Judicial Review

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Download Alex Schwartz (Author)


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breed [govs gov]
breed [courts court ]

globals [
  court-alive?                     ;is the court still in operation?
  court-invalidated-now?           ;what did the court do this round? (true or false)
  gov-defied-now?                  ;did anyone defy this round (true or false)?
  gov-complied-now?                ;did everyone comply this round (true of false)?
  gov-defied-now-count             ;# of govs defying this turn
  gov-complied-now-count           ;# of govs complying this turn
  last-turn-defied                 ;percentage defiance in last turn
  second-last-turn-defied          ;
  third-last-turn-defied           ;
  fourth-last-turn-defied          ;
  fifth-last-turn-defied           ;
  sixth-last-turn-defied           ;
  seventh-last-turn-defied         ;
  eighth-last-turn-defied          ;
  ninth-last-turn-defied           ;
  tenth-last-turn-defied           ;
  eleventh-last-turn-defied        ;
  twelfth-last-turn-defied         ;
  thirteenth-last-turn-defied      ;
  fourteenth-last-turn-defied      ;
  fifteenth-last-turn-defied       ;
  sixteenth-last-turn-defied       ;
  seventeenth-last-turn-defied     ;
  eighteenth-last-turn-defied      ;
  nineteenth-last-turn-defied      ;
  twentieth-last-turn-defied       ;
  total-number-invalidations       ;how many times has the court invalidated law/policy?
  scope-count                      ;a running sum of the number of times gov't agents have been affected by court invalidations
  total-number-defiances           ;how many times have gov't agents defied?
  total-number-compliances         ;how many times have gov't agents complied?
  number-of-cases-defied           ;how many cases with at least one defiance?
  number-of-cases-complied         ;how many cases with no defiance?
  case-defy-average                ;number of times a decision has had at least one defiance / number of invalidations
  case-comply-average              ;number of times a decision has had no defiances / number of invalidations
  gov-defy-average                 ;the rate of defiance by gov't agents
  moving-defy-average              ;average rate of defiance over the last 20 invalidations
  gov-comply-average               ;the rate of compliance by gov't agents
  sum-salience-weights             ;a running tally of the importance of decisions
  standing-defiance-average        ;a running tally of the average defiance of decisions
  weighted-average-defiance        ; average-defiance rate of decisions weighted by case-salience
  failure-count                    ;number of times the court has 'failed'
  number-of-unhappy-govs           ;the number of gov't agents who are disatisfied with the court
  percentage-of-unhappy-govs       ;the percentage of gov't agents who are disatisfied with the court

  ;;; case variables ;;;
  case-salience                    ;how important is this case in general?
  max-case-scope                   ;the maximum number of gov't agents potentially affected by the outcome of this case
  min-case-scope                   ;the minimum number of gov't agents potentially affected by the outcome of this case
  minimalist?                      ;is the court being minimalist? (true of false)
  scope                            ;number of gov't agents actually affected by the case outcome
  court-payoff                     ;an observer-based measure of what court scores (potential-court-payoff * gov-complied-now-count)
  court-score                      ;an observer-based tally of the court's accumulated score
  court-case-preference            ;an observer-based record of the court's preference (1 to invalidate; 0 to uphold)
  court-case-salience              ;an observer-based measure of how important the case is to the court
  case-defiance-average            ;the proportion of Gov't Agents defying this case

courts-own [
score ;current payoff

govs-own [
gov-ideology          ;how likely is the gov't agent to disagree with the court? (0.0-1.0)
gov-case-preference   ;does the gov't agent support the law/policy at issue (1 if yes; 0 if no)
gov-payoff            ;gov-case-salience
gov-court-utility     ;the Gov't Agent's expected policy utitlity of retaining an independent Court
unhappy?              ;does the Gov't Agent expect the Court to cost it a net loss in policy utitily?

to setup
  ; create a court and place it in the center of the world
  set-default-shape courts "house"
  create-courts 1 [
    set heading 270
    set size 5
    set color 106
  ; create govs and place them in a cicle
  set-default-shape govs "face neutral"

  create-govs NUMBER-OF-GOV-AGENTS [
    set size 3
    set color white

  layout-circle govs (max-pxcor - 1)

  ask govs [set gov-ideology random-normal polarization fragmentation]

  ; set a blank slate

set court-alive? true
set number-of-unhappy-govs 0
set total-number-invalidations 0
set total-number-compliances 0
set total-number-defiances     0
set number-of-cases-defied     0
ask courts [set score 0]
set court-score 0
set scope-count 0
set failure-count 0
set gov-defy-average 0
set case-defy-average 0
set moving-defy-average 0
set case-comply-average .5
set gov-comply-average .5
set case-defiance-average 0
set sum-salience-weights 0
set weighted-average-defiance 0
ask govs [set gov-court-utility 0 set unhappy? 0]

;;; Runtime Procedures;;;

to play
  if court-alive? [play-a-round tick prepare-next-round]

to play-a-round
  set gov-defied-now-count 0
  set gov-complied-now-count 0

  set case-salience random-normal .5 .15
  set max-case-scope random NUMBER-OF-GOV-AGENTS
  set min-case-scope random (max-case-scope * .5)
  set number-of-unhappy-govs 0

  ask govs [ifelse random-float 1.0 >= .5
    [set case-salience case-salience + random-float .15]
    [set case-salience case-salience - random-float .15]]

  ifelse random-float 1.0 >= .5
    [set court-case-salience case-salience + random-float .15]
    [set court-case-salience case-salience - random-float .15]

  ifelse polarization >= random-float 1.0
    [set court-case-preference 1]
    [set court-case-preference 0]

  ;run the strategy selected for the court
  ask courts [run court-strategy]

  ask govs [ifelse gov-ideology >= random-float 1.0
    [set gov-case-preference 1]
    [set gov-case-preference 0]]

  ;run the strategy selected for the govs
  ifelse minimalist?
    [set scope min-case-scope]
    [set scope max-case-scope]

  ask n-of scope govs
   if court-invalidated-now? [run gov-strategy]]

  set case-defiance-average gov-defied-now-count / (scope + 1)

  ask govs [if gov-court-utility < 0   [set unhappy? 1] ]
  ask govs [if gov-court-utility > 0 [set unhappy? -1]]
  ask govs [if gov-court-utility = 0 [set unhappy? 0]]
  ask govs [if unhappy? = 1 [set number-of-unhappy-govs number-of-unhappy-govs + 1]]
  ask govs [if unhappy? = 1 [set shape "face sad"]]
  ask govs [if unhappy? = -1 [set shape "face happy"]]
  ask govs [if unhappy? = 0 [set shape "face neutral"]]

  set percentage-of-unhappy-govs (number-of-unhappy-govs / NUMBER-OF-GOV-AGENTS)

  ifelse (dissatisfaction-threshold < percentage-of-unhappy-govs) and (defiance-threshold < moving-defy-average)
    [ifelse random-float 1.0 < gov-defy-average
      [set court-alive? false]
      [set court-alive? true]]
   [set court-alive? true]

  ifelse court-alive?
   [ask courts [set shape "house"]]
   [ask courts [set shape "x" set failure-count failure-count + 1]]

to prepare-next-round

  if court-invalidated-now?

  ask courts [get-court-payoff]
  ask courts [set label pay-off]


to update-invalidations
  ifelse court-invalidated-now?
    [set  total-number-invalidations   total-number-invalidations + 1]
    [set total-number-invalidations total-number-invalidations]

to update-defiance
  ifelse court-invalidated-now?
    [set total-number-defiances total-number-defiances + gov-defied-now-count]
    [set total-number-defiances total-number-defiances]

  ifelse court-invalidated-now?
    [ifelse gov-defied-now-count > 0 [set gov-defied-now? true] [set gov-defied-now? false]]
    [set gov-defied-now? false]

  ifelse court-invalidated-now?
    [ifelse gov-defied-now? [set number-of-cases-defied number-of-cases-defied + 1] [set number-of-cases-defied number-of-cases-defied]]
    [set number-of-cases-defied number-of-cases-defied]

to  update-compliance
  ifelse court-invalidated-now?
  [set total-number-compliances total-number-compliances + gov-complied-now-count]
  [set total-number-compliances total-number-compliances]

  ifelse court-invalidated-now?
    [ifelse gov-defied-now-count > 0 [set gov-complied-now? false] [set gov-complied-now? true]]
    [set gov-complied-now? false]

  ifelse court-invalidated-now?
    [ifelse gov-complied-now? [set number-of-cases-complied number-of-cases-complied + 1] [set number-of-cases-complied number-of-cases-complied]]
    [set number-of-cases-complied number-of-cases-complied]

to update-court-payoff
ifelse minimalist?
  [set court-payoff (case-salience * gov-complied-now-count)]
  [set court-payoff (case-salience * gov-complied-now-count)]

to update-defiance-history
 ifelse court-invalidated-now?
  set twentieth-last-turn-defied nineteenth-last-turn-defied
  set nineteenth-last-turn-defied eighteenth-last-turn-defied
  set eighteenth-last-turn-defied seventeenth-last-turn-defied
  set seventeenth-last-turn-defied sixteenth-last-turn-defied
  set sixteenth-last-turn-defied fifteenth-last-turn-defied
  set fifteenth-last-turn-defied fourteenth-last-turn-defied
  set fourteenth-last-turn-defied thirteenth-last-turn-defied
  set thirteenth-last-turn-defied twelfth-last-turn-defied
  set twelfth-last-turn-defied eleventh-last-turn-defied
  set eleventh-last-turn-defied tenth-last-turn-defied
  set tenth-last-turn-defied ninth-last-turn-defied
  set ninth-last-turn-defied eighth-last-turn-defied
  set eighth-last-turn-defied seventh-last-turn-defied
  set seventh-last-turn-defied sixth-last-turn-defied
  set sixth-last-turn-defied fifth-last-turn-defied
  set fifth-last-turn-defied fourth-last-turn-defied
  set fourth-last-turn-defied third-last-turn-defied
  set third-last-turn-defied second-last-turn-defied
  set second-last-turn-defied last-turn-defied
  ifelse gov-defied-now? [set last-turn-defied 1] [set last-turn-defied 0]

  [ set twentieth-last-turn-defied twentieth-last-turn-defied
    set nineteenth-last-turn-defied nineteenth-last-turn-defied
    set eighteenth-last-turn-defied eighteenth-last-turn-defied
    set seventeenth-last-turn-defied seventeenth-last-turn-defied
    set sixteenth-last-turn-defied sixteenth-last-turn-defied
    set fifteenth-last-turn-defied fifteenth-last-turn-defied
    set fourteenth-last-turn-defied fourteenth-last-turn-defied
    set thirteenth-last-turn-defied thirteenth-last-turn-defied
    set twelfth-last-turn-defied twelfth-last-turn-defied
  set eleventh-last-turn-defied eleventh-last-turn-defied
  set tenth-last-turn-defied tenth-last-turn-defied
  set ninth-last-turn-defied ninth-last-turn-defied
  set eighth-last-turn-defied eighth-last-turn-defied
  set seventh-last-turn-defied seventh-last-turn-defied
  set sixth-last-turn-defied sixth-last-turn-defied
  set fifth-last-turn-defied fifth-last-turn-defied
  set fourth-last-turn-defied fourth-last-turn-defied
  set third-last-turn-defied third-last-turn-defied
  set second-last-turn-defied second-last-turn-defied]

to update-global-defy-average
  set case-defy-average (number-of-cases-defied) / (total-number-invalidations)

to update-global-comply-average
  set case-comply-average (number-of-cases-complied) / (total-number-invalidations)

to update-weighted-average-defiance
  set standing-defiance-average standing-defiance-average + case-defiance-average
  set sum-salience-weights  sum-salience-weights + (case-salience * scope)
  set weighted-average-defiance (standing-defiance-average / (sum-salience-weights + 1))

to update-scope-count
  ifelse court-invalidated-now?
    [ifelse minimalist? [set scope-count scope-count + min-case-scope]
    [set scope-count scope-count + max-case-scope]]
    [set scope-count scope-count]

to update-gov-defy-average
  set gov-defy-average (total-number-defiances / (scope-count + 1))

to update-gov-comply-average
  set gov-comply-average (1 - gov-defy-average)

to update-moving-defy-average
 ifelse court-invalidated-now?
    [set moving-defy-average  (last-turn-defied + second-last-turn-defied + third-last-turn-defied + fourth-last-turn-defied + fifth-last-turn-defied + sixth-last-turn-defied + seventh-last-turn-defied + eighth-last-turn-defied + ninth-last-turn-defied + tenth-last-turn-defied + eleventh-last-turn-defied + twelfth-last-turn-defied + thirteenth-last-turn-defied + fourteenth-last-turn-defied + fifteenth-last-turn-defied + sixteenth-last-turn-defied + seventeenth-last-turn-defied + eighteenth-last-turn-defied + nineteenth-last-turn-defied + twentieth-last-turn-defied) / 20]
    [set moving-defy-average moving-defy-average]

to update-salience-effect-average

to-report pay-off; Turtle reporter
  report precision score 2

to-report average-score-by-invalidations ; Turtle reporter
  report precision (score / (total-number-invalidations + 1)) 3

to-report average-score-by-ticks ; Turtle reporter
  report precision (score / (ticks + 1)) 3

to-report average-defiance ; Turtle reporter
  report precision (number-of-cases-defied / (total-number-invalidations + 1)) 3

;;; Court Strateegies ;;;

to Court-Default
  set minimalist? one-of [true false]
  ifelse (court-case-preference = 1) and (random-float 1.0 <= case-salience)
    [set court-invalidated-now? true]
    [set court-invalidated-now? false]

to Avoider

  set minimalist? false
  ifelse (court-case-preference = 1) and (case-salience < .5)
        [set court-invalidated-now? true]
        [set court-invalidated-now? false]

;;; Gov Strategies ;;;

to Defy-randomly
  ifelse random-float 1.0 >= .5
    [set gov-defied-now-count gov-defied-now-count + 1 set shape "face sad" set color red]
    [set gov-complied-now-count gov-complied-now-count + 1 set shape "face happy" set color green]

to Defy-never
   set gov-complied-now-count gov-complied-now-count + 1 set shape "face happy" set color green

to Defy-always
  set gov-defied-now-count gov-defied-now-count + 1 set shape "face sad" set color red

to Gov-Default

ifelse total-number-invalidations < 1

[ifelse (gov-case-preference = 1) and (random-float 1.0 <= (case-salience + EXPECTATION-OF-DEFIANCE / 2))
     [set gov-defied-now-count gov-defied-now-count + 1 set color red ]
     [set gov-complied-now-count gov-complied-now-count + 1 set color green]]

[ifelse (gov-case-preference = 1) and (random-float 1.0 <= (case-salience + standing-defiance-average / 2))
     [set gov-defied-now-count gov-defied-now-count + 1 set color red ]
     [set gov-complied-now-count gov-complied-now-count + 1 set color green]]

;; Payoffs ;;;;

to get-court-payoff ;
  ifelse court-invalidated-now?[set score score + court-payoff ][set score score]

to update-court-score
  ifelse court-invalidated-now?
   [set court-score court-score + court-payoff]
   [set court-score court-score]

to get-gov-payoff
  ifelse court-invalidated-now?
   [ifelse gov-case-preference = 1
      [set gov-court-utility gov-court-utility - case-salience]
      [set gov-court-utility gov-court-utility + case-salience]]

  [ifelse gov-case-preference = 1
      [set gov-court-utility gov-court-utility + case-salience]
      [set gov-court-utility gov-court-utility]]

There is only one version of this model, created about 5 years ago by Alex Schwartz.

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