Contraception Simulation R0

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1 collaborator

Rg_400x400 Ricardo Gonzalez (Author)



Tagged by Ricardo Gonzalez over 2 years ago


Tagged by Ricardo Gonzalez over 2 years ago


Tagged by Ricardo Gonzalez over 2 years ago

population dynamics 

Tagged by Ricardo Gonzalez over 2 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.2.2 • Viewed 233 times • Downloaded 15 times • Run 0 times
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;; Global variables.
globals [count_OS0 delta_OS0 EAVG E1up]

;; turtle/breed.

;; turtle/breed variables.
turtles-own [
  MS  ;; mental state, MS = 1 if the agent tends to use correctly the tool, 0 otherwise
  OS  ;; observed state, OS = 1 if the tool has always been used correctly, 0 otherwise.

;; setup.

to setup
  ;; etc

;; setup-world.

to setup-world
  ask patches [ set pcolor green + 2]

;; setup-turtles.

to setup-turtles
  ;; Initialize global variables.

  ;; Create the turtles and set their initial states.
  create-turtles number_agents
  [ set shape "person"
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor]

  ;; Initial MS and OS.
  ask turtles
    ifelse random 100 < S1
    [ set MS 1
      set color 9.9]
    [ set MS 0
      set color 0  ]
    set OS 1
  ;; Update counts.

set EAVG (S1 * E1 + (100 - S1) * E0) / 100
set delta_OS0 0
set E1up E1

;; go.

to go
  ;; Criteria to stop.
  if (ticks > number_ticks) [stop]
  if (count_OS0 = number_agents) [stop]

  ;; Otherwise do-things.

  ;; Update status.

  ;; Update counts.

  ;; tick.

;; update-turtles.

to update-turtles
  ask turtles
  [ ;; update MS with LR0
    if MS = 0
      if random 100 <= LR0
      [ set MS 1
        if OS = 0 [set color 25]
        if OS = 1 [set color 9.9]

    ;; update OS
    set E1up E1up * (100 - LR1) / 100
    if OS = 1
      ifelse MS = 0
      [ if random 100 <= E0
        [set OS 0
        set color 15]
      [ if random 100 <= E1up
        [set OS 0
        set color 25]

to update-counts
  ;; Update counts.
  set delta_OS0 count turtles with [OS = 0] - count_OS0
  set count_OS0 count turtles with [OS = 0]

There are 4 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Ricardo Gonzalez over 2 years ago Adds learning rates Download this version
Ricardo Gonzalez over 2 years ago Corrects % error... Download this version
Ricardo Gonzalez over 2 years ago How Likely Is It That Birth Control Could Let You Down? Download this version
Ricardo Gonzalez over 2 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

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Contraception Simulation R0.png preview Preview for 'Contraception Simulation R0' over 2 years ago, by Ricardo Gonzalez Download

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