Individual project

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1 collaborator

Default-person Louk Seton (Author)


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turtles-own [energy speed movement detection] ;; Properties/attributes the turtles have
globals [days turns amount-grass half-patches turtle-count] ;; sliders: food-energy speed-cost birth-requirement base-movement-cost starting-energy default turns-in-day

to setup

to go

to setup-defaults
  set food-energy 30
  set speed-cost 1.04
  set birth-requirement 200
  set base-movement-cost 5
  set starting-energy 25
  set turns-in-day 10
  set starting-speed 2
  set detection-cost 0.9
  set initial-population 30
  set two-populations false
  set migration false

to setup-patches
  ask patches [set pcolor brown] ;;makes all patches brown
  set amount-grass (precision (count patches / 2) -1) ;set default amount of grass to half of the total patches rounded down
  set half-patches (precision (count patches / 2) -1)
  ask n-of amount-grass patches [ set pcolor green] ;; number of random patches set to green (grass)
  if two-populations [
    ask patches  [if (pxcor = 0) and (pycor >= 0)  [set pcolor black] ]
    ask patches  [if (pycor = 0) and (pxcor >= 0)  [set pcolor black] ]]

to setup-turtles
  create-turtles initial-population    ;; Create a number of turtles at start
  ask turtles [
    setxy random-pxcor random-pycor ;; set turtles in the center of random patches
    set heading one-of [0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315] ;; heading in 1 of the 8 directions
    set energy starting-energy
    set speed starting-speed ;; sets speed as starting-speed
    set detection 1
    set movement speed ;; Sets movement to the speed of the turtle
    if Labels = "speed" [set label speed]
    if Labels = "movement" [set label movement]
    set color one-of [15 45 85 115 125]
  set turns 0
  set days 0

to check-death-energy
  ask turtles[if energy >= birth-requirement [set movement 0]]
  ask turtles[if energy < 0 [set energy 0]]
  ask turtles [if energy = 0 [die]]
  ask turtles [if pcolor = black [die]]

to count-turtles
  set turtle-count (count turtles)

to set-label
  ask turtles [
    if Labels = "speed" [set label speed]
    if Labels = "movement" [set label movement]]

to move-turtles
  ask turtles [
      if (energy > 0) and (energy < birth-requirement) [
      ifelse (any? patches with [pcolor = green] in-radius detection) and (detection > 0)
      [face min-one-of patches with [pcolor = green] [distance myself]]
      [set heading (heading + one-of [-45 -90 45 90 0])]
      if movement > 0 [
        if (is-patch? patch-ahead 1) and (two-populations) [
        ifelse  [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 = black
        [set heading (heading + one-of [-90 90])
            if is-patch? patch-ahead 1 [if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != black [forward 1]]]
          [if is-patch? patch-ahead 1 [if [pcolor] of patch-ahead 1 != black [forward 1]]]
        if not two-populations [forward 1]
        setxy pxcor pycor ;;keep turtles in center of a patch
        set movement movement - 1
        set energy energy - ((base-movement-cost +  (speed-cost ^ speed)) + (detection-cost * detection ^ 2))
      if all? turtles [movement = 0]
      [ask turtles [set movement speed]
  set turns turns + 1]

to reset-at-max
  if all? turtles [energy >= birth-requirement][
    ask patches [set pcolor brown]
    set amount-grass (precision (count patches with [pcolor = brown] / 2) -1)
    ask n-of amount-grass patches [ set pcolor green]
    if  two-populations [
    ask patches  [if (pxcor = 0) and (pycor >= 0)  [set pcolor black] ]
      ask patches  [if (pycor = 0) and (pxcor >= 0)  [set pcolor black] ]]
    if (migration) and (two-populations) [
      ask patches [if (pycor = 0 ) and ((pxcor >= 10) and (pxcor <= 13)) [set pcolor one-of [green brown]]]]
    ask turtles [if energy > birth-requirement [
      set energy starting-energy
      hatch one-of [0 0 0 1] [
        set energy starting-energy
        ifelse speed >= 2
        [set speed speed + one-of [-1 1 0  ] ]
        [set speed speed + one-of [1 0]]
        ifelse detection >= 1
        [set detection detection + one-of [-1 0 0 0 1]]
          [set detection detection + one-of [0 0 0 1]]
    ask turtles [
    set energy starting-energy
    set movement speed
    set days days + 1
    set turns 0

to reset-at-50
   if turns > turns-in-day [
    ask patches [set pcolor brown]
    set amount-grass (precision (count patches with [pcolor = brown] / 2) -1)
    ask n-of amount-grass patches [ set pcolor green]
    if  two-populations [
    ask patches  [if (pxcor = 0) and (pycor >= 0)  [set pcolor black] ]
      ask patches  [if (pycor = 0) and (pxcor >= 0)  [set pcolor black] ]]
    if (migration) and (two-populations) [
      ask patches [if (pycor = 0 ) and ((pxcor >= 10) and (pxcor <= 13)) [set pcolor one-of [green brown]]]]
    ask turtles [if energy >= birth-requirement [
      set energy starting-energy
      hatch one-of [0 0 0 1] [
        set energy starting-energy
        ifelse speed >= 2
        [set speed speed + one-of [-1 1 0 ] ]
        [set speed speed + one-of [1 0]]
        ifelse detection >= 1
        [set detection detection + one-of [-1 0 0 1]]
          [set detection detection + one-of [0 0 1]]
    ask turtles [set energy starting-energy]
    set days days + 1
    set turns 0

to eat-grass
  ask turtles [
    if pcolor = green [
      set pcolor brown
      set energy energy + food-energy

;; unused

to reproduce
  ask turtles [
    if energy > 60 [
      set energy energy - 50
      hatch 1 [ set energy 10 ]

to check-death
  ask turtles [
    if energy <= 0 [ die ]

to regrow-grass
  ask patches [
    if random 100 < 3 [ set pcolor green ]

to set-color
  ask turtles[
    set color scale-color red speed 0 30]

There are 2 versions of this model.

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Louk Seton about 5 years ago fixed button Download this version
Louk Seton about 5 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

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Individual project.png preview Preview for 'Individual project' about 5 years ago, by Louk Seton Download

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