Shenzhen Urban Village Simulation

Shenzhen Urban Village Simulation preview image

1 collaborator

Default-person Tong Wu (Author)



Tagged by 陈 小 9 months ago

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globals [affordable-patches affordable-for-formals affordable-for-villagers]

breed [formals formal]      ;a breed for formal community residents (high affordabilituy)
breed [villagers villager]   ; a breed for village residents (low financial-capacity)
breed [new_vs new_v]
breed [new_fs new_f]
breed [deads dead]

  street                   ; the patch a street or not
  key-transit              ; major transportation line
  rent-value               ; a measure of proximity to transit and thypes of residence
  Parcel                   ; village, formal or park
  block                    ; block identity, center parcel to define parcels with in a block, 1 or o
  block_type               ; formal or village
  landuse                  ; what is built on a patch
  CBD_Dist                 ; measure and scale distance
  CBD_Metric               ; metric for CBD distance
  Transit_Dist             ; mesure of distance to key transit line
  Transit_Metric           ; metric of transit distance

[financial-capacity]             ; place holder for renters

[financial-capacity]             ; place holder for renters

to setup
;????proportion of block are formal gated communities

;set up streets and key transit lines
  ask patches with [pxcor != 0 and pycor != 0 or pycor = 1 ]
    if abs pxcor mod 6 = 0 or pycor mod 6 = 0
    [set pcolor 7 set street 1]
    ask patches with [pxcor = 0 or pycor = 0 ]
    [set pcolor 6 set street 1 set key-transit 1]

;set up blocks
  ask patches with [abs pxcor mod 6 = 3 and pycor mod 6 = 3]
      [set block 1]

;set up formal blocks--
  ask n-of (count patches with [block = 1]* .60) patches with [block = 1]
      [set block_type "formal"]
  ask patches with [street = 0 and
                   count patches with [block_type = "formal"] in-radius 3 = 1 and
                   count patches with [street = 1] in-radius 1 > 0]
      [set parcel "formal"]
  ask patches with [parcel = 0 and count patches with [block_type = "formal"] in-radius 2 = 1]
      [set parcel "park"]

;set up village blocks
 ask patches with [block = 1 and
                   block_type = 0]
      [set block_type "village"]
 ask patches with [street = 0 and
                   count patches with [block_type = "village"] in-radius 3 = 1]
      [set parcel "village"]

;set up color
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal"] [set pcolor 135]
  ask patches with [parcel = "park"] [set pcolor 8]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village"] [set pcolor 137]
  ask patches with [parcel ="formal" or parcel = "village"] [set landuse "residential"]

to create-renter-points ;with financial-capacity reflected from current rent value
; sprout formal renters with financial-capacity (formal patch: capacity 3)
 Ask n-of (count patches with [parcel = "formal"] * occupancy) patches with [parcel = "formal"] [sprout-formals 3]

 Ask formals
   Set color white
   Set shape "circle"
   Set size .7

;sprout village renters with financial-capacity (village patch capacity 1)
 Ask n-of (count patches with [parcel = "village"] * occupancy) patches with [parcel = "village"] [sprout-villagers 1]
 Ask villagers
   Set color white
   Set shape "x"
   Set size .7

 ask patches
  [set density count turtles-here]

to calculate-rent-value

  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" or parcel = "village"]
    ;access to CBD
    set CBD_Dist distance patch 0 0
    ;acces to key transit
    set Transit_Dist distance min-one-of patches with [key-transit = 1] [distance myself]

  ;CBD and transit Metric for formal
let a sort [CBD_Dist] of patches with [parcel = "formal"]
  let nlist length a print nlist
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and CBD_Dist <= item (0.1 * (nlist + 1)) a] [set CBD_Metric 20]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and CBD_Dist > item (0.1 * (nlist + 1)) a and CBD_Dist <= item (0.2 * (nlist + 1)) a] [set CBD_Metric 18]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and CBD_Dist > item (0.2 * (nlist + 1)) a and CBD_Dist <= item (0.3 * (nlist + 1)) a] [set CBD_Metric 16]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and CBD_Dist > item (0.3 * (nlist + 1)) a and CBD_Dist <= item (0.4 * (nlist + 1)) a] [set CBD_Metric 14]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and CBD_Dist > item (0.4 * (nlist + 1)) a and CBD_Dist <= item (0.5 * (nlist + 1)) a] [set CBD_Metric 12]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and CBD_Dist > item (0.5 * (nlist + 1)) a and CBD_Dist <= item (0.6 * (nlist + 1)) a] [set CBD_Metric 10]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and CBD_Dist > item (0.6 * (nlist + 1)) a and CBD_Dist <= item (0.7 * (nlist + 1)) a] [set CBD_Metric 8]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and CBD_Dist > item (0.7 * (nlist + 1)) a and CBD_Dist <= item (0.8 * (nlist + 1)) a] [set CBD_Metric 6]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and CBD_Dist > item (0.8 * (nlist + 1)) a and CBD_Dist <= item (0.9 * (nlist + 1)) a] [set CBD_Metric 4]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and CBD_Dist > item (0.9 * (nlist + 1)) a] [set CBD_Metric 2]

let b sort [transit_Dist] of patches with [parcel = "formal"]
  let nlist2 length b
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and transit_Dist <= item (0.1 * (nlist2 + 1)) b] [set transit_Metric 20]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and transit_Dist > item (0.1 * (nlist2 + 1)) b and transit_Dist <= item (0.2 * (nlist2 + 1)) b] [set transit_Metric 18]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and transit_Dist > item (0.2 * (nlist2 + 1)) b and transit_Dist <= item (0.3 * (nlist2 + 1)) b] [set transit_Metric 16]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and transit_Dist > item (0.3 * (nlist2 + 1)) b and transit_Dist <= item (0.4 * (nlist2 + 1)) b] [set transit_Metric 14]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and transit_Dist > item (0.4 * (nlist2 + 1)) b and transit_Dist <= item (0.5 * (nlist2 + 1)) b] [set transit_Metric 12]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and transit_Dist > item (0.5 * (nlist2 + 1)) b and transit_Dist <= item (0.6 * (nlist2 + 1)) b] [set transit_Metric 10]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and transit_Dist > item (0.6 * (nlist2 + 1)) b and transit_Dist <= item (0.7 * (nlist2 + 1)) b] [set transit_Metric 8]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and transit_Dist > item (0.7 * (nlist2 + 1)) b and transit_Dist <= item (0.8 * (nlist2 + 1)) b] [set transit_Metric 6]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and transit_Dist > item (0.8 * (nlist2 + 1)) b and transit_Dist <= item (0.9 * (nlist2 + 1)) b] [set transit_Metric 4]
  ask patches with [parcel = "formal" and transit_Dist > item (0.9 * (nlist2 + 1)) b] [set transit_Metric 2]

 ;CND and transit Metric for village
let c sort [CBD_Dist] of patches with [parcel = "village"]
  let nlist3 length c print nlist3
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and CBD_Dist <= item (0.1 * (nlist3 + 1)) c] [set CBD_Metric 10]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and CBD_Dist > item (0.1 * (nlist3 + 1)) c and CBD_Dist <= item (0.2 * (nlist3 + 1)) c] [set CBD_Metric 9]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and CBD_Dist > item (0.2 * (nlist3 + 1)) c and CBD_Dist <= item (0.3 * (nlist3 + 1)) c] [set CBD_Metric 8]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and CBD_Dist > item (0.3 * (nlist3 + 1)) c and CBD_Dist <= item (0.4 * (nlist3 + 1)) c] [set CBD_Metric 7]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and CBD_Dist > item (0.4 * (nlist3 + 1)) c and CBD_Dist <= item (0.5 * (nlist3 + 1)) c] [set CBD_Metric 6]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and CBD_Dist > item (0.5 * (nlist3 + 1)) c and CBD_Dist <= item (0.6 * (nlist3 + 1)) c] [set CBD_Metric 5]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and CBD_Dist > item (0.6 * (nlist3 + 1)) c and CBD_Dist <= item (0.7 * (nlist3 + 1)) c] [set CBD_Metric 4]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and CBD_Dist > item (0.7 * (nlist3 + 1)) c and CBD_Dist <= item (0.8 * (nlist3 + 1)) c] [set CBD_Metric 3]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and CBD_Dist > item (0.8 * (nlist3 + 1)) c and CBD_Dist <= item (0.9 * (nlist3 + 1)) c] [set CBD_Metric 2]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and CBD_Dist > item (0.9 * (nlist3 + 1)) c] [set CBD_Metric 1]

let d sort [transit_Dist] of patches with [parcel = "village"]
  let nlist4 length d
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and transit_Dist <= item (0.1 * (nlist4 + 1)) d] [set transit_Metric 10]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and transit_Dist > item (0.1 * (nlist4 + 1)) d and transit_Dist <= item (0.2 * (nlist4 + 1)) d] [set transit_Metric 9]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and transit_Dist > item (0.2 * (nlist4 + 1)) d and transit_Dist <= item (0.3 * (nlist4 + 1)) d] [set transit_Metric 8]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and transit_Dist > item (0.3 * (nlist4 + 1)) d and transit_Dist <= item (0.4 * (nlist4 + 1)) d] [set transit_Metric 7]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and transit_Dist > item (0.4 * (nlist4 + 1)) d and transit_Dist <= item (0.5 * (nlist4 + 1)) d] [set transit_Metric 6]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and transit_Dist > item (0.5 * (nlist4 + 1)) d and transit_Dist <= item (0.6 * (nlist4 + 1)) d] [set transit_Metric 5]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and transit_Dist > item (0.6 * (nlist4 + 1)) d and transit_Dist <= item (0.7 * (nlist4 + 1)) d] [set transit_Metric 4]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and transit_Dist > item (0.7 * (nlist4 + 1)) d and transit_Dist <= item (0.8 * (nlist4 + 1)) d] [set transit_Metric 3]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and transit_Dist > item (0.8 * (nlist4 + 1)) d and transit_Dist <= item (0.9 * (nlist4 + 1)) d] [set transit_Metric 2]
  ask patches with [parcel = "village" and transit_Dist > item (0.9 * (nlist4 + 1)) d] [set transit_Metric 1]


; calculate rent value
ask patches with [parcel = "formal" or parcel = "village"]
    set rent-value (CBD_Metric * CBD_Multiplier)+(transit_Metric * transit_Multiplier)

to update-rent-value
  ask patches with [parcel = "village"]
  [ set rent-value
    count turtles-on patches with [parcel = "village"] / count patches with [parcel = "village"]/ occupancy * rent-value

  ask patches with [parcel = "formal"]
  [ set rent-value
    count turtles-on patches with [parcel = "formal"] / (count patches with [parcel = "formal"] * 3 )/ occupancy * rent-value

to calculate-financial-capacity

  ask formals [set financial-capacity [rent-value] of patch-here * financial-multiplier]
  ask villagers[set financial-capacity [rent-value] of patch-here * financial-multiplier]

 ;20% village renters can afford higher rents
  ask n-of (count villagers * 0.2) villagers
     [set financial-capacity [rent-value] of patch-here * 1.5]

to develop

;develop a village
 let development-point max-one-of patches with [block_type = "village"] [rent-value]

 ask patches with [parcel = "village" and
                   distance development-point < 4 and
                   count patches with [street = 1] in-radius 1 > 0]
      [set parcel "formal" set rent-value rent-value * 2 set pcolor 84]

 ask patches with [parcel = "village" and
                   distance development-point < 4]
    [set parcel "park" set landuse 0 set rent-value 0 set pcolor 8 ]

 ask development-point [set block_type "formal"]

;displaced villagers
ask villagers with [distance development-point < 4]

      set affordable-patches patches with
         [landuse = "residential" and
          count villagers-here < 1 and
          count formals-here < 3 and
          rent-value < [financial-capacity] of myself ]

    ifelse any? affordable-patches
          move-to min-one-of affordable-patches [distance myself]
           ifelse [parcel] of patch-here  = "formal"
               [set breed formals set color 87 set shape "circle"]
               [set breed villagers set color 87 set shape "x"]
        [move-to patch 30 30 set color red set breed deads] ;die

to grow ;new comers and update financial-capacity

;new comers

;new formal residents
  ifelse (count patches with [parcel = "formal"] * 3 - count formals-on patches with [landuse = "residential"]) >= (increase_rate * count formals * 0.4)
       [ ask patch -30 -30
          [sprout-new_fs (increase_rate * count formals * 0.4)]
         ask new_fs [
                      move-to one-of patches with
                          [parcel = "formal" and count formals-here < 3]
       [ ask patches with [parcel = "formal"]  ;no enough housing available: rent increases
            [set rent-value rent-value * 1.05]

         if any? patches with [parcel = "formal" and count formals-here < 3]
           [ask patch -30 -30
               [sprout-new_fs (count patches with [parcel = "formal"] * 3 - count formals-on patches with [landuse = "residential"])]
            ask new_fs [
                          move-to one-of patches with
                           [parcel = "formal" and count formals-here < 3]
  ask new_fs
      Set color yellow
      Set size .7
      set breed formals
      set shape "circle"
      set financial-capacity [rent-value] of patch-here * financial-multiplier

;new villagers
  ifelse count patches with [parcel = "village" and count villagers-here = 0] >= (increase_rate * count villagers * 0.6)
            ask n-of (increase_rate * count villagers * 0.6) patches with
              [parcel = "village" and count villagers-here = 0]
                  [sprout-new_vs 1]
        [ ask patches with [parcel = "village"]   ;if not enough space available, rent increses)
            [set rent-value rent-value * 1.05]
          if any? patches with [parcel = "village" and count villagers-here = 0]
          [ask patches with [parcel = "village" and count villagers-here = 0]
               [sprout-new_vs 1]

  ask new_vs
   Set color yellow
   Set size .7
   set breed villagers
    set shape "x"
    set financial-capacity [rent-value] of patch-here * financial-multiplier

to impact-relocation  ;if rent value here becomes larger than financial-capacity, turtle would relocate or die


; capacity update
ask formals [set financial-capacity financial-capacity * 1.1]
ask villagers [set financial-capacity financial-capacity * 1.1]

; impacted villagers

 ask villagers
    set affordable-for-villagers patches with
         [landuse = "residential" and
          count villagers-here < 1 and
          count formals-here < 3 and
          rent-value < [financial-capacity] of myself ]

    if [financial-capacity] of self < [rent-value] of patch-here

        [ifelse any? affordable-for-villagers
            move-to min-one-of affordable-for-villagers [distance myself]
              ifelse [parcel] of patch-here  = "formal"
               [set breed formals set color 87 set shape "circle"]
               [set breed villagers set color 87 set shape "x"]
          [move-to patch 30 30 set color red set breed deads] ;die

;impacted formal residents
ask formals
    set affordable-for-formals patches with
    [landuse = "residential" and
      count villagers-here < 1 and
      count formals-here < 3 and
      rent-value < [financial-capacity] of myself]

    if [financial-capacity] of self < [rent-value] of patch-here

        [ifelse any? affordable-for-formals
            move-to min-one-of affordable-for-formals [distance myself]
              ifelse [parcel] of patch-here  = "formal"
               [set breed formals set color 87 set shape "circle"]
               [set breed villagers set color 87 set shape "x"]
          [move-to patch 30 30 set color red set breed deads] ;die


  ask patches
  [set density count turtles-here]

to show-rent-value
  ask patches
      set pcolor scale-color 116 rent-value min [rent-value] of patches  max [rent-value] of patches

to show-financial-capacity
ask turtles-on patches with [landuse = "residential"]
        set color scale-color 116 financial-capacity
        min [financial-capacity] of turtles-on patches with [landuse = "residential"]
        max [financial-capacity] of turtles-on patches with [landuse = "residential"]

to show-density
  ask patches with [landuse = "residential"]
      set pcolor scale-color grey count turtles-here 0 3

to output-death
output-print count turtles-on patch 30 30

to setup-plot

to plot-result

There is only one version of this model, created about 4 years ago by Tong Wu.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Shenzhen Urban Village Simulation.png preview Preview for 'Shenzhen Urban Village Simulation' about 4 years ago, by Tong Wu Download

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