Zero Intelligence Trading Updated

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Experimental economics has a long tradition of placing human subjects in simulated double auction markets. The results of the double-auction experiments consistently support that human agents can achieve high levels of market efficiency quickly (through few rounds of trading) and even in relatively thin markets (few buyers and sellers). Gode and Sunder (1993) conducted experiments comparing human agents with zero-intelligence artificial agents in double-auction markets and found that the zero-intelligence agents can lead to high levels of market efficiency even given their random decision making. They concluded that rationality is not a necessary assumption for the market to achieve efficiency and that the market institution provides the first order effect on market efficiency.


Gode and Sunder (1993) implement a simplified order book mechanism in a double auction market. As described in their paper: "We made three choices to simplify our implementation of the double auction. Each bid, ask, and transaction was valid for a single unit. A transaction canceled any unaccepted bids and offers. Finally, when a bid and ask crossed, the transaction price was equal to the earlier of the two." (p. 122). Thus there are four possible current states of the order book: a) no best ask (lowest ask price) nor a best bid (highest bid price); b) a best ask and no best bid; c) no best ask but a best bid; or d) both a best ask and best bid. Note that the best ask will be greater than the best bid in case (d) and that there is at most one best ask and one best bid on the order book at any time.

The model implements both the zero-intelligence constrained (ZI-C) traders and the zero-intelligence unconstrained (ZI-U) traders from Gode and Sunder via the constrained switch. The ZI-C traders cannot make a trade that will yield a negative profit, i.e., buyers cannot buy at a price higher than their buyer value and sellers cannot sell for a price below their seller cost. However, the ZI-U traders can make a trade that yields negative profits.

In the zero-intelligence trader model, buyers are randomly assigned buyer values between zero and maxBuyerValue. Sellers are randomly assigned seller costs between zero and maxSellerCost. In each tick of the clock, either a buyer or seller is randomly selected. A buyer randomly forms a bid price between his buyer value and 0 (ZI-C), or between maxBuyerValue and 0 (ZI-U). A seller randomly forms an ask price between his seller cost and maxBuyerValue (ZI-C) or between 0 and the maxBuyerValue (ZI-U). A selected buyer then compares his bid to the current state of the order book. If his bid is above the best ask, he accepts the best ask and the buyer and the seller who made the best ask then trade at the best ask. The order book is then emptied. If the buyer's bid is below the best ask (or there is no best ask) and there is no best bid, it becomes the best bid. If the buyer's bid is below the best ask (or there is no best ask) and above the best bid, it replaces the best bid. If the buyer's bid is below the best bid, his bid is ignored. Analagous actions occur if the selected trader is a seller by comparing their randomly formed ask to the current order book. If the selected seller makes an ask below the best bid, a trade occurrs with the best bid at the best bid price. After selecting a buyer or seller, if a trade occurred then the involved buyers and sellers are removed from the market since each buyer and seller can only trade one unit. The process continues unitl maxNumberOfTrades is reached.


To run the model, select the numbers of buyers and sellers, their respective maximum value and cost, the maximum number of trades and whether the traders are ZI-C or ZI-U. Next press the setup button to initialize the model. The supply and demand graphs are drawn and the agents are placed on the landscape. The agents do not move around or use the landscape in any significant way. THe go button starts the simulation. When a trade occurs, the transaction price is graphed on the demand-supply diagram and the market statistics are updated. The model will automatically stop when the maxNumberOfTrades is reached. The model can be stopped earlier by click the go button again.

Here's a more complete description of each interface element:

go: starts the model running

setup: clears out any previous runs, initializes all variables, and creates the buyers and sellers

reset: resets all sliders to their default values

numberOfBuyers: number of buyers ranging from 10 to 200

numberOfSellers: number of sellers ranging from 10 to 200

maxBuyerValue: maximum value a buyer may have ranging from 1 to 200

maxSellerCost: maximum cost a seller may have ranging from 1 to 200

maxNumberOfTrades: the number of POTENTIAL random matches between buyers and sellers the simulation will attempt

contrained: on -> ZI-C traders, off -> ZI-U traders

Supply-Demand Graph: Displays the demand-supply graph from the randomly generated agents using the parameters from the sliders and the transaction price for each trade

Price Dispersion: Shows a histogram of the transaction prices at the end of the model run

Market Efficiency: Show the market efficiency of the trades. Market efficiency is defined as actual surplus generated over maximum potential surplus given the supply and demand curves

time: current tick count of the model when running

Volume: number of trades

Avg Price: average of the transaction prices

Std Dev: standard deviation of the transaction prices

Efficiency: market efficiency (see definition above)


How do transaction prices and quantity emerge? You can check the predicted equilibrium price and quanityt by hovering the mouse pointer over the intersection of the demand and supply curve in the graph. Do the observed transaction prices and volumes approach the predicted values? How quickly?

What level of market efficiency arises? Are the results fully efficient? What might lead to the result your finding?

How much dispersion is there in the transaction prices? Are they centered around the average price or is the distribution flatter? multiple peaks?

How does the number of trading rounds affect the predictions of the model? Is average price close to the competitive equilibrium? Is the standard deviation of prices smaller?

How does the number of buyers and sellers affect the predictions of the model? Is average price get closer to the competitive equilibrium as the number of buyers and sellers get large? Is the standard deviation of prices smaller?

How do each of the above change if your traders are not budget constrained, i.e., they are ZI-U traders?

How is it possible for a transaction price to be above the demand curve or below the supply curve? Is the model wrong?


The following suggestions are directly based on and adapted from an exercise distributed by Dr. Robert Axtell (Brookings Institute, Sante Fe Institute, and George Mason University) at the CEEL Summer Workshop on Agent-based Computation Economics held in July 2006. See for information on the CEEL Summer School program.

How well does the model predict?

Determine a setup with the number of buyers and sellers, the maximum buyer value and seller cost, and number of trades. Conduct several runs of the model. For each run, note what the predicted competitive equilibrium is by hovering the cursor over the intersection of the supply and demand curves and what the outcomes of the model run was, i.e., average price, standard deviation, market efficiency. What can you conclude? Why might the results not perfectly match the predicted competitive equilbirium? Is there anything about the patterns of trading that improve or impede market efficiency?

[Hint: you can implement this experiment using the BehaviorSpace wizard available on the tools menu]

Comparative Statics Exercise

Start with an equal number of buyers and sellers and equal values for the maximum buyer value and seller cost. Run the model several times to get a sense of average price and quantity. Next double the number of sellers, make several runs, and see what happens to average price and quantity. Finally half the number of sellers from the original number; again make several runs and note what is happening to average price and quantity. Repeat the excerise holding the number of sellers at the original value, but double and half the number of buyers. How well did the model following the predictions of supply and demand theory.

Note that the exercise could be done by holding the number of buyers and sellers constant and varying the maximum buyer value and seller cost. Also note that the exercise makes the supply and demand curve asymmetric. Did the asymmetry affect the "ability" of the ZI-C traders to achieve equilibrium?


The following suggestions are directly based on and adapted from an exercise distributed by Dr. Robert Axtell (Brookings Institute, Sante Fe Institute, and George Mason University) at the CEEL Summer Workshop on Agent-based Computation Economics held in July 2006. See for information on the CEEL Summer School program.

Change Buyer and Seller Behavior

Implement alternative market rules for how the buyers and sellers form their bid price and ask price. For example you could implement a ask price formation rule where the sellers ask for as high a price as possible given their potential trading partners. Or implement a trading mechanism other than an order book such as randomly pair buyers and sellers, forming bid/ask prices, and then trading if the bid and ask cross.

Given these changes in behavioral rules, does the model a better or worse job of achieving market predictions? How can that be determined? Are buyers and sellers better or worse off? What might happen if the behavioral rule differs for different buyers and for differnt sellers?

Change the scale of the model

Change the scale of the model by changing the maximum number of possible buyers and sellers and the maximum possible number of trading rounds. Now run progressively larger and larger number of agents. You may want to run these runs using BehaviorSpace with the screen updating turned off to increase the speed of the runs.

How does the variance in prices change as the population increases? Keep track of the number of ticks of the clock (i.e., interactions) required to equilibrate the market. Plot the number of interactions as a function of the total number of buyers and sellers. Does it scale linearly, quadratically, or someother way? Discuss these results in terms of computational complexity.


Dhanaanjay K. Gode and Shyam Sunder. 1993. Allocative Efficiency of Markets with Zero-Intelligence Traders: Market as a Partial Substitute for Individual Rationality. The Journal of Political Economy. 101 (Feb. 1993). 119-137.


Copyright 2006-2014

Mark E McBride Department of Economics
Miami University
Oxford, OH 45056

Last updated: January 2, 2014


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Commercial licenses are also available. To inquire about commercial licenses, please contact Mark E. McBride at .

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;; updated, further explored and heavily commented by 深度碎片
;; code can be downloaded at
;; a series of video tutorials accompanies this updated model

;; Originally Developed by Mark E. McBride Department of Economics Miami University, Last updated:  January 2, 2014
;; original code and video can be found from

;; Introduction and usage ;;
;; Gode and Sunder 1993 : Allocative Efficiency Markets with Zero-Intelligent traders: Market as a partial substitute for individual rationality
;; "We report market experiments in which human traders are replaced by 'zero-intelligent' programs that submit random bids and offers.
;; Imposing a budget constraint (i.e., not permitting traders to sell below their costs or buy above their values) is sufficient to raise
;; the allocative efficiency of these auctions close to 100 percent.
;; Allocative efficiency of a double auction derives largely from its structure, independent of traders' motivation, intelligence, or learning."

;; My purpose ;; Why create or study this model on double auction or supply and demand curve?
;; Economics concepts and formulas can be taught differently and explored in more experimentally and realistically or lively
;; see Axtell on Conventional vs [ABM approach to economics]( up to 53:52

;; presentation ;;
;supply and demand curve
;1. caution : x-axis is not quantity of commodities, but number of price offers
;2. all buy-valuation prices and sell-cost prices are known and laid out in order
;3. buyers and sellers know all their options at once, and highest price buyer has privilege to choose the lowest selling price seller to make a deal.
;3.5 both of they know how to bargain, so they end up the middle price, which seems fair
;4. in reality, no buyer or seller can know all prices available at once, the buyer or trader has to shop around to find the best price available while not losing money or make a profit (limited knowledge and randomness introduced)
;5. a lot of error (variance) introduced, but average price is closer to predicted price, efficiency is high. prove the demand and supply curve is about right.
;6. Interesting Question: why not high price buyers meet high cost seller? and low-buyer with low-seller? why stop in the middle
;- left side trades used up all high price buyers and low price sellers, no high price buyers left for high price sellers (remove-low-price-sellers, protectionsim)
;- high price buyers, while randomly shopping can still find low price sellers, and vice verse. They will look for the best deal within their reach. (remove-high-price-buyers, policy maker set price bars)
;7. if loss is allowed, then many more trades or deals can be made (subsidies to increase economic activities ?)

;; inner workings and rules ;;
;1. each bid, ask and transaction are valid for a single unit
;2. transaction canceled any unaccepted bids and offers
;3. when bid and ask crossed, transaction price was equal to the earlier of the two (in time, who price first)
;4. there are four states of order book
;                               best ask                              best ask                                 ---------   best ask
;---------                     ---------                               ---------                               ---------   ---------
;---------   best ask          ---------        ---------              ---------      ---------                ---------   ---------
;---------   ---------         --------         ---------              ---------      ---------                ---------   ---------
;---------   ---------         ---------        ---------              ---------      ---------                ---------   ---------
;best bid    ---------                          ---------              ---------      ---------                ---------
;           ---------                          best bid               ---------      best bid                 best bid
;; 0, value, cost and maxBuyerValue and maxSellerCost
;5. constrained and unconstrained mode
;; rule ;; buyers are randomly assigned buyer values between zero and maxBuyerValue :  buy below value make profit, above value lose money
;; rule ;; Sellers are randomly assigned seller costs between zero and maxSellerCost : sell below cost make lose money, above cost make profit
;; rule ;; In each tick of the clock, either a buyer or seller is randomly selected : randomness introduced
;; rule ;; A buyer randomly forms a bid price between his buyer value and 0 (constrained: no loss), or between maxBuyerValue and 0 (unconstrained: can lose).
;; rule ;; A seller randomly forms an ask price between his seller cost and maxBuyerValue (constrained: no loss) or between 0 and the maxBuyerValue (unconstrained: can lose)
;; rule ;;
   ;; A selected buyer then compares his bid (buy price ) to the current state of the order book (for selling prices )
   ;; If his bid is above the best ask (lowest selling price offered?), he accepts the best ask
   ;; and the buyer and the seller who made the best ask then trade at the best ask. The order book is then emptied.
;; rule ;;
   ;If the buyer’s bid is below the best ask (so there is no best ask for the buyer) and there is no best bid , it becomes the best bid.
   ;; [if buyer's buy price is below the lowest selling price, and there is no highest buy price offered, the buyer's buy price is the highest buy price]
;; rule ;;
   ;;If the buyer’s bid is below the best ask (or there is no best ask) and above the best bid , it replaces the best bid.
   ;;[if buyer's buy price is below the lowest sell price, and above the highest buy price, then the buyer's buy price is the highest ]
;; rule ;;
   ;;If the buyer’s bid is below the best bid, his bid is ignored.
   ;; [if buyer's buy price is below the highest buy price, then his buy price is not the best highest buy price, so no sellers will consider it ]
;; rule ;;
   ;;If the selected seller makes an ask below the best bid, a trade occurs with the best bid at the best bid price.
   ;;[if seller's price is below the highest buy price, the trade is made and the dealPrice is the highest buy price offered]
;; rule ;;
   ;;each buyer and seller can only trade one unit, then they are removed from market
   ;;stop iteration until maxNumberOfTrades is reached.

                                                                                 ;; breeds, properties, globals

breed [buyers buyer]                                                                ;; create breed on [buyers buyer]

breed [sellers seller]                                                              ;; create breed on [sellers seller]

breed [data datum]                                                                  ;; create breed [data datum] to deal with data

buyers-own [value traded? price]                                                    ;; create 3 properties for buyers breed : value, traded? price

sellers-own [cost traded? price]                                                    ;; create 3 properties for sellers breed : cost, traded? price

data-own [Price]                                                                    ;; create a property for data breed : Price (capitalized)

;; globals
globals [transactionPrice                                                           ;; last transaction price

         tickcount                                                                  ;; number of times simulation has run

         maxSurplus                                                                 ;; maximum surplus possible from market

         actualSurplus                                                              ;; surplus extracted by trades

         efficiency                                                                 ;; efficacy is how close is actualSurplus approach to maxSurplus

         traders                                                                    ;; agentset of all buyers and sellers

         bestBid                                                                    ;; current best Bid

         bestBidID                                                                  ;; buyer with current best bid

         bid?                                                                       ;; bid available?

         bestAsk                                                                    ;; current best Ask

         bestAskID                                                                  ;; seller with current bestAsk (providing the lowest selling price)

         ask?                                                                       ;; ask available?

         predictedq                                                                 ;; predicted market q (accumulated number of transaction of ideal situation)

         predictedp                                                                 ;; predicted market p (mean of buyer's value and seller's cost on ideal situations)


to setup                                                                         ;; Build the world

  clear-all                                                                         ;; clear out all previous variables

    ask n-of numberOfBuyers patches [                                               ;; ask each and every certain numbers of patches to (randomly distributed)

      sprout-buyers 1 [init-buyer]                                                     ;; born a buyer and initialize it


    ask n-of numberOfSellers patches [                                              ;; ask each and every certain numbers of patches to (randomly distributed)

      sprout-sellers 1 [init-seller]                                                   ;; born a seller and initialize it


    calc-max-surplus                                                                ;; calculate the max surplus in this market

    set actualSurplus 0.0                                                           ;; initialize actual surplus

    init-orderBook                                                                  ;; initialize the orderbook

    set traders turtles with [breed = buyers or breed = sellers]                    ;; create traders agentset

    reset-ticks                                                                     ;; put clock to 0

  create-demand-supply                                                              ;; draw supply curve (all sellers' cost points), demand curve (all value points)

;; restore the default parameters

to restore-defaults
    set numberOfBuyers 50
    set numberOfSellers 50
    set maxNumberOfTrades 2000
    set maxBuyerValue 200.0
    set maxSellerCost 200.0
    set constrained? true
    set remove-low-cost? false
    set remove-high-buyer? false
    ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)

to go                                                                           ;; main loop

  if ticks = maxNumberOfTrades [                                                ;; end the simulation?



    doTrade                                                                     ;; make transactions


to init-buyer                                                                    ;; initialize buyer

    set color black                                                                 ;; use color black to hide itself

    set value random-float maxBuyerValue                                            ;; set a random buying value between 0 and maxBuyerValue

    set traded? false                                                               ;; set trade-mode off
    ;; print out the buyer information
    ;; show value

to init-seller                                                                   ;; initialize seller

    set color black                                                                 ;; use color black to hide itself

    set cost random-float maxSellerCost                                             ;; set a random cost between 0 and maxSellerCost

    set traded? false                                                               ;; set trade-mode off
    ;; print out the seller information
    ;; show cost

to init-orderBook                                                                ;; initialize the orderBook

    set bestBid 0.0                                                                 ;; set highest bid or buy price (for seller)  0 [can't be lower, no deal]

    set bestBidID nobody                                                            ;; set best bider ID to be nobody

    set bid? false                                                                  ;; set global bid-mode off

    set bestAsk maxSellerCost                                                       ;; set lowest ask price (for buyer) to be maxSellerCost [can't be higher, no deal]

    set bestAskID nobody                                                            ;; set best asker ID to be nobody

    set ask? false                                                                  ;; set global ask-mode off

to-report formBidPrice                                                            ;; ZI-C buyer, has two ways to form a bidprice

  ifelse constrained?                                                                 ;; if buyers are constrained?

    [ report value - (random-float 1) * (value - 1) ]                                ;; ZI-C:  buyers will not bid above their buyer value ( randomness introduced )

    [ report (random-float 1) * (maxBuyerValue - 1) ]                                ;; ZI-U:  buyers will bid up to maxBuyerValue (randomness introduced)

to-report formAskPrice                                                            ;; ZI-C seller, has two ways to form a askPrice

  ;; if cost > maxBuyerValue [show "seller has cost =" + cost  + "> maxBuyerValue"]
  ifelse constrained?                                                                 ;; if sellers are constrained?

    [ report cost + (random-float 1) * abs ((maxBuyerValue - cost)) ]                 ;; sellers will not sell below their seller cost  ( randomness introduced )

    [ report (random-float 1) * (maxSellerCost - 1) ]                                 ;; sellers may ask below their seller cost (randomness introduced)

to doTrade                                                                         ;; identify potential traders and see if they'll trade

  let bidID 0                                                                      ;; who bid
  let bidPrice 0                                                                   ;; bid-price
  let askID 0                                                                      ;; who sell
  let askPrice 0                                                                   ;; sell-price
  let transPrice 0                                                                 ;; transaction price
  let tradeID 0                                                                    ;; which trade

    set transPrice 0.0                                                             ;; set transPrice 0.0

    set tradeID one-of traders with [traded? = false]                              ;; randomly select a buyer or seller who has not traded yet
                                                                                   ;; so far all traders are not yet made any deals (trade-mode off in setup)

    if remove-low-cost? [

       let expensive-sellers sellers with [ cost > maxSellerCost / 2 ]
       set traders turtles with [breed = buyers or member? self expensive-sellers]
       set tradeID one-of traders with [traded? = false  ]

    if remove-high-buyer? [

       let low-price-buyers buyers with [ value < maxBuyerValue / 2 ]
       set traders turtles with [breed = sellers or member? self low-price-buyers ]
       set tradeID one-of traders with [traded? = false  ]

    if tradeID = nobody [ stop ]                                                   ;; stop if there was nobody left to trade

    if exp-options = "do trade once" [ show ( word "this trader belongs to " [breed] of tradeID ) ]

    ask tradeID [                                                                  ;; ask the trader
      ifelse breed = buyers                                                        ;;  if trader is a buyer

          set bidPrice [formBidPrice] of tradeID                                   ;; get buyer's price based on its value and maxBuyerValue according constrained?

          if exp-options = "do trade once" [

             show ( word "this buyer set value at " round value ", set maxBuyValue at " maxBuyerValue
                    ", constrained? by value : " constrained? ", bidPrice is at " precision bidPrice 2 )

             show "Let's check the current orderbook states : "
             show (word "ask? mode is " ask? ", bid? mode is " bid?  ", bestAsk : " precision bestAsk 2 ", bestBid : " precision bestBid 2 ", bestBidID : " bestBidID ", bestAskID : " bestAskID)

          ifelse ask? and (bidPrice > bestAsk)                                     ;; if somebody is selling and buyPrice > the lowest selling price (for buyers) at maxSellerCost

              set transPrice bestAsk                                               ;; accept the `bestAsk` (lowest selling price) to be the global `transPrice` (by buyer)

              ask tradeID [set traded? true                                        ;; update buyer's traded-mode true (the deal is done, trade is done)

                           set price transPrice]                                   ;; and update buyer's price to be `transPrice`

              ask bestAskID [                                                      ;; ask the seller with the lowest selling price

                  set traded? true                                                    ;; update seller's traded-mode true

                  set price transPrice]                                               ;; set price to be transPrice

              set transactionPrice transPrice                                      ;; pass transaction price from local var `transPrice` to global var `transactionPrice`

              set actualSurplus (actualSurplus + [value] of tradeID - [cost] of bestAskID)  ;; calc global actualSurplus =
                                                                                   ;;  = actualSurplus + buyer's value - the cost of the seller with lowest selling prices (costs)

              set efficiency (actualSurplus / maxSurplus) * 100                    ;; efficacy is how close is actualSurplus approach to maxSurplus

              if exp-options = "do trade once" [
                 show (word "if selling mode is on, and buyPrice > the lowest selling price (for buyers), meaning the buyer can make a deal. ")
                 show (word " the buyer pick the bestAsk (lowest selling price) to be transaction price: " precision bestAsk 2 ", buyPrice is " precision bidPrice 2)
                 show (word " set the buyer's traded? mode to be true and set its price to be transaction price. ")
                 show (word " the seller with lowest selling price, will set traded? mode true and set its price to be transaction price. ")
                 show (word " transaction price is saved in transactionPrice to plot below" )
                 show (word " actualSurplus is accumulated at each transaction with (value of buyer - cost of seller). The diff is " ([value] of tradeID - [cost] of bestAskID) )
                 show (word " efficacy is how close is actualSurplus approach to maxSurplus so far:  " efficiency )


             set-current-plot "demand-supply"
             set-current-plot-pen "trade-cost"
             plot [cost] of bestAskID
             set-current-plot-pen "trade-value"
             plot [value] of tradeID


                                                                                ;; when ask-mode is off or buy price is lower or equal to lowest selling price
                                                                                ;; meaning no buy deal is possible
              ifelse bidPrice > bestBid                                                 ;; if buyer's price > bestBid (the highest buying price for seller)
                set bid? true                                                       ;; set the bid-mode? true

                let previous-bestBid bestBid

                set bestBid bidPrice                                                ;; set the bidPrice becomes bestBid (the highest buying price for sellers)

                set bestBidID tradeID                                               ;; set bestBidId to be traderID

                if exp-options = "do trade once" [
                   show (word "when ask-mode is off or buy price is lower or equal to lowest selling price, meaning no deal is possible. ")
                   show (word " if buyer's price > bestBid (the highest buying price for seller) : " precision bidPrice 2 " > " precision previous-bestBid 2 )
                   show (word " get global bid? mode on. Since bidPrice is higher than bestBid, make it bestBid. ")
                   show (word " now all the globals are the following : ")
                   show (word "ask? mode is " ask? ", bid? mode is " bid?  ", bestAsk : " precision bestAsk 2", bestBid : " precision bestBid 2 ", bestBidID : " bestBidID ", bestAskID : " bestAskID)
                 if exp-options = "do trade once" [
                    show (word " since bidPrice (buying price) : " precision bidPrice 2 " <= bestBid (highest buying price) " precision bestBid 2 )
                    show (word " the buyer's buying price is not high enough to stand out to attract sellers. Only the bestBid, the highest buying price can deal.")

                                                                                  ;; otherwise, meaning when the trader is a seller
          set askPrice [formAskPrice] of tradeID                                     ;; get ask price for this seller based on its cost, constrained? by maxSellerCost or not

          if exp-options = "do trade once" [

             show ( word "this seller set cost at " round cost ", set maxSellerCost at " maxSellerCost
                    ", constrained? by cost : " constrained? ", askPrice is at " precision askPrice 2 )

             show "Let's check the current orderbook states : "
             show (word "ask? mode is " ask? ", bid? mode is " bid?  ", bestAsk : " precision bestAsk 2 ", bestBid : " precision bestBid 2 ", bestBidID : " bestBidID ", bestAskID : " bestAskID)

          if (askPrice < cost) and (constrained?)                                     ;; if sell price is below cost, and sell price can't be less than cost

            [ show "if sell price is below cost, and sell price can't be less than cost due to constraints"

          ifelse bid? and (bestBid > askPrice)                                        ;; if selling mode is on and highest buy price is above selling price

              set transPrice bestBid                                                  ;; seller will take the highest buy price to be transPrice

              ask bestBidID [set traded? true                                         ;; ask the highest price buyer to set traded? true

                             set price transPrice]                                    ;; set its price to be transPrice

              ask tradeID [set traded? true                                           ;; ask the seller to set traded? true

                           set price transPrice]                                      ;; set the seller's price to transPrice

              set transactionPrice transPrice                                         ;; update the transPrice to transactionPrice

              set actualSurplus (actualSurplus + [value] of bestBidID - [cost] of tradeID)
                                                                                      ;; update actualSurplus = self + transactionPrice - seller's cost (profit by seller)

              set efficiency (actualSurplus / maxSurplus) * 100                       ;; update efficiency with the latest and added up actualSurplus

              if exp-options = "do trade once" [
                 show (word "if buying mode is on, and sellPrice < the highest buy price (for sellers), meaning the seller can make a deal. ")
                 show (word " the sell pick the bestBid (highest buying price) to be transaction price: " precision bestBid 2 ", sellPrice is " precision askPrice 2)
                 show (word " set the seller's traded? mode to be true and set its price to be transaction price. ")
                 show (word " the seller with lowest selling price, will set traded? mode true and set its price to be transaction price. ")
                 show (word " transaction price is saved in transactionPrice to plot below" )
                 show (word " actualSurplus is accumulated at each transaction with (value of buyer - cost of seller). The diff is " ([value] of bestBidID - [cost] of tradeID) )
                 show (word " efficacy is how close is actualSurplus approach to maxSurplus so far:  " efficiency )


             set-current-plot "demand-supply"
             set-current-plot-pen "trade-cost"
             plot [cost] of tradeID
             set-current-plot-pen "trade-value"
             plot [value] of bestBidID


            [                                                                         ;; if selling mode is off or highest buy price is less selling price
                                                                                      ;; meaning no selling deal can be made

              ifelse askPrice < bestAsk                                                   ;; if selling price is below the lowest selling price
                set ask? true                                                         ;; now set global selling-mode on, ready to make a sell deal (now) next time

                let previous-bestAsk bestAsk

                set bestAsk askPrice                                                  ;; make the current sell price to be the lowest selling price `bestAsk`

                set bestAskID tradeID                                                 ;; make the current seller to lowest selling price seller

                if exp-options = "do trade once" [
                   show (word "if selling mode is off or the highest buy price : " precision bestBid 2 " is less selling price : " precision askPrice 2  ", meaning no selling deal can be made.")
                   show (word " make sure turn sell-mode on and ready to sell now.")
                   show (word "if selling price : " precision askPrice 2 " is below the lowest selling price : " precision previous-bestAsk 2 " , make selling price to be the bestAsk" )
                   show (word " make the seller to be bestAskID " tradeID )
                   show "Let's check the current orderbook states again : "
                   show (word "ask? mode is " ask? ", bid? mode is " bid?  ", bestAsk : " precision bestAsk 2", bestBid : " precision bestBid 2 ", bestBidID : " bestBidID ", bestAskID : " bestAskID)
                 if exp-options = "do trade once" [
                    show (word " since askPrice (selling price) : " precision askPrice 2 " >= bestAsk (lowest selling price) " precision bestAsk 2 )
                    show (word " the seller's selling price is not low enough to stand out to attract buyers. Only the bestAsk, the lowest selling price can deal.")


    if transPrice > 0.0                                                               ;; as long as a transaction is made

      [ create-data 1 [set price transPrice]                                          ;; create a trade data on it, save its transPrice in price

        draw-transaction                                                              ;; plot this transaction price of this deal

        init-orderBook                                                                ;; initialize orderbook again for next trade

        if exp-options = "do trade once" [
           show (word "a deal is done at " precision transPrice 2 ", now create a data and plot the transaction price, and initialize orderbook for next trade. ")
           show (word " all transaction prices are saved into data, in the end all data prices together become histogram plot)")

                                                                                   ;; calculate the maximum possible surplus from market
                                                                                   ;; and calculate predicted equilibrium

to calc-max-surplus

  let bids 0                                                                       ;; initialize local vars bids, asks, as list containers
  let asks 0
  let surpluses 0

  set surpluses 0.0                                                                ;; set surpluses 0.0 float number

;    set bids sort-by [ [?1 ?2] -> ?1 > ?2 ] [value] of buyers
  set bids sort-by [ [value1 value2] -> value1 > value2 ] [value] of buyers        ;; sort buyers by value from big to small
;    set bids sort-by > [value] of buyers

;  set asks sort-by [ [?1 ?2] -> ?1 < ?2 ] [cost] of sellers
  set asks sort-by <  [cost] of sellers                                            ;; sort sellers by cost from small to big

  if exp-options = "setup" [                                                       ;; tell the story of setup

    show "buyers and sellers are initialized with different values and costs."
    show (word "There are " (length bids) " buyers. Their values for commodities are ranging from large to small. ")
    show word "all bids: " bids
    ;  foreach bids [ x -> show word "bid=" x]  ;; to print on columns
    show (word "There are " length asks " sellers. Their costs for commodities are ranging from small to large.")
    show (word "all asks: " asks)
    ;  user-message(word "to make sure the number of minority traders are matched by the other side")
    show "Now, to make sure the number of majority group are matched by the minority group"
    if (numberOfBuyers != numberOfSellers) [                                       ;; if numberOfBuyers != numberOfSellers

      ifelse (numberOfBuyers < numberOfSellers)                                    ;; if numberOfBuyers < numberOfSellers (make sure smaller number of traders matched)

        [ set asks sublist asks 0 (numberOfBuyers) ]                                  ;; make sure asks has numberOfBuyers items (make sure matched)

        [ set bids sublist bids 0 (numberOfSellers) ]                                 ;; otherwise, make sure bids has numberOfSellers items (of course)


  if exp-options = "setup" [
    show word "total-bids: " length bids
    show word "total-asks: " length asks
    ;  user-message(word "Now, they are matched. ")
    show "Now, they are matched. All deals added up into Predictedq and each deal's mean price is assigned to Predictedp"

    set predictedq 0                                                                  ;; cross-point quantity for the two curves

    set predictedp 200                                                                ;; cross-point price for the two curves (200 ? here = [199 + 200] / 2 )
                                                                                      ;; it can be any number

     if exp-options = "setup" [

        show "If Buyer's value is above Seller's cost, seller makes profit, buyers take no loss, Deal!."
        show "If buyer's value price is below Seller's cost, seller won't sell below its cost, buyer won't buy it above its value. No deal!"
        show "Let's calculate how much profit or surplus can be made : "

;    (foreach bids asks [ [?1 ?2] -> if ( ?1 - ?2 > 0.0) [
    (foreach bids asks [ [bid1 ask1] ->                                               ;; pair bids (from high to low) with asks (from low to high), and loop each pair

      if (bid1 - ask1 > 0.0 )[                                                             ;; only when buy price > sell price, a deal is made
         set predictedq predictedq + 1                                                      ;; one deal is done, add 1 to predictedq

   ;     set predictedp (?1 + ?2) / 2
         set predictedp (bid1 + ask1) / 2                                                   ;; predicted price is lower than value and higher than cost, both buyer and sellers can profit

;        set surpluses (surpluses + ?1 - ?2) ]
         set surpluses (surpluses + bid1 - ask1)                                            ;; update surpluses by adding up the sold profit = (bid1-ask1)

         set-current-plot "demand-supply"
         set-current-plot-pen "predicted-price"
         plot predictedp


       if exp-options = "setup" [

          show (word "bid = " round bid1 " ask = " round ask1 )
          ifelse bid1 > ask1 [show "Deal!"] [show "No deal!"]
          show (word " surplus = surplus + bid - ask = " round surpluses " q= " predictedq " p= " round predictedp)


     set maxSurplus surpluses                                                         ;; all trades' surpluses = maxSurplus = all trades' sold profit

to create-Demand-Supply                                                               ;; draws the demand-supply curves for the values

    set-current-plot "Demand-Supply"                                                  ;; set plot

    set-current-plot-pen "demand-value"                                                 ;; set pen

;    foreach sort-by [ [?1 ?2] -> [value] of ?1 > [value] of ?2 ] buyers
    foreach sort-by [ [buyer1 buyer2] -> [value] of buyer1 > [value] of buyer2 ] buyers  ;; sort buyers from big value to small value, and for each buyer to do

      [ x -> plot [value] of x ]                                                      ;; plot this buyer's value (all buyers' values forms the line)

    set-current-plot-pen "supply-cost"                                                 ;; set pen to draw supply curve

    foreach sort-by [ [seller1 seller2] -> [cost] of seller1 < [cost] of seller2 ] sellers  ;; sort sellers from small value to big value, and for each seller to do

      [ x -> plot [cost] of x ]                                                       ;; plot this seller's cost (all sellers' costs forms the line)

to draw-transaction                                                                   ;; draws the transactions on the demand-supply curves

    set-current-plot "Demand-Supply"

    set-current-plot-pen "real-transPrice"

    plot transactionPrice

to draw-histogram-prices                                                               ;; draws the histogram of the transaction prices

    set-current-plot "Price Dispersion"

    histogram [price] of data

;; Developed by:
;; Mark E. McBride
;; Department of Economics
;; Miami University
;; Oxford, OH 45056
;; Last updated:  January 2, 2014
;; code and a video can be found from

;; Copyright and License
;; See the Info tab.

;; revision history
;;  January 18 2014
;;  Updated Time monitor on main window to correctly display the
;;  number of ticks.
;;  January 2 2014
;;  Updated to work in Version 5.0.5 of Netlogo.
;;  January 10 2007
;;  Completely changed the trading mechanism to reflect the simple
;;  order book approach actually described in Gode & Sunder (1993)
;;  on pages 121-122.
;;  Added a constrained? switch to implement either ZI-C or ZI-U
;;  agents in the model.
;;  Dropped the Price display window, which was displaying the last
;;  transaction price.  The average price window conveys the
;;  appropriate information.
;;  Setup the default parameters for maxBuyerValue and maxSellerCost
;;  to be consistent with G&S article.  Number of buyers and sellers
;;  is still considerably higher than the original article.
;;  September 26 2006
;;  Fixed a bug when the number of buyers and sellers were unequal.
;;  The program would abort with an error in the foreach block that
;;  calculated max possible surplus.
;;  August 18 2006
;;  Adjusted the way the ZI-C bid and ask prices were being randomly set
;;  Gode and Sunder state in their article that the bid and
;;  ask prices are randomly set (uniform distribution) between
;;  1 and 200 which was the range of possible trading prices.
;;  This would be true for ZI-U traders.  This version now
;;  sets the ask price between the sellers cost and the
;;  maxBuyerValue (incorrectly setting it to maxSellerCost
;;  before), i.e., a ZI-C seller that can't lose money based
;;  on its ask-price.  The buyer sets it random bid between
;;  the buyer value and the minimum seller cost 1 (incorrectly
;;  set to zero before), i.e., a ZI-C buyer.
;;  August 17 2006
;;  Changed the world view show that turtles do not show.
;;  This was done to reduce confusion about whether something
;;  should be happening in the world view.

There is only one version of this model, created over 5 years ago by 深度碎片 Kenny.

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Zero Intelligence Trading Updated.png preview Preview for 'Zero Intelligence Trading Updated' over 5 years ago, by 深度碎片 Kenny Download

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