [set seats1 38] ask rest 2 [set seats2 22] ask rest 3 [set seats3 52] set seats0 seats0 / 2 set seats1 seats1 / 2 set seats2 seats2 / 2 set seats3 seats3 / 2 if flag < 2 [ show "YELLOW ZONE" ask rest 0 [ set seats0 22] ask rest 1 [set seats1 38] ask rest 2 [set seats2 22] ask rest 3 [set seats3 52] set seats0 seats0 / 2 set seats1 seats1 / 2 set seats2 seats2 / 2 set seats3 seats3 / 2 set flag 2] show "YELLOW ZONE" ] if rti > w and rti <= r [ if flag < 3 [ show "ORANGE ZONE" show "only take away." set seats0 seats0 / 2 set seats1 seats1 / 2 set seats2 seats2 / 2 set seats3 seats3 / 2 set flag 3] show "ORANGE ZONE" show "only take away." ] if rti > r [ show "INDEX GREATER THAN MAX " show "---->" show "RED ZONE" show "only take away"] show ((count sicks + count infecteds) / (count healthies + count immunes + count sicks + count infecteds)) end to randomize ask turtles with[ shape = "person" and color != grey and color != yellow][ face patch 0 0 repeat 2 [ ask healthies [ fd 0.2 ] display ] repeat 2 [ ask infecteds [ fd 0.2 ] display ] repeat 2 [ ask immunes [ fd 0.2 ] display ] fd random-float 20 rt random-float 20 lt random-float 20 restore ] end to eat while [money > 0][ show " at the restaurant" set money money - 1 ] end to restore set money 20 end to infect ;; Infect a healthy turtle, test if it is immune and set the incubation timer if it isn't. set immune-check random 100 ifelse immune-check < immune-chance-before [recover] [ask healthies-on patch-here[ set breed infecteds set incubate random 14] ask infecteds-on patch-here [set color red]] end to get-sick ;; Change an infected turtle into an sick turtle and set the disease progression timer. set breed sicks set color yellow set sickness disease-period end to terminate ;; Kill a sick turtle who reaches the end of the disease progression and fails the terminal check. set breed deads set color grey fd -1 end to live-or-die ;; Test if the turtle dies from the disease. set terminal-check random 100 ifelse terminal-check < terminal-chance [terminate] [recover] end to recover ;; Change turtle breed to immune. set immune-check random 100 if immune-chance-after > immune-check [set breed immunes set color green] if immune-chance-after < immune-check [set breed healthies set color blue] end to update-globals ;;Set globals to current values for reporters. set total-healthy (count healthies) set total-infected (count infecteds) set total-sick (count sicks) set total-immune (count immunes) set total-dead (count deads) end to wander ;; Random movement for agents. set turn-check random 20 if turn-check > 15 [right-turn] if turn-check < 5 [left-turn] end to right-turn ;;Generate a random degree of turn for the wander sub-routine. rt random-float 20 fd random-float 20 end to left-turn ;;Generate a random degree of turn for the wander sub-routine. lt random-float 20 fd random-float 20 end to first-plot ;; Update graph. set-current-plot "Population Totals" set-current-plot-pen "Healthy" plot total-healthy set-current-plot-pen "Infected" plot total-infected set-current-plot-pen "Sick" plot total-sick set-current-plot-pen "Immune" plot total-immune set-current-plot-pen "Dead" plot total-dead end
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How law decrees influence the world of restaurants.png | preview | Preview for 'How law decrees influence the world of restaurants' | almost 3 years ago, by alberto gavazzi | Download |
how the law decrees influence the world of restaurants.pdf | Description of the work | almost 3 years ago, by alberto gavazzi | Download |
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