Public Choice Tiebout Sorting

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Default-person Patrick Schwabl (Author)


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;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  BREEDS AND GLOBAL VARIABLES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
globals [ relocations interjuris] ; global variable to count relocations and interjuris-distance

breed [ parties party ]
breed [ citizens citizen ]

patches-own [
  current-platform ; a list positions (0 = no; 1 = yes) on every issue currently in force in every jusristicion
  majorparty ; the current biggest party in this community
  sharevotes; the share of votes every party in the juristicion currently holds
  mean-wealth ; mean wealth (money) of citizens on this patch
  max-wealth ; wealth of richest agent on patch
parties-own [
  platform ; a list of positions on every issue the party currently propagates
  prop-platform ; a helper list to store a hypothetical platform a party could progapagate, to see how well it would do in elections
  newsharevotes ; a helper variable to store the votes a party would get with prop-platform
  lastexpsharevotes ; a helper variable to store the parties votes with their last proposed platform
  party-id ; a id that numerates all parties within their community

citizens-own [
  preferences ; a list of utility gained, if a issue were implemented
  utility ; the actual utility gained in the community the agent is currently living in
  exp-utility ; utility the agent would expect to recieve in another community
  party-distance ; a list to calculate the distance from the agents positions to every parties position on every issue in the community
  destination ; the x-coordinate of the patch where an agent can expect higher utility
  money ; money to move
  rank-list ; ranking of parties for borda count

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SETUP PROCEDURES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to setup
  setup-patches ; sets up all patches, also sets up the party-agents within all the patches
  setup-citizens ; creates all citizens with their initial variables

to setup-citizens
  create-citizens num-agents
  ask citizens [
    set shape "circle"
    set size 0.04
    set color green
    if wealth-dist = "beta" [set money (random-beta 2 5) * 1000] ; a society with a skewed distribution of wealth
    if wealth-dist = "normal" [set money random-normal 500 125] ; a society with a quite egalitarian distribution of wealth
    set utility 0 ; initialize utility for every agent at -10
    set preferences [] ; empty list for storing preferences
    let i 0
    while [i < num-issues] ; loop over all issues;
      let pref random-float ( 800 / num-issues) - (400 / num-issues) ; use condition applied by Kollman et al. (1997)
      set preferences lput pref preferences ; append preference on issue i to preference lists of agents
      set i i + 1 ; preferences are drawn from a random distribution, the more issues there are the more split
    ]             ; up the preferance space gets (e.g. with 2 issues the maximum value of utility of each
                  ; issue is 200; with 10 issues this value shrinks to 40
      go-to patch-at random-pxcor random-pycor ; moves agents around inside their patch, so they dont stack on one another in the middle

to-report random-beta [ p q ]
  let gamma1 random-gamma p 1
  let gamma2 random-gamma q 1
  let result gamma1 / ( gamma1 + gamma2 )
  report result

to setup-patches
  resize-world 0 (num-jurisdictions - 1) 0 0 ; create patches given by the slider, all alonge the x-axis
  ask patches [
     if any? citizens-here[
      set mean-wealth mean [money] of citizens-here
      set max-wealth max [money] of citizens-here]
     set pcolor random 10
     set current-platform [] ; empty list for platform on num-issues
     let i 0
     while [ i < num-issues ]
        set current-platform lput random 2 current-platform ; let the patches platforms be randomly chosen form 0 (con) and 1 (pro)
        set i i + 1
    ; create parties in each justisticion
    if voting-system = "two-party-majority" [ set num-parties 2 sprout-parties num-parties set sharevotes n-values num-parties [0]]
    ; two parties on every patch with initial sharevotes 0
    if voting-system = "multi-party-proporional" [ sprout-parties num-parties set sharevotes n-values num-parties [0]]
    ; num-parties parties on every patch with initial sharevotes 0
    if voting-system = "multi-party-relative-majority" [ sprout-parties num-parties set sharevotes n-values num-parties [0]]
    ; num-parties parties on every patch with initial sharevotes 0
    if voting-system = "borda-count" [ sprout-parties num-parties set sharevotes n-values num-parties [0]]
    ; num-parties parties on every patch with initial sharevotes 0
  ask parties[
    set size 0.1
    set shape "person"
    set color yellow
    set party-id who mod num-parties ; enumerates all parties from 0 to num-parties within every community
    go-to patch-here
    set platform []
    let i 0
    while [i < num-issues]
        set platform lput random 2 platform ; let the parties platforms be randomly chosen form 0 (con) and 1 (pro)
        set i i + 1

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GO PROCEDURES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

to go
  calculate-utility ; calculates the utility agents get in their current community
  move-citizens ; exit, citizens move to another community, where they expect the recieve more utility
  let r 0
  while [r < 5]
    parties-change ; gives the parties a chance to adapt their platforms, according to voters tastes
    set r r + 1

to go-to [ some-patch ]
   setxy ([ pxcor ] of some-patch + (random-float 0.9) - 0.45)
     ([ pycor ] of some-patch + (random-float 0.9) - 0.45)

to calculate-utility
  ask patches[
    ask citizens-here[
      set utility 0
      let i 0
      while [ i < num-issues ]
        set utility utility + item i preferences * item i current-platform
        set i i + 1

to move-citizens ; citizens may move to other jurisdictions if they expect a higher utility
  ask citizens[ ; asks all citizens to do something
   let agent self ; sets the current citizen doing something
   let j 0
    while [ j < num-jurisdictions ] ; loop over all jurisdictions
      let exp-utility_help [utility] of agent ; a helper variable to store the citizens utility for patch j-1
      set exp-utility 0 ; set the expected utility of the agent (self) 0
      ask patch j 0 [ ; ask patch j to do something
      let i 0
      while [ i < num-issues ] ; loop over all issues
        ask agent [ set exp-utility exp-utility + item i preferences * item i [current-platform] of patch j 0 ]
        ; calculate the expected utility
        set i i + 1
      ask agent [ if exp-utility > exp-utility_help
        set destination j ; set the x-coordinate of the patch the agent will move to
        set utility exp-utility ; set the new utility
      set j j + 1
  ask citizens [
    if [pxcor] of patch-here != destination and
    ( money > ( affluence-needed-to-move * [mean-wealth] of patch destination 0 ) ) ; or random 101 < 10 )
    ; affluence-needed-to-move is the percentage of wealth (his money) an agent needs to have in relation to his destination patch
    ; if this condition is fulfilled, the agent wants to move. if he has to money to do so, he will do it, otherwise its a game of chance
        [move-to patch destination 0
         go-to patch-at random-pxcor random-pycor
         set relocations relocations + 1 ]] ; whenever an agent finds a patch with higher utility, the relocation counter
  ; is increased, agents reloate all at once

  ask patches [
    if any? citizens-here [set mean-wealth mean [money] of citizens-here]]

to change-preferences
  if random 101 < probability-of-change-mind [ ; chance thank an "event" takes place in whichs consequence some citizens change their mind
    ;ask n-of (int (0.10 * count citizens)) citizens [ ; only every 10th citizen is influenced
    ask citizens [
    ;ask citizens with [who mod 10 = 0][ ; only every 10th citizens is influenced
      let i 0
      while [i < num-issues]
        if random 101 < probability-of-change-mind ; in addition to an event taking place, that event has to actually
        ; influence the opinion of an agent
          let pref random-float ( 800 / num-issues ) - ( 400 / num-issues )
          set preferences replace-item i preferences pref
        set i i + 1


to alter-platform
  if voting-system = "direct-democracy"[
  ask patches [
     ; in direct democracy the median vote is the platform that wins
      let i 0
      if count citizens-here > 0[
      while [ i < num-issues ]
        let medianvote median [item i preferences] of citizens-here;loop over issues and calculate median of citizens
        ifelse medianvote < 0 ;if preferences of citizens are negative towards issue i...
        [set current-platform replace-item i current-platform 0];...the platform of the patch is 0 (agianst issue)
        [set current-platform replace-item i current-platform 1];...else...the platform of the patch is 1 (pro issue)
        ;print medianvote
        set i i + 1
  if voting-system = "two-party-majority" [
    ask patches [
      let maxsharevotes max sharevotes
      let j 0
      while [j < num-parties]
          if maxsharevotes = item j sharevotes [set majorparty j]
          set j j + 1
    set current-platform [platform] of one-of parties-here with [party-id = majorparty] ; KANN DAS NICHT VERKĂśRZT WERDEN???
  if voting-system = "multi-party-proporional" [
    ask patches [
      let i 0
      while [ i < num-issues ]
        let j 0
        let voteissue 0 ; local variable to store proporional representation for each issue, considering all party proporional to their voteshare
        while [ j < num-parties ]
          set voteissue voteissue + item j sharevotes * [item i platform] of one-of parties-here with [party-id = j]
          ; if for example a party has 0.3 of the votes and is in favour of an issue the result for this party is the following:
          ; 0.3*1, so the pro vote of that party on the issue is taken into account proporional to its electoral success
          ; if it is against an issue: 0.3*0, therefore the whole vote is weight down in direction of 0, which makes it harder
          ; for other parties that are in favour of that issue to still reach the threshold of 0.5 to pass a 'yes' vote on the issue
          set j j + 1
        ifelse voteissue = 0.5 [][ ; in case of an exact parity of votes, nothing happens, otherwise...
          ifelse voteissue < 0.5 ;...if the the proportional votes are below 0.5...
          [set current-platform replace-item i current-platform 0];...the patches platform is set to zero
          [set current-platform replace-item i current-platform 1]];...otherwise the patches platform is set to one
          set i i + 1
   if voting-system = "multi-party-relative-majority" [ ; in a system with many parties and relative majority ...
    vote ; ... again, people vote
    ask patches [
      let maxsharevotes max sharevotes
      let j 0
      while [j < num-parties]
          if maxsharevotes = item j sharevotes [set majorparty j] ; just as with absolute majority, the party that has the most votes ...
          set j j + 1 ; ... will win. The only difference is, that now a party can win with e.g. 30% of the votes, if no other as more
    set current-platform [platform] of one-of parties-here with [party-id = majorparty] ; patches platform is set to winning parties platform
  if voting-system = "borda-count"[ ; in a borda count system with many parties
    ask patches [
    let maxsharevotes max sharevotes
    let j 0
    while [j < num-parties]
        if maxsharevotes = item j sharevotes [set majorparty j] ; just as with absolute majority, the party that has the most votes ...
        set j j + 1 ; ... will win. The only difference is, that now a party can win with e.g. 30% of the votes, if no other as more
     set current-platform [platform] of one-of parties-here with [party-id = majorparty] ; patches platform is set to winning parties platform


to vote
  ask patches [
    let cumvotes n-values num-parties [0] ; list with zeros to store cumulated votes of all parties
    ask citizens-here [
      set party-distance n-values num-parties [0] ; fill list of citizens to measure distance to parties with zeros
        let j 0
        while [j < num-parties] ; loop over parties...
          let i 0
          while [ i < num-issues]; ... and over issues
            ;if one-of parties-here with party-id = j
            set party-distance replace-item j party-distance (item j party-distance + (item i preferences)
              * ([item i platform] of one-of parties-here with [party-id = j]))
            ; the line above gives every citizen a utility according to a parties platform (wether the party
            ; show party-distance
            set i i + 1
          set j j + 1
      ifelse voting-system = "borda-count" [
      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; voting for borda ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
        let party-dist-sorted sort-by < party-distance ; sort parties in increasing order
        set rank-list []
        foreach party-distance
          x ->
          set rank-list lput ( position x party-dist-sorted ) rank-list
          ; show party-distance
          ; show rank-list
        let kk 0
        while [kk < num-parties]
          set cumvotes replace-item kk cumvotes (item kk cumvotes + item kk rank-list)
          set kk kk + 1
        ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; voting in all other systems with parties ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
        let kk 0
        while [kk < num-parties]
          if max party-distance = item kk party-distance [set cumvotes replace-item kk cumvotes (item kk cumvotes + 1)]
          set kk kk + 1
      ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; calculating vote share, same for borda and others ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
      let k 0
      while [k < num-parties]
        set sharevotes replace-item k sharevotes ( item k cumvotes / ( sum cumvotes + 0.0000000000000000000000001 ) )
        set k k + 1

to poll-voters
  set newsharevotes n-values num-parties [0] ; list of zeros to store every parties new voteshare
  let cumvotes n-values num-parties [0] ; list of zeros to store every parties new cumulated votes
  ask n-of (int (0.10 * count citizens-here)) citizens-here [ ; poll only 10 percent of citizens
    let exputility-party n-values num-parties [0] ; list of zeros to store citizens expected utility from parties
    let j 0
    while [j < num-parties]
      let exputil_help 0
      let party_j one-of parties-here with [party-id = j]
      let i 0
      while [ i < num-issues]
        set exputil_help exputil_help + (item i preferences) * ([item i prop-platform] of party_j)
        set i i + 1
      set exputility-party replace-item j exputility-party exputil_help
      set j j + 1
    let kk 0
    while [kk < num-parties]
      if max exputility-party = item kk exputility-party [set cumvotes replace-item kk cumvotes (item kk cumvotes + 1)]
      set kk kk + 1
  let i 0
  while [i < num-parties]
    set newsharevotes replace-item i newsharevotes (item i cumvotes / (sum cumvotes + 0.0000000000000000000000001))
    set i i + 1

to parties-change
  ask parties [set prop-platform platform]
  ask parties [
    set lastexpsharevotes item party-id newsharevotes
    let k 0
    while [k < 8]
      set prop-platform platform
      let i 0
      while [i < 3] ; every party has 3 chances to change its platform to get a higher voter turnout
        set prop-platform replace-item ( random num-issues ) prop-platform ( random 2 )
        set i i + 1
      if item party-id newsharevotes > lastexpsharevotes [set platform prop-platform set lastexpsharevotes item party-id newsharevotes]
      set k k + 1

to calculate-interjuris-distance
  let j 0
  let k 1 ; start k one ahead of j
  let cumsum 0
  while [j < num-jurisdictions] ; to achieve all possible pairwise comparisons we have to go over all patches ...
    while [k < num-jurisdictions] ; ... and every patch that is one index higher
      let list1 [current-platform] of patch j 0 ; get platform of patch j
      let list2 [current-platform] of patch k 0 ; get platform of patch k
      let diff (map - list1 list2) ; calculate the difference of every item in the plaforms
      let diff2 (map * diff diff) ; square it, so that there are no negative values (its all zeros and ones anyway, so nothing bad will happen)
      let sumdiff sum diff2 ; get the sum of that list
      set cumsum cumsum + sumdiff ; cumulate that sum
      set k k + 1
    set j j + 1 ; set j to the next patch ...
    set k j + 1 ; ... and set k to one index higher then j
  set interjuris cumsum
  set interjuris ( cumsum / num-issues) ; interjuris distance is calculated by dividing the cumulated error sum by the number of issues ...
  set interjuris ( interjuris / ( ( num-jurisdictions * ( num-jurisdictions - 1 ) ) / 2 ) ) ; ... and also take the mean of all possible pairwise comparisons

There is only one version of this model, created about 5 years ago by Patrick Schwabl.

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Public Choice Tiebout Sorting.png preview Preview for 'Public Choice Tiebout Sorting' about 5 years ago, by Patrick Schwabl Download

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