Neural Network Model of Addiction

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Default-person Cohen Bolliger (Author)


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The presented Spiking Neural Network (SNN) model is built in the framework of generalized Integrate-and-fire models which recreate to some extend the phenomenological dynamics of neurons while abstracting the biophysical processes behind them. The Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) learning approach proposed by (Gerstner and al. 1996, Kempter et al. 1999) has been implemented and used as the underlying learning mechanism for the experimental neural circuit. In this approach a synapse is strengthened if it sends a signal within a given time period before the postsynaptic cell fires an action potential. Conversely, the synapse is weakened if it sends a signal within a given time after the postsynaptic cell fires an action potential.

The neural circuit implemented in this model enables a simulated agent representing a virtual insect to move in a two dimensional world, learning to visually identify and seek or avoid rewarding and painful stimuli. At the beginning, the agent is not aware of which stimuli are to be avoided or followed. Learning occurs through Reward-and-punishment classical conditioning. Here the agent learns to associate different colours with unconditioned reflex responses such as pleasure or pain. Also, the insect is repositioned in its initial coordinates every time it reaches the virtual-world boundaries.


The experimental virtual-insect is able to process three types of sensorial information: (1) visual, (2) pain and (3) pleasant or rewarding sensation. The visual information is acquired through two photoreceptors where neuron 1 senses white patches and neuron 3 senses green patches. Each photoreceptor is connected with one afferent neuron which propagates the input pulses towards two Motoneurons identified by the labels 21 and 22. Pain is elicited by a nociceptor (labeled 4) whenever the insect collides with a green patch when withdrawal is on. A rewarding or pleasant sensation is elicited by a pheromone sensor (labeled 5) when the insect gets in direct contact with a patch with a reward.

The motor system allows the virtual insect to move forward (neuron labeled 31) or rotate in one direction (neuron labeled 32) according to the reflexive behaviour associated to it. In order to keep the insect moving even in the absence of external stimuli, the motoneuron 22 is connected to a neural oscillator sub-circuit composed of two neurons (identified by the labels 23 and 24) performing the function of a pacemaker which sends a periodic pulse to Motoneuron 22. The pacemaker is initiated by a pulse from an input neuron (labeled 6) which represents an external input current (i.e; intracellular electrode). The pacemaker sub-circuit can be ignored for the purposes of this model.


  1. Press Setup to create: a. the neural circuit (on the left of the view) b. the insect and its virtual world (on the right of the view)

  2. Press go-forever to continually run the simulation.

  3. Press re-draw world to change the virtual world by adding random patches.

  4. Press relocate insect to bring the insect to its initial (center) position.

  5. Use the insectviewdistance slider to indicate the number of patches the insect can look ahead.

  6. Use the leavetrailon? switch to follow the movement of the insect.

  7. Use the white_reward slider to determine whether the insect recieves a reward for landing on a white patch.

  8. Use the green_reward slider to determine whether the insect recieves a reward for landing on a green patch.

  9. Use the white_withdrawal slider to determine if the insect recieves pain for landing on a green patch.

  10. Use the white_number slider to determine the number of white patches in world.

  11. Use the green_number slider to determine the number of green patches in world.

  12. Use the leakiness slider to set the level of potassium leak channels in membranes (0 is normal levels).

  13. Use the maxse slider so set the maximum efficacy of plastic synapses.

  14. Use the neuronid_monitor1/2 to set the neuron that graph 1/2 will follow.

On the circuit side: Input neurons are depicted with green squares. Normal neurons are represented with pink circles. When a neuron fires its colour changes to red for a short time (for 1 tick or iteration). Synapses are represented by links (grey lines) between neurons. Inhibitory synapses are depicted by red lines. The thickness of the synapses between normal neurons is representative of synaptic weight.


At the beginning the insect moves along the virtual-world in a seemingly random way colliding equally with both types of coloured patches. This demonstrates the initial inability of the insect to discriminate and react in response to visual stimuli. However, after a few thousands iterations (depending on the learning parameters), it can be seen that the trajectories lengthen as the learning of the insect progresses and more pain responses are avoided while reward responses are pursued.


Use of link and list primitives.


  • Cristian Jimenez-Romero, David Sousa-Rodrigues, Jeffrey H. Johnson, Vitorino Ramos A Model for Foraging Ants, Controlled by Spiking Neural Networks and Double Pheromonesin UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence 2015, University of Exeter, September 2015.

  • Wilensky, U. (1999). NetLogo. Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

Comments and Questions

File (Question)

Hello I would be interesting to test this model for an acedemical project. I'm using the latest version of Netlogo. I downloaded the latest version available, However the file is not extractable, and it resists to launch in Netlogo. I also tried to use the code but the error report indicates " to or to-report missing" , which is the same message as when I launch the version of 2015 on the latest version of Netlogo Would you have an idea of how to solve this file problem ? Thank you very much for your help

Posted over 4 years ago

Response to Tasnim Fareh

Hello and thank you for the interest in the model! A past of your issue might be the NetLogo model that you are using. This model was made on version 5.3.1 and if you are trying to run the code on a newer version it may not work. I have also had issues downloading models off the commons, a good workaround for this issue is to download the code from the "run in NetLogo web" tab. If you click on the tab and run, there should be an "extract" model option, and you can extract the model directly to NetLogo there. Using the 5.3.1 version and extracting the model as stated should fix your issues, let me know if you have any other questions. Enjoy the model! Cohen

Posted over 4 years ago

Click to Run Model

;; Spiking Neural Networks with STDP learning

;; Author: Cristian Jimenez Romero - The Open University - 2015

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Spiking Neural Network related code:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
breed [neurontypes neurontype]
breed [inputneurons inputneuron]
breed [normalneurons normalneuron]
directed-link-breed [normal-synapses normal-synapse]
directed-link-breed [input-synapses input-synapse]


  ;;;;;;;;;;Neuron Dynamics;;;;;;;;;;;
  decayrate ;Decay rate constant
  relrefractorypotential ;Refractory potential
  intervrefractoryperiod ;Duration of absolute-refractory period
  minmembranepotential ;lowest boundary for membrane potential
  ;;;;;;;Learning Parameters;;;;;;;;;
  pos_hebb_weight ;;Weight to increase the efficacy of synapses
  pos_time_window ;; Positive learning window
  neg_hebb_weight ;;Weight to decrease the efficacy of synapses
  neg_time_window ;; negative learning window
  max_synaptic_weight ;;Maximum synaptic weight
  min_synaptic_weight ;;Minimum synaptic weight
  pos_syn_change_interval ;;ranges of pre–to–post synaptic interspike intervals over which synaptic change occur.


;;; Create a neuron type
;;; Parameters: Type-identifier, resting potential, firing threshold, decay rate, refractory potential, duration of refractory period, lowest boundary for membrane potential

to setup-neurontype [#pneurontypeid #prestpot #pthreshold #pdecayr #prefractpot #pintrefrectp #minmembranepotential]

  create-neurontypes 1
     set shape "square"
     set neurontypeid #pneurontypeid
     set restingpotential #prestpot
     set firethreshold #pthreshold
     set decayrate #pdecayr
     set relrefractorypotential #prefractpot
     set intervrefractoryperiod #pintrefrectp
     set minmembranepotential #minmembranepotential

;;; Set learning parameters for neuron type pneurontypeid

to set-neurontype-learning-params [ #pneurontypeid #ppos_hebb_weight #ppos_time_window #pneg_hebb_weight #pneg_time_window #pmax_synaptic_weight
                                    #pmin_synaptic_weight #ppos_syn_change_interval #pneg_syn_change_interval]

  ask neurontypes with [neurontypeid = #pneurontypeid]
    set pos_hebb_weight #ppos_hebb_weight
    set pos_time_window #ppos_time_window
    set neg_hebb_weight #pneg_hebb_weight
    set neg_time_window #pneg_time_window
    set max_synaptic_weight #pmax_synaptic_weight
    set min_synaptic_weight #pmin_synaptic_weight
    set pos_syn_change_interval #ppos_syn_change_interval
    set neg_syn_change_interval #pneg_syn_change_interval

;;; Declare an existing neuron "pneuronid" as neuron-type "pneurontypeid"

to set-neuron-to-neurontype [ #pneurontypeid #pneuronid ] ;Call by observer

    ask neurontypes with [neurontypeid = #pneurontypeid]
      ask normalneuron #pneuronid
        set nrestingpotential [restingpotential] of myself
        set nmembranepotential [restingpotential] of myself
        set nfirethreshold [firethreshold] of myself
        set ndecayrate [decayrate] of myself
        set nrelrefractorypotential [relrefractorypotential] of myself
        set nintervrefractoryperiod [intervrefractoryperiod] of myself
        set nminmembranepotential [minmembranepotential] of myself

        ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Learning Parameters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
        set npos_hebb_weight [pos_hebb_weight] of myself
        set npos_time_window [pos_time_window] of myself
        set nneg_hebb_weight [neg_hebb_weight] of myself
        set nneg_time_window [neg_time_window] of myself
        set nmax_synaptic_weight [max_synaptic_weight] of myself
        set nmin_synaptic_weight [min_synaptic_weight] of myself
        set npos_syn_change_interval [pos_syn_change_interval] of myself
        set nneg_syn_change_interval [neg_syn_change_interval] of myself

normalneurons-own [

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Learning Parameters;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  npos_hebb_weight ;;Weight to increase the efficacy of synapses
  npos_time_window ;; Positive learning window
  nneg_hebb_weight ;;Weight to decrease the efficacy of synapses
  nneg_time_window ;; negative learning window
  nmax_synaptic_weight ;;Maximum synaptic weight
  nmin_synaptic_weight ;;Minimum synaptic weight
  npos_syn_change_interval ;;ranges of pre–to–post synaptic interspike intervals over which synaptic change occur.


normal-synapses-own [



inputneurons-own [

   pulsecounter ;;Count the number of sent pulses
   interspikecounter ;;Count the time between pulses
   numberofspikes ;;Number of spikes to send
   isynapseefficacy ;;In most cases should be large enough to activate possynn with a single spike


to-report get-input-neuronid-from-label [#pneuronlabel]

  let returned_id nobody
  ask one-of inputneurons with [neuronlabel = #pneuronlabel][set returned_id neuronid]
  report returned_id

to-report get-neuronid-from-label [#pneuronlabel]

  let returned_id nobody
  ask one-of normalneurons with [nneuronlabel = #pneuronlabel][set returned_id nneuronid]
  report returned_id

;;; Create a new synapse between pre-synaptic neuron: #ppresynneuronlabel and post-synaptic neuron: #ppossynneuronlabel

to setup-synapse [#ppresynneuronlabel #ppossynneuronlabel #psynapseefficacy #pexc_or_inh #psyndelay #plearningon?]

   let presynneuid get-neuronid-from-label #ppresynneuronlabel
   let possynneuid get-neuronid-from-label #ppossynneuronlabel

   let postsynneu normalneuron possynneuid
   ask normalneuron presynneuid [
        create-normal-synapse-to postsynneu [
           set presynneuronlabel #ppresynneuronlabel
           set possynneuronlabel #ppossynneuronlabel
           set presynneuronid presynneuid
           set possynneuronid possynneuid
           set synapseefficacy #psynapseefficacy
           set exc_or_inh #pexc_or_inh
           set synapsedelay #psyndelay
           set joblist []
           set learningon? #plearningon?
           ifelse (#pexc_or_inh = inhibitory_synapse)
             set color red
             set color grey
           set thickness 0.5

;;; Process incoming pulse from input neuron

to receive-input-neuron-pulse [ #psnefficacy #pexcinh ];;called by Neuron

  if ( nneuronstate != neuron_state_refractory )
      ;;Adjust membrane potential:
      ifelse ( #pexcinh = excitatory_synapse )
          set nmembranepotential nmembranepotential + #psnefficacy  ;;increase membrane potential
          set nmembranepotential nmembranepotential - #psnefficacy ;;decrease membrane potential
          if (nmembranepotential < nminmembranepotential) ;; Floor for the membrane potential in case of extreme inhibition
             set nmembranepotential nminmembranepotential
  set nlastspikeinput ticks

;;; Neuron pstneuronid# processes incoming pulse from neuron #prneuronid

to receive-pulse [ #prneuronid #snefficacy #excinh #plearningon? ];;called by neuron

  if ( nneuronstate != neuron_state_refractory )
      ;;Perturb membrane potential:
      ifelse ( #excinh = excitatory_synapse )
          set nmembranepotential nmembranepotential + (#snefficacy * epsp-kernel) ;;increase membrane potential
          set nmembranepotential nmembranepotential - (#snefficacy * ipsp-kernel) ;;decrease membrane potential
          if (nmembranepotential < nminmembranepotential) ;; Floor for the membrane potential in case of extreme inhibition
             set nmembranepotential nminmembranepotential
  ;;Remember last input spike:
  set nlastspikeinput ticks
  ;; If plasticity is activated then store pulse info for further processing and apply STDP
  if (#plearningon? and learningmode?)
     ;;Don't let incoming-pulses history-buffer grow beyond limits (delete oldest spike):
     ;;Create list of parameters and populate it:
     let pulseinflist[]
     set pulseinflist lput #prneuronid pulseinflist ;;Add Presynaptic neuron Id
     set pulseinflist lput #snefficacy pulseinflist ;;Add Synaptic efficacy
     set pulseinflist lput #excinh pulseinflist ;;Add excitatory or inhibitory info.
     set pulseinflist lput ticks pulseinflist ;;Add arriving time
     set pulseinflist lput false pulseinflist ;;Indicate if pulse has been processed as an EPSP following a Postsynaptic spike ( Post -> Pre, negative hebbian)
     ;;Add list of parameters to list of incoming pulses:
     set nincomingspikes lput pulseinflist nincomingspikes
     ;;Apply STDP learning rule:

;;; Neuron fires

to prepare-pulse-firing ;;Called by Neurons

   ;;Remember last firing time
   set nlast-firing-time ticks
   ;;Apply learning rule and after that empty incoming-pulses history:
   ;;transmit Pulse to postsynaptic neurons:
   ;;Set State to refractory
   set nneuronstate neuron_state_refractory
   ;;initialize counter of refractory period in number of iterations
   set nrefractorycounter nintervrefractoryperiod

;;; Kernel for inhibitory post-synaptic potential

to-report ipsp-kernel ;;Called by Neurons

  report 1

;;; Kernel for excitatory post-synaptic potential

to-report epsp-kernel ;;Called by Neurons

  report 1

;;; Kernel for membrane decay towards resting potential (If current membrane pot. > Resting pot.)                  ;;;;;;;Possibility for leak? w next

to-report negative-decay-kernel ;;Called by Neurons

  report (1 + leakiness) * (exp ( - ( ticks - nlastspikeinput ) / 5 ) + ndecayrate)

;;; Kernel for membrane decay towards resting potential (If current membrane pot. < Resting pot.)

to-report positive-decay-kernel ;;Called by Neurons

  report (1 + leakiness)*(exp (3 - ( ticks - nlast-firing-time ) ^ 0.8) + 0.3)

;;; Bring membrane potential towards its resting state

to decay ;;Called by Neurons
    ;;Move membrane potential towards resting potential:
    ifelse (nmembranepotential > nrestingpotential )
        let expdecay negative-decay-kernel ;
        ifelse ((nmembranepotential - expdecay) < nrestingpotential)
          set nmembranepotential nrestingpotential
          set nmembranepotential nmembranepotential - expdecay
      let expdecay positive-decay-kernel ;
      ifelse ((nmembranepotential + expdecay) > nrestingpotential)
        set nmembranepotential nrestingpotential
        set nmembranepotential nmembranepotential + expdecay

;;; Process neuron dynamics according to its machine state

to do-neuron-dynamics ;;Called by Neurons

  ifelse ( nneuronstate = neuron_state_open )
    if (nmembranepotential != nrestingpotential )
      ;;Check if membrane potential reached the firing threshold
      ifelse( nmembranepotential >= nfirethreshold )
        set color red
         ;;Move membrane potential towards resting potential:
    ;;Not idle and not firing, then refractory:
    set color pink ;;Restore normal colour
    ;;Decrease timer of absolute refractory period:
    set nrefractorycounter nrefractorycounter - system_iter_unit
    ;;Set membrane potential with refractory potential:
    set nmembranepotential nrelrefractorypotential
    if ( nrefractorycounter <= 0) ;;End of absolute refractory period?
      ;;Set neuron in open state:
      set nneuronstate neuron_state_open
  ;;Continue with Axonal dynamics independently of the neuron state:

;;; Delete history of incoming spikes

to empty-pulse-history-buffer ;;Called by neurons

  set nincomingspikes[]

;;; Apply the Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity rule

to apply-stdp-learning-rule ;;Call by neurons

  ;Apply rule: Ap.exp(dt/Tp); if dt < 0; dt = prespt - postspt

  let currspikeinfo[]
  let itemcount 0
  let deltaweight 0

  while [itemcount < ( length nincomingspikes ) ]
     set currspikeinfo ( item itemcount nincomingspikes ) ;;Get spike info:   prneuronid[0], snefficacy[1], excinh[2], arrivaltime[3], processedBynegHebb[4]

     ifelse ( item 2 currspikeinfo ) = excitatory_synapse ;;Is the spike coming from an excitatory synapsis?
       let deltaspike ( item 3 currspikeinfo ) - nlast-firing-time
       if ( deltaspike >= nneg_time_window and deltaspike <= npos_time_window) ;;Is spike within learning window?
           ;;Calculate learning factor:
          ifelse ( deltaspike <= 0 ) ;;Increase weight
            set deltaweight  npos_hebb_weight * exp(deltaspike / npos_syn_change_interval )
            ask normal-synapse  ( item 0 currspikeinfo ) nneuronid  [update-synapse-efficacy deltaweight [nmax_synaptic_weight] of myself [nmin_synaptic_weight] of myself]
            if (( item 4 currspikeinfo ) = false) ;;if spike has not been processed then compute Hebb rule:
              set deltaweight (- nneg_hebb_weight * exp(- deltaspike / nneg_syn_change_interval )) ;;Turn positive delta into a negative weight
              set currspikeinfo replace-item 4 currspikeinfo true ;Indicate that this pulse has already been processed as a EPSP after Postsyn neuron has fired (negative hebbian)
              set nincomingspikes replace-item itemcount nincomingspikes currspikeinfo
              ask normal-synapse  ( item 0 currspikeinfo ) nneuronid [update-synapse-efficacy deltaweight [nmax_synaptic_weight] of myself [nmin_synaptic_weight] of myself]
       ;;Inhibitory Synapses: Plasticity in inhibitory synapses not implemented yet

     set itemcount itemcount + 1

;;; Don't store more pulses than the specified by PulseHistoryBuffSize

to check-pulse-history-buffer ;;Call by neurons

  if( length nincomingspikes > PulseHistoryBuffSize )
    ;; Remove oldest pulse in the list
    set nincomingspikes remove-item 0 nincomingspikes

;;; Propagate pulse to all post-synaptic neurons

to propagate-pulses ;;Call by neurons

  ;; Insert a new pulse in all synapses having the current neuron as presynaptic
  ask my-out-normal-synapses

;;; Process synaptic dynamics of synapses with pre-synaptic neuron: presynneuronid

to do-synaptic-dynamics ;;Call by neurons

  ;; Process all outgoing synapses with pulses in their job-list
  ask my-out-normal-synapses with [ length joblist > 0 ]

;;; Enqueue pulse in synapse

to add-pulse-job ;;Call by link (synapse)

    ;;Add a new Pulse with its delay time at the end of the outgoing-synapse joblist
    set joblist lput synapsedelay joblist

;;; Change synaptic weight

to update-synapse-efficacy [ #deltaweight #pmax_synaptic_weight #pmin_synaptic_weight] ;;Call by synapse

  ifelse ( synapseefficacy + #deltaweight ) > #pmax_synaptic_weight
    set synapseefficacy #pmax_synaptic_weight
    ifelse ( synapseefficacy + #deltaweight ) < #pmin_synaptic_weight
      set synapseefficacy #pmin_synaptic_weight
      set synapseefficacy synapseefficacy + #deltaweight
  set thickness synapseefficacy * 0.15

;;; For each traveling pulse in synapse check if pulse has already arrived at the post-synaptic neuron

to process-pulses-queue ;;Call by synapse

  set joblist map [ ? - 1  ] joblist ;;Decrease all delay counters by 1 time-unit
  foreach filter [? <= 0] joblist
       ;;Transmit Pulse to Postsyn Neuron:
       ask other-end [receive-pulse [presynneuronid] of myself [synapseefficacy] of myself [exc_or_inh] of myself [learningon?] of myself]
  ;;Keep only "traveling" pulses in the list :
  set joblist filter [? > 0] joblist

;;; Create one input neuron and attach it to neuron with label #ppostsynneuronlabel (input neurons have one connection only)

to setup-input-neuron [#pposx #pposy #label #ppostsynneuronlabel #psynapseefficacy #pcoding #pnumofspikes]

  let postsynneuronid get-neuronid-from-label #ppostsynneuronlabel
  set-default-shape inputneurons "square"
  create-inputneurons 1
     set layernum 0
     set neuronid who
     set neuronstate neuron_state_open
     set pulsecounter 0
     set interspikecounter 0
     set numberofspikes #pnumofspikes
     set postsynneuron postsynneuronid
     set encodedvalue input_value_empty
     set isynapseefficacy #psynapseefficacy
     setxy #pposx #pposy
     set color green
     set label #label
     set neuronlabel #label

;;; Process pulses in input neuron

to do-input-neuron-dynamics ;;Called by inputneurons

  if ( pulsecounter > 0 ) ;;process only if input-neuron has something to do
    set interspikecounter interspikecounter + 1
    if (interspikecounter > encodedvalue)
    ;;Transmit pulse to Post-synaptic Neuron;
      ask out-input-synapse-neighbors [receive-input-neuron-pulse [isynapseefficacy] of myself [excitatory_synapse] of myself]
      set interspikecounter 0
      set pulsecounter pulsecounter - 1

;;; Encode input value (integer number) into pulses

to-report set-input-value [#pencodedvalue] ;;Called by inputneurons

  ;;Check if input neuron is ready to receive input
  let inputready false
  if ( pulsecounter = 0 )
    set encodedvalue #pencodedvalue
    set pulsecounter numberofspikes ;;Initialize counter with the number of pulses to transmit with the encoded value
    set interspikecounter 0
    set inputready true
  report inputready

;;; Ask input neuron with id = #pneuronid to accept and encode a new input value

to feed-input-neuron [#pneuronid #pencodedvalue];;Called by observer

   ask inputneuron #pneuronid
     let inputready set-input-value #pencodedvalue

;;; Ask input neuron with label = #pneuronlabel to accept and encode a new input value

to feed-input-neuron_by_label [#pneuronlabel #pencodedvalue];;Called by observer

   ask one-of inputneurons with [ neuronlabel = #pneuronlabel ]
     let inputready set-input-value #pencodedvalue

;;; Create link to represent synapse from input neuron to post-synaptic neuron: postsynneuron

to setup-input-synapse ;;Call from inputneurons

   let psnneuron postsynneuron
   let postsynneu one-of (normalneurons with [nneuronid = psnneuron])
   create-input-synapse-to postsynneu

;;; Create and initialize neuron

to setup-normal-neuron [#playernum #pposx #pposy #label #pneurontypeid]

  set-default-shape normalneurons "circle"
  let returned_id nobody
  create-normalneurons 1
     set nlayernum #playernum
     set nneuronid who
     set nneuronstate neuron_state_open
     set nrefractorycounter 0
     set nincomingspikes[]
     set nnumofsynapses 0
     set nlastspikeinput 0
     setxy #pposx #pposy
     set color pink
     set label #label
     set nneuronlabel #label
     set returned_id nneuronid
  set-neuron-to-neurontype #pneurontypeid returned_id

;;; Process neural dynamics

to do-network-dynamics

 ask inputneurons [ do-input-neuron-dynamics ] ;Process input neurons in random order
 ask normalneurons [do-neuron-dynamics] ;Process normal neurons in random order

;;; Show information about neuron with id: #srcneuron

to show-neuron-info [#srcneuron] ;;Called by observer

   ;set plot-list lput ( [nmembranepotential] of one-of normalneurons with [nneuronid = neuronid_monitor1] ) plot-list
   ask normalneurons with [nneuronid = #srcneuron]
      print ""
      write "Neuron Id:" write nneuronid print ""
      write "Layer " write nlayernum print ""
      write "Membrane potential: " write nmembranepotential print ""
      write "Spike threshold: " write nfirethreshold print ""
      write "Resting potential: " write nrestingpotential print ""
      write "Refractory potential: " write nrelrefractorypotential print ""
      write "Last input-pulse received at:" write nlastspikeinput print ""
      write "Last spike fired at: " write nlast-firing-time print ""
      write "Current state: " write (ifelse-value ( nneuronstate = neuron_state_open ) ["idle"] ["refractory"] ) print ""
      print ""

;;; Show information about synapse with pre-synaptic neuron: #srcneuron and post-synaptic neuron: #dstneuron

to show-synapse-info-from-to [#srcneuron #dstneuron] ;;Called by observer

   ask normal-synapses with [presynneuronid = #srcneuron and possynneuronid = #dstneuron]
      print "Synapse from:"
      write "Neuron " write #srcneuron write " to neuron " write #dstneuron print ""
      write "Weight: " write synapseefficacy print ""
      write "Delay: " write synapsedelay write "iteration(s)" print ""
      write "Excitatory or Inhibitory: "
      write (ifelse-value ( exc_or_inh = excitatory_synapse ) ["Excitatory"] ["Inhibitory"] )
      print ""

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;End of SNN code;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Artificial insect related code:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
breed [testcreatures testcreature]
breed [visualsensors visualsensor]

testcreatures-own [



;;; Create insect agent

to-report create-creature [#xpos #ypos #creature_label #reward_neuron_label #pain_neuron_label #move_neuron_label #rotate_neuron_label]

  let reward_neuron_id get-input-neuronid-from-label #reward_neuron_label
  let pain_neuron_id get-input-neuronid-from-label #pain_neuron_label
  let move_neuron_id get-neuronid-from-label #move_neuron_label
  let rotate_neuron_id get-neuronid-from-label #rotate_neuron_label
  let returned_id nobody
  create-testcreatures 1 [
    set shape "bug"
    setxy #xpos #ypos
    set size 2
    set color yellow
    rt random-float 360
    set creature_label #creature_label
    set reward_neuron reward_neuron_id
    set pain_neuron pain_neuron_id
    set move_neuron move_neuron_id
    set rotate_neuron rotate_neuron_id
    set creature_id who
    set returned_id creature_id

  report  returned_id

visualsensors-own [

  relative_rotation ;;Position relative to front


;;; Create photoreceptor and attach it to insect

to create-visual-sensor [ #psensor_id #pposition #colour_sensitive #attached_neuron_label #attached_creature] ;;Called by observer

  let attached_neuron_id get-input-neuronid-from-label #attached_neuron_label
  create-visualsensors 1 [
     set sensor_id #psensor_id
     set relative_rotation #pposition ;;Degrees relative to current heading - Left + Right 0 Center
     set attached_to_colour #colour_sensitive
     set attached_to_neuron attached_neuron_id
     set attached_to_creature #attached_creature

;;; Ask photoreceptor if there is a patch ahead (within insect_view_distance) with a perceivable colour (= attached_to_colour)

to view-world-ahead ;;Called by visualsensors

  let itemcount 0
  let foundobj black
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Take same position and heading of creature:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  let creature_px 0
  let creature_py 0
  let creature_heading 0
  ask  testcreature attached_to_creature [set creature_px xcor set creature_py ycor set creature_heading heading];
  set xcor creature_px
  set ycor creature_py
  set heading creature_heading
  rt relative_rotation
  let view_distance insect_view_distance
  let xview 0
  let yview 0
  while [itemcount <= view_distance and foundobj = black]
    set itemcount itemcount + 0.2;1
    ask patch-ahead itemcount [
       set foundobj pcolor
       set xview pxcor
       set yview pycor


  update-creature-sightline-position attached_to_creature xview yview
  ifelse (foundobj = attached_to_colour) ;;Found perceivable colour?
    set distance_to_stimuli itemcount
    set perceived_stimuli foundobj                                                    ;;;;;;Set percieved stimuli? Drug perception
    set distance_to_stimuli 0
    set perceived_stimuli 0

;;; Process Nociceptive, reward and visual sensation

to perceive-world ;;Called by testcreatures

 let nextobject 0
 let distobject 0
 let onobject 0
 ;; Get color of current position
 ask patch-here [ set onobject pcolor ]
 ifelse (onobject = white)
    [ if white_reward > 0
        feed-input-neuron reward_neuron white_reward ;;induce happiness '
      ]                                       ;;ouch to drug (withdrawal symptoms?)
        ask patch-here [ set pcolor black ] ;;Eat patch
      if (onobject = green)
      [ if green_reward > 0
             feed-input-neuron reward_neuron green_reward ;;induce happiness
             if white_withdrawal > 0
               feed-input-neuron pain_neuron white_withdrawal
             ask patch-here [ set pcolor black ]  ;;Eat patch
 ask visualsensors [propagate-visual-stimuli]

;;; Move or rotate according to the active motoneuron

to do-actuators ;;Called by Creature

 let dorotation? false
 let domovement? false
 ;;Check rotate actuator
 ask normalneuron rotate_neuron [
   if (nlast-firing-time = ticks);
     set dorotation? true
 ;;Check move forward actuator
 ask normalneuron move_neuron[
   if (nlast-firing-time = ticks);
     set domovement? true

 if (dorotation?)
   rotate-creature 4

 if (domovement?)
   move-creature 0.4

;;; Photoreceptor excitates the connected input neuron

to propagate-visual-stimuli ;;Called by visual sensor

  if (attached_to_colour = perceived_stimuli) ;;Only produce an action potential if the corresponding associated stimulus was sensed
     feed-input-neuron attached_to_neuron distance_to_stimuli;

;;; Move insect (#move_units) patches forward

to move-creature [#move_units]
  if (leave_trail_on?) [Leave-trail]
  fd #move_units

;;; Rotate insect (#rotate_units) degrees

to rotate-creature [#rotate_units]
  rt #rotate_units

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;End of insect related code;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

breed [sightlines sightline]
directed-link-breed [sight-trajectories sight-trajectory]
;;; Show a sightline indicating the patch the insect is looking at

to-report create-sightline

  let sightline_id nobody
  create-sightlines 1
     set shape "circle"
     set size 0.5
     set color orange
     set sightline_id who
  report sightline_id

to update-creature-sightline-position [#creatureid #posx #posy]

  ifelse (show_sight_line?)
    let attached_sightline 0
    ask testcreature #creatureid [set attached_sightline creature_sightline]
    ask sightline attached_sightline [setxy #posx #posy]
    ask sight-trajectories [show-link]
    ask sight-trajectories [hide-link]

to attach-sightline-to-creature [#creature_id #sightline_id]

  let sightline_agent sightline #sightline_id
  ask sightline_agent [setxy [xcor] of testcreature #creature_id [ycor] of testcreature #creature_id]
  ask testcreature #creature_id [
    set creature_sightline #sightline_id
    create-sight-trajectory-to sightline_agent [set color orange set thickness 0.4]

breed [itrails itrail]
;;; Leave a yellow arrow behind the insect indicating its heading

to leave-trail ; [posx posy]

  hatch-itrails 1
     set shape "arrow"
     set size 1
     set color yellow
     set ttl 2000

;;; Check if it is time to remove the trail

to check-trail

  set ttl ttl - 1
  if ttl <= 0


globals [
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;SNN Module globals;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  neuron_state_open;; describe state machine of the neuron
  neuron_state_firing;; describe state machine of the neuron
  neuron_state_refractory;; describe state machine of the neuron
  system_iter_unit ;;time steps of each iteration expressed in milliseconds
  PulseHistoryBuffSize ;;Size of pulse history buffer
  input_value_empty ;;Indicate that there is no input value

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Insect globals;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  pspikefrequency ;;Number of spikes emitted by an input neuron in response to one stimulus
  error_free_counter ;;Number of iterations since the insect collided with a noxious stimulus
  required_error_free_iterations ;;Number of error-free iterations necessary to stop training
  green_initial  ;; For counting plots


;;; Create neural circuit, insect and world

to setup




  ;;;;;;;;;;Draw world with white, green and red patches;;;;;;;;

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Setup Neuron types;;;;;;;;;;;;;;                 ;;;change for weight redistribution?
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Neuron type1:
  setup-neurontype 1 (-65 + 50 * leakiness) -55 0.1 -75 3 -75 ;;22,23,11,12,13,31,32
  set-neurontype-learning-params 1 0.045 75 0.045 -50 maxse 1 (8 + 3) (15 + 3) ;[ #pneurontypeid #ppos_hebb_weight #ppos_time_window #pneg_hebb_weight #pneg_time_window #pmax_synaptic_weight
                                    ;#pmin_synaptic_weight #ppos_syn_change_interval #pneg_syn_change_interval]
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Neuron type2:
  setup-neurontype 2 (-65 + 50 * leakiness) -55 0.1 -70 1 -70 ;(typeid restpot threshold decayr refractpot refracttime)
  set-neurontype-learning-params 2 0.09 55 0.09 -25 9 1 8 15

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Create the Neural circuit (brain) of the insect

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Layer 1: Afferent neurons with receptors ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  setup-normal-neuron 1 15 10  11 1 ;;[layernum pposx pposy pid pneurontypeid]                                                            ;;;visual
  setup-input-neuron 5 10  1  11 20 1 pspikefrequency ;;[pposx pposy pid ppostsynneuron psynapseefficacy pcoding pnumofspikes]

  ;;setup-normal-neuron 1 15 15  12 1 ;;setup-normal-neuron [pposx pposy pid pthreshold  prestpot pdecayr prefractpot pintrefrectp]
  ;;setup-input-neuron    5 15  2  12 20 1 pspikefrequency ;;[pposx pposy pid ppostsynneuron ipsynapseefficacy pcoding pnumofspikes]       ;;; remove red

  setup-normal-neuron 1 15 20  13 1 ;;setup-normal-neuron [pposx pposy pid pthreshold  prestpot pdecayr prefractpot pintrefrectp]
  setup-input-neuron    5 20  3  13 20 1 pspikefrequency ;;[pposx pposy pid ppostsynneuron ipsynapseefficacy pcoding pnumofspikes]


  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Layer 2: First hidden layer ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;                                                                      ;;; main processor
  ;Motoneuron with rotate actuator:
  setup-normal-neuron 2 25 14  21 1
  setup-input-neuron   25 5  4  21 20 1 pspikefrequency
  ;Motoneuron with move actuator:
  setup-normal-neuron 2 25 19  22 1
  setup-input-neuron   25 30  5  22 20 1 pspikefrequency

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Synapses from Layer 1 to Layer 2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;;Synapse from afferent neuron 1001 to Motoneurons:
  setup-synapse   11  21 5 excitatory_synapse 3 true
  setup-synapse   11  22 5 excitatory_synapse 3 true

  ;;Synapse from afferent neuron 1002 to Motoneurons:                         ;;remove red
 ;; setup-synapse   12  21 5 excitatory_synapse 3 true
  ;;setup-synapse   12  22 5 excitatory_synapse 3 true

  ;;Synapse from afferent neuron 1003 to Motoneurons:
  setup-synapse   13  21 5 excitatory_synapse 3 true
  setup-synapse   13  22 5 excitatory_synapse 3 true

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  Layer 3: Output layer ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;;Actuator move forward:
  setup-normal-neuron 3 35 19  31 1
  ;;Actuator rotate:
  setup-normal-neuron 3 35 14  32 1

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;; Synapses from Layer 2 to Layer 3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  ;;Mutual inhibitory synapses between Motoneurons:
  setup-synapse  21  22 22 inhibitory_synapse 3 true
  setup-synapse  22  21 8 inhibitory_synapse 3 true
  ;;Positive Synapsis from Nociceptive Motoneuron to rotate actuator (no plasticity):
  setup-synapse  21  32 11 excitatory_synapse 3 false
  ;;Positive Synapsis from Reward Motoneuron to move forward actuator (no plasticity):
  setup-synapse  22  31 11 excitatory_synapse 3 false

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Oscillator (Pacemaker) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  setup-normal-neuron 2 16 25  23 2
  setup-normal-neuron 2 22 25  24 2
  setup-synapse  23  24 15 excitatory_synapse 2 false ;(no plasticity needed)
  setup-synapse  24  23 15 excitatory_synapse 3 false ;(no plasticity needed)
  setup-input-neuron 11 25  6  23 20 1 pspikefrequency ;;Voltage clamp to start pacemaker
  ;;Synapse from Pacemaker to Reward Motoneuron:
  setup-synapse  23  22 3.5 excitatory_synapse 3 false ;4.62

  ;; Start insect hearth
  feed-input-neuron_by_label  6 1

  ask patches with [ pxcor = 102 and pycor = 46 ] [set pcolor black]
  let creatureid create-creature 102 30 1  5  4  31  32;;[#xpos #ypos #creature_id #reward_neuron #pain_neuron #move_neuron #rotate_neuron]

  ;;;;;;;;;;Create Visual sensors;;;;;;;;;
  create-visual-sensor  1 0  white  1 creatureid;[ psensor_id pposition colour_sensitive attached_neuron attached_creature]
  ;create-visual-sensor  2 0 red  2 creatureid;[ psensor_id pposition colour_sensitive attached_neuron attached_creature]                   ;;; remove red
  create-visual-sensor  3 0 green  3 creatureid;[ psensor_id pposition colour_sensitive attached_neuron attached_creature]

  ;;;;;;;;;;Create Sightline ;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  let sightlineid create-sightline
  attach-sightline-to-creature creatureid sightlineid

  set white_initial count patches with [pcolor = white]  ;; initial count of patches
  set green_initial count patches with [pcolor = green]
  set learningmode? true ;; initiate learning

;;; Set gloval variables with their initial values

to initialize-global-vars

  set system_iter_unit 1 ;; each simulation iteration represents 1 time unit

  set neuron_state_open 1 ;;State machine idle

  set neuron_state_firing 2 ;;State machine firing

  set neuron_state_refractory 3 ;;State machine refractory

  set excitatory_synapse 1

  set inhibitory_synapse 2

  set plot-list[] ;;List for spike history

  set plot-list2[] ;;List for spike history

  set PulseHistoryBuffSize 30

  set input_value_empty -1

  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Insect globals;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  set pspikefrequency 1
  set error_free_counter 0
  set required_error_free_iterations 35000

;;; Generate insect world with 3 types of patches

to draw-world

   ask patches with [ pxcor >= 80 and pxcor <= 120 and pycor >= 1 and pycor <= 60 ]
     set pcolor black
   ask n-of white_number patches with [ pxcor >= 80 and pxcor <= 120 and pycor >= 1 and pycor <= 60 ]
       set pcolor white
   ask n-of green_number patches with [  pxcor >= 80 and pxcor <= 120 and pycor >= 1 and pycor <= 60 and pcolor != white ]
       set pcolor green

;;; Don't allow the insect to go beyond the world boundaries

to check-boundaries

      ask testcreatures [
        if (xcor < 80 or xcor > 120) or (ycor < 1 or ycor > 60)
          setxy 102 30
          rt random-float 360

to check-learning                                               ;;turn learning off eventually (keep?)
   if learningmode?
     if error_free_counter >= required_error_free_iterations
       set learningmode? true ;;false

;;; Run simulation

to go

   ask itrails [ check-trail ]
   ask visualsensors [ view-world-ahead ] ;;Feed visual sensors at first
   ask testcreatures [ perceive-world]; do-actuators]
   ask testcreatures [do-actuators]


There are 3 versions of this model.

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Cohen Bolliger over 4 years ago Minor updates to information tab and initial conditions. Download this version
Cohen Bolliger over 4 years ago Minor updates to information tab and initial conditions. Download this version
Cohen Bolliger over 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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