Globalisation after Corona Virus

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Default-person Massab Qayum (Author)


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patches-own [work-environment prob ]
turtles-own [skill  probability  skill-eff] ; made turtle-own variable so we can check probability
links-own [active? strength offset]

; both migration buttons need to be turned off before running impact buttons otherwise migration keeps taking place

to setup ;creates countries, gives work environment

 ask patches
  if ( pxcor < -5 and pycor < -5)
  [set pcolor yellow]
  if ( pxcor > 5 and pycor > 5)
  [set pcolor green]
  if ( pxcor < 6 and pycor < 6 and pxcor > -6 and pycor > -6)
  [set pcolor red]

  let Y patches with [pcolor = yellow]
  let G patches with [pcolor = green]
  let R patches with [pcolor = red]
  ;if area is less then work-environment sum will be less because work environment is per patch and small country has less patches
     set-current-plot "Work-Environment"
    set-current-plot-pen "Green"
  plot sum [work-environment] of patches with [pcolor = green]
   set-current-plot-pen "Red"
    plot sum [work-environment] of patches with [pcolor = red]
    set-current-plot-pen "Yellow"
    plot sum [work-environment] of patches with [pcolor = yellow]

  ask G
  [set work-environment 10]
  ask R
  [set work-environment 7.5]
  ask Y
  [set work-environment 2.5]

to life ; creates people, instructs turtles to randomly move to patches and set color according to what patch they are on, skill set as per distribution

  create-turtles 100

   set shape "person"
    set skill random 100 ;creates people with randomly alotted skills
    set probability random-float 1
ask patches
 [     set prob random-float 1
  let Y patches with [pcolor = yellow]
  let G patches with [pcolor = green]
  let R patches with [pcolor = red]

  ask turtles
  [move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = green or pcolor = yellow or pcolor = red]]

  ask turtles-on G
  [set color 54]
  ask turtles-on R
  [set color 14]
  ask turtles-on Y
  [set color 44]

 if colour?
    ask turtles with [skill > 80]
    [set color pink]

    ask turtles with [skill < 80 and skill > 50]
    [set color blue]


to go ; migration command
  let Y patches with [pcolor = yellow]
  let G patches with [pcolor = green]
  let R patches with [pcolor = red]

  ;Migrate from Yellow to Red
  if any? turtles-on Y
  ask one-of turtles-on Y
  [if skill > 80 [
      if work-environment < 100
    move-to one-of G
if any? turtles-on Y
  [ask one-of turtles-on Y
    [if skill > 50 [
      if work-environment < 50 [
        move-to one-of R

  ;migrate from red to green
  if any? turtles-on R
  [ask one-of turtles-on R
    [if skill > 80 [
      if work-environment < 100
      [move-to one-of G

 ; let pop count turtles-on G
;ask patches [ask turtles-here [ if skill > 80 [set work-environment work-environment + 0.01]]] ;gradual increase in work environment from all good brains existing together
;ask patches [ask turtles-here [ if skill > 50 [set work-environment work-environment + 0.005]]]

;ask patches [ask turtles-here [ if skill < 25 [set work-environment work-environment - 0.005]]] ;gradual decrease in work environment from all bad brains existing together
;ask patches [ask turtles-here [ if skill < 10 [set work-environment work-environment - 0.01]]]

to impact
    let Y patches with [pcolor = yellow]
  let G patches with [pcolor = green]
  let R patches with [pcolor = red]
      ask turtles [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != green [set heading heading - 100][fd 1]]
  ask turtles [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != red [set heading heading - 100][fd 1]]
  ask turtles [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != yellow [set heading heading - 100][fd 1]]
  ask R

  if any? (turtles-on patches with [pcolor = red])
set-current-plot "Avg-Skill"
      set-current-plot-pen "Red1"
plot (sum [skill] of turtles-on patches with [pcolor = red]) / (count turtles-on patches with [pcolor = red])
      set-current-plot-pen "yellow"
  plot (sum [skill] of turtles-on patches with [pcolor = yellow]) / (count turtles-on patches with [pcolor = yellow])
      set-current-plot-pen "green"
  plot ((sum [skill] of turtles-on patches with [pcolor = green]) / (count turtles-on patches with [pcolor = green]))
    set-current-plot "Work-Environment"
    set-current-plot-pen "Green"
  plot sum [work-environment] of patches with [pcolor = green]
   set-current-plot-pen "Red"
    plot sum [work-environment] of patches with [pcolor = red]
    set-current-plot-pen "Yellow"
    plot sum [work-environment] of patches with [pcolor = yellow]


; create factor

to corona
      let Y patches with [pcolor = yellow]
    let G patches with [pcolor = green]
  let R patches with [pcolor = red]
  ask patches [
    set work-environment work-environment - 0.5

to migration-post-corona
    let Y patches with [pcolor = yellow]
    let G patches with [pcolor = green]
  let R patches with [pcolor = red]
 ; if probability < travel-restriction

ask one-of turtles-on Y [if probability < travel-restriction[if work-environment < 100[if skill > 80 [move-to one-of G]]]]
 ; ask one-of turtles-on Y [if probability > travel-restriction[if work-environment < 100[if skill > 80 [set color blue]]]] ;
ask one-of turtles-on R [if probability < travel-restriction[if work-environment < 100[if skill > 80 [move-to one-of G]]]]
 ; ask one-of turtles-on R [if probability > travel-restriction[if work-environment < 100[if skill > 80 [set color blue]]]]
ask one-of turtles-on Y [if probability < travel-restriction[if work-environment < 50[if skill > 50 [move-to one-of R]]]]
;ask one-of turtles-on Y [if probability > travel-restriction[if work-environment < 50[if skill > 50 [set color pink]]]]
; its moving based on others' probability have to make sure it moves on its own probability -- update: i think this is fixed

to life-after-corona
    let Y patches with [pcolor = yellow]
    let G patches with [pcolor = green]
  let R patches with [pcolor = red]
 ; ask patches [ask turtles-here [ if skill > 80 [set work-environment work-environment + 0.01]]]
  ;ask patches [ask turtles-here [ if skill > 50 [set work-environment work-environment + 0.005]]]
  ;ask patches [ask turtles-here [ if skill < 25 [set work-environment work-environment - 0.005]]]
  ;ask patches [ask turtles-here [ if skill < 10  [set work-environment work-environment - 0.01]]]
  ;they keep increasing i dont know whats wrong
  ; green country has a good start because work environment is already very high but i dont see its low-skilled people affecting work-env like in other countries
  set-current-plot "Work-Environment"
    set-current-plot-pen "Green"
  plot sum [work-environment] of patches with [pcolor = green]
   set-current-plot-pen "Red"
    plot sum [work-environment] of patches with [pcolor = red]
    set-current-plot-pen "Yellow"
    plot sum [work-environment] of patches with [pcolor = yellow]

    set-current-plot "Avg-Skill"
      set-current-plot-pen "Red1"
plot (sum [skill] of turtles-on patches with [pcolor = red]) / (count turtles-on patches with [pcolor = red])
      set-current-plot-pen "yellow"
  plot (sum [skill] of turtles-on patches with [pcolor = yellow]) / (count turtles-on patches with [pcolor = yellow])
      set-current-plot-pen "green"
  plot ((sum [skill] of turtles-on patches with [pcolor = green]) / (count turtles-on patches with [pcolor = green]))

  ask turtles [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != green [set heading heading - 100][fd 1]]
  ask turtles [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != red [set heading heading - 100][fd 1]]
  ask turtles [ifelse [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != yellow [set heading heading - 100][fd 1]]


to skill-effects

  if skill-effect?

    ask patches [if prob < 0.1 [ask turtles-here [ if skill > 50 [set work-environment work-environment + ( skill / 1000)]]]]
    ask patches [if prob < 0.1 [ask turtles-here [ if skill < 50 [set work-environment work-environment - ( skill / 1000)]]]]

to skill-share
      let Y patches with [pcolor = yellow]
    let G patches with [pcolor = green]
  let R patches with [pcolor = red]

  if skill-sharing?
   ask turtles [
  let own-multiplier skill * 0.00001
      if ordinary?[
  if any? turtles-on patch-here [ask turtles-on patch-here [if skill > 50 [ask turtles-on patch-here [set skill skill + own-multiplier]]]]
    if any? turtles-on patch-here [ask turtles-on patch-here [if skill < 50 [ask turtles-on patch-here [set skill skill - own-multiplier]]]]

      if lattice?
        ask turtles-on G
          if skill > 80
      create-links-with up-to-n-of 3 other turtles-on G in-radius 2 [
  set active? true
  set strength 1
  set color white
  set offset random 3

           ask turtles-on Y
             if skill > 80
      create-links-with up-to-n-of 3 other turtles-on Y in-radius 2 [
  set active? true
  set strength 1
  set color white
  set offset random 3

           ask turtles-on R
             if skill > 80
      create-links-with up-to-n-of 3 other turtles-on R in-radius 2 [
  set active? true
  set strength 1
  set color white
  set offset random 3

      ask in-link-neighbors [if skill > 50 [set skill skill + own-multiplier]]
 ask in-link-neighbors [if skill < 50 [set skill skill - own-multiplier]]



to env-effect
  if environment-effect?
    ask turtles [ask patch-here [ if work-environment > 5 [ask turtles-here [set skill skill + (work-environment / 50 )]]]]
    ask turtles [ask patch-here [if work-environment < 5 [ask turtles-here [set skill skill - (work-environment / 50)]]]]

There is only one version of this model, created almost 4 years ago by Massab Qayum.

Attached files

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Globalisation after Corona Virus.png preview Preview for 'Globalisation after Corona Virus' almost 4 years ago, by Massab Qayum Download

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