Ant-Based Stochastic Search-and-Reset Strategy
Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.0
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patches-own [ chemical ;; amount of chemical on this patch food ;; amount of food on this patch (0, 1, or 2) nest? ;; true on nest patches, false elsewhere nest-scent ;; number that is higher closer to the nest food-source-number ;; number (1, 2, or 3) to identify the food sources xc ;; unwrapped xcor yc ;; unwrapped ycor dist ;; turtle distance from origin ] globals [ total-time ;; total number of ticks since initiation nest-mark ;; marks the nest ] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Setup procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup clear-all set-default-shape turtles "bug" create-turtles population [ set size 1 ;; easier to see set color red ] ;; red = not carrying food setup-patches reset-ticks end to setup-patches ask patches [ setup-nest setup-food recolor-patch ] end to setup-nest ;; patch procedure ;; set nest? variable to true inside the nest, false elsewhere set nest? (distancexy 0 0) < 1 ;; spread a nest-scent over the whole world -- stronger near the nest ;set nest-scent 200 - distancexy 0 0 end to setup-food ;; patch procedure ;; setup food source one if (distancexy food-x-coordinate food-y-coordinate) < 1 [ set food-source-number 1 ] ;; setup food source two on the lower-left ;if (distancexy (-0.6 * max-pxcor) (-0.6 * max-pycor)) < 1 ;[ set food-source-number 2 ] ;; setup food source three on the upper-left ;if (distancexy (-0.8 * max-pxcor) (0.8 * max-pycor)) < 1 ;[ set food-source-number 3 ] ;; set "food" at sources to either 1 or 2, randomly if food-source-number > 0 [ set food 1 ] end to recolor-patch ;; patch procedure ;; give color to nest and food sources ifelse nest? [ set pcolor violet ] [ ifelse food > 0 [ if food-source-number = 1 [ set pcolor green ] if food-source-number = 2 [ set pcolor green + 3 ] if food-source-number = 3 [ set pcolor green - 3 ] ] ;; scale color to show chemical concentration [ set pcolor scale-color green chemical 0.1 5 ] ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Go procedures ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go ;; forever button ifelse ticks < reset-time ;; if time is less than reset time [ ask turtles [ if food > 0;; stop tracking ants that find food [ set nest-mark 1 ;; mark nest die ] wiggle fd 1]] ;; move [ ask turtles ;; time is more than reset time [ setxy 0 0 ;; send turtles back to origin if nest-mark > 0 ;; if nest is marked, stop tracking ants [ die ]] reset-ticks ] ;; reset ticks if count turtles = 0 [stop] ;; stop when all ants have found food set total-time total-time + 1 ;; time increment tick ;diffuse chemical (diffusion-rate / 100) ;ask patches ;[ set chemical chemical * (100 - evaporation-rate) / 100 ;; slowly evaporate chemical ; recolor-patch ] end to look-for-food ;; turtle procedure if food > 0 [set nest-mark 1 die ] ;[ set color orange + 1 ;; pick up food ; rt 180 ;; and turn around ; stop ] ;; go in the direction where the chemical smell is strongest ;if (chemical >= 0.05) and (chemical < 2) ;[ uphill-chemical ] end to return-to-nest ;; turtle procedure ;; drop food and head out again ; set color red ; rt 180 ] ;[ set chemical chemical + 60 ;; drop some chemical ; uphill-nest-scent ] ;; head toward the greatest value of nest-scent end ;; sniff left and right, and go where the strongest smell is to uphill-chemical ;; turtle procedure ;let scent-ahead chemical-scent-at-angle 0 ;let scent-right chemical-scent-at-angle 45 ;let scent-left chemical-scent-at-angle -45 ;if (scent-right > scent-ahead) or (scent-left > scent-ahead) ;[ ifelse scent-right > scent-left ; [ rt 45 ] ; [ lt 45 ] ] end ;; sniff left and right, and go where the strongest smell is to uphill-nest-scent ;; turtle procedure ;let scent-ahead nest-scent-at-angle 0 ;let scent-right nest-scent-at-angle 45 ;let scent-left nest-scent-at-angle -45 ;if (scent-right > scent-ahead) or (scent-left > scent-ahead) ;[ ifelse scent-right > scent-left ; [ rt 45 ] ; [ lt 45 ] ] end to wiggle ;; turtle procedure rt random-float 360 lt random-float 360 ifelse not can-move? 1 [ hide-turtle ] [ show-turtle ] set dist xcor * xcor + ycor * ycor end to-report nest-scent-at-angle [angle] ;let p patch-right-and-ahead angle 1 ;if p = nobody [ report 0 ] ;report [nest-scent] of p end to-report chemical-scent-at-angle [angle] ;let p patch-right-and-ahead angle 1 ;if p = nobody [ report 0 ] ;report [chemical] of p end to-report replace-all [target replacement str] ;; screeshot button setup let acc str while [position target acc != false] [ set acc (replace-item (position target acc) acc replacement) ] report acc end ; Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky. ; See Info tab for full copyright and license.
There is only one version of this model, created about 3 years ago by Ayaan Dutt.
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Ant-Based Stochastic Search-and-Reset Strategy.png | preview | Preview for 'Ant-Based Stochastic Search-and-Reset Strategy' | about 3 years ago, by Ayaan Dutt | Download |
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