Income-Spatial dynamics of informal neighborhoods

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Default-person Aashish Panwar (Author)


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breed [roads road]
breed [households household]

households-own [ income ]

globals [
  formal-patches          ;; agentset of green patches representing the formal sites
  informal-patches        ;; agentset of blue patches representing the informal site
  mainways                ;; agentset for roads surronding informal-patches

to setup
  set-default-shape households "house"
  set-default-shape roads "square 2"

  set formal-patches patches with [pxcor < 3]
  ask formal-patches [ set pcolor green ]

  set informal-patches patches with [pxcor > 3 and pycor > 0 and pxcor < 36 and pycor < 36]
  ask informal-patches [ set pcolor blue ]

  set mainways patches with [pcolor = black]
                                      ;; creating formal patches and informal patches and boundary roads patches

  create-roads 138 [move-to-empty-one-of mainways]
  create-roads 5 [setxy 4 random 36]
  create-roads 5 [setxy 35 random 36]
  create-roads 5 [setxy random 36 1]
  create-roads 5 [setxy random 36 35]
  ask roads [if pcolor = green [die]]
  ask roads [set color grey]
                                       ;; creating roads agents as single line

  create-households initial-population [ set color brown
    move-to-empty-one-of informal-patches
    set income random 30 + 15
  ]                                  ;; creating intial houses as slider
                                     ;; creating inital income for households


to move-to-empty-one-of [locations]                  ;; turtle procedure
  move-to one-of locations
  while [any? other turtles-here] [
    move-to one-of locations

to go

  ask households [
    set income income + income-growth + 2 - random 5   ;distributing growth in range of numbers
  ]                                                   ;; distribute income in household as per income gowth

  ask households [
    if income > rich-person [
  ]                                                    ;; remove rich households from model

  ask households [if count roads-on neighbors4 >= 1 [set color pink]]

  ifelse (111 - count turtles-on formal-patches) > (count households with [income > income-threshold and color = 35])  [
    ask households [if color = brown [
      if income > income-threshold  [
        set color pink
        move-to-empty-one-of formal-patches]
  [ask n-of (111 - count turtles-on formal-patches) (households with [income > income-threshold and color = 35])
        set color pink
          move-to-empty-one-of formal-patches]]   ; move household to formal patch acc to income threshold

  ask roads [if pcolor = blue [
    if count turtles-on neighbors4 < 4 [
      if count roads-on neighbors4 <= 3 [
        hatch-roads 1 [
          move-to-empty-one-of neighbors4
          set color grey
      ] ] ] ]

  ask roads [
    if pcolor = blue [
      if (count roads-on neighbors > 5) [die]

 ifelse in-rate < (1120 - count turtles-on informal-patches) [             ;; in-rate is less than vacant place
    create-households in-rate [
    set color brown
    move-to-empty-one-of informal-patches
    set income random 15 + 15                                                ;; add household from in rate
  ]] [ create-households (1120 - count turtles-on informal-patches) [
    set color brown
    move-to-empty-one-of informal-patches
    set income random 15 + 15                                               ;; add household from in rate

  ask households [if count roads-on neighbors4 >= 1 [set color pink]]
  ask households [if pcolor = blue [
    if count roads-on neighbors4 = 0 [set color brown]]]

  if count households with [color = 35] = 0 [stop]



to display-labels
  ask households [ set label "" ]
  if show-income [
    ask households [ set label round income ]

There is only one version of this model, created about 4 years ago by Aashish Panwar.

Attached files

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Income-Spatial dynamics of informal neighborhoods.png preview Preview for 'Income-Spatial dynamics of informal neighborhoods' about 4 years ago, by Aashish Panwar Download

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